Exemplo n.º 1
    public void OnObjectHit(GameObject other)
        PlayerTurret player = other.GetComponent <PlayerTurret>();
        LaserBolt    laser  = other.GetComponent <LaserBolt>();

        if (player != null)
            Instantiate(Resources.Load(ParticleLibrary.enemyExplosion), transform.position, transform.rotation);
        else if (laser != null)
            if (laser.type == LaserBolt.FriendOrFoe.Friendly && !healthScript.bIsDead)
                if (healthScript.TakeDamage(laser.powerLevel))
                    Instantiate(Resources.Load(ParticleLibrary.enemyExplosion), transform.position, transform.rotation);
                    // Done in laser class
                    //Value script = GetComponent<Value>();
                    // Play hit sound
Exemplo n.º 2
    public Player(IngameState game)
        this.game = game;

        wheels      = new PlayerWheels();
        chassis     = new PlayerChassis();
        turretLeft  = new PlayerTurretInaccurate();
        turretRight = new PlayerTurretSpread();

        this.healthbar = new Healthbar(chassis.graphic);
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void ChangeLight() // Take input from the Light Slider (0 to 1) and adjust spotlight range and intensity and point light intensity
        float input = lightSlider.value;

        playerSpotLight.range      = 6 + (9 * input); // We found a spotlight range from 6 to 15 reasonable, so that's where the numbers come from
        playerSpotLight.intensity  = 4 - (2 * input); // We found a spotlight intensity from 4 to 2 resonable
        playerPointLight.intensity = 2 + (2 * input); // We found a pointlight intensity from 2 to 4 reasonable
        playerDetectionZone.radius = 5 + (5 * input); // Increase player detection area with light level; probably need a seperate function in the future to compound light level with time spent mining
        lightsEnergyCostPerSecond  = 0 + (2 * input);
        for (int i = 0; i < turrets.Length; i++)
            PlayerTurret turretScript = turrets[i].GetComponent <PlayerTurret>();
            turretScript.fireBubbleDistance = 2.5f + (2 * input);
            turretScript.fireBubbleRadius   = 3 + (2 * input);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public override void ModifyStats(TheTransmission player)
     turret = new PlayerTurret(player, new Vector2(0, -3));