public void MoveAPoint(int id, Point newPoint)
        // Get the old point
        Point oldPoint = points[id];
        // Get the previous point
        Point pointPrevious = points[(id + 3) % 4];
        // Get the next point
        Point pointNext = points[(id + 1) % 4];
        // Get the opposite point
        Point pointOpposite = points[(id + 2) % 4];
        // I call sides points, but they are actually vectors.
        // Get side from 'oldPoint' to 'pointPrevious'.
        Point sidePrevious = pointPrevious.Substract(oldPoint);
        // Get side from 'oldPoint' to 'pointNext'.
        Point sideNext = pointNext.Substract(oldPoint);
        // Get side from 'pointOpposite' to 'newPoint'.
        Point  sideTransversal = newPoint.Substract(pointOpposite);
        PointF previousProjection;
        PointF nextProjection;

        // ---------- Last edit starts here. ----------
        if (sideNext.X == 0 && sideNext.Y == 0)
            if (sidePrevious.X == 0 && sidePrevious.Y == 0)
            sideNext = new PointF(-sidePrevious.Y, sidePrevious.X);
            sidePrevious = new PointF(-sideNext.Y, sideNext.X);
        // ---------- Last edit ends here. ----------
        Point previousProjection = Projection(delta, sidePrevious);
        Point nextProjection     = Projection(delta, sideNext);

        pointNext     = pointOpposite.AddPoints(previousProjection);
        pointPrevious = pointOpposite.AddPoints(nextProjection);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void MoveBlock_WithoutHindrance_MoveBlock(int move_x, int move_y)
            Point startPoint = new Point(1, 2);
            Block block      = new Block();

            _board.AddBlockAt(block, startPoint);

            Point byPoint = new Point(move_x, move_y);

            _board.MoveBlock(block, byPoint);

            Point endPoint = Point.AddPoints(startPoint, byPoint);

            Assert.Equal(_board.BlockAt(endPoint), block);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void MoveBlock_AgainstOtherBlock_DontMoveBlock(int move_x, int move_y)
            Point startPoint = new Point(1, 2);
            Block block      = new Block();

            _board.AddBlockAt(block, startPoint);

            Point byPoint       = new Point(move_x, move_y);
            Point endPoint      = Point.AddPoints(startPoint, byPoint);
            Block blockInTheWay = new Block();

            _board.AddBlockAt(blockInTheWay, endPoint);
            _board.MoveBlock(block, byPoint);

            Assert.Equal(_board.BlockAt(startPoint), block);
            Assert.Equal(_board.BlockAt(endPoint), blockInTheWay);
Exemplo n.º 4
        //Given a point, returns all (valid) neighbours
        public static List <Point> FindAllNeighbours(Point startingPoint, List <Point> generators)
            List <Point> neighbours = new List <Point>();
            var          dimension  = startingPoint.GetDimension();
            var          validFlag  = true;

            foreach (Point generator in generators)
                validFlag = true;

                Point newPoint = Point.AddPoints(startingPoint, generator);

                if (newPoint == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: startingPoint and generator are not the same dimension.");

                if (!Heuristics.TestDoubleDescription(newPoint, generators))
                    validFlag = false;
                    Console.WriteLine("Point: " + newPoint.ToString() + " eliminated because of DD.");

                if (validFlag && !Heuristics.TestEachCoordinate(newPoint))
                    validFlag = false;
                    Console.WriteLine("Point: " + newPoint.ToString() + " eliminated because of Coordinate Test.");

                if (validFlag)
            //add each vector to starting point
            //use heuristics to determine if point is valid
            //if valid, add to list (neighbours)
            //if not valid, log reason why it's not valid.

Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Update()
            if (!Visible) return;



            var res = UIMenu.GetScreenResolutionMantainRatio();
            var safe = new Point(300, 180);

            new ResText(Title, new Point(safe.X, safe.Y - 80), 1f, Color.White, Common.EFont.ChaletComprimeCologne, ResText.Alignment.Left)
                DropShadow = true,

            if (Photo == null)
                new Sprite("char_multiplayer", "char_multiplayer", new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 64, safe.Y - 80), new Size(64, 64)).Draw();
                Photo.Position = new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 100, safe.Y - 80);
                Photo.Size = new Size(64, 64);

            new ResText(Name, new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 70, safe.Y - 95), 0.7f, Color.White,
                Common.EFont.ChaletComprimeCologne, ResText.Alignment.Right)
                DropShadow = true,

            string subt = Money;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Money))
                subt = DateTime.Now.ToString();

            new ResText(subt, new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 70, safe.Y - 60), 0.4f, Color.White,
                Common.EFont.ChaletComprimeCologne, ResText.Alignment.Right)
                DropShadow = true,

            new ResText(MoneySubtitle, new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 70, safe.Y - 40), 0.4f, Color.White,
                Common.EFont.ChaletComprimeCologne, ResText.Alignment.Right)
                DropShadow = true,

            for (int i = 0; i < Tabs.Count; i++)

                var activeSize = res.Width - 2 * safe.X;
                activeSize -= 4 * 5;
                int tabWidth = (int)activeSize / 5;

                var tabColor = Tabs[i].Active ? Color.White : Color.Black;
                new ResRectangle(safe.AddPoints(new Point((tabWidth + 5) * i, 0)), new Size(tabWidth, 40), Color.FromArgb(Tabs[i].Active ? 255 : 200, tabColor)).Draw();

                new ResText(Tabs[i].Title.ToUpper(), safe.AddPoints(new Point((tabWidth / 2) + (tabWidth + 5) * i, 5)), 0.35f,
                    Tabs[i].Active ? Color.Black : Color.White, Common.EFont.ChaletLondon, ResText.Alignment.Centered).Draw();

                if (Tabs[i].Active)
                    new ResRectangle(safe.SubtractPoints(new Point(-((tabWidth + 5) * i), 10)), new Size(tabWidth, 10), Color.DodgerBlue).Draw();


            _sc.CallFunction("DRAW_INSTRUCTIONAL_BUTTONS", -1);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Update()
            if (!Visible || TemporarilyHidden)

            var res  = UIMenu.GetScreenResolutionMaintainRatio();
            var safe = new Point(300, 180);

            if (!HideTabs)
                new UIResText(Title, new Point(safe.X, safe.Y - 80), 1f, Color.White, Font.ChaletComprimeCologne,
                    DropShadow = true,

                if (Photo == null)
                    new Sprite("char_multiplayer", "char_multiplayer",
                               new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 64, safe.Y - 80), new Size(64, 64)).Draw();
                    Photo.Position = new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 100, safe.Y - 80);
                    Photo.Size     = new Size(64, 64);

                new UIResText(Name, new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 70, safe.Y - 95), 0.7f, Color.White,
                              Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, UIResText.Alignment.Right)
                    DropShadow = true,

                string t = Money;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Money))
                    t = DateTime.Now.ToString();

                new UIResText(t, new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 70, safe.Y - 60), 0.4f, Color.White,
                              Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, UIResText.Alignment.Right)
                    DropShadow = true,

                string subt = MoneySubtitle;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MoneySubtitle))
                    subt = "";

                new UIResText(subt, new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 70, safe.Y - 40), 0.4f, Color.White,
                              Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, UIResText.Alignment.Right)
                    DropShadow = true,

                for (int i = 0; i < Tabs.Count; i++)
                    var activeSize = res.Width - 2 * safe.X;
                    activeSize -= 4 * 5;
                    int tabWidth = (int)activeSize / Tabs.Count;

                    Game.EnableControlThisFrame(0, Control.CursorX);
                    Game.EnableControlThisFrame(0, Control.CursorY);

                    var hovering = UIMenu.IsMouseInBounds(safe.AddPoints(new Point((tabWidth + 5) * i, 0)),
                                                          new Size(tabWidth, 40));

                    var tabColor = Tabs[i].Active
                        ? Color.White
                        : hovering?Color.FromArgb(100, 50, 50, 50) : Color.Black;

                    new UIResRectangle(safe.AddPoints(new Point((tabWidth + 5) * i, 0)), new Size(tabWidth, 40),
                                       Color.FromArgb(Tabs[i].Active ? 255 : 200, tabColor)).Draw();

                    new UIResText(Tabs[i].Title.ToUpper(), safe.AddPoints(new Point((tabWidth / 2) + (tabWidth + 5) * i, 5)),
                                  Tabs[i].Active ? Color.Black : Color.White, Font.ChaletLondon, UIResText.Alignment.Centered)

                    if (Tabs[i].Active)
                        new UIResRectangle(safe.SubtractPoints(new Point(-((tabWidth + 5) * i), 10)),
                                           new Size(tabWidth, 10), Color.DodgerBlue).Draw();

                    if (hovering && Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, Control.CursorAccept) && !Tabs[i].Active)
                        Tabs[Index].Active  = false;
                        Tabs[Index].Focused = false;
                        Tabs[Index].Visible = false;
                        Index = (1000 - (1000 % Tabs.Count) + i) % Tabs.Count;
                        Tabs[Index].Active     = true;
                        Tabs[Index].Focused    = true;
                        Tabs[Index].Visible    = true;
                        Tabs[Index].JustOpened = true;

                        if (Tabs[Index].CanBeFocused)
                            FocusLevel = 1;
                            FocusLevel = 0;

                        Function.Call(Hash.PLAY_SOUND_FRONTEND, -1, "NAV_UP_DOWN", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", 1);

            _sc.CallFunction("DRAW_INSTRUCTIONAL_BUTTONS", -1);

Exemplo n.º 7
        public void Update()
            if (!Visible)



            var res  = UIMenu.GetScreenResolutionMantainRatio();
            var safe = new Point(300, 180);

            new UIResText(Title, new Point(safe.X, safe.Y - 80), 1f, Color.White, Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, UIResText.Alignment.Left)
                DropShadow = true,

            if (Photo == null)
                new Sprite("char_multiplayer", "char_multiplayer", new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 64, safe.Y - 80), new Size(64, 64)).Draw();
                Photo.Position = new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 100, safe.Y - 80);
                Photo.Size     = new Size(64, 64);

            new UIResText(Name, new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 70, safe.Y - 95), 0.7f, Color.White,
                          Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, UIResText.Alignment.Right)
                DropShadow = true,

            string t = Money;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Money))
                t = DateTime.Now.ToString();

            new UIResText(t, new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 70, safe.Y - 60), 0.4f, Color.White,
                          Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, UIResText.Alignment.Right)
                DropShadow = true,

            string subt = MoneySubtitle;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MoneySubtitle))
                subt = "";

            new UIResText(subt, new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 70, safe.Y - 40), 0.4f, Color.White,
                          Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, UIResText.Alignment.Right)
                DropShadow = true,

            for (int i = 0; i < Tabs.Count; i++)
                var activeSize = res.Width - 2 * safe.X;
                activeSize -= 4 * 5;
                int tabWidth = (int)activeSize / 5;

                var tabColor = Tabs[i].Active ? Color.White : Color.Black;
                new UIResRectangle(safe.AddPoints(new Point((tabWidth + 5) * i, 0)), new Size(tabWidth, 40), Color.FromArgb(Tabs[i].Active ? 255 : 200, tabColor)).Draw();

                new UIResText(Tabs[i].Title.ToUpper(), safe.AddPoints(new Point((tabWidth / 2) + (tabWidth + 5) * i, 5)), 0.35f,
                              Tabs[i].Active ? Color.Black : Color.White, Font.ChaletLondon, UIResText.Alignment.Centered).Draw();

                if (Tabs[i].Active)
                    new UIResRectangle(safe.SubtractPoints(new Point(-((tabWidth + 5) * i), 10)), new Size(tabWidth, 10), Color.DodgerBlue).Draw();


            _sc.CallFunction("DRAW_INSTRUCTIONAL_BUTTONS", -1);

Exemplo n.º 8
        public void Update()
            if (!Visible || TemporarilyHidden)

            //NativeFunction.CallByHash<uint>(0xaae7ce1d63167423); // _SHOW_CURSOR_THIS_FRAME


            var res  = UIMenu.GetScreenResolutionMantainRatio();
            var safe = new Point(300, 180);

            if (!HideTabs)
                ResText.Draw(Title, new Point(safe.X, safe.Y - 80), 1f, Color.White, Common.EFont.ChaletComprimeCologne, ResText.Alignment.Left, true, false, Size.Empty);

                if (Photo == null)
                    Sprite.Draw("char_multiplayer", "char_multiplayer", new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 64, safe.Y - 80), new Size(64, 64), 0f, Color.White);
                    Photo.Position = new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 100, safe.Y - 80);
                    Photo.Size     = new Size(64, 64);

                ResText.Draw(Name, new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 70, safe.Y - 95), 0.7f, Color.White, Common.EFont.ChaletComprimeCologne, ResText.Alignment.Right, true, false, Size.Empty);

                string subt = Money;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Money))
                    subt = DateTime.Now.ToString();

                ResText.Draw(subt, new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 70, safe.Y - 60), 0.4f, Color.White, Common.EFont.ChaletComprimeCologne, ResText.Alignment.Right, true, false, Size.Empty);

                ResText.Draw(MoneySubtitle, new Point((int)res.Width - safe.X - 70, safe.Y - 40), 0.4f, Color.White, Common.EFont.ChaletComprimeCologne, ResText.Alignment.Right, true, false, Size.Empty);

                for (int i = 0; i < Tabs.Count; i++)
                    var activeSize = res.Width - 2 * safe.X;
                    activeSize -= 4 * 5;
                    int tabWidth = (int)activeSize / Tabs.Count;

                    //Game.DisableControlAction(0, GameControl.CursorX, false);
                    //Game.DisableControlAction(0, GameControl.CursorY, false);

                    //bool hovering = UIMenu.IsMouseInBounds(safe.AddPoints(new Point((tabWidth + 5) * i, 0)), new Size(tabWidth, 40));

                    var tabColor = Tabs[i].Active ? Color.White : /*hovering ? Color.FromArgb(100, 50, 50, 50) :*/ Color.Black;
                    ResRectangle.Draw(safe.AddPoints(new Point((tabWidth + 5) * i, 0)), new Size(tabWidth, 40), Color.FromArgb(Tabs[i].Active ? 255 : 200, tabColor));

                    ResText.Draw(Tabs[i].Title.ToUpper(), safe.AddPoints(new Point((tabWidth / 2) + (tabWidth + 5) * i, 5)), 0.35f, Tabs[i].Active ? Color.Black : Color.White, Common.EFont.ChaletLondon, ResText.Alignment.Centered, false, false, Size.Empty);

                    if (Tabs[i].Active)
                        ResRectangle.Draw(safe.SubtractPoints(new Point(-((tabWidth + 5) * i), 10)), new Size(tabWidth, 10), Color.DodgerBlue);

                    //if (hovering && Common.IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, GameControl.CursorAccept) && !Tabs[i].Active)
                    //    Tabs[Index].Active = false;
                    //    Tabs[Index].Focused = false;
                    //    Tabs[Index].Visible = false;
                    //    Index = (1000 - (1000 % Tabs.Count) + i) % Tabs.Count;
                    //    Tabs[Index].Active = true;
                    //    Tabs[Index].Focused = true;
                    //    Tabs[Index].Visible = true;
                    //    Tabs[Index].JustOpened = true;

                    //    FocusLevel = Tabs[Index].CanBeFocused ? 1 : 0;

                    //    Common.PlaySound("NAV_UP_DOWN", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET");


            _sc.CallFunction("DRAW_INSTRUCTIONAL_BUTTONS", -1);

Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Update()
            if (!Visible || TemporarilyHidden) return;

            var res = UIMenu.GetScreenResolutionMantainRatio();
            var safe = new Point(300, 180);
            if (!HideTabs)
                new UIResText(Title, new Point(safe.X, safe.Y - 80), 1f, Color.White, Font.ChaletComprimeCologne,
                    DropShadow = true,

                if (Photo == null)
                    new Sprite("char_multiplayer", "char_multiplayer",
                        new Point((int) res.Width - safe.X - 64, safe.Y - 80), new Size(64, 64)).Draw();
                    Photo.Position = new Point((int) res.Width - safe.X - 100, safe.Y - 80);
                    Photo.Size = new Size(64, 64);

                new UIResText(Name, new Point((int) res.Width - safe.X - 70, safe.Y - 95), 0.7f, Color.White,
                    Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, UIResText.Alignment.Right)
                    DropShadow = true,

                string t = Money;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Money))
                    t = DateTime.Now.ToString();

                new UIResText(t, new Point((int) res.Width - safe.X - 70, safe.Y - 60), 0.4f, Color.White,
                    Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, UIResText.Alignment.Right)
                    DropShadow = true,

                string subt = MoneySubtitle;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MoneySubtitle))
                    subt = "";

                new UIResText(subt, new Point((int) res.Width - safe.X - 70, safe.Y - 40), 0.4f, Color.White,
                    Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, UIResText.Alignment.Right)
                    DropShadow = true,

                for (int i = 0; i < Tabs.Count; i++)
                    var activeSize = res.Width - 2*safe.X;
                    activeSize -= 4*5;
                    int tabWidth = (int) activeSize/Tabs.Count;

                    Game.EnableControl(0, Control.CursorX);
                    Game.EnableControl(0, Control.CursorY);

                    var hovering = UIMenu.IsMouseInBounds(safe.AddPoints(new Point((tabWidth + 5)*i, 0)),
                        new Size(tabWidth, 40));

                    var tabColor = Tabs[i].Active
                        ? Color.White
                        : hovering ? Color.FromArgb(100, 50, 50, 50) : Color.Black;
                    new UIResRectangle(safe.AddPoints(new Point((tabWidth + 5)*i, 0)), new Size(tabWidth, 40),
                        Color.FromArgb(Tabs[i].Active ? 255 : 200, tabColor)).Draw();

                    new UIResText(Tabs[i].Title.ToUpper(), safe.AddPoints(new Point((tabWidth/2) + (tabWidth + 5)*i, 5)),
                        Tabs[i].Active ? Color.Black : Color.White, Font.ChaletLondon, UIResText.Alignment.Centered)

                    if (Tabs[i].Active)
                        new UIResRectangle(safe.SubtractPoints(new Point(-((tabWidth + 5)*i), 10)),
                            new Size(tabWidth, 10), Color.DodgerBlue).Draw();

                    if (hovering && Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, Control.CursorAccept) && !Tabs[i].Active)
                        Tabs[Index].Active = false;
                        Tabs[Index].Focused = false;
                        Tabs[Index].Visible = false;
                        Index = (1000 - (1000%Tabs.Count) + i)%Tabs.Count;
                        Tabs[Index].Active = true;
                        Tabs[Index].Focused = true;
                        Tabs[Index].Visible = true;
                        Tabs[Index].JustOpened = true;

                        if (Tabs[Index].CanBeFocused)
                            FocusLevel = 1;
                            FocusLevel = 0;

                        Function.Call(Hash.PLAY_SOUND_FRONTEND, -1, "NAV_UP_DOWN", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", 1);

            _sc.CallFunction("DRAW_INSTRUCTIONAL_BUTTONS", -1);

Exemplo n.º 10
 static void Main(string[] args)
     Point a = new Point(1, 2);
     Point b = new Point(2, 4);
     Point c = a.AddPoints(b);
    //*******Ellenőrzési fázis*******

    //Adott pontot és szomszédjait "rekurzivan" vizsgálja, hogy kapcsolatban vannak-e
    List <Point> IsConnected(Point checkedPoint, bool isItMainCall)
        List <Point> listOfConnectedPoints = new List <Point>();
        int          valueOfOurPoint       = GetValueofPoint(checkedPoint);
        List <Point> pointsInLine          = new List <Point>();
        int          sameType = 0;

        Point[] directions =

        //A pontot vizsgálva végigmegy az irányokon és vonalat keres (+ alakban ellenőriz)

        /*              [X]
         * XX[X]O vagy   X O
         *               X
        foreach (Point dir in directions)
            sameType = 0;
            //Minden irányban 2 távolságig elmegy
            for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++)
                Point nextPoint = Point.AddPoints(checkedPoint, Point.MultiplyPoint(dir, i));
                //Ha igen akkor szamontartjuk es noveljuk a countert
                if (GetValueofPoint(nextPoint) == valueOfOurPoint)
            //Ha adott irányban több azonos típus van
            if (sameType > 1)
                //A fő connection listához adjuk a pontjainkat
                IncludePoints(ref listOfConnectedPoints, pointsInLine);

        //Check hogy egy match közepe vagyunk-e
        //Pl: X[X]X
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            sameType = 0;
            Point[] checkedPoints = { Point.AddPoints(checkedPoint, directions[i]), Point.AddPoints(checkedPoint, directions[i + 2]) };
            foreach (Point nextPoint in checkedPoints)
                if (GetValueofPoint(nextPoint) == valueOfOurPoint)
            if (sameType > 1)
                IncludePoints(ref listOfConnectedPoints, pointsInLine); //A fő connection listához adjuk a pontjainkat

        //Ellenőrzi hogy van-e 2x2, azaz square match
        //Pl: X X
        //   [X]X
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            sameType = 0;
            int nextDirection = i + 1;
            if (nextDirection >= 4)
                nextDirection -= 4;
            //Hozzaadja a horizontal, vertical es diagonal szomszedokat
            Point[] nextPoints = { Point.AddPoints(checkedPoint, directions[i]), Point.AddPoints(checkedPoint, directions[nextDirection]), Point.AddPoints(checkedPoint, Point.AddPoints(directions[i], directions[nextDirection])) };
            foreach (Point nextPoint in nextPoints)
                if (GetValueofPoint(nextPoint) == valueOfOurPoint)

            if (sameType > 2)
                IncludePoints(ref listOfConnectedPoints, pointsInLine); //A fo connected listahoz adja ezeket a pontokat
        //Rekurziós cucc
        if (isItMainCall)
            for (int i = 0; i < listOfConnectedPoints.Count; i++)
                IncludePoints(ref listOfConnectedPoints, IsConnected(listOfConnectedPoints[i], false));
