Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// The Unity Start() method.
        /// </summary>
        public void Start()
            Debug.LogWarning("Unique ID: " + SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier);

            // A Name is provided to the Game Object so it can be found by other Scripts instantiated as prefabs in the
            // scene.
            gameObject.name = "Reconstruction4DController";

            pointCloudBuilder = new PointCloudBuilder(10);
            trajectoryBuilder = new TrajectoryBuilder(10);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static async Task <PointCloud> GenerateObject(Recording recording, IProgress <int> progress, CancellationToken ct)
            // Quick access image formats
            var dFormat = recording.DepthFormat;
            var cFormat = recording.ColourFormat;

            #region Check for calibration data
            if (!recording.IsCalibratedRecording)
                throw new IOException("Pre-calibrated recording required!");
            var calibration = recording.Calibration;

            #region Kalman Filter setup
            var kSetup = new KalmanSetup()
                funcF = new Func <float, Matrix>(FGenerator),
                funcB = new Func <float, Matrix>(BGenerator),
                H     = Matrix.OfArray(new float[, ] {
                    { 1, 0 }
                X0 = new Vector(new float[] { 0, 0 }),
                P0 = Matrix.OfArray(new float[, ] {
                    { 10, 0 }, { 0, 10 }
                funcQ             = new Func <float, float, Matrix>(QGenerator),
                funcR             = new Func <float, Matrix>(RGenerator),
                StdDevMeasurement = stdDevMeasurementNoise,
                StdDevProcess     = stdDevProcessNoise
            float R   = calibration.TurntableRadius;
            float acc = -4 * mu * g / (3 * R);
            var   accelerationVector = new Vector(new float[] { acc });

            #region Initialise pipeline stages
            var cv   = new HueThresholder(calibration.Markers, calibration.MarkerSearchSpace);
            var geom = new PointCloudBuilder(calibration, recording.MappingParameters);
            var kf   = new KalmanFilter(kSetup);
            var opt  = new ICPMinimiser(true);

            // start new pipeline thread
            return(await Task.Run <PointCloud>(() =>
                var returnCloud = new PointCloud();
                PointCloud prevCloud = null;
                float lastTime = 0;
                double theta = 0;
                Point3D lastx = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);

                int advanceUnit = Processing.Settings.Default.ProcessEveryFrame ? 1 : 10;

                #region KF Debug Logging
                StreamWriter filterLog = null;
                if (DebugSettings.Default.DebugMode)
                    filterLog = new StreamWriter(DebugSettings.Default.LogRoot + @"\filter.csv");
                    filterLog.AutoFlush = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < recording.NumberOfFrames; i += advanceUnit)

                    #region Fetch
                    // Fetch frame from disk
                    float timestamp = recording.Timestamps[i];
                    var colour = recording.FetchColourFrame(i);
                    var depth = recording.FetchDepthFrame(i);
                    Frame f = new Frame(i, timestamp, depth, dFormat, colour, cFormat);

                    #region Analyse (CV)
                    var markers2D = cv.IdentifyMarkers(f);
                    if (markers2D.Count == 0)
                        i -= (advanceUnit - 1);

                    #region Build Geometry (GEOM)
                    PointCloud cloud;
                    KeyValuePair <TrackingMarker, Point3D> rotationMarker;
                    var geomSuccess = geom.ConstructCloud(f, markers2D, out cloud, out rotationMarker);
                    if (!geomSuccess)
                        i -= (advanceUnit - 1);

                    #region Filter
                    // reposition marker based on offset
                    var polarX = CoordinateSystemConvertor.ToSpherical(rotationMarker.Value);
                    polarX.Azimuthal += (float)rotationMarker.Key.RotationalOffset;
                    var x = CoordinateSystemConvertor.ToCartesian(polarX);

                    // rotation approximation
                    var dx = ((Vector)x - lastx).Norm(3);
                    var dtheta = dx / calibration.TurntableRadius;

                    // update cumulative angle (with estimated angle)
                    theta += dtheta;

                    // calculate time delta
                    float dt = f.Timestamp - lastTime;

                    if (DebugSettings.Default.DebugMode)
                        filterLog.Write("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},", f.Timestamp, dt, dx, dtheta, theta);

                    // calculate state vector
                    var stateVector = new Vector(new float[] { (float)theta });

                    // pass through kalman filter
                    var filteredStateVector = kf.Update(dt, stateVector, accelerationVector);

                    // extract angle from state vector
                    var filteredTheta = filteredStateVector[0];
                    var filteredOmega = filteredStateVector[1];

                    if (DebugSettings.Default.DebugMode)
                        filterLog.WriteLine("{0},{1}", filteredTheta, filteredOmega);

                    // update last time, last position and set filtered cumulative theta
                    theta = filteredTheta;
                    lastx = x;
                    lastTime = f.Timestamp;


                    #region Optimise (OPT)
                    PointCloud optCloud = null;
                    if (prevCloud == null)
                        optCloud = cloud;     // first frame; this is requires no optimising transformation
                    else if (prevCloud.Points.Count == 0)
                        optCloud = cloud;     // no points in previous cloud (model); cannot align the current cloud to model
                        // Build best guess transformation matrix
                        float sinT = (float)Math.Sin(filteredTheta);
                        float cosT = (float)Math.Cos(filteredTheta);
                        var bestGuessTransformation = Matrix.Identity(4);
                        bestGuessTransformation[0, 0] = cosT;
                        bestGuessTransformation[0, 2] = -sinT;
                        bestGuessTransformation[2, 0] = sinT;
                        bestGuessTransformation[2, 2] = cosT;
                        // returned object is result of aligning cloud with prevCloud
                        optCloud = opt.Process(cloud, prevCloud, bestGuessTransformation);
                    prevCloud = cloud;

                    #region Retire

                if (DebugSettings.Default.DebugMode)
                return returnCloud;