Exemplo n.º 1
        public PortalInstanceEditor(PortalInstance item)
            ptComboBox.Items.AddRange((object[])Tables.PortalTypeNames.Cast <object>());
            this.item = item;
            styleManager.ManagerStyle = UserSettings.applicationStyle;

            rowMan = new ControlRowManager(new ControlRow[] {
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { pnLabel, pnBox }, 26, "pn"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { tmLabel, tmBox, btnBrowseMap, thisMap }, 26, "tm"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { tnLabel, tnBox, btnBrowseTn, leftBlankLabel }, 26, "tn"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { scriptLabel, scriptBox }, 26, "script"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { delayEnable, delayBox }, 26, "delay"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { rangeEnable, xRangeLabel, hRangeBox, yRangeLabel, vRangeBox }, 26, "range"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { impactLabel, hImpactEnable, hImpactBox, vImpactEnable, vImpactBox }, 26, "impact"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { hideTooltip, onlyOnce }, 26, "bool"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { imageLabel, portalImageList, portalImageBox }, okButton.Top - portalImageList.Top, "image"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { okButton, cancelButton }, 26, "buttons")
            }, this);

            delayEnable.Tag   = delayBox;
            hImpactEnable.Tag = hImpactBox;
            vImpactEnable.Tag = vImpactBox;

            xInput.Value             = item.X;
            yInput.Value             = item.Y;
            ptComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)item.pt;
            pnBox.Text = item.pn;
            if (item.tm == item.Board.MapInfo.id)
                thisMap.Checked = true;
                tmBox.Value = item.tm;
            tnBox.Text = item.tn;
            if (item.script != null)
                scriptBox.Text = item.script;
            SetOptionalInt(item.delay, delayEnable, delayBox);
            SetOptionalInt(item.hRange, rangeEnable, hRangeBox);
            SetOptionalInt(item.vRange, rangeEnable, vRangeBox);
            SetOptionalInt(item.horizontalImpact, hImpactEnable, hImpactBox);
            if (item.verticalImpact != null)
                vImpactBox.Value = (int)item.verticalImpact;
            onlyOnce.Checked    = item.onlyOnce;
            hideTooltip.Checked = item.hideTooltip;
            if (item.image != null)
                portalImageList.SelectedItem = item.image;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="texturePool"></param>
        /// <param name="gameParent"></param>
        /// <param name="portalInstance"></param>
        /// <param name="device"></param>
        /// <param name="usedProps"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static PortalItem CreatePortalFromProperty(TexturePool texturePool, WzSubProperty gameParent, PortalInstance portalInstance, GraphicsDevice device, ref List <WzObject> usedProps)
            PortalInfo portalInfo = (PortalInfo)portalInstance.BaseInfo;

            if (portalInstance.pt == PortalType.PORTALTYPE_STARTPOINT ||
                portalInstance.pt == PortalType.PORTALTYPE_INVISIBLE ||
                //portalInstance.pt == PortalType.PORTALTYPE_CHANGABLE_INVISIBLE ||
                portalInstance.pt == PortalType.PORTALTYPE_SCRIPT_INVISIBLE ||
                portalInstance.pt == PortalType.PORTALTYPE_SCRIPT ||
                portalInstance.pt == PortalType.PORTALTYPE_COLLISION ||
                portalInstance.pt == PortalType.PORTALTYPE_COLLISION_SCRIPT ||
                portalInstance.pt == PortalType.PORTALTYPE_COLLISION_CUSTOM_IMPACT || // springs in Mechanical grave 350040240
                portalInstance.pt == PortalType.PORTALTYPE_COLLISION_VERTICAL_JUMP)   // vertical spring actually

            List <IDXObject> frames = new List <IDXObject>(); // All frames "stand", "speak" "blink" "hair", "angry", "wink" etc

            //string portalType = portalInstance.pt;
            //int portalId = Program.InfoManager.PortalIdByType[portalInstance.pt];

            WzSubProperty portalTypeProperty = (WzSubProperty)gameParent[portalInstance.pt];

            if (portalTypeProperty == null)
                portalTypeProperty = (WzSubProperty)gameParent["pv"];
                // Support for older versions of MapleStory where 'pv' is a subproperty for the image frame than a collection of subproperty of frames
                if (portalTypeProperty["0"] is WzCanvasProperty)
                    frames.AddRange(LoadFrames(texturePool, portalTypeProperty, portalInstance.X, portalInstance.Y, device, ref usedProps));
                    portalTypeProperty = null;

            if (portalTypeProperty != null)
                WzSubProperty portalImageProperty = (WzSubProperty)portalTypeProperty[portalInstance.image == null ? "default" : portalInstance.image];

                if (portalImageProperty != null)
                    WzSubProperty framesPropertyParent;
                    if (portalImageProperty["portalContinue"] != null)
                        framesPropertyParent = (WzSubProperty)portalImageProperty["portalContinue"];
                        framesPropertyParent = (WzSubProperty)portalImageProperty;

                    if (framesPropertyParent != null)
                        frames.AddRange(LoadFrames(texturePool, framesPropertyParent, portalInstance.X, portalInstance.Y, device, ref usedProps));
            if (frames.Count == 0)
            return(new PortalItem(portalInstance, frames));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public PortalInstanceEditor(PortalInstance item)
            int       portalTypes = Program.InfoManager.PortalTypeById.Count;
            ArrayList portals     = new ArrayList();

            for (int i = 0; i < portalTypes; i++)
                }catch (KeyNotFoundException e) { continue; }

            this.item = item;

            rowMan = new ControlRowManager(new ControlRow[] {
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { pnLabel, pnBox }, 26, "pn"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { tmLabel, tmBox, btnBrowseMap, thisMap }, 26, "tm"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { tnLabel, tnBox, btnBrowseTn, leftBlankLabel }, 26, "tn"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { scriptLabel, scriptBox }, 26, "script"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { delayEnable, delayBox }, 26, "delay"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { rangeEnable, xRangeLabel, hRangeBox, yRangeLabel, vRangeBox }, 26, "range"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { impactLabel, hImpactEnable, hImpactBox, vImpactEnable, vImpactBox }, 26, "impact"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { hideTooltip, onlyOnce }, 26, "bool"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { imageLabel, portalImageList, portalImageBox }, okButton.Top - portalImageList.Top, "image"),
                new ControlRow(new Control[] { okButton, cancelButton }, 26, "buttons")
            }, this);

            delayEnable.Tag   = delayBox;
            hImpactEnable.Tag = hImpactBox;
            vImpactEnable.Tag = vImpactBox;

            xInput.Value             = item.X;
            yInput.Value             = item.Y;
            ptComboBox.SelectedIndex = Program.InfoManager.PortalIdByType[item.pt];
            pnBox.Text = item.pn;
            if (item.tm == item.Board.MapInfo.id)
                thisMap.Checked = true;
                tmBox.Value = item.tm;
            tnBox.Text = item.tn;
            if (item.script != null)
                scriptBox.Text = item.script;
            SetOptionalInt(item.delay, delayEnable, delayBox);
            SetOptionalInt(item.hRange, rangeEnable, hRangeBox);
            SetOptionalInt(item.vRange, rangeEnable, vRangeBox);
            SetOptionalInt(item.horizontalImpact, hImpactEnable, hImpactBox);
            if (item.verticalImpact != null)
                vImpactBox.Value = (int)item.verticalImpact;
            onlyOnce.Checked    = item.onlyOnce;
            hideTooltip.Checked = item.hideTooltip;
            if (item.image != null)
                portalImageList.SelectedItem = item.image;
 public PortalItem(PortalInstance portalInstance, IDXObject frame0)
     : base(frame0, false)
     this.portalInstance = portalInstance;
 public PortalItem(PortalInstance portalInstance, List <IDXObject> frames)
     : base(frames, false)
     this.portalInstance = portalInstance;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public PortalInstanceEditor(PortalInstance item)
            int portalTypes = Program.InfoManager.PortalTypeById.Count;
            object[] portals = new object[portalTypes];
            for (int i = 0; i < portalTypes; i++)
                portals[i] = Tables.PortalTypeNames[Program.InfoManager.PortalTypeById[i]];
            this.item = item;

            rowMan = new ControlRowManager(new ControlRow[] {
            new ControlRow(new Control[] { pnLabel, pnBox }, 26, "pn"),
            new ControlRow(new Control[] { tmLabel, tmBox, btnBrowseMap, thisMap }, 26, "tm"),
            new ControlRow(new Control[] { tnLabel, tnBox, btnBrowseTn, leftBlankLabel }, 26, "tn"),
            new ControlRow(new Control[] { scriptLabel, scriptBox }, 26, "script"),
            new ControlRow(new Control[] { delayEnable, delayBox }, 26, "delay"),
            new ControlRow(new Control[] { rangeEnable, xRangeLabel, hRangeBox, yRangeLabel, vRangeBox }, 26, "range"),
            new ControlRow(new Control[] { impactLabel, hImpactEnable, hImpactBox, vImpactEnable, vImpactBox }, 26, "impact"),
            new ControlRow(new Control[] { hideTooltip, onlyOnce }, 26, "bool"),
            new ControlRow(new Control[] { imageLabel, portalImageList, portalImageBox }, okButton.Top - portalImageList.Top, "image"),
            new ControlRow(new Control[] { okButton, cancelButton }, 26, "buttons")
            }, this);

            delayEnable.Tag = delayBox;
            hImpactEnable.Tag = hImpactBox;
            vImpactEnable.Tag = vImpactBox;

            xInput.Value = item.X;
            yInput.Value = item.Y;
            ptComboBox.SelectedIndex = Program.InfoManager.PortalIdByType[item.pt];
            pnBox.Text = item.pn;
            if (item.tm == item.Board.MapInfo.id) thisMap.Checked = true;
            else tmBox.Value = item.tm;
            tnBox.Text = item.tn;
            if (item.script != null) scriptBox.Text = item.script;
            SetOptionalInt(item.delay, delayEnable, delayBox);
            SetOptionalInt(item.hRange, rangeEnable, hRangeBox);
            SetOptionalInt(item.vRange, rangeEnable, vRangeBox);
            SetOptionalInt(item.horizontalImpact, hImpactEnable, hImpactBox);
            if (item.verticalImpact != null) vImpactBox.Value = (int)item.verticalImpact;
            onlyOnce.Checked = item.onlyOnce;
            hideTooltip.Checked = item.hideTooltip;
            if (item.image != null)
                portalImageList.SelectedItem = item.image;