public async Task UpdatePositionCallsOpenPosition()
            var position = this.accountRepository
                           .Where(a => a.Id == 1)
                           .Select(a => a.Positions
                                   .FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == 3))

            Assert.AreEqual(OpenClose.Open, position.OpenClose);

            var mockPositions = new List <Position>()
            var testPositionRepository = new Mock <IDeletableEntityRepository <Position> >();

            .Setup(x => x.All())
            var testPositionService = new PositionsService(testPositionRepository.Object, this.accountRepository.Object, this.stockRepository.Object, this.datasetRepository.Object);

            await testPositionService.UpdatePosition(1, 3, 10, 100M, true);

            this.accountRepository.Verify(a => a.All(), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            this.stockRepository.Verify(s => s.All(), Times.Once);
        private PositionsService MockTestPositionService()
            var position = this.accountRepository
                           .Where(a => a.Id == 1)
                           .Select(a => a.Positions
                                   .FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == 3))

            Assert.AreEqual(OpenClose.Open, position.OpenClose);

            var mockPositions = new List <Position>()
            var testPositionRepository = new Mock <IDeletableEntityRepository <Position> >();

            .Setup(x => x.All())
            var testPositionService = new PositionsService(testPositionRepository.Object, this.accountRepository.Object, this.stockRepository.Object, this.datasetRepository.Object);

        public PositionsServiceTests()
            long Id = singleEntity.Id;

            Mock    = DefaultContextMock.GetMock();
            MockSet = SetUpMock.SetUpFor(testEntities);
            Mock.Setup(c => c.Set <Position>()).Returns(MockSet.Object);
            Mock.Setup(c => c.Position).Returns(MockSet.Object);
            testedService = new PositionsService(Mock.Object);
        public async Task DeleteWorkoutShouldWorkCorrectly()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).Options;
            var dbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(options);

            var position = new Position
                Name        = PositionName.PowerForward,
                Description = "Power Forward position",
                Playstyle   = "You play like a PF",

            var workout = new Workout
                Name        = "Workout Five",
                Description = "Some kind of randommm description again",
                PositionId  = position.Id,
                VideoUrl    = "test youtube link 5",
                ImageUrl    = "5testimg",

            var workoutsRepository = new EfDeletableEntityRepository <Workout>(dbContext);

            var positionsRepository = new EfDeletableEntityRepository <Position>(dbContext);
            var positionsService    = new PositionsService(positionsRepository);

            var moqCloudinaryService = new Mock <ICloudinaryService>();

            var coachRepository = new EfDeletableEntityRepository <Coach>(dbContext);
            var coachesService  = new CoachesService(coachRepository, moqCloudinaryService.Object);

            var service = new WorkoutsService(moqCloudinaryService.Object, workoutsRepository, positionsService, coachesService);

            var workoutId = workout.Id;

            await dbContext.Positions.AddAsync(position);

            await dbContext.Workouts.AddAsync(workout);

            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            await service.DeleteAsync(workoutId);

            var workoutxd = service.GetWorkoutById(workoutId);

        public void GetWorkoutByIdShouldReturnNullIfWorkoutDoesntExist()
            var workouts = new List <Workout>
                new Workout
                    Id          = "workoutId123",
                    Name        = "Workout One",
                    Description = "Some kind of workout description",
                    Position    = new Position
                        Name        = PositionName.ShootingGuard,
                        Description = "Shooting guard position",
                        Playstyle   = "You play like a shooting guard",
                    VideoUrl = "test youtube link",
                new Workout
                    Id          = "workoutId456",
                    Name        = "Workout Two",
                    Description = "Some kind of random description",
                    Position    = new Position
                        Name        = PositionName.PointGuard,
                        Description = "Point guard position",
                        Playstyle   = "You play like a point guard",
                    VideoUrl = "test youtube link 2",

            var positionsService = new PositionsService(this.positionsRepository.Object);

            var coachesService = new CoachesService(this.coachRepository.Object, this.moqCloudinaryService.Object);

            this.workoutsRepository.Setup(r => r.AllAsNoTracking()).Returns(() => workouts.AsQueryable());
            var service = new WorkoutsService(this.moqCloudinaryService.Object, this.workoutsRepository.Object, positionsService, coachesService);

            var workout = service.GetWorkoutById("notexistingworkout");

            this.workoutsRepository.Verify(x => x.AllAsNoTracking(), Times.Once);
        public void Setup()
            var context = ApplicationDbContextInMemoryFactory.InitializeContext();

            this.positionRepository = new EfDeletableEntityRepository <Position>(context);

            this.mockAccounts = TestDataHelpers.GetTestData().AsQueryable().BuildMock();
            this.mockStocks   = TestDataHelpers.GetTestStocks().AsQueryable().BuildMock();

            this.accountRepository = new Mock <IDeletableEntityRepository <Account> >();
            this.stockRepository   = new Mock <IDeletableEntityRepository <Stock> >();
            this.datasetRepository = new Mock <IDeletableEntityRepository <DataSet> >();

            .Setup(a => a.All())

            .Setup(s => s.All())

            .Setup(d => d.All())
            .Returns(new List <DataSet>()
                new DataSet()
                    DateAndTime = DateTime.Now,
                    ClosePrice  = 100.00M,
                new DataSet()
                    DateAndTime = DateTime.Parse("31.12.2018"),
                    ClosePrice  = 100.00M,

            this.positionsService = new PositionsService(this.positionRepository, this.accountRepository.Object, this.stockRepository.Object, this.datasetRepository.Object);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void OnSaveMethod(bool IsAlive)
            string nameTemp        = ContentPanel.GetFormControlFromPanel <TextBox>(NameTextBox).Text;
            string descriptionTemp = ContentPanel.GetFormControlFromPanel <TextBox>(DescriptionTextBox).Text;

            PositionModel NewModel = new PositionModel
                Name        = nameTemp,
                Description = descriptionTemp

            PositionDataContract changes = new PositionDataContract();
            int selectedModel            = baseControl.Models.IndexOf(OldModel);

            if (OldModel.IsNull())
                NewModel.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                changes     = PositionsService.InsertPosition(mapper.Map <PositionModel, PositionDataContract>(NewModel)).Result;
                baseControl.Models.Add(mapper.Map <PositionDataContract, PositionModel>(changes));
                NewModel.ID = baseControl.Models[selectedModel].ID;
                changes     = PositionsService.UpdatePosition(mapper.Map <PositionModel, PositionDataContract>(NewModel)).Result;
                baseControl.Models[selectedModel] = mapper.Map <PositionDataContract, PositionModel>(changes);

                baseControl.CollectionView.Items[selectedModel].Selected = true;

            if (IsAlive)
                OldModel = selectedModel.Equals(-1) ? baseControl.Models[baseControl.Models.Count - 1] : baseControl.Models[selectedModel];
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void UpdatePositionsSource(UserModel model)
            ComboBoxEdit positionCombo = ContentPanel.GetFormControlFromPanel <ComboBoxEdit>(PositionComboBox);

            if (!model.IsNull() && model.Login.Equals("admin"))
                PositionModel position = mapper.Map <PositionDataContract, PositionModel>(
                positions = mapper.Map <List <PositionDataContract>, List <PositionModel> >(
                    .Where(p => !p.Name.Equals("Администратор")).ToList()
            foreach (PositionModel item in positions)
        public async Task EditWorkoutShouldUpdateCorrectly()
            var workouts = new List <Workout>
                new Workout
                    Id          = "workoutId2312312312312",
                    Name        = "Workout Five",
                    Description = "Some kind of randommm description again",
                    Position    = new Position
                        Id          = "PositionFive",
                        Name        = PositionName.PowerForward,
                        Description = "Power Forward position",
                        Playstyle   = "You play like a PF",
                    PositionId = "PositionFive",
                    VideoUrl   = "test youtube link 5",
                    Picture    = new Picture {
                        Id = "5pic", Url = "test 5url"
                    PictureId    = "5pic",
                    ImageUrl     = "5testimg",
                    AddedByCoach = new Coach
                        Id          = "c5",
                        Name        = "Coach5",
                        Description = "desc5",
                        Experience  = 9,
                        Phone       = "34435212",
                        Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                        User        = new ApplicationUser {
                            Id = "coachuser5"
                        UserId  = "coachuser5",
                        Picture = new Picture {
                            Id = "cpic5", Url = "test xurl5"
                        PictureId = "cpic5",
                    CoachId = "c5",

            this.positionsRepository.Setup(r => r.AllAsNoTracking()).Returns(() => new List <Position>
                new Position
                    Id          = "PositionFive",
                    Name        = PositionName.PowerForward,
                    Description = "Power Forward position",
                    Playstyle   = "You play like a PF",

            var positionsService = new PositionsService(this.positionsRepository.Object);
            var coachesService   = new CoachesService(this.coachRepository.Object, this.moqCloudinaryService.Object);

            this.workoutsRepository.Setup(r => r.AllAsNoTracking()).Returns(() => workouts.AsQueryable());
            var service = new WorkoutsService(this.moqCloudinaryService.Object, this.workoutsRepository.Object, positionsService, coachesService);

            var model = new EditWorkoutViewModel
                Id           = "workoutId2312312312312",
                Name         = "Changed name",
                Description  = "Some kind of randommm description again",
                PositionName = PositionName.PowerForward,
                VideoUrl     = "test youtube link CHANGED",
                CoachId      = "c5",

            await service.EditAsync(model);

            var workout = service.GetWorkoutById("workoutId2312312312312");

            Assert.Equal("Changed name", workout.Name);
            Assert.Equal("test youtube link CHANGED", workout.VideoUrl);
            this.workoutsRepository.Verify(x => x.AllAsNoTracking(), Times.AtMost(2));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void GetWorkoutForEditShouldThrowExceptionIfWorkoutNotFound()
            var workouts = new List <Workout>
                new Workout
                    Id          = "workoutId2312312312312",
                    Name        = "Workout Five",
                    Description = "Some kind of randommm description again",
                    Position    = new Position
                        Id          = "PositionFive",
                        Name        = PositionName.PowerForward,
                        Description = "Power Forward position",
                        Playstyle   = "You play like a PF",
                    PositionId = "PositionFive",
                    VideoUrl   = "test youtube link 5",
                    Picture    = new Picture {
                        Id = "5pic", Url = "test 5url"
                    PictureId    = "5pic",
                    ImageUrl     = "5testimg",
                    AddedByCoach = new Coach
                        Id          = "c5",
                        Name        = "Coach5",
                        Description = "desc5",
                        Experience  = 9,
                        Phone       = "34435212",
                        Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                        User        = new ApplicationUser {
                            Id = "coachuser5"
                        UserId  = "coachuser5",
                        Picture = new Picture {
                            Id = "cpic5", Url = "test xurl5"
                        PictureId = "cpic5",
                    CoachId = "c5",

            this.positionsRepository.Setup(r => r.AllAsNoTracking()).Returns(() => new List <Position>
                new Position
                    Id          = "PositionFive",
                    Name        = PositionName.PowerForward,
                    Description = "Power Forward position",
                    Playstyle   = "You play like a PF",

            var positionsService = new PositionsService(this.positionsRepository.Object);
            var coachesService   = new CoachesService(this.coachRepository.Object, this.moqCloudinaryService.Object);

            this.workoutsRepository.Setup(r => r.AllAsNoTracking()).Returns(() => workouts.AsQueryable());
            var service = new WorkoutsService(this.moqCloudinaryService.Object, this.workoutsRepository.Object, positionsService, coachesService);

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => service.GetWorkoutForEdit("notexistingId"));
            this.workoutsRepository.Verify(x => x.AllAsNoTracking(), Times.Once);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void GetAllShouldReturnChosenWorkoutWhenFilteredForIt()
            var workouts = new List <Workout>
                new Workout
                    Id          = "workoutId123",
                    Name        = "Workout One",
                    Description = "Some kind of workout description",
                    Position    = new Position
                        Id          = "PositionOne",
                        Name        = PositionName.ShootingGuard,
                        Description = "Shooting guard position",
                        Playstyle   = "You play like a shooting guard",
                    VideoUrl   = "test youtube link",
                    PositionId = "PositionOne",
                    Picture    = new Picture {
                        Id = "pic", Url = "test url"
                    PictureId    = "pic",
                    ImageUrl     = "testimg",
                    AddedByCoach = new Coach
                        Id          = "c1",
                        Name        = "Coach1",
                        Description = "desc1",
                        Experience  = 2,
                        Phone       = "321312312",
                        Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                        User        = new ApplicationUser {
                            Id = "coachuser"
                        UserId  = "coachuser",
                        Picture = new Picture {
                            Id = "cpic", Url = "test xurl"
                        PictureId = "cpic",
                new Workout
                    Id          = "workoutId456",
                    Name        = "Workout Two",
                    Description = "Some kind of random description",
                    Position    = new Position
                        Id          = "PositionTwo",
                        Name        = PositionName.PointGuard,
                        Description = "Point guard position",
                        Playstyle   = "You play like a point guard",
                    PositionId = "PositionTwo",
                    VideoUrl   = "test youtube link 2",
                    Picture    = new Picture {
                        Id = "2pic", Url = "test 2url"
                    PictureId    = "2pic",
                    ImageUrl     = "2testimg",
                    AddedByCoach = new Coach
                        Id          = "c2",
                        Name        = "Coach2",
                        Description = "desc2",
                        Experience  = 8,
                        Phone       = "322312312",
                        Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                        User        = new ApplicationUser {
                            Id = "coachuser2"
                        UserId  = "coachuser2",
                        Picture = new Picture {
                            Id = "cpic2", Url = "test xurl2"
                        PictureId = "cpic2",
                new Workout
                    Id          = "workoutId789",
                    Name        = "Workout Three",
                    Description = "Some kind of random description again",
                    Position    = new Position
                        Id          = "PositionThree",
                        Name        = PositionName.Center,
                        Description = "Center position",
                        Playstyle   = "You play like a center",
                    PositionId = "PositionThree",
                    VideoUrl   = "test youtube link 3",
                    Picture    = new Picture {
                        Id = "3pic", Url = "test 3url"
                    PictureId    = "3pic",
                    ImageUrl     = "3testimg",
                    AddedByCoach = new Coach
                        Id          = "c3",
                        Name        = "Coach3",
                        Description = "desc3",
                        Experience  = 5,
                        Phone       = "32235412",
                        Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                        User        = new ApplicationUser {
                            Id = "coachuser3"
                        UserId  = "coachuser3",
                        Picture = new Picture {
                            Id = "cpic3", Url = "test xurl3"
                        PictureId = "cpic3",
                new Workout
                    Id          = "workoutId21312312",
                    Name        = "Workout Four",
                    Description = "Some kind of random description agaixn",
                    Position    = new Position
                        Id          = "PositionFour",
                        Name        = PositionName.SmallForward,
                        Description = "Small Forward position",
                        Playstyle   = "You play like a SF",
                    PositionId = "PositionFour",
                    VideoUrl   = "test youtube link 4",
                    Picture    = new Picture {
                        Id = "4pic", Url = "test 4url"
                    PictureId    = "4pic",
                    ImageUrl     = "4testimg",
                    AddedByCoach = new Coach
                        Id          = "c4",
                        Name        = "Coach4",
                        Description = "desc4",
                        Experience  = 6,
                        Phone       = "32235212",
                        Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                        User        = new ApplicationUser {
                            Id = "coachuser4"
                        UserId  = "coachuser4",
                        Picture = new Picture {
                            Id = "cpic4", Url = "test xurl4"
                        PictureId = "cpic4",
                new Workout
                    Id          = "workoutId2312312312312",
                    Name        = "Workout Five",
                    Description = "Some kind of randommm description again",
                    Position    = new Position
                        Id          = "PositionFive",
                        Name        = PositionName.PowerForward,
                        Description = "Power Forward position",
                        Playstyle   = "You play like a PF",
                    PositionId = "PositionFive",
                    VideoUrl   = "test youtube link 5",
                    Picture    = new Picture {
                        Id = "5pic", Url = "test 5url"
                    PictureId    = "5pic",
                    ImageUrl     = "5testimg",
                    AddedByCoach = new Coach
                        Id          = "c5",
                        Name        = "Coach5",
                        Description = "desc5",
                        Experience  = 9,
                        Phone       = "34435212",
                        Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                        User        = new ApplicationUser {
                            Id = "coachuser5"
                        UserId  = "coachuser5",
                        Picture = new Picture {
                            Id = "cpic5", Url = "test xurl5"
                        PictureId = "cpic5",

            var positionsService = new PositionsService(this.positionsRepository.Object);
            var coachesService   = new CoachesService(this.coachRepository.Object, this.moqCloudinaryService.Object);

            this.workoutsRepository.Setup(r => r.AllAsNoTracking()).Returns(() => workouts.AsQueryable());
            var service = new WorkoutsService(this.moqCloudinaryService.Object, this.workoutsRepository.Object, positionsService, coachesService);

            var inputModel = new SearchWorkoutInputModel
                PointGuard    = true,
                ShootingGuard = false,
                SmallForward  = false,
                PowerForward  = false,
                Center        = false,

            var workoutsAll = service.GetSearchedPositions <WorkoutInListViewModel>(inputModel, 1, 12);

            Assert.Equal("Workout Two", workoutsAll.Workouts.First().Name);
            this.workoutsRepository.Verify(x => x.AllAsNoTracking(), Times.Once);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public async Task AddWorkoutShouldCreateWorkoutAndAddItToCoach()
            var workouts = new List <Workout>
                new Workout
                    Id          = "workoutId123",
                    Name        = "Workout One",
                    Description = "Some kind of workout description",
                    Position    = new Position
                        Id          = "PositionOne",
                        Name        = PositionName.ShootingGuard,
                        Description = "Shooting guard position",
                        Playstyle   = "You play like a shooting guard",
                    VideoUrl   = "test youtube link",
                    PositionId = "PositionOne",
                    Picture    = new Picture {
                        Id = "pic", Url = "test url"
                    PictureId    = "pic",
                    ImageUrl     = "testimg",
                    AddedByCoach = new Coach
                        Id          = "c1",
                        Name        = "Coach1",
                        Description = "desc1",
                        Experience  = 2,
                        Phone       = "321312312",
                        Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                        User        = new ApplicationUser {
                            Id = "coachuser"
                        UserId  = "coachuser",
                        Picture = new Picture {
                            Id = "cpic", Url = "test xurl"
                        PictureId = "cpic",

            this.positionsRepository.Setup(r => r.AllAsNoTracking()).Returns(() => new List <Position>
                new Position
                    Id          = "PositionOne",
                    Name        = PositionName.ShootingGuard,
                    Description = "Shooting guard position",
                    Playstyle   = "You play like a shooting guard",
            var positionsService = new PositionsService(this.positionsRepository.Object);

            this.coachRepository.Setup(r => r.AllAsNoTracking()).Returns(() => new List <Coach>
                new Coach
                    Id          = "c1",
                    Name        = "Coach1",
                    Description = "desc1",
                    Experience  = 2,
                    Phone       = "321312312",
                    Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                    User        = new ApplicationUser {
                        Id = "coachuser"
                    UserId  = "coachuser",
                    Picture = new Picture {
                        Id = "cpic", Url = "test xurl"
                    PictureId = "cpic",

            var coachesService = new CoachesService(this.coachRepository.Object, this.moqCloudinaryService.Object);

            this.workoutsRepository.Setup(r => r.AllAsNoTracking()).Returns(() => workouts.AsQueryable());
            var service = new WorkoutsService(this.moqCloudinaryService.Object, this.workoutsRepository.Object, positionsService, coachesService);

            // Arrange
            var fileMock = new Mock <IFormFile>();

            // Setup mock file using a memory stream
            var content  = "Hello World from a Fake File";
            var fileName = "test.pdf";
            var ms       = new MemoryStream();
            var writer   = new StreamWriter(ms);

            ms.Position = 0;
            fileMock.Setup(_ => _.OpenReadStream()).Returns(ms);
            fileMock.Setup(_ => _.FileName).Returns(fileName);
            fileMock.Setup(_ => _.Length).Returns(ms.Length);

            var file = fileMock.Object;

            this.workoutsRepository.Setup(r => r.AddAsync(It.IsAny <Workout>())).Callback((Workout workout) => workouts.Add(workout));

            var inputModel = new CreateWorkoutInputModel
                Name         = "Workout for beginners",
                Description  = "This workout is for beginners and it will help them",
                PositionName = PositionName.ShootingGuard,
                VideoUrl     = "testvideourl",
                Image        = file,

            await service.CreateAsync(inputModel, "coachuser");

            Assert.Contains(workouts, x => x.Name == "Workout for beginners");
            Assert.Equal(2, workouts.Count);
            this.workoutsRepository.Verify(x => x.AllAsNoTracking(), Times.Never);
        public async Task GetPlayerAsyncShouldReturnNullWithIdNotFound()
            var positions = new List <Position>
                new Position
                    Name        = PositionName.PointGuard,
                    Description = "Point guard position",
                    Playstyle   = "You play like a point guard",
                    Players     = new List <Player>
                        new Player
                            Id            = "peshosId123",
                            Name          = "Pesho Player",
                            TeamName      = "SoftUni Coders",
                            Championships = 6,
                            Description   = "Some short description for this one",
                            Experience    = "8 years",
                            Height        = "2.0m",
                            Weight        = "102kg",
                        new Player
                            Id            = "goshosId123",
                            Name          = "Gosho Player",
                            TeamName      = "SoftUni Coders",
                            Championships = 4,
                            Description   = "Another short description for this one",
                            Experience    = "5 years",
                            Height        = "1.8m",
                            Weight        = "85kg",
                new Position
                    Name        = PositionName.ShootingGuard,
                    Description = "Shooting guard position",
                    Playstyle   = "You play like a shooting guard",
                    Players     = new List <Player>
                        new Player
                            Id            = "toshosId123",
                            Name          = "Toshoo Player",
                            TeamName      = "SoftUni Coders",
                            Championships = 2,
                            Description   = "Some short descr for this one",
                            Experience    = "5 years",
                            Height        = "1.90m",
                            Weight        = "91kg",

            this.repository.Setup(r => r.AllAsNoTracking()).Returns(() => positions.AsQueryable());
            var service = new PositionsService(this.repository.Object);

            var position = await service.GetPlayerAsync("peshoNotFound123");

        public void GetPositionByNameShouldReturnTheRightPosition()
            var positions = new List <Position>
                new Position
                    Id          = "position1",
                    Name        = PositionName.PointGuard,
                    Description = "Point guard position",
                    Playstyle   = "You play like a point guard",
                    Players     = new List <Player>
                        new Player
                            Id            = "peshosId123",
                            Name          = "Pesho Player",
                            TeamName      = "SoftUni Coders",
                            Championships = 6,
                            Description   = "Some short description for this one",
                            Experience    = "8 years",
                            Height        = "2.0m",
                            Weight        = "102kg",
                        new Player
                            Id            = "goshosId123",
                            Name          = "Gosho Player",
                            TeamName      = "SoftUni Coders",
                            Championships = 4,
                            Description   = "Another short description for this one",
                            Experience    = "5 years",
                            Height        = "1.8m",
                            Weight        = "85kg",
                new Position
                    Id          = "position2",
                    Name        = PositionName.ShootingGuard,
                    Description = "Shooting guard position",
                    Playstyle   = "You play like a shooting guard",
                    Players     = new List <Player>
                        new Player
                            Id            = "toshosId123",
                            Name          = "Toshoo Player",
                            TeamName      = "SoftUni Coders",
                            Championships = 2,
                            Description   = "Some short descr for this one",
                            Experience    = "5 years",
                            Height        = "1.90m",
                            Weight        = "91kg",

            this.repository.Setup(r => r.AllAsNoTracking()).Returns(() => positions.AsQueryable());
            var service = new PositionsService(this.repository.Object);

            var name     = PositionName.PointGuard;
            var position = service.GetPositionByName(name);

            Assert.Equal("PointGuard", position.Name.ToString());
            this.repository.Verify(x => x.AllAsNoTracking(), Times.Once);