Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void LoadShortcuts()
            foreach (var shortcut in shortcuts)
                shortcut.Code = (KeyCode)PluginConfig.GetInt($"shortcut-{shortcut.Name}");

                Log.Info($"Load shortcut {shortcut.Name} -> {shortcut.Code}");

                guiScript.settingsPanel.AddKeyInput(shortcut.Label, shortcut.Code, (object sender, KeyCodeArgs args) => {
                    PluginConfig.SetInt($"shortcut-{shortcut.Name}", (int)args.Code);
                    shortcut.Code = args.Code;
        async void ProcessorLooper(object state)
            // FIXME?
            // Currently debating whether this should be a Task
            // instead of a full-blown thread.
            // I guess it'd make more sense that way?

            const int minNumberForThreading = 100;

            Info("Preparing looper...");
            // Convert state to dynamic object
            // This object will contain all the necessary information
            // to parse, index, and archive emails
            dynamic stateObj = state;

            ContinueProcessing = true; // Set to true to start processing

            while (ContinueProcessing)
                // First things first: Sleep.
                // This will give the user some wiggle-room.
                Thread.Sleep(PluginConfig.GetConfig <TimeSpan>("search_interval"));

                // Occasionally check if loop should continue
                if (!ContinueProcessing)

                // Check if max no/threads has been reached
                // If multi-threading is not used, the loop will not continue until the previous
                // process has completed, so no need to check for that. I guess.
                var useMultiThreading = PluginConfig.GetBool("use_multithreading");
                var maxCores          = PluginConfig.GetInt("core_use");
                if (useMultiThreading && maxCores == ProcessingTasks.Count)
                    Warn("Already utilizing max. number of threads! Execution will continue once a thread becomes available.");

                // Build the file list
                Info("Building file list... please wait...");
                var fileList = (await BuildFileListAsync(PluginConfig.GetConfig <List <string> >("search_directories").ToArray())).ToList();

                // Figure out how many cores/threads to use
                var logicalCpus     = Environment.ProcessorCount;
                var utilizableCores = maxCores <= logicalCpus ? maxCores : logicalCpus;
                var maxEmails       = PluginConfig.GetInt("max_emails");

                Info($"Total available logical CPUs: { logicalCpus }");
                Info($"Utilizable CPU cores: { utilizableCores }");
                Info($"Maximum amount of emails to parse: { maxEmails }");

                // Shuffle the file list so each domain has an
                // equal chance to be processed.
                // Some emails may not make it, so
                // let's try to make it equal.

                // Now check if the file list is greater than the
                // max configured amount of emails to parse.
                if (fileList.Count > maxEmails)
                    fileList = fileList.GetRange(0, maxEmails);

                // Great! Now that that's all sorted; we can get on to determining how many threads we'll need!
                Info("Preparing to parse {0} emails; please wait...", fileList.Count);

                    // We'll scope this to make sure we don't leak anything.
                    // This has been proven to reduce the memory footprint
                    // in tests with similar applications.
                    // Let's get ready to figure out how many threads we'll require
                    var maxI = utilizableCores - ProcessingTasks.Count;

                    for (var i = 0; i < maxI; i++)
                        // We'll need to sleep for a few seconds to offset each thread
                        // from one another.
                        // This will prevent severe performance impairments. Trust me.

                        Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 15));
                        var start    = default(int);
                        var files    = default(List <FileInfo>);
                        var threadId = default(string);

                        if (i == logicalCpus - 1)
                            // We'll do the remainder here
                            start = i * (fileList.Count / utilizableCores);
                            files = fileList.GetRange(start, (fileList.Count - start));

                            // Generate thread-related information
                            threadId = Extensions.GenerateUniqueId();

                            // Set all files to r/o
                            // This way they'll be ignored by the file list builder
                            // during the next run and we won't have
                            // any files magically disappearing
                            files.ForEach(x => x.IsReadOnly = true);

                            // TODO: Call thread
                        else if (fileList.Count <= minNumberForThreading)
                            // This will happen, and if this is the case
                            // there is no point in snipping this up in to multiple threads.
                            // To be perfectly honest, 1000 emails wouldn't be an
                            // issue, but this just happens to be the number I picked.
                            threadId = Extensions.GenerateUniqueId();

                            // Set all files to r/o
                            // This way they'll be ignored by the file list builder
                            // during the next run and we won't have
                            // any files magically disappearing
                            files = fileList;
                            files.ForEach(x => x.IsReadOnly = true);

                            // TODO: Call thread

                            break; // Break the loop.
                            // Standard mode.
                            // Essentially what we're doing here, is grabbing a number
                            // of files to be processed.
                            // The exact number of file equates to:
                            // N(files) / N(utilisable cores)
                            // Eg: 5000 files / 8 cores = 625 emails/thread
                            // The default max would be
                            // 60,000 / cores
                            // So assuming that we have eight cores to play with:
                            // 60,000 / 8 cores = 7,500 emails/core

                            files = fileList.GetRange(i * (fileList.Count / utilizableCores), (fileList.Count / utilizableCores));

                            // Set all files to r/o
                            // This way they'll be ignored by the file list builder
                            // during the next run and we won't have
                            // any files magically disappearing
                            files.ForEach(x => x.IsReadOnly = true);

                            // TODO: Call thread