Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task CreateStructureAsync(string aEBPFile, PlayfieldGlobalStructureInfo aStructure)
            var NewID = await Request_NewEntityId();

            aStructure.Type = GetStructureInfo(aEBPFile);

            var SpawnInfo = new EntitySpawnInfo()
                forceEntityId  = NewID.id,
                playfield      = aStructure.Playfield,
                pos            = aStructure.Pos,
                rot            = aStructure.Rot,
                name           = $"EBP:{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(aStructure.Name)}",
                type           = (byte)Array.IndexOf(new[] { "Undef", "", "BA", "CV", "SV", "HV", "", "AstVoxel" }, aStructure.Type), // Entity.GetFromEntityType 'Kommentare der Devs: Set this Undef = 0, BA = 2, CV = 3, SV = 4, HV = 5, AstVoxel = 7
                entityTypeName = "",                                                                                                  // 'Kommentare der Devs:  ...or set this to f.e. 'ZiraxMale', 'AlienCivilian1Fat', etc
                prefabName     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(aEBPFile),
                prefabDir      = Path.GetDirectoryName(aEBPFile),
                factionGroup   = 0,
                factionId      = 0, // erstmal auf "public" aStructure.Faction,

            try { await Request_Load_Playfield(new PlayfieldLoad(20, aStructure.Playfield, 0)); }
            catch { }  // Playfield already loaded

                await Request_Entity_Spawn(SpawnInfo);
                await Request_Structure_Touch(NewID); // Sonst wird die Struktur sofort wieder gelöscht !!!
                try { File.Delete(aEBPFile); } catch { }
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task CreateStructure(string aSelectBackupDir, PlayfieldGlobalStructureInfo aStructure)
            var NewID = await Request_NewEntityId();

            var SourceDir = Path.Combine(BackupDir,
                                         aSelectBackupDir == CurrentSaveGame ? EmpyrionConfiguration.ProgramPath : aSelectBackupDir,
                                         Path.GetFileName(EmpyrionConfiguration.SaveGamePath), "Shared", aStructure.structureName);
            var sourceExportDat = Path.Combine(SourceDir, "Export.dat");
            var TargetDir       = Path.Combine(EmpyrionConfiguration.SaveGamePath, "Shared", $"{NewID.id}");

            var SpawnInfo = new EntitySpawnInfo()
                forceEntityId     = NewID.id,
                playfield         = aStructure.Playfield,
                pos               = aStructure.Pos,
                rot               = aStructure.Rot,
                name              = aStructure.Name,
                type              = (byte)Array.IndexOf(new[] { "Undef", "", "BA", "CV", "SV", "HV", "", "AstVoxel" }, aStructure.Type), // Entity.GetFromEntityType 'Kommentare der Devs: Set this Undef = 0, BA = 2, CV = 3, SV = 4, HV = 5, AstVoxel = 7
                entityTypeName    = "",                                                                                                  // 'Kommentare der Devs:  ...or set this to f.e. 'ZiraxMale', 'AlienCivilian1Fat', etc
                prefabName        = $"{aStructure.Type}_Player",
                factionGroup      = 0,
                factionId         = 0, // erstmal auf "public" aStructure.Faction,
                exportedEntityDat = File.Exists(sourceExportDat) ? sourceExportDat : null

            CopyAll(new DirectoryInfo(SourceDir), new DirectoryInfo(TargetDir));

            try { await Request_Load_Playfield(new PlayfieldLoad(20, aStructure.Playfield, 0)); }
            catch { }  // Playfield already loaded

            await Request_Entity_Spawn(SpawnInfo);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    await Request_Structure_Touch(NewID); // Sonst wird die Struktur sofort wieder gelöscht !!!

                    await Task.Delay(5000);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public IActionResult CreateStructure([FromBody] PlayfieldGlobalStructureInfo aData)
     StructureManager.CreateStructureAsync(StructureManager.CurrentEBPFile, aData).Wait();
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static PlayfieldGlobalStructureInfo GenerateGlobalStructureInfo(string aInfoTxtFile)
            var Info = new PlayfieldGlobalStructureInfo();

            Info.structureName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(aInfoTxtFile);

                var Lines     = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(aInfoTxtFile);
                var FirstLine = Lines.FirstOrDefault();
                var LastLine  = Lines.LastOrDefault();
                if (FirstLine == null || LastLine == null)

                var FieldNames  = FirstLine.Split(',');
                var FieldValues = LastLine.Split(',').ToList();

                var posField = Array.FindIndex(FieldNames, N => N == "pos");

                if (FieldValues.Count > 22)
                    var startPos = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i <= posField; i++)
                        startPos = LastLine.IndexOf(',', startPos + 1);

                    var endPos = LastLine.IndexOfAny(new[] { ',', ' ' }, startPos);
                    if (LastLine[endPos] == ',')
                        LastLine = LastLine.Substring(0, endPos) + '.' + LastLine.Substring(endPos + 1);
                        endPos   = LastLine.IndexOf(' ', endPos) + 1;
                    endPos = LastLine.IndexOfAny(new[] { ',', ' ' }, endPos + 1);
                    if (LastLine[endPos] == ',')
                        LastLine = LastLine.Substring(0, endPos) + '.' + LastLine.Substring(endPos + 1);
                        endPos   = LastLine.IndexOf(' ', endPos) + 1;
                    endPos = LastLine.IndexOfAny(new[] { ',', ' ' }, endPos + 1);
                    if (LastLine[endPos] == ',')
                        LastLine = LastLine.Substring(0, endPos) + '.' + LastLine.Substring(endPos + 1);
                        endPos   = LastLine.IndexOf(' ', endPos) + 1;

                var rotField = Array.FindIndex(FieldNames, N => N == "rot");
                if (FieldValues.Count > 22)
                    var startPos = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i <= rotField; i++)
                        startPos = LastLine.IndexOf(',', startPos + 1);

                    var endPos = LastLine.IndexOfAny(new[] { ',', ' ' }, startPos);
                    if (LastLine[endPos] == ',' && Char.IsDigit(LastLine[endPos + 1]))
                        LastLine = LastLine.Substring(0, endPos) + '.' + LastLine.Substring(endPos + 1);
                        endPos   = LastLine.IndexOf(' ', endPos) + 1;
                    endPos = LastLine.IndexOfAny(new[] { ',', ' ' }, endPos + 1);
                    if (LastLine[endPos] == ',' && Char.IsDigit(LastLine[endPos + 1]))
                        LastLine = LastLine.Substring(0, endPos) + '.' + LastLine.Substring(endPos + 1);
                        endPos   = LastLine.IndexOf(' ', endPos) + 1;
                    endPos = LastLine.IndexOfAny(new[] { ',', ' ' }, endPos + 1);
                    if (LastLine[endPos] == ',' && Char.IsDigit(LastLine[endPos + 1]))
                        LastLine = LastLine.Substring(0, endPos) + '.' + LastLine.Substring(endPos + 1);
                        endPos   = LastLine.IndexOf(' ', endPos) + 1;

                FieldValues = LastLine.Split(',').ToList();

                string   StringValue(string N)
                    var pos = Array.IndexOf(FieldNames, N); return(pos == -1 ? null : FieldValues[pos]);
                int      IntValue(string N)
                    var pos = Array.IndexOf(FieldNames, N); return(pos == -1 ? 0 : ToIntOrZero(FieldValues[pos]));
                bool     BoolValue(string N)
                    var pos = Array.IndexOf(FieldNames, N); return(pos != -1 && bool.TryParse(FieldValues[pos], out bool Result) && Result);
                PVector3 PVector3Value(string N)
                    var pos = Array.IndexOf(FieldNames, N); return(pos == -1 ? new PVector3() : GetPVector3(FieldValues[pos]));
                DateTime DateTimeValue(string N)
                    var pos = Array.IndexOf(FieldNames, N); return(pos != -1 && DateTime.TryParseExact(FieldValues[pos], "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime Result) ? Result : DateTime.MinValue);

                Info.Playfield = StringValue("playfield");
                Info.Id        = IntValue("id");
                Info.Name      = StringValue("name")?.Trim('\'');
                Info.Type      = StringValue("type");
                var faction = StringValue("faction")?.Trim();
                Info.Faction = ToIntOrZero(faction?.Replace("]", "").Substring(faction.IndexOf(' ') + 1).Trim());

                Info.Blocks        = IntValue("blocks");
                Info.Devices       = IntValue("devices");
                Info.Touched_ticks = IntValue("touched_ticks");
                Info.Touched_id    = IntValue("touched_id");
                Info.Saved_ticks   = IntValue("saved_ticks");

                Info.Docked  = BoolValue("docked");
                Info.Powered = BoolValue("powered");
                Info.Core    = BoolValue("core");

                Info.Pos = PVector3Value("pos");
                Info.Rot = PVector3Value("rot");

                Info.Saved_time   = DateTimeValue("saved_time");
                Info.Touched_time = DateTimeValue("touched_time");
                Info.Touched_name = StringValue("touched_name")?.Trim('\'');
                Info.Add_info     = $"{StringValue("add_info")} {faction}";
            catch (Exception)
