Exemplo n.º 1
        internal static void Init()
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 680).SetTargetted(0.5f, 1500f);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 400).SetSkillshot(0.5f, 120f, 1000f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);

            var QMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Q", "Q.Set"));
                QMenu.GetBool("ComboQ", "Comno Q");
                QMenu.GetBool("HarassQ", "Harass Q");
                QMenu.GetBool("JCQ", "JungleClear Q", false);
                QMenu.GetSlider("ManaQ", "JungleClear Mana", 40, 0, 80);
                QMenu.GetBool("ADQ", "Use Q AD");
                QMenu.GetBool("KSQ", "KillStel Q");
                QMenu.GetBool("CheckAA", "Check AA", false);

            var WMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("W", "W.Set"));
                WMenu.GetBool("ComboW", "Combo W", false);
                WMenu.GetBool("WRange", "Use W if enemy is in range only", false);
                WMenu.GetKeyBind("FleeKey", "Flee Use W Key", Keys.Z, KeyBindType.Press);
            var RMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("R", "R.Set"));
                RMenu.GetSlider("Charge", "Charges of R before using R :)", 2, 1, 3);
                RMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("AutoR", "Auto R Key", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Toggle));
                RMenu.GetSlider("RCount", "R Count >=", 1, 1, 5);
                RMenu.GetBool("Gapcloser", "Gapcloser R");
                RMenu.GetBool("LCR", "LaneClear R", false);
                RMenu.GetBool("JCR", "JungleClear R", false);
                RMenu.GetSlider("MinionR", "R Min Minion Count >=", 3, 2, 8);

            var DrawMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Draw", "Draw"));

                DrawMenu.GetBool("Q", "Q Range");
                DrawMenu.GetBool("R", "R Range");
                DrawMenu.GetBool("DrawDamge", "Draw Damge", false);

            PlaySharp.Write(GameObjects.Player.ChampionName + "OK! :)");

            Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            Events.OnGapCloser             += OnGapCloser;
            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
            Variables.Orbwalker.OnAction += OnAction;
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal static void Init()
            Menu = PlaySharp.Menu.Add(new Menu("Tools", "Tools"));

            PlaySharp.Write("Tools OK!");


            new AutoWard(Menu);

            Variables.Orbwalker.Enabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        internal static void Init()
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 550);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 2500).SetSkillshot(0.75f, 40, float.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 750).SetSkillshot(0.5f, 120, 1600, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 3500).SetSkillshot(0.21f, 80, 5000, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            var QMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Q", "Q.Set"));
                QMenu.GetSeparator("Q: Always On");
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboQ", "Comno Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("HarassQ", "Harass Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("LaneClearQ", "LaneClear Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("JungleQ", "Jungle Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("KillStealQ", "KillSteal Q", true));

            var WMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("W", "W.Set"));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboW", "Comno W", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("KSW", "Killsteal W", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("HarassW", "Harass W", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("LaneClearW", "LaneClear W", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("WMO", "W Only Marked Target", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("WTap", "W Fire On Tap", Keys.G, KeyBindType.Press));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("AutoW", "Use W Auto (Toggle)", Keys.Y, KeyBindType.Toggle));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("HarassWMana", "Harass W Min Mana > =", 60));

            var EMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("E", "E.Set"));
                EMenu.GetSeparator("E: Mobe");
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboE", "Combo E", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("LaneClearE", "LaneClear E", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("LaneClearEMana", "LaneClear E Min Mana", 40, 0, 100));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("LCminions", "LaneClear Min minion", 5, 3, 8));
                EMenu.GetSeparator("E: Gapcloser | Melee Modes");
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Gapcloser", "Gapcloser E", true));
                EMenu.GetSeparator("Auto E Always");
                EMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("ETap", "Force E", Keys.H, KeyBindType.Press));

            var RMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("R", "R.Set"));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("RTap", "R Fire On Tap", Keys.S, KeyBindType.Press));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Ping", "Ping Who Can Killable(Every 3 Seconds)", true));

            var DrawMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Draw", "Draw"));

                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Q", "Q Range"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("W", "W Range"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("E", "E Range"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("R", "R Range"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("RDKs", "Draw Who Can Killable With R (3 Fire)", true));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("RDind", "Draw R Damage Indicator (3 Fire)", true));

            Menu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboY", "Combo Use Youmoo", true));

            PlaySharp.Write(GameObjects.Player.ChampionName + "OK! :)");

            Obj_AI_Base.OnSpellCast        += OnSpellCast;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            Events.OnGapCloser             += OnGapCloser;
            Drawing.OnDraw     += OnDraw;
            Drawing.OnEndScene += OnEndScene;
            Game.OnUpdate      += OnUpdate;
Exemplo n.º 4
        internal static void Init()
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 870f).SetSkillshot(0.25f, 90f, 1550f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 680f);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 920f).SetSkillshot(0.25f, 70f, 1550f, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 600f);

            var QMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Q", "Q.Set"));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("Mode", "模式"));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AutoQ", "自動 Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("KillStealQ", "擊殺 Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboQ", "連招 Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("LaneClearMode", "清線 模式"));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("LaneClear", "清線 Q | 最低魔力 = ", 40, 0, 100, true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("LCMinionsHit", "清線 Q 最低命中小兵數量", 3, 2, 6));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("JungClear", "清野 Q | 最低魔力 = ", 40, 0, 100, true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("HarassMode", "騷擾 模式"));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("HarassQ", "騷擾 Q | 最低魔力 = ", 40, 0, 100, false));
                var QList = QMenu.Add(new Menu("QList", "騷擾 Q 目標名單"));
                    if (GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Any())
                        GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.ForEach(i => QList.Add(new MenuBool(i.ChampionName.ToLower(), i.ChampionName, true)));

            var WMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("W", "W.Set"));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("Mode", "模式"));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("KillStealW", "擊殺 W", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboW", "連招 W", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("LaneClearMode", "清線 模式"));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("LaneClear", "清線 W | 最低魔力 = ", 40, 0, 100, true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("JungClear", "清野 W | 最低魔力 = ", 40, 0, 100, true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("HarassMode", "騷擾 模式"));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("HarassW", "騷擾 W | 最低魔力 = ", 40, 0, 100, false));

            var EMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("E", "E.Set"));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("Mode", "模式"));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("KillStealE", "擊殺 E", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("HarassMode", "騷擾 模式"));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("HarassE", "騷擾 E | 最低魔力 = ", 40, 0, 100, true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("Mode2", "連招 E 模式"));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboE", "連招 E", true));

            var RMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("R", "R.Set"));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("Mode2", "連招 模式"));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboR", "連招 R", true));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("RCheck", "檢查R", true));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("RTurret", "塔下 禁止 R", true));

            var MiscMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Misc", "Misc.Set"));
                MiscMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("Mode", "反突進 模式"));
                MiscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("EGap", "反突進 E 目標", true));
                var MiscList = MiscMenu.Add(new Menu("MiscList", "反突進 目標名單"));
                    if (GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Any())
                        GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.ForEach(i => MiscList.Add(new MenuBool(i.ChampionName.ToLower(), i.ChampionName, true)));

            var DrawMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Draw", "Draw"));

                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Q", "Q 範圍"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("W", "W 範圍"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("E", "E 範圍"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("R", "R 範圍"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Damage", "顯示連招傷害(青色)", true));

            Menu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboIgnite", "連招使用點燃", true));

            PlaySharp.Write(GameObjects.Player.ChampionName + "OK! :)");

            Game.OnUpdate                += OnUpdate;
            GameObject.OnCreate          += OnCreate;
            GameObject.OnDelete          += OnDelete;
            Events.OnInterruptableTarget += OnInterruptableTarget;
            Events.OnGapCloser           += OnGapCloser;
            Drawing.OnDraw               += OnDraw;
            Drawing.OnEndScene           += OnEndScene;
Exemplo n.º 5
        internal static void Init()
            Q  = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1200f).SetSkillshot(0.25f, 90f, 1350f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            Qc = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1200f).SetSkillshot(0.25f, 90f, 1350f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            W  = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, float.MaxValue);
            E  = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, float.MaxValue);
            R  = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 25000f);

            var QMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Q", "Q.Set"));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboQ", "連招 Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("KillStealQ", "可擊殺 Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("LaneClear", "清線 Q | 最低魔力值 = ", 40, 0, 100, true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("QMin", "清線 Q 最低命中小兵數量 = ", 3, 2, 5));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("JungleClear", "清野 Q | 最低魔力值 = ", 30, 0, 100, true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("Harass", "騷擾 Q | 最低魔力值 = ", 40, 0, 100, false));

            var WMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("W", "W.Set"));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboW", "連招 W", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("LaneClear", "清線 W | 最低魔力值 = ", 40, 0, 100, true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("JungleClear", "清野 W | 最低魔力值 = ", 40, 0, 100, true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("HarassW", "騷擾 W | 最低魔力值 = ", 30, 40, 100, true));
                WMenu.GetSeparator("其他 功能");
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("WTurret", "塔下 使用 W", true));

            var EMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("E", "E.Set"));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AutoE", "自動 E", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AGC", "反突進 E", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("EDmg", "血量低於 多少使用E =", 0, 90, 100));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Enable", "啟動", true));
                if (GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Any())
                    foreach (var enemy in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                            var spell = enemy.Spellbook.Spells[i];

                            if (spell.SData.TargettingType != SpellDataTargetType.Self && spell.SData.TargettingType != SpellDataTargetType.SelfAndUnit)
                                var targetMenu = EMenu.Add(new Menu(enemy.ChampionName.ToLower(), enemy.ChampionName));

                                if (spell.SData.TargettingType == SpellDataTargetType.Unit)
                                    targetMenu.Add(new MenuBool("spell" + spell.SData.Name, spell.Name, true));
                                    targetMenu.Add(new MenuBool("spell" + spell.SData.Name, spell.Name, false));

            var RMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("R", "R.Set"));
                RMenu.GetSeparator("自動 模式");
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AutoR", "自動 R", true));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("RMin", "如果目標 數量多少 開啟自動 R = ", 3, 1, 5));
                RMenu.GetSeparator("連招 模式");
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboR", "連招 R", true));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("ComboRMin", "如果目標 數量多少 開起連招 R = ", 2, 1, 5));

            var DrawMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Draw", "Draw"));

                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Q", "Q 範圍"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Damage", "顯示連招傷害(青色)", true));

            PlaySharp.Write(GameObjects.Player.ChampionName + "OK! :)");

            Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate;
            Variables.Orbwalker.OnAction   += OnAction;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            Events.OnGapCloser             += OnGapCloser;
            Drawing.OnDraw     += OnDraw;
            Drawing.OnEndScene += OnEndScene;
Exemplo n.º 6
        internal static void Init()
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1150f).SetSkillshot(0.25f, 60f, 2000f, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 950f).SetSkillshot(0.25f, 80f, 1600f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 475f);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 1000f).SetSkillshot(1.1f, 160f, 2000f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            var QMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Q", "Q.Set"));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Combo", "Combo!", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Harass", "Harass!", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("HarassMana", "Harass Min Mana >= %", 50));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("LaneClear", "LaneClear!", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("LaneMana", "LaneClear Min Mana >= %", 50));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Jungle", "Jungle!", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("JungleMana", "Jungle Min Mana >= %", 50));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("LastHit", "LastHit!", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("LastHitMana", "LastHit Min Mana >= %", 50));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("KillSteal", "KillSteal!", true));
                var QList = QMenu.Add(new Menu("QList", "Q List"));
                    if (GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Any())
                        GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.ForEach(i => QList.Add(new MenuBool(i.ChampionName.ToLower(), i.ChampionName, !AutoEnableList.Contains(i.ChampionName))));

            var WMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("W", "W.Set"));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Combo", "Combo!", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Harass", "Harass!", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("HarassMana", "Harass Min Mana >= %", 50));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("LaneClear", "LaneClear! (Push Tower)", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("KillSteal", "KillSteal!", true));
                var WList = WMenu.Add(new Menu("WList", "W List"));
                    if (GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Any())
                        GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.ForEach(i => WList.Add(new MenuBool(i.ChampionName.ToLower(), i.ChampionName, !AutoEnableList.Contains(i.ChampionName))));

            var EMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("E", "E.Set"));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Gapcloser", "GapCloser!", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AntiMelee", "Anti Melee!", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AutoEGrAD", "Auto E Gap AD", true));

            var RMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("R", "R.Set"));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Auto", "Auto R!", true));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Safe", "Safe R!", true));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("RMin", "Min Hit Counts >= ", 2, 1, 5));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("RKey", "R Key", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press));

            var Draw = Menu.Add(new Menu("Draw", "Draw"));

                Draw.Add(new MenuBool("Q", "Q Range"));
                Draw.Add(new MenuBool("W", "W Range"));
                Draw.Add(new MenuBool("E", "E Range"));
                Draw.Add(new MenuBool("DrawDamage", "Draw Combo Damage", true));

            PlaySharp.Write(GameObjects.Player.ChampionName + "OK! :)");

            Game.OnUpdate                  += OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw                 += OnDraw;
            Drawing.OnEndScene             += OnEndScene;
            Variables.Orbwalker.OnAction   += OnAction;
            Events.OnGapCloser             += OnGapCloser;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
Exemplo n.º 7
        internal static void Init()
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 860).SetSkillshot(0.25f, 150f, 1400f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 450);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 850);

            var QMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Q", "Q.Set"));
                QMenu.GetSeparator("Combo Mobe");
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboQ", "Combo Q", true));
                QMenu.GetSeparator("Harass Mobe");
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("HarassQ", "Harass Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("HarassQMana", "Harass Q Min Mana >= ", 40, 0, 100));
                QMenu.GetSeparator("LaneClear Mobe");
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("LaneClearQ", "LaneClear Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("JungleQ", "Jungle Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("JungleQMana", "Jungle Q Min Mana >= ", 40));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("LaneClearQMana", "LaneClear Q Min Mana >= ", 40, 0, 100));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("LaneClearMinMinions", "LaneClear Q Min Minions", 3, 1, 5));
                var QList = QMenu.Add(new Menu("QList", "Q Harass List"));
                    if (GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Any())
                        GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.ForEach(i => QList.Add(new MenuBool(i.ChampionName.ToLower(), i.ChampionName, !AutoEnableList.Contains(i.ChampionName))));

            var WMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("W", "W.Set"));
                WMenu.GetSeparator("Combo Mobe");
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboW", "Combo W", true));
                WMenu.GetSeparator("Harass Mobe");
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("HarassW", "Harass W", true));
                WMenu.GetSeparator("LaneClear Mobe");
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("LaneClearW", "LaneClear W", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("JungleW", "Jungle W", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("JungleWMana", "Jungle W Min Mana >= ", 40));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("WMinMana", "W Spell Min Mana", 40, 0, 100));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("MISC", "    "));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AntiMelee", "Anti Melee Auto W", true));

            var EMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("E", "E.Set"));
                EMenu.GetSeparator("Combo Mobe");
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboE", "Combo E", true));
                EMenu.GetSeparator("Harass Mobe");
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("HarassE", "Harass E", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("HarassEMana", "Harass E Min Mana", 40, 0, 100));
                EMenu.GetSeparator("Misc Mobe");
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("InterruptE", "Use E Interrupt Enemy Spell", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("GapcloserE", "Use E Gapcloser", true));

            var RMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("R", "R.Set"));
                RMenu.GetSeparator("Combo Mobe");
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboR", "Combo R", true));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboR2", "Combo R2", true));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("RLimitation", "Use R2 Nearby Enemy Counts Kill >= ", 2, 1, 5));
                RMenu.GetSeparator("R or R2 Mobe");
                RMenu.Add(new MenuList <string>("ComboRMobe", "Combo R Mobe", new[] { "QR", "RQ", "RQR" }));
                RMenu.GetSeparator("Misc Mobe");
                RMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("PreventMeMinUseR", "Prevent Me Hp Min Use R >= ", 20));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("RAD", "Battle priority Use R AD Hero", true));

            var FleeMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Flee", "Flee.Set"));
                FleeMenu.GetSeparator("Flee Mobe");
                FleeMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("FleeKey", "Use Q R Flee Key", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Z, KeyBindType.Press));
                FleeMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("FleeKey2", "Use R Flee Key", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.A, KeyBindType.Press));

            var DrawMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Draw", "Draw"));

                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Q", "Q Range"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("E", "E Range"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("R", "R Range"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawDamage", "Draw Combo Damage", true));

            Menu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboIgnite", "Combo Ignite", true));

            PlaySharp.Write(GameObjects.Player.ChampionName + "OK! :)");

            Game.OnUpdate                  += OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw                 += OnDraw;
            Drawing.OnEndScene             += OnEndScene;
            Variables.Orbwalker.OnAction   += OnAction;
            Events.OnGapCloser             += OnGapCloser;
            Events.OnInterruptableTarget   += OnInterruptableTarget;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
Exemplo n.º 8
        internal static void Init()
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1000).SetSkillshot(0.25f, 90f, 1500, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 2100);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 700).SetTargetted(0.25f, 2000f);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 550);

            var QMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Q", "Q.Set"));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboQ", "Combo Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("HarassQ", "Harass Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("HarassMana", "Harass Min Mana >= %", 50));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("LaneClearQ", "LaneClear Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("LaneMana", "LaneClear Min Mana >= %", 50));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("JungleQ", "Jungle Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("JungleMana", "Jungle Min Mana >= %", 50));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AutoHarass", "Auto Harass", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("AutoHarassMana", "AutoHarass Min Mana >= %", 50));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("KillSteal", "KillSteal Q", true));

            var WMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("W", "W.Set"));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboW", "Combo W", true));

            var EMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("E", "E.Set"));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboE", "Combo E", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("HarassE", "Harass E", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("HarassMana", "Harass Min Mana >= %", 50));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("JungleE", "Jungle E", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("JungleMana", "Jungle Min Mana >= %", 50));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Gapcloser", "Ahti GapCloser", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Anti", "Anti Kahazi and Rengar !", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Interrupt", "Interrupt W", true));

            var RMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("R", "R.Set"));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AutoR", "Auto R !", true));

            var Draw = Menu.Add(new Menu("Draw", "Draw"));

                Draw.Add(new MenuBool("Q", "Q Range"));
                Draw.Add(new MenuBool("W", "W Range"));
                Draw.Add(new MenuBool("E", "E Range"));
                Draw.Add(new MenuBool("DrawDamage", "Draw Combo Damage", true));

            PlaySharp.Write(GameObjects.Player.ChampionName + "OK! :)");

            Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate;
            Events.OnInterruptableTarget += OnInterruptableTarget;
            Events.OnGapCloser           += OnGapCloser;
            GameObject.OnCreate          += OnCreate;
            Variables.Orbwalker.OnAction += OnAction;
            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
Exemplo n.º 9
        internal static void Init()
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 1490f).SetSkillshot(0.6f, 60f, 3300f, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 920f).SetSkillshot(0.7f, 120f, 1750f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 3000f).SetSkillshot(0.7f, 140f, 1500f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            var QMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Q", "Q.Set"));
                QMenu.GetSeparator("Q: Always On");
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboQ", "Combo Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("HarassQ", "Harass Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("LaneClearQ", "LaneClear Q", true));

            var WMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("W", "W.Set"));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboW", "Combo W", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("HarassW", "Harass W", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("ManaW", "W Min Mana >= ", 40));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("KSW", "W Ks", true));
                var WList = WMenu.Add(new Menu("WList", "W List:"));
                    if (GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Any())
                        GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.ForEach(i => WList.Add(new MenuBool(i.ChampionName.ToLower(), i.ChampionName, !AutoEnableList.Contains(i.ChampionName))));

            var EMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("E", "E.Set"));
                EMenu.GetSeparator("E: Mobe");
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboE", "Combo E", true));
                EMenu.GetSeparator("E: Gapcloser | Melee Modes");
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Gapcloser", "Gapcloser E", true));
                EMenu.GetSeparator("Auto E Set");
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("SlowE", "Slow E", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("StunE", "Stun E", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("TelE", "Tel E", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ImmeE", "Imm E", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ProtectE", "Protect E", true));

            var RMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("R", "R.Set"));

                RMenu.GetSeparator("R: Mobe");
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Auto", "Auto R ", true));

            var DrawMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Draw", "Draw"));

                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("W", "W Range"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("E", "E Range"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("RDKs", "Draw R KS", true));

            PlaySharp.Write(GameObjects.Player.ChampionName + "OK! :)");

            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            Events.OnGapCloser             += OnGapCloser;
            Variables.Orbwalker.OnAction   += OnAction;
            Game.OnUpdate  += OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
Exemplo n.º 10
        internal static void Init()
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 600f);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 2500f).SetSkillshot(0.75f, 40, float.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 750f).SetSkillshot(0.5f, 120, 1600, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 3500f).SetSkillshot(0.21f, 80, 5000, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            var QMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Q", "Q.Set"));
                QMenu.GetSeparator("Q Mode");
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboQ", "Combo Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("HarassQ", "Harass Q | Min Mana", 60));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("LaneClearQ", "LaneClear Q | Min Mana", 40));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("JungleQ", "Jungle Q | Min Mana", 40));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("KillStealQ", "KillSteal Q", true));

            var WMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("W", "W.Set"));
                WMenu.GetSeparator("W Mode");
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboW", "Combo W", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboWAA", "Use Combo W | After Attack", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("WMO", "W Only Marked Target", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("HarassW", "Harass W | Min Mana", 60));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("JungleW", "Jungle W | Min Mana", 40));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("KillStealW", "KillSteal W", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AutoW", "Auto W Target Cant Move", true));
                WMenu.GetSeparator("Misc Mode");
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("GapW", "Anti GapCloser W| When target HavePassive", true));

            var EMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("E", "E.Set"));
                EMenu.GetSeparator("E Mobe");
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboE", "Combo E", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("HarassE", "Harass E Enemy | Min Mana", 60));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("JungleE", "Jungle E | Min Mana", 40));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("LaneClearE", "LaneClear E | Min Mana", 40));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("LCminions", "LaneClear Min minion", 5, 3, 8));
                EMenu.GetSeparator("Misc Mode");
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("GapE", "Anti GapCloser E| When target HavePassive", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AutoE", "Auto E Target Cant Move", true));

            var RMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("R", "R.Set"));
                RMenu.GetSeparator("R Mode");
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AutoR", "Auto R", true));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboR", "Combo R", true));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("RCheck", "Use R | Check is Safe Range", true));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("RMinRange", "Use R Min Range = ", 1000, 500, 2500));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("RMaxRange", "Use R Max Range = ", 3000, 1500, 3500));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("RKill", "UseR Min Shot Can Kill = ", 3, 1, 4));
                RMenu.GetSeparator("Misc Mode");
                RMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("RKey", "R Key Semi", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Rturrent", "R Not Tuttent", true));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("PingKill", "Auto Ping Kill Target", true));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("NormalPingKill", "Normal Ping Kill", true));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("NotificationKill", "Notification Kill Target", true));

            var MiscMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Misc", "Misc.Set"));
                MiscMenu.GetSeparator("Misc Mode");
                MiscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseYoumuu", "Combo Use Youmuu", true));
                MiscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseBotrk", "Combo Use Botrk", true));
                MiscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseCutlass", "Combo Use Cutlass", true));

            var DrawMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Draw", "Draw"));

                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Q", "Q Range"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("W", "W Range"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("E", "E Range"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("R", "R Range"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawRMin", "Draw R Range(MinMap)", true));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("RDind", "Draw Combo Damage", true));

            PlaySharp.Write(GameObjects.Player.ChampionName + "OK! :)");

            Obj_AI_Base.OnDoCast           += OnDoCast;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            Events.OnGapCloser             += OnGapCloser;
            Drawing.OnDraw     += OnDraw;
            Drawing.OnEndScene += OnEndScene;
            Game.OnUpdate      += OnUpdate;
Exemplo n.º 11
        internal static void Init()
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 1450f).SetSkillshot(0.6f, 60f, 3300f, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 900f).SetSkillshot(1.2f, 100f, 1750f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 3000f).SetSkillshot(0.7f, 140f, 1500f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            var QMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Q", "Q.Set"));
                QMenu.GetSeparator("Q: Always On");
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboQ", "Combo Q", true));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("LaneClearQ", "LaneClear Q | Min Mana", 50));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("HarassQ", "Harass Q | Min Mana", 50));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("LastHitQ", "LastHit Q | Min Mana", 20));
                QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("FarmQout", "Harass Q Only switch Not machine Gun Range Inner", true));

            var WMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("W", "W.Set"));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboW", "Combo W", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("KillstealW", "Killsteal W Enemy", true));
                WMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("HarassW", "Harass W | Min Mana", 40));
                var WList = WMenu.Add(new Menu("WList", "W Harass List"));
                    if (GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Any())
                        GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.ForEach(i => WList.Add(new MenuBool(i.ChampionName.ToLower(), i.ChampionName, true)));

            var EMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("E", "E.Set"));
                EMenu.GetSeparator("E: Mobe");
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ComboE", "Combo E", true));
                EMenu.GetSeparator("E: Gapcloser | Melee Modes");
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Gapcloser", "Gapcloser E", true));
                EMenu.GetSeparator("Auto E Set");
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AutoE", "AutoE", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("SlowE", "Slow E", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("StunE", "Stun E", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("TelE", "Tel E", true));
                EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ImmeE", "Imm E", true));

            var RMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("R", "R.Set"));

                RMenu.GetSeparator("R: Mobe");
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AutoR", "Auto R", true));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("HitchanceR", "R Min enemy Count = ", 2, 1, 3));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Rturrent", "Not R Turrent", true));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("RDragon", "Auto R Dragon", true));
                RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("RBaron", "Auto R Baron", true));


            var DrawMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("Draw", "Draw"));

                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Q", "Q Range"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("W", "W Range"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("E", "E Range"));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("RKill", "Draw R Kill", true));
                DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Damage", "Draw Combo Damage", true));

            PlaySharp.Write(GameObjects.Player.ChampionName + "OK! :)");

            Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate;
            Variables.Orbwalker.OnAction   += OnAction;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            Events.OnGapCloser             += OnGapCloser;
            Events.OnInterruptableTarget   += OnInterruptableTarget;
            Drawing.OnDraw     += OnDraw;
            Drawing.OnEndScene += OnEndScene;