Exemplo n.º 1
         * Removes the the symbols that overlap with area labels.
         * @param symbols
         *            list of symbols
         * @param pTC
         *            list of labels
        private void removeOverlappingSymbolsWithAreaLabels(List <SymbolContainer> symbols, List <pointTextContainer> pTC)
            int dis = LABEL_DISTANCE_TO_SYMBOL;

            for (int x = 0; x < pTC.Count; x++)
                this.label = pTC[x];

                this.rect1 = new Rect((int)this.label.x - dis, (int)(this.label.y - this.label.boundary.Height) - dis,
                                      (int)(this.label.x + this.label.boundary.Width + dis), (int)(this.label.y + dis));

                for (int y = 0; y < symbols.Count; y++)
                    this.symbolContainer = symbols[y];

                    this.rect2 = new Rect((int)this.symbolContainer.point.X, (int)this.symbolContainer.point.Y,
                                          (int)(this.symbolContainer.point.X + this.symbolContainer.symbol.Width),
                                          (int)(this.symbolContainer.point.Y + this.symbolContainer.symbol.Height));

                    if (Utils.Intersects(this.rect1, this.rect2))
Exemplo n.º 2
         * This method removes the labels, that are not visible in the actual tile.
         * @param labels
         *            Labels from the actual tile
        private void removeOutOfTileLabels(List <pointTextContainer> labels)
            for (int i = 0; i < labels.Count;)
                this.label = labels[i];

                if (this.label.x - this.label.boundary.Width / 2 > Tile.TileSize)
                    this.label = null;
                else if (this.label.y - this.label.boundary.Height > Tile.TileSize)
                    this.label = null;
                else if ((this.label.x - this.label.boundary.Width / 2 + this.label.boundary.Width) < 0.0f)
                    this.label = null;
                else if (this.label.y < 0.0f)
                    this.label = null;
Exemplo n.º 3
         * This method removes all the area labels, that overlap each other. So that the output is collision free
         * @param areaLabels
         *            area labels from the actual tile
        private void removeOverlappingAreaLabels(List <pointTextContainer> areaLabels)
            int dis = LABEL_DISTANCE_TO_LABEL;

            for (int x = 0; x < areaLabels.Count; x++)
                this.label = areaLabels[x];
                this.rect1 = new Rect((int)this.label.x - dis, (int)this.label.y - dis,
                                      (int)(this.label.x + this.label.boundary.Width) + dis, (int)(this.label.y
                                                                                                   + this.label.boundary.Height + dis));

                for (int y = x + 1; y < areaLabels.Count; y++)
                    if (y != x)
                        this.label = areaLabels[y];
                        this.rect2 = new Rect((int)this.label.x, (int)this.label.y,
                                              (int)(this.label.x + this.label.boundary.Width),
                                              (int)(this.label.y + this.label.boundary.Height));

                        if (Utils.Intersects(this.rect1, this.rect2))

Exemplo n.º 4
         * This method removes the area labels, that are not visible in the actual tile.
         * @param areaLabels
         *            area Labels from the actual tile
        private void removeOutOfTileAreaLabels(List <pointTextContainer> areaLabels)
            for (int i = 0; i < areaLabels.Count; i++)
                this.label = areaLabels[i];

                if (this.label.x > Tile.TileSize)

                else if (this.label.y - this.label.boundary.Height > Tile.TileSize)

                else if (this.label.x + this.label.boundary.Width < 0.0f)

                else if (this.label.y + this.label.boundary.Height < 0.0f)

Exemplo n.º 5
  * Centers the labels.
  * @param labels
  *            labels to center
 private void centerLabels(List <pointTextContainer> labels)
     for (int i = 0; i < labels.Count; i++)
         this.label   = labels[i];
         this.label.x = this.label.x - this.label.boundary.Width / 2;
Exemplo n.º 6
 private void removeEmptySymbolReferences(List <pointTextContainer> nodes, List <SymbolContainer> symbols)
     for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
         this.label = nodes[i];
         if (!symbols.Contains(this.label.symbol))
             this.label.symbol = null;
Exemplo n.º 7
         * This method uses an adapted greedy strategy for the fixed two position model, above and under. It uses no
         * priority search tree, because it will not function with symbols only with points. Instead it uses two minimum
         * heaps. They work similar to a sweep line algorithm but have not a O(n log n +k) runtime. To find the rectangle
         * that has the leftest edge, I use also a minimum Heap. The rectangles are sorted by their x coordinates.
         * @param labels
         *            label positions and text
         * @param symbols
         *            symbol positions
         * @param areaLabels
         *            area label positions and text
         * @return list of labels without overlaps with symbols and other labels by the two fixed position greedy strategy
        private List <pointTextContainer> processTwopointGreedy(List <pointTextContainer> labels,
                                                                List <SymbolContainer> symbols, List <pointTextContainer> areaLabels)
            List <pointTextContainer> resolutionSet = new List <pointTextContainer>();

            // Array for the generated reference positions around the points of interests
            ReferencePosition[] refPos = new ReferencePosition[labels.Count * 2];

            // lists that sorts the reference points after the minimum right edge x position
            PriorityQueue <ReferencePosition> priorRight = new PriorityQueue <ReferencePosition>(labels.Count * 2
                                                                                                 + labels.Count / 10 * 2, ReferencePositionWidthComparator.INSTANCE);
            // lists that sorts the reference points after the minimum left edge x position
            PriorityQueue <ReferencePosition> priorLeft = new PriorityQueue <ReferencePosition>(labels.Count * 2
                                                                                                + labels.Count / 10 * 2, ReferencePositionXComparator.INSTANCE);

            // creates the reference positions
            for (int z = 0; z < labels.Count; z++)
                this.label = labels[z];

                if (this.label.symbol != null)
                    refPos[z * 2] = new ReferencePosition(this.label.x - (this.label.boundary.Width / 2) - 0.1f,
                                                          this.label.y - this.label.boundary.Height - LabelPlacement.START_DISTANCE_TO_SYMBOLS, z,
                                                          this.label.boundary.Width, this.label.boundary.Height, this.label.symbol);
                    refPos[z * 2 + 1] = new ReferencePosition(this.label.x - (this.label.boundary.Width / 2),
                                                              this.label.y + this.label.symbol.symbol.Height + LabelPlacement.START_DISTANCE_TO_SYMBOLS,
                                                              z, this.label.boundary.Width, this.label.boundary.Height, this.label.symbol);
                    refPos[z * 2] = new ReferencePosition(this.label.x - (this.label.boundary.Width / 2) - 0.1f,
                                                          this.label.y, z, this.label.boundary.Width, this.label.boundary.Height, null);
                    refPos[z * 2 + 1] = null;

            // removes reference positions that overlaps with other symbols or dependency objects
            removeNonValidateReferencePosition(refPos, symbols, areaLabels);

            for (int i = 0; i < refPos.Length; i++)
                this.referencePosition = refPos[i];
                if (this.referencePosition != null)

            while (priorRight.Count != 0)
                this.referencePosition = priorRight.Pool();

                this.label = labels[this.referencePosition.nodeNumber];

                resolutionSet.Add(new PointTextContainer(this.label.text, this.referencePosition.x,
                                                         this.referencePosition.y, this.label.paintFront, this.label.paintBack,

                // Removes the other position that is a possible position for the label of one point
                // of interest

                priorRight.Remove(refPos[this.referencePosition.nodeNumber * 2 + 1]);

                if (priorRight.Count == 0)

                priorLeft.Remove(refPos[this.referencePosition.nodeNumber * 2 + 1]);

                // find overlapping labels and deletes the reference points and delete them
                LinkedList <ReferencePosition> linkedRef = new LinkedList <ReferencePosition>();

                while (priorLeft.Count != 0)
                    if (priorLeft.Peek().x < this.referencePosition.x + this.referencePosition.width)

                // brute Force collision test (faster then sweep line for a small amount of
                // objects)
                linkedRef.RemoveAll(e => (e.x <= this.referencePosition.x + this.referencePosition.width) &&
                                    (e.y >= this.referencePosition.y - e.height) &&
                                    (e.y <= this.referencePosition.y + e.height));

Exemplo n.º 8
         * This method uses an adapted greedy strategy for the fixed four position model, above, under left and right form
         * the point of interest. It uses no priority search tree, because it will not function with symbols only with
         * points. Instead it uses two minimum heaps. They work similar to a sweep line algorithm but have not a O(n log n
         * +k) runtime. To find the rectangle that has the top edge, I use also a minimum Heap. The rectangles are sorted by
         * their y coordinates.
         * @param labels
         *            label positions and text
         * @param symbols
         *            symbol positions
         * @param areaLabels
         *            area label positions and text
         * @return list of labels without overlaps with symbols and other labels by the four fixed position greedy strategy
        private List <pointTextContainer> processFourpointGreedy(List <pointTextContainer> labels,
                                                                 List <SymbolContainer> symbols, List <pointTextContainer> areaLabels)
            List <pointTextContainer> resolutionSet = new List <pointTextContainer>();

            // Array for the generated reference positions around the points of interests
            ReferencePosition[] refPos = new ReferencePosition[(labels.Count) * 4];

            // lists that sorts the reference points after the minimum top edge y position
            PriorityQueue <ReferencePosition> priorUp = new PriorityQueue <ReferencePosition>(labels.Count * 4 * 2
                                                                                              + labels.Count / 10 * 2, ReferencePositionYComparator.INSTANCE);
            // lists that sorts the reference points after the minimum bottom edge y position
            PriorityQueue <ReferencePosition> priorDown = new PriorityQueue <ReferencePosition>(labels.Count * 4 * 2
                                                                                                + labels.Count / 10 * 2, ReferencePositionHeightComparator.INSTANCE);

            pointTextContainer tmp;
            int dis = START_DISTANCE_TO_SYMBOLS;

            // creates the reference positions
            for (int z = 0; z < labels.Count; z++)
                if (labels[z] != null)
                    if (labels[z].symbol != null)
                        tmp = labels[z];

                        // up
                        refPos[z * 4] = new ReferencePosition(tmp.x - tmp.boundary.Width / 2, tmp.y
                                                              - tmp.symbol.symbol.Height / 2 - dis, z, tmp.boundary.Width, tmp.boundary.Height,
                        // down
                        refPos[z * 4 + 1] = new ReferencePosition(tmp.x - tmp.boundary.Width / 2, tmp.y
                                                                  + tmp.symbol.symbol.Height / 2 + tmp.boundary.Height + dis, z, tmp.boundary.Width,
                                                                  tmp.boundary.Height, tmp.symbol);
                        // left
                        refPos[z * 4 + 2] = new ReferencePosition(tmp.x - tmp.symbol.symbol.Width / 2
                                                                  - tmp.boundary.Width - dis, tmp.y + tmp.boundary.Height / 2, z, tmp.boundary.Width,
                                                                  tmp.boundary.Height, tmp.symbol);
                        // right
                        refPos[z * 4 + 3] = new ReferencePosition(tmp.x + tmp.symbol.symbol.Width / 2 + dis, tmp.y
                                                                  + tmp.boundary.Height / 2 - 0.1f, z, tmp.boundary.Width, tmp.boundary.Height,
                        refPos[z * 4] = new ReferencePosition(labels[z].x - ((labels[z].boundary.Width) / 2),
                                                              labels[z].y, z, labels[z].boundary.Width, labels[z].boundary.Height, null);
                        refPos[z * 4 + 1] = null;
                        refPos[z * 4 + 2] = null;
                        refPos[z * 4 + 3] = null;

            removeNonValidateReferencePosition(refPos, symbols, areaLabels);

            // do while it gives reference positions
            for (int i = 0; i < refPos.Length; i++)
                this.referencePosition = refPos[i];
                if (this.referencePosition != null)

            while (priorUp.Count != 0)
                this.referencePosition = priorUp.Pool();

                this.label = labels[this.referencePosition.nodeNumber];

                resolutionSet.Add(new PointTextContainer(this.label.text, this.referencePosition.x,
                                                         this.referencePosition.y, this.label.paintFront, this.label.paintBack, this.label.symbol));

                if (priorUp.Count == 0)

                priorUp.Remove(refPos[this.referencePosition.nodeNumber * 4 + 0]);
                priorUp.Remove(refPos[this.referencePosition.nodeNumber * 4 + 1]);
                priorUp.Remove(refPos[this.referencePosition.nodeNumber * 4 + 2]);
                priorUp.Remove(refPos[this.referencePosition.nodeNumber * 4 + 3]);

                priorDown.Remove(refPos[this.referencePosition.nodeNumber * 4 + 0]);
                priorDown.Remove(refPos[this.referencePosition.nodeNumber * 4 + 1]);
                priorDown.Remove(refPos[this.referencePosition.nodeNumber * 4 + 2]);
                priorDown.Remove(refPos[this.referencePosition.nodeNumber * 4 + 3]);

                LinkedList <ReferencePosition> linkedRef = new LinkedList <ReferencePosition>();

                while (priorDown.Count != 0)
                    if (priorDown.Peek().x < this.referencePosition.x + this.referencePosition.width)
                // brute Force collision test (faster then sweep line for a small amount of
                // objects)
                linkedRef.RemoveAll(e => (e.x <= this.referencePosition.x + this.referencePosition.width) &&
                                    (e.y >= this.referencePosition.y - e.height) &&
                                    (e.y <= this.referencePosition.y + e.height));

