Exemplo n.º 1
    public static void Simulate(PlayerSimulationConfig config, IRigidbody body, PlayerInput input)
        Vector3 forward = body.State.Rotation * Vector3.forward;
        Vector3 up      = body.State.Rotation * Vector3.up;

        float speedFactor     = Mathf.Clamp01((body.State.Velocity.magnitude - 5f) / 10f);
        float forwardDot      = Mathf.Clamp01(1f - forward.y);
        float rollAngle       = MathUtils.AngleAroundAxis(up, Vector3.up, forward);
        float rollInducedBank = Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Abs(rollAngle) * MathUtils.OneOver180 * forwardDot * speedFactor), 1.5f) * Mathf.Sign(rollAngle);

        float rollStabilizer = Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Abs(rollAngle) * MathUtils.OneOver180 * forwardDot), 2f) * Mathf.Sign(rollAngle);

        rollStabilizer *= 1f - Mathf.Abs(input.Roll);

        body.AddRelativeTorque(new Vector3(
                                   input.Pitch * config.RotationSpeed.x + Mathf.Abs(rollInducedBank) * -0.66f * config.RotationSpeed.x,
                                   input.Yaw * config.RotationSpeed.y + rollInducedBank * 0.66f * config.RotationSpeed.y,
                                   input.Roll * -config.RotationSpeed.z + rollStabilizer * 0.66f * config.RotationSpeed.z),

        float maxThrust = input.Boost ? 50f : 20f;

        body.AddRelativeForce(Vector3.forward * maxThrust * input.Thrust, ForceMode.Force);

        Vector3 offHeadingVelocity = body.State.Velocity - Vector3.Project(body.State.Velocity, forward);
        Vector3 dampening          = offHeadingVelocity * -2.0f;
        Vector3 conserved          = offHeadingVelocity.magnitude * forward * 0.33f;

        body.AddForce(dampening + conserved + Vector3.down, ForceMode.Force);
Exemplo n.º 2
    /* Offline Simulation */

    public static void SimulateOffline(PlayerSimulationConfig config, EulerBody body, Func <double, PlayerInput> inputSampler, double startTime, double duration, float dt)
        int    numSteps = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)duration / dt);
        double time     = startTime;

        // Error is introduced by losing the fraction part of duration/timestep
        // can be, say, a 1 meter translation difference if moving at 100m/s

        for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; i++)
            var input = inputSampler(time);
            Simulate(config, body, input);

            time += dt;