Exemplo n.º 1
    public void AddItem(GameObject item)
        bool itemAdded = false;
        bool duplicate = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < inventory.Length; i++)
            if (inventory[i] != null && inventory [i].name == item.name)             //Player cannot pick up another of an item they already have.
                duplicate = true;
                //Debug.Log ("Duplicate item.");

            if (inventory [i] == null)               // looking in each spot of the inventry until an empty spot is found.
                inventory[i] = item;
                //Debug.Log (item.name + " was added");
                itemAdded = true;
                //Make the object de activate to similate object being picked up.
        //If the inventory is full
        if (itemAdded == false && duplicate == false)
            Vector3 itemPos = item.transform.position;                                            // Storing the current position of the item that is to be picked up.
            //inventory [1].SetActive (true); un comment this to get the object to re appear at original position when dropped.
            droppedWeapon      = Instantiate(inventory[0], itemPos, Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, 0)); // Istantiating the dropped object where the player is standing.
            droppedWeapon.name = inventory[0].name;                                               //Changing the name of the Instantiated object(clone) to be the same name as the object in the inventory.
            droppedWeapon.SetActive(true);                                                        //Setting the active to true in order to show the Instantiated object.

            inventory [0] = item;             // First item in the array of objects
            //Debug.Log ("Inventory is full - Item was switched out with secondary weapon.");