Exemplo n.º 1
        protected virtual PluginGetResult GetPluginList(Uri url)
            PluginGetResult result  = null;
            WebResponse     request = this.myWebClient.Open(url);
            HttpWebResponse http    = request as HttpWebResponse;

            if (http != null)
                if (http.LastModified > this.Version)
                    using (Stream rs = http.GetResponseStream())
                        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(rs))
                            result = new PluginGetResult(http.LastModified, sr.ReadToEnd());
            Leayal.Net.CacheResponse cache = request as Leayal.Net.CacheResponse;
            if (cache != null)
                if (cache.LastModified > this.Version)
                    using (Stream rs = cache.GetResponseStream())
                        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(rs))
                            result = new PluginGetResult(cache.LastModified, sr.ReadToEnd());
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Request.HttpMethod != "POST")

            String area = "";

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((String)RouteData.Values["area"]))
                area = (String)RouteData.Values["area"];

            Int64 enterpriseId = 0;

            if ((Session["enterprise_data"]) != null && (Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData))
                enterpriseId = ((EnterpriseData)Session["enterprise_data"]).Id;

            Boolean newItem = false;

            if ((RouteData.Values["new"] != null) && (RouteData.Values["new"] == "1"))
                newItem = true;

            String ApplicationVirtualPath = Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"].ToString();

            LMenu menu1 = new LMenu("Dashboard", ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/");
            LMenu menu2 = new LMenu("Plugins", ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/plugin/" + (Request.Form["hashtag"] != null ? "#" + Request.Form["hashtag"].ToString() : ""));
            LMenu menu3 = new LMenu("Plugins do sistema", ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/plugin/" + (Request.Form["hashtag"] != null ? "#" + Request.Form["hashtag"].ToString() : ""));

            WebJsonResponse contentRet = null;

            String html  = "";
            String eHtml = "";
            String js    = null;

            String errorTemplate = "<span class=\"empty-results\">{0}</span>";

            //Verifica se está sendo selecionada uma role
            Int64 pluginId = 0;

                pluginId = Int64.Parse((String)RouteData.Values["id"]);

                if (pluginId < 0)
                    pluginId = 0;
            catch { }

            String          error     = "";
            PluginGetResult retPlugin = null;
            String          filter    = "";
            HashData        hashData  = new HashData(this);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((String)RouteData.Values["filter"]))
                filter = (String)RouteData.Values["filter"];

            if ((pluginId > 0) && (area.ToLower() != "search"))
                    var tmpReq = new
                        jsonrpc    = "1.0",
                        method     = "plugin.get",
                        parameters = new
                            pluginid = pluginId
                        id = 1

                    String rData = SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize2(tmpReq);
                    String jData = "";
                    using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                        jData = WebPageAPI.ExecuteLocal(database, this, rData);

                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jData))
                        throw new Exception("");

                    retPlugin = JSON.Deserialize <PluginGetResult>(jData);
                    if (retPlugin == null)
                        error = MessageResource.GetMessage("plugin_not_found");
                        //ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("user_not_found"), 3000, true);
                    else if (retPlugin.error != null)
                        error     = retPlugin.error.data;
                        retPlugin = null;
                    else if (retPlugin.result == null || retPlugin.result.info == null)
                        error     = MessageResource.GetMessage("plugin_not_found");
                        retPlugin = null;
                        menu3.Name = retPlugin.result.info.name;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    error = MessageResource.GetMessage("api_error");
                    Tools.Tool.notifyException(ex, this);
                    retPlugin = null;
                    //ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("api_error"), 3000, true);

            switch (area)
            case "":
            case "search":
            case "content":
                if (newItem)
                    html += "<div id=\"upload-box\" class=\"upload-box\"><input type=\"file\" name=\"files[]\" multiple=\"\"><div class=\"drag-content\"><span class=\"upload-button-text\">Selecione arquivos para enviar</span><span class=\"upload-drag-drop-description\">Ou arraste e solte aqui</span></div><div class=\"dragDrop-content\"><span class=\"label l1\">Arraste o plugin até aqui</span><span class=\"label l2\">Solte o plugin</span></div></div>";

                    html += "<h3>Uploads</h3>";
                    html += "<form  id=\"form_plugin_add\"  method=\"POST\" action=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/plugin/action/add_new/\">";
                    html += "<div id=\"files\" class=\"box-container\"><div class=\"no-tabs pb10 none\">Nenhum upload realizado</div></div>";

                    html += "<button type=\"submit\" id=\"upload-save\" class=\"button secondary floatleft\">Adicionar</button>    <a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/plugin/" + (Request.Form["hashtag"] != null ? "#" + Request.Form["hashtag"].ToString() : "") + "\" class=\"button link floatleft\">Cancelar</a></form>";
                    html += "</form>";

                    contentRet    = new WebJsonResponse("#content-wrapper", (eHtml != "" ? eHtml : html));
                    contentRet.js = "iamadmin.pluginUploader($('#upload-box'), '" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/plugin/action/upload/','" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/plugin/action/upload_item_template/')";
                    if (retPlugin == null)
                        Int32   page     = 1;
                        Int32   pageSize = 20;
                        Boolean hasNext  = true;

                        Int32.TryParse(Request.Form["page"], out page);

                        if (page < 1)
                            page = 1;

                        String pluginTemplate = "<div id=\"role-list-{0}\" data-id=\"{0}\" data-name=\"{1}\" data-total=\"{2}\" class=\"app-list-item\">";
                        pluginTemplate += "<table>";
                        pluginTemplate += "   <tbody>";
                        pluginTemplate += "       <tr>";
                        pluginTemplate += "           <td class=\"col1\">";
                        pluginTemplate += "               <span id=\"total_{0}\" class=\"total \">{2}</span>";
                        pluginTemplate += "               <a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/resource_plugin/#plugin/{0}\">";
                        pluginTemplate += "                   <div class=\"app-btn a-btn\"><span class=\"a-btn-inner\">Ver vínculos</span></div>";
                        pluginTemplate += "               </a>";
                        pluginTemplate += "           </td>";
                        pluginTemplate += "           <td class=\"col2\">";
                        pluginTemplate += "               <div class=\"title\"><span class=\"name field-editor\">{1}</span><span class=\"date\">{4}</span><div class=\"clear-block\"></div></div>";
                        pluginTemplate += "               <div class=\"links no-bg\">";
                        pluginTemplate += "                   <div class=\"first\">Uri: {3}<br clear=\"all\"></div>";
                        pluginTemplate += "                   <div class=\"\"><a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/plugin/{0}/flow/" + (Request.Form["hashtag"] != null ? "#" + Request.Form["hashtag"].ToString() : "") + "\"><div class=\"ico icon-sitemap\">Fluxo de dados</div></a></div>";
                        pluginTemplate += "                   <div class=\"last\">{5}<br clear=\"all\"></div>";
                        pluginTemplate += "               </div><br clear=\"all\">";
                        pluginTemplate += "           </td>";
                        pluginTemplate += "       </tr>";
                        pluginTemplate += "   </tbody>";
                        pluginTemplate += "</table></div>";

                        html += "<div id=\"plugin-container\" class=\"box-container\">";

                        String query = "";
                            String rData = "";

                            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((String)RouteData.Values["query"]))
                                query = (String)RouteData.Values["query"];

                            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hashData.GetValue("query")))
                                query = hashData.GetValue("query");

                            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query))
                                var tmpReq = new
                                    jsonrpc    = "1.0",
                                    method     = "plugin.list",
                                    parameters = new
                                        page_size = pageSize,
                                        page      = page
                                    id = 1

                                rData = SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize2(tmpReq);
                                var tmpReq = new
                                    jsonrpc    = "1.0",
                                    method     = "plugin.search",
                                    parameters = new
                                        text      = query,
                                        page_size = pageSize,
                                        page      = page
                                    id = 1

                                rData = SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize2(tmpReq);

                            String jData = "";
                            using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                                jData = WebPageAPI.ExecuteLocal(database, this, rData);

                            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jData))
                                throw new Exception("");

                            PluginListResult ret2 = JSON.Deserialize <PluginListResult>(jData);
                            if (ret2 == null)
                                eHtml  += String.Format(errorTemplate, MessageResource.GetMessage("plugin_not_found"));
                                hasNext = false;
                            else if (ret2.error != null)
                                eHtml += String.Format(errorTemplate, ret2.error.data + ret2.error.debug);
                                eHtml += String.Format(errorTemplate, ret2.error.data);
                                hasNext = false;
                            else if (ret2.result == null || (ret2.result.Count == 0 && page == 1))
                                eHtml  += String.Format(errorTemplate, MessageResource.GetMessage("plugin_not_found"));
                                hasNext = false;
                                foreach (PluginData plugin in ret2.result)
                                    html += String.Format(pluginTemplate, plugin.plugin_id, plugin.name, plugin.resource_plugin_qty, plugin.uri, (plugin.create_date > 0 ? "Criado em " + MessageResource.FormatDate(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddSeconds(plugin.create_date), true) : ""), (plugin.enterprise_id > 0 ? "<a class=\"confirm-action\" href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/plugin/" + plugin.plugin_id + "/action/delete/" + (Request.Form["hashtag"] != null ? "#" + Request.Form["hashtag"].ToString() : "") + "\" confirm-title=\"Exclusão\" confirm-text=\"Deseja excluir definitivamente o plugin '" + plugin.uri + "'?\" ok=\"Excluir\" cancel=\"Cancelar\"><div class=\"ico icon-close\">Apagar</div></a>" : ""));

                                if (ret2.result.Count < pageSize)
                                    hasNext = false;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            eHtml += String.Format(errorTemplate, MessageResource.GetMessage("api_error"));

                        if (page == 1)
                            html += "</div>";

                            html += "<span class=\"empty-results content-loading plugin-list-loader hide\"></span>";

                            contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("#content-wrapper", (eHtml != "" ? eHtml : html));
                            contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("#content-wrapper #plugin-container", (eHtml != "" ? eHtml : html), true);

                        contentRet.js = js + "$( document ).unbind('end_of_scroll');";

                        if (hasNext)
                            contentRet.js += "$( document ).bind( 'end_of_scroll.loader_plugin', function() { $( document ).unbind('end_of_scroll.loader_plugin'); $('.plugin-list-loader').removeClass('hide'); iamadmin.getPageContent2( { page: " + ++page + ", search:'" + (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query) ? query : "") + "' }, function(){ $('.plugin-list-loader').addClass('hide'); } ); });";
                    else    //Esta sendo selecionado o plugin
                        if (error != "")
                            contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("#content-wrapper", String.Format(errorTemplate, error));
                            switch (filter)
                            case "flow":

                                String js2 = "";
                                if (filter == "" || filter == "flow")
                                    html += "<h3>Fluxo de dados</h3>";
                                    html += "<div id=\"pluginChart\"></div>";
                                    js2   = "$('#pluginChart').flowchart({load_uri: '" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/chartdata/flow/plugin/" + retPlugin.result.info.plugin_id + "/'});";

                                contentRet    = new WebJsonResponse("#content-wrapper", html);
                                contentRet.js = js2;


            case "sidebar":
                if (menu1 != null)
                    html += "<div class=\"sep\"><div class=\"section-nav-header\">";
                    html += "    <div class=\"crumbs\">";
                    html += "        <div class=\"subject subject-color\">";
                    html += "            <a href=\"" + menu1.HRef + "\">" + menu1.Name + "</a>";
                    html += "        </div>";
                    if (menu2 != null)
                        html += "        <div class=\"topic topic-color\">";
                        html += "            <a href=\"" + menu2.HRef + "\">" + menu2.Name + "</a>";
                        html += "        </div>";
                    html += "    </div>";
                    if (menu3 != null)
                        html += "    <div class=\"crumbs tutorial-title\">";
                        html += "        <h2 class=\"title tutorial-color\">" + menu3.Name + "</h2>";
                        html += "    </div>";
                    html += "</div></div>";

                if (!newItem)
                    html += "<div class=\"sep\"><button class=\"a-btn-big a-btn\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.location='" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/plugin/new/" + (Request.Form["hashtag"] != null ? "#" + Request.Form["hashtag"].ToString() : "") + "'\">Novo plugin</button></div>";

                contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("#main aside", html);

            case "mobilebar":

            case "buttonbox":

                switch (filter)
                case "":


            if (contentRet != null)
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((String)Request["cid"]))
                    contentRet.callId = (String)Request["cid"];

                Retorno.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(contentRet.ToJSON()));
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void MyBWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            if (AIDA.IsPingedAIDA)
                PluginGetResult returnString = GetPluginList(new Uri(Leayal.UriHelper.URLConcat(AIDA.TweakerWebPanel.PluginURL, AIDA.TweakerWebPanel.PluginJsonFilename)));
                if (returnString != null)
                        ConcurrentDictionary <string, PSO2Plugin> _newpluginlist = ReadPluginList(returnString.Result);
                        this._Version = returnString.Version;
                        this._PluginList = _newpluginlist;
                        this.WriteCache(returnString.Version, returnString.Result);
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogManager.GeneralLog.Print(ex); }

            if (CommonMethods.IsPSO2Installed)
                if (this._PluginList.Count > 0)
                    List <PSO2Plugin> pluginUpdated = new List <PSO2Plugin>(this._PluginList.Count);
                    foreach (var item in this._PluginList)
                        if (item.Value.DownloadLink != null)
                                switch (item.Value.IsValid())
                                case PSO2Plugin.Status.NotExisted:
                                    //Down freaking load to the Enabled place
                                    this.myWebClient.DownloadFile(item.Value.DownloadLink, item.Value.FullPath.EnabledPath);

                                case PSO2Plugin.Status.DisabledInvalid:
                                    this.myWebClient.DownloadFile(item.Value.DownloadLink, item.Value.FullPath.DisabledPath);

                                case PSO2Plugin.Status.EnabledInvalid:
                                    this.myWebClient.DownloadFile(item.Value.DownloadLink, item.Value.FullPath.EnabledPath);
                            catch (IOException ex) { this.OnHandledException(new HandledExceptionEventArgs(new Exception("Failed to update the plugin '" + item.Key + "'", ex))); }
                            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { this.OnHandledException(new HandledExceptionEventArgs(new Exception("Failed to update the plugin '" + item.Key + "'", ex))); }
                    e.Result = pluginUpdated;

                string filenameonly, nameonly, lowerfilenameonly;
                if (Directory.Exists(PSO2.DefaultValues.Directory.PSO2Plugins))
                    foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(PSO2.DefaultValues.Directory.PSO2Plugins, "*.dll", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                        filenameonly      = Path.GetFileName(file);
                        lowerfilenameonly = filenameonly.ToLower();
                        nameonly          = Path.ChangeExtension(filenameonly, null);
                        if (!this.PluginList.ContainsKey(lowerfilenameonly))
                            AddPlugin(this._PluginList, new PSO2Plugin(lowerfilenameonly, nameonly, filenameonly, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, true, false));

                if (Directory.Exists(PSO2.DefaultValues.Directory.PSO2PluginsDisabled))
                    foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(PSO2.DefaultValues.Directory.PSO2PluginsDisabled, "*.dll", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                        filenameonly      = Path.GetFileName(file);
                        lowerfilenameonly = filenameonly.ToLower();
                        nameonly          = Path.ChangeExtension(filenameonly, null);
                        if (!this.PluginList.ContainsKey(lowerfilenameonly))
                            AddPlugin(this._PluginList, new PSO2Plugin(lowerfilenameonly, nameonly, filenameonly, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, true, false));