public void GenerateMesh(GameObject planet, PolySet terrianPolys, string name, Material material)
        GameObject meshObject = new GameObject(name);

        meshObject.transform.parent = planet.transform;

        MeshRenderer surfaceRenderer = meshObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();

        surfaceRenderer.material = material;

        Mesh terrainMesh = new Mesh();

        int vertexCount = terrianPolys.Count * 3;

        int[] indices = new int[vertexCount];

        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertexCount];
        Vector3[] normals  = new Vector3[vertexCount];
        Color32[] colors   = new Color32[vertexCount];
        Vector2[] uvs      = new Vector2[vertexCount];

        List <Polygon> polyList = terrianPolys.ToList();

        for (int i = 0; i < polyList.Count; i++)
            var poly = polyList[i];

            indices[i * 3 + 0] = i * 3 + 0;
            indices[i * 3 + 1] = i * 3 + 1;
            indices[i * 3 + 2] = i * 3 + 2;

            vertices[i * 3 + 0] = m_Vertices[poly.m_Vertices[0]];
            vertices[i * 3 + 1] = m_Vertices[poly.m_Vertices[1]];
            vertices[i * 3 + 2] = m_Vertices[poly.m_Vertices[2]];

            uvs[i * 3 + 0] = poly.m_UVs[0];
            uvs[i * 3 + 1] = poly.m_UVs[1];
            uvs[i * 3 + 2] = poly.m_UVs[2];

            colors[i * 3 + 0] = poly.m_Color;
            colors[i * 3 + 1] = poly.m_Color;
            colors[i * 3 + 2] = poly.m_Color;

            if (poly.m_SmoothNormals)
                normals[i * 3 + 0] = m_Vertices[poly.m_Vertices[0]].normalized;
                normals[i * 3 + 1] = m_Vertices[poly.m_Vertices[1]].normalized;
                normals[i * 3 + 2] = m_Vertices[poly.m_Vertices[2]].normalized;
                Vector3 ab = m_Vertices[poly.m_Vertices[1]] - m_Vertices[poly.m_Vertices[0]];
                Vector3 ac = m_Vertices[poly.m_Vertices[2]] - m_Vertices[poly.m_Vertices[0]];

                Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(ab, ac).normalized;

                normals[i * 3 + 0] = normal;
                normals[i * 3 + 1] = normal;
                normals[i * 3 + 2] = normal;

        terrainMesh.vertices = vertices;
        terrainMesh.normals  = normals;
        terrainMesh.colors32 = colors;
        terrainMesh.uv       = uvs;

        terrainMesh.SetTriangles(indices, 0);

        MeshFilter terrainFilter = meshObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();

        terrainFilter.mesh = terrainMesh;

        //string localPath = "Assets/" + "planet" + ".asset";

        // Make sure the file name is unique, in case an existing Prefab has the same name.
        //localPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(localPath);

        //AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(terrainMesh, localPath);