Exemplo n.º 1
    void GeneratePlanet()
        // Thread[] rowOfChunks = new Thread[Universe.chunkSize * Universe.chunkSize * Universe.chunkSize];
        // Thread chunkThread;
        int cubeCount = 1;

        for (int chunkYIndex = 0; chunkYIndex < planetSize; chunkYIndex++)
            for (int chunkZIndex = 0; chunkZIndex < planetSize; chunkZIndex++)
                for (int chunkXIndex = 0; chunkXIndex < planetSize; chunkXIndex++)
                    // this.transform.position = planet's coords ?
                    Vector3 chunkPosition = new Vector3(planet.transform.position.x + (chunkXIndex * chunkSize),
                                                        planet.transform.position.y + (chunkYIndex * chunkSize),
                                                        planet.transform.position.z + (chunkZIndex * chunkSize));
                    //            GenerateChunk(chunkPosition);
                    //            Debug.Log("Chunk position: " + chunkPosition);

                    // THREADING http://www.albahari.com/threading/
                    chunkMaterial = GetNextMaterial(cubeCount);

                    PlanetChunk planetChunk = new PlanetChunk(planet.gameObject, this, chunkPosition, chunkMaterial, chunkXIndex, chunkYIndex, chunkZIndex); // CHANGE THIS!!! include parameter stating biome (desert, jungle, etc.)
                    //    Debug.Log("Adding chunk to planetChunks : " + planetChunk.planetChunk.name + " at coords : " + chunkPosition);
                    //        planetChunk.planetChunk.transform.parent = planet.transform; // TODO: This is not used/needed!!! tested in game and not used!

                    planetChunks.Add(planetChunk.planetChunk.name, planetChunk);


                    if (cubeCount > 3)
                        cubeCount = 1;

                    //           t2 = new Thread(() => Console.WriteLine(text));
                    //        Debug.Log("----------------------------");
                    //        Debug.Log("Generating chunk @ " + chunkPosition);
                    //        Debug.Log("============================");
                    //            chunkThread = new Thread(() => GenerateChunk(chunkPosition));
                    //            chunkThread.Start();
                    //            chunkThread.IsBackground = true;
        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PlanetChunk> c in planetChunks)
            //            c.Value.DrawChunk(); // draw the entire chunk

        /* Make the terrain look more natural
         * e.g. Pass over the terrain, working out where to apply gradual blending
        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PlanetChunk> c in planetChunks)
            //        chunk.Value.MakeTerrainLookReal();
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Used for building the terrain
 private void AddCube(int x, int y, int z, PlanetChunk chunk)
     chunk.CubeIsSolid[x, y, z] = true; // draw the cube
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Used for digging the terrain
 private void RemoveCube(int x, int y, int z, PlanetChunk chunk)
     chunk.CubeIsSolid[x, y, z] = false; // stop the cube from being drawn
Exemplo n.º 4
    void InstantiatePlanet()
        GameObject planetObj = Instantiate(m_planetPrefab);

        planetObj.transform.position = m_position;
        planetObj.name = "Planet1";

        Planet planet = planetObj.GetComponent <Planet>();

        planet.Initalize(m_chunk_count, m_xyzResolution);

        Vector3 chunk_offset = Vector3.one * (m_xyzResolution * m_chunk_count / -2f + 0.5f * m_xyzResolution);

        for (int c_z = 0, id = 0; c_z < m_chunk_count; c_z++)
            for (int c_y = 0; c_y < m_chunk_count; c_y++)
                for (int c_x = 0; c_x < m_chunk_count; c_x++, id++)
                    int map_offset = c_x * m_xyzResolution + c_y * m_xyzResolution * m_length + c_z * m_xyzResolution * m_length2;

                    GameObject chunkObj = Instantiate(m_planetChunkPrefab, planetObj.transform, false);
                    chunkObj.name = planetObj.name + "_chunk" + id.ToString();
                    chunkObj.transform.position = planetObj.transform.position + (chunk_offset + new Vector3(c_x * m_xyzResolution, c_y * m_xyzResolution, c_z * m_xyzResolution)) * m_scale;

                    PlanetChunk chunk = chunkObj.GetComponent <PlanetChunk>();
                    chunk.m_meshMaterial = m_planetMaterial;
                    chunk.m_lod1Distance = m_lod1;
                    chunk.m_lod2Distance = m_lod2;
                    chunk.m_lod3Distance = m_lod3;
                    chunk.Initalize(id, m_xyzResolution, m_scale, m_shaded, planetObj);

                    SetGeoCoords(chunk, c_x, c_y, c_z);

                    float[] densityMap = new float[m_xyzResolution * m_xyzResolution * m_xyzResolution];
                    for (int z = 0; z < m_xyzResolution; z++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < m_xyzResolution; y++)
                            for (int x = 0; x < m_xyzResolution; x++)
                                densityMap[x + y * m_xyzResolution + z * m_xyzResolution * m_xyzResolution] =
                                    m_densityMap[map_offset + x + y * m_length + z * m_length2];
Exemplo n.º 5
    //  // Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
    //  public override void _Process(float delta)
    //  {
    //  }

    // Cube contructor
    public Cube(PlanetChunk owner, int currentX, int currentY, int currentZ,
                Vector3 cubePosition, SpatialMaterial cubeMaterial)
        this.owner        = owner;
        cubeLocation      = cubePosition;
        this.cubeMaterial = cubeMaterial;
        cube = new CSGCombiner(); // TODO: keep as CSGCombiner or change to Spatial?

        this.currentX = currentX;
        this.currentY = currentY;
        this.currentZ = currentZ;
Exemplo n.º 6
    public Vector3 GetBlockPos(RaycastHit hit, PlanetChunk chunk, bool adjacent = false)
        Vector3 WorldSpace = new Vector3(
        MoveWithinBlock(hit.point.x, hit.normal.x, adjacent),
        MoveWithinBlock(hit.point.y, hit.normal.y, adjacent),
        MoveWithinBlock(hit.point.z, hit.normal.z, adjacent)

        WorldSpace = new Vector3(WorldSpace.x - (chunk.Position.x * chunklength) - thisx, WorldSpace.y - (chunk.Position.y * chunklength) - thisy, WorldSpace.z - (chunk.Position.z * chunklength) - thisz);

        return WorldSpace;
Exemplo n.º 7
    /// <summary>
    /// Sends data about this block to MeshData so it can be rendered
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="planetchunk">The PlanetChunk that contains this block</param>
    /// <param name="x">The X coordinate of the Block</param>
    /// <param name="y">The Y coordinate of the Block</param>
    /// <param name="z">The Z coordinate of the Block</param>
    /// <param name="meshData">The MeshData object the mesh is written to</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public MeshData Blockdata(PlanetChunk planetchunk, int x, int y, int z, MeshData meshData)
        if (this.type != BlockTypes.typeEmpty)

            GetSolid(planetchunk, x, y, z, meshData);

            meshData.useRenderDataForCol = true;

            if (solidsides.up == false)
                meshData.BuildSideUp(x, y, z, this.type);
            if (solidsides.down == false)
                meshData.BuildSideDown(x, y, z, this.type);
            if (solidsides.east == false)
                meshData.BuildSideEast(x, y, z, this.type);
            if (solidsides.west == false)
                meshData.BuildSideWest(x, y, z, this.type);
            if (solidsides.north == false)
                meshData.BuildSideNorth(x, y, z, this.type);
            if (solidsides.south == false)
                meshData.BuildSideSouth(x, y, z, this.type);

            if (type.light == true)


                if (!solidsides.up && !solidsides.down && !solidsides.east && !solidsides.west && !solidsides.north && !solidsides.south)
                    meshData.AddLight(x, y, z, type.LR, type.LG, type.LB, type.LA, type.LightRange, type.LightIntensity);


            return meshData;


        return meshData;
Exemplo n.º 8
 // Cube contructor
 public Cube(GameObject parent, PlanetChunk owner,
             int currentX, int currentY, int currentZ,
             Material material, int terrainType,
             Vector3 cubePosition, string chunkName)
     cubeLocation      = cubePosition;
     this.parent       = parent;
     this.owner        = owner;
     cubePhysicalState = CubePhysicalState.SOLID; // default state
     cube          = new GameObject(chunkName + "_" + "Cube_" + Universe.BuildPlanetChunkName(cubeLocation));
     this.currentX = currentX;
     this.currentY = currentY;
     this.currentZ = currentZ;
Exemplo n.º 9
    // Use this for initialization
    public void Start()
        localVars.chunkprefab = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/PlanetChunkObject");
        localVars.ChunkPool = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Pool").GetComponent<Chunkpool>();

        for (int i = 0; i < localVars.poolSize; i++)
            chunk = Instantiate(localVars.chunkprefab);
            script = chunk.GetComponent<PlanetChunk>();
            script.meshData = new MeshData();

Exemplo n.º 10
    public PlanetFace(int worldSize, Vector3 localUp)
        baseVertexPos = new Vector3[worldSize + 1, worldSize + 1];
        Vector3 axisA = new Vector3(localUp.y, localUp.z, localUp.x);
        Vector3 axisB = Vector3.Cross(localUp, axisA);

        //for each position on the face calculate the basePosition
        for (int x = 0; x < worldSize + 1; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < worldSize + 1; y++)
                Vector2 percent         = new Vector2(x, y) / (worldSize);
                Vector3 pointOnUnitCube = localUp + (percent.x - 0.5f) * 2 * axisA + (percent.y - 0.5f) * 2 * axisB;

                float x2 = pointOnUnitCube.x * pointOnUnitCube.x;
                float y2 = pointOnUnitCube.y * pointOnUnitCube.y;
                float z2 = pointOnUnitCube.z * pointOnUnitCube.z;

                baseVertexPos[x, y].x = pointOnUnitCube.x * Mathf.Sqrt(1f - y2 / 2f - z2 / 2f + y2 * z2 / 3f);
                baseVertexPos[x, y].y = pointOnUnitCube.y * Mathf.Sqrt(1f - x2 / 2f - z2 / 2f + x2 * z2 / 3f);
                baseVertexPos[x, y].z = pointOnUnitCube.z * Mathf.Sqrt(1f - x2 / 2f - y2 / 2f + x2 * y2 / 3f);

        heightMap = new float[worldSize, worldSize];
        for (int x = 0; x < worldSize; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < worldSize; y++)
                heightMap[x, y] = worldSize + Random.Range(-2f, 2);

        int numChunks = worldSize / 8;

        chunks = new PlanetChunk[numChunks, numChunks];
        for (int x = 0; x < numChunks; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < numChunks; y++)
                chunks[x, y]      = new PlanetChunk();
                chunks[x, y].mesh = new Mesh();
Exemplo n.º 11
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        if (CaptureAnchor == null)
            Debug.LogError($"Forgot to set {nameof(CaptureAnchor)} anchor!");

        if (MasterRigidbody == null)
            Debug.LogError($"Forgot to set {nameof(MasterRigidbody)}!");

        if (Well == null)
            Debug.LogError($"Forgot to set {nameof(Well)}!");

        Well.MasterKatamari = this;
        Ship   = GetComponent <Ship>();
        Matter = GetComponent <Matter>();

        Root = new AttachNode(GetComponent <Matter>());

        CapturedObjects = new List <Matter>();

        CurrentState = PlayerState.Oblivion;

        Well.enabled = false;
        Ship.currentTeam = Ship.Team.Neutral;
        Ship.enabled     = false;
        GetComponent <SphereCollider>().enabled = false;
        GetComponent <Matter>().enabled         = false;

        rigidBody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        rigidBody.maxAngularVelocity = MaxAngularVelocity;

        PlanetChunk planetChunk = FindObjectOfType <PlanetChunk>();

        if (planetChunk != null)
            PlanetMassRequirement = planetChunk.MassThreshold;
Exemplo n.º 12
    public void Initialize(PlanetChunk parent, ChunckPosition position, gridVertexMethod method)
        if (parent != null)
            this.parent  = parent;
            lodLevel     = parent.lodLevel + 1;
            rootPosition = Vector3.right * 10;
            lodLevel     = 0;
            rootPosition = Vector3.zero;
        //TODO on a encore des problems ac les uv ya de la distortion dans les coins...
        //set one of the main plane to test subdivision here

Exemplo n.º 13
    private void OnEnable()
        /*if (mesh == null) {
         *      mesh = new Mesh();
         *      mesh.name = "Surface Mesh";
         *      GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh;
         * }
         * Refresh();

        // TODO : rendre sa plus propre un jour
        chunks = new PlanetChunk[6];
        int         i = 0;
        PlanetChunk p = Instantiate(PlanetChunkPrefab) as PlanetChunk;

        p.Initialize(null, ChunckPosition.topLeft, gridMethods[(int)gridMethodsNames.topGridVertex]);
        chunks[i++] = p;

        p = Instantiate(PlanetChunkPrefab) as PlanetChunk;
        p.Initialize(null, ChunckPosition.topLeft, gridMethods[(int)gridMethodsNames.bottomGridVertex]);
        chunks[i++] = p;

        p = Instantiate(PlanetChunkPrefab) as PlanetChunk;
        p.Initialize(null, ChunckPosition.topLeft, gridMethods[(int)gridMethodsNames.leftGridVertex]);
        chunks[i++] = p;

        p = Instantiate(PlanetChunkPrefab) as PlanetChunk;
        p.Initialize(null, ChunckPosition.topLeft, gridMethods[(int)gridMethodsNames.rightGridVertex]);
        chunks[i++] = p;

        p = Instantiate(PlanetChunkPrefab) as PlanetChunk;
        p.Initialize(null, ChunckPosition.topLeft, gridMethods[(int)gridMethodsNames.forwardGridVertex]);
        chunks[i++] = p;

        p = Instantiate(PlanetChunkPrefab) as PlanetChunk;
        p.Initialize(null, ChunckPosition.topLeft, gridMethods[(int)gridMethodsNames.backGridVertex]);
        chunks[i++] = p;
Exemplo n.º 14
     * checks to see if we can add a cube to the game world
     * x, y, z - the block location within the chunk (need to see if we are at the extremes of the chunk)
     * hitChunk - the chunk the Raycast has hit (need to see if this is at the extremes of the planet)
     * x,y,z = chunk extreme AND hitChunk = chunk at the extremes of the planet, THEN cannot add anymore blocks/cubes
    bool NotAtEndOfWorld(int x, int y, int z, PlanetChunk hitChunk)
        // Are we at an end of the planet
        if (hitChunk.chunkPosition.x == 0 && x < 0)
            // we are beyond the planet in negative X
        if (hitChunk.chunkPosition.y == 0 && y < 0)
            // we are beyond the planet in negative Y
        if (hitChunk.chunkPosition.z == 0 && z < 0)
            // we are beyond the planet in negative Z
        // positive extreme
        if (hitChunk.chunkPosition.x == Universe.planet.planetSize && x >= Universe.planet.chunkSize)
            // we are beyond the planet in positive X
        if (hitChunk.chunkPosition.y == Universe.planet.planetSize && y >= Universe.planet.chunkSize)
            // we are beyond the planet in positive Y
        if (hitChunk.chunkPosition.z == Universe.planet.planetSize && z >= Universe.planet.chunkSize)
            // we are beyond the planet in positive Z

        // we have gone beyond the end of the world
        return(true); // must not add anymore blocks/cubes
Exemplo n.º 15
    public void GeneratePlanet()
        int cubeCount = 0;

        for (int chunkYIndex = 0; chunkYIndex < planetSize; chunkYIndex++)
            for (int chunkZIndex = 0; chunkZIndex < planetSize; chunkZIndex++)
                for (int chunkXIndex = 0; chunkXIndex < planetSize; chunkXIndex++)
                    Vector3 chunkPosition = new Vector3(Translation.x + (chunkXIndex * chunkSize),
                                                        Translation.y + (chunkYIndex * chunkSize),
                                                        Translation.z + (chunkZIndex * chunkSize));

                    // THREADING http://www.albahari.com/threading/
                    chunkMaterial = GetNextMaterial(cubeCount);

                    PlanetChunk planetChunk = new PlanetChunk(this,
                                                              chunkPosition, chunkMaterial, chunkXIndex, chunkYIndex, chunkZIndex); // CHANGE THIS!!! include parameter stating biome (desert, jungle, etc.)

                    planetChunks.Add(planetChunk.name, planetChunk);

                    AddChild(planetChunk.planetChunk); // add chunk to the planet
                    // place the chunk in its location within the planet/Universe
                    planetChunk.planetChunk.GlobalTranslate(new Vector3(chunkXIndex * chunkSize, chunkYIndex * chunkSize, chunkZIndex * chunkSize));

                    if (cubeCount > 3)
                        cubeCount = 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
    void SetGeoCoords(PlanetChunk chunk, int c_x, int c_y, int c_z)
        chunk.m_geo[0].Point = new Vector3(c_x * m_xyzResolution, c_y * m_xyzResolution, c_z * m_xyzResolution) - m_planet_center;
        chunk.m_geo[1].Point = new Vector3((c_x + 1) * m_xyzResolution, c_y * m_xyzResolution, c_z * m_xyzResolution) - m_planet_center;
        chunk.m_geo[2].Point = new Vector3(c_x * m_xyzResolution, (c_y + 1) * m_xyzResolution, c_z * m_xyzResolution) - m_planet_center;
        chunk.m_geo[3].Point = new Vector3((c_x + 1) * m_xyzResolution, (c_y + 1) * m_xyzResolution, c_z * m_xyzResolution) - m_planet_center;
        chunk.m_geo[4].Point = new Vector3(c_x * m_xyzResolution, c_y * m_xyzResolution, (c_z + 1) * m_xyzResolution) - m_planet_center;
        chunk.m_geo[5].Point = new Vector3((c_x + 1) * m_xyzResolution, c_y * m_xyzResolution, (c_z + 1) * m_xyzResolution) - m_planet_center;
        chunk.m_geo[6].Point = new Vector3(c_x * m_xyzResolution, (c_y + 1) * m_xyzResolution, (c_z + 1) * m_xyzResolution) - m_planet_center;
        chunk.m_geo[7].Point = new Vector3((c_x + 1) * m_xyzResolution, (c_y + 1) * m_xyzResolution, (c_z + 1) * m_xyzResolution) - m_planet_center;

        /*chunk.m_geo[0].LambdaDeg = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.back, new Vector3(c_x * m_xyzResolution, 0, c_z * m_xyzResolution) - m_lambda_center, Vector3.down);
         * chunk.m_geo[0].PhiDeg = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.back, new Vector3(0, c_y * m_xyzResolution, c_z * m_xyzResolution) - m_phi_center, Vector3.right);
         * chunk.m_geo[0].Radius = Vector3.Distance(m_planet_center, new Vector3(c_x * m_xyzResolution, c_y * m_xyzResolution, c_z * m_xyzResolution));
         * chunk.m_geo[1].LambdaDeg = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.back, new Vector3((c_x + 1) * m_xyzResolution, 0, c_z * m_xyzResolution) - m_lambda_center, Vector3.down);
         * chunk.m_geo[1].PhiDeg = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.back, new Vector3(0, c_y * m_xyzResolution, c_z * m_xyzResolution) - m_phi_center, Vector3.right);
         * chunk.m_geo[1].Radius = Vector3.Distance(m_planet_center, new Vector3((c_x + 1) * m_xyzResolution, c_y * m_xyzResolution, c_z * m_xyzResolution));
         * chunk.m_geo[2].LambdaDeg = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.back, new Vector3(c_x * m_xyzResolution, 0, c_z * m_xyzResolution) - m_lambda_center, Vector3.down);
         * chunk.m_geo[2].PhiDeg = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.back, new Vector3(0, (c_y + 1) * m_xyzResolution, c_z * m_xyzResolution) - m_phi_center, Vector3.right);
         * chunk.m_geo[2].Radius = Vector3.Distance(m_planet_center, new Vector3(c_x * m_xyzResolution, (c_y + 1) * m_xyzResolution, c_z * m_xyzResolution));
         * chunk.m_geo[3].LambdaDeg = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.back, new Vector3((c_x + 1) * m_xyzResolution, 0, c_z * m_xyzResolution) - m_lambda_center, Vector3.down);
         * chunk.m_geo[3].PhiDeg = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.back, new Vector3(0, (c_y + 1) * m_xyzResolution, c_z * m_xyzResolution) - m_phi_center, Vector3.right);
         * chunk.m_geo[3].Radius = Vector3.Distance(m_planet_center, new Vector3((c_x + 1) * m_xyzResolution, (c_y + 1) * m_xyzResolution, c_z * m_xyzResolution));
         * chunk.m_geo[4].LambdaDeg = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.back, new Vector3(c_x * m_xyzResolution, 0, (c_z + 1) * m_xyzResolution) - m_lambda_center, Vector3.down);
         * chunk.m_geo[4].PhiDeg = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.back, new Vector3(0, c_y * m_xyzResolution, (c_z + 1) * m_xyzResolution) - m_phi_center, Vector3.right);
         * chunk.m_geo[4].Radius = Vector3.Distance(m_planet_center, new Vector3(c_x * m_xyzResolution, c_y * m_xyzResolution, (c_z + 1) * m_xyzResolution));
         * chunk.m_geo[5].LambdaDeg = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.back, new Vector3((c_x + 1) * m_xyzResolution, 0, (c_z + 1) * m_xyzResolution) - m_lambda_center, Vector3.down);
         * chunk.m_geo[5].PhiDeg = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.back, new Vector3(0, c_y * m_xyzResolution, (c_z + 1) * m_xyzResolution) - m_phi_center, Vector3.right);
         * chunk.m_geo[5].Radius = Vector3.Distance(m_planet_center, new Vector3((c_x + 1) * m_xyzResolution, c_y * m_xyzResolution, (c_z + 1) * m_xyzResolution));
         * chunk.m_geo[6].LambdaDeg = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.back, new Vector3(c_x * m_xyzResolution, 0, (c_z + 1) * m_xyzResolution) - m_lambda_center, Vector3.down);
         * chunk.m_geo[6].PhiDeg = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.back, new Vector3(0, (c_y + 1) * m_xyzResolution, (c_z + 1) * m_xyzResolution) - m_phi_center, Vector3.right);
         * chunk.m_geo[6].Radius = Vector3.Distance(m_planet_center, new Vector3(c_x * m_xyzResolution, (c_y + 1) * m_xyzResolution, (c_z + 1) * m_xyzResolution));
         * chunk.m_geo[7].LambdaDeg = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.back, new Vector3((c_x + 1) * m_xyzResolution, 0, (c_z + 1) * m_xyzResolution) - m_lambda_center, Vector3.down);
         * chunk.m_geo[7].PhiDeg = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.back, new Vector3(0, (c_y + 1) * m_xyzResolution, (c_z + 1) * m_xyzResolution) - m_phi_center, Vector3.right);
         * chunk.m_geo[7].Radius = Vector3.Distance(m_planet_center, new Vector3((c_x + 1) * m_xyzResolution, (c_y + 1) * m_xyzResolution, (c_z + 1) * m_xyzResolution));*/
Exemplo n.º 17
    public void UnloadChunk(PlanetChunk chunk)
        if (chunk != null)

            if (chunk.modified == true)
                BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();

                Block[,,] data = chunk.blocks;

                if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Planet " + planetSeed + "/Chunks/"))
                    System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Planet " + planetSeed + "/Chunks/");
                    Debug.Log("Directory found @ " + Application.persistentDataPath + "/Planet " + planetSeed + "/Chunks/");
                FileStream file = File.Create(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Planet " + planetSeed + "/Chunks/" + chunk.Position.x + " " + chunk.Position.y + " " + chunk.Position.z);
                bf.Serialize(file, data);


            planetchunks[(int)chunk.Position.x, (int)chunk.Position.y, (int)chunk.Position.z] = null;
            ischunkloaded[(int)chunk.Position.x, (int)chunk.Position.y, (int)chunk.Position.z] = false;

Exemplo n.º 18
    public void loadfromfile(Vector3 chunkpos, PlanetChunk script)
        gstring chunkpath = chunkpos.x + " " + chunkpos.y + " " + chunkpos.z;

        script.meshData = new MeshData();
        script.coll = script.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshCollider>();
        script.filter = script.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();

        Debug.Log("Loading block data for chunk: " + chunkpath);

        Block[,,] data = new Block[chunklength, chunklength, chunklength];

        BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
        FileStream file = File.Open(path + chunkpath, FileMode.Open);
        data = (Block[,,])bf.Deserialize(file);
        script.blocks = data;
        script.Generated = true;
Exemplo n.º 19
    public void LoadChunk(Vector3 chunkpos)
        using (gstring.Block())

            if (ischunkloaded[(int)chunkpos.x, (int)chunkpos.y, (int)chunkpos.z] == false)

                if (localVars.ChunkPool.Pool.Count == 0)
                    newchunk = (GameObject)Instantiate(localVars.chunkprefab, new Vector3(thisx + (chunkpos.x * chunklength), thisy + (chunkpos.y * chunklength), thisz + (chunkpos.z * chunklength)), this.transform.rotation);
                    fromlist = false;
                    newchunk = localVars.ChunkPool.Pool[0];
                    fromlist = true;
                    newchunk.transform.position = new Vector3(thisx + (chunkpos.x * chunklength), thisy + (chunkpos.y * chunklength), thisz + (chunkpos.z * chunklength));

                gstring chunkpath = gstring.Concat(chunkpos.x, " ", chunkpos.y, " ", chunkpos.z);
                newchunk.name = chunkpath;
                gamenewchunk = newchunk;
                gamenewchunk.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform;
                script = gamenewchunk.GetComponent<PlanetChunk>();
                script.planet = this;
                script.Position = chunkpos;
                script.StarDistance = this.StarDistance;
                script.PlanetType = this.PlanetType;
                script.Temperature = this.Temperature;
                script.lights = lightsobject;

                if (System.IO.File.Exists(path + chunkpath) == true)
                    loadfromfile(chunkpos, script);

                planetchunks[(int)chunkpos.x, (int)chunkpos.y, (int)chunkpos.z] = script;
                ischunkloaded[(int)chunkpos.x, (int)chunkpos.y, (int)chunkpos.z] = true;

                if (fromlist == true)


Exemplo n.º 20
     * Check to see if we have crossed over to another chunk (required knowledge for building)
     * If we have, then we need to make sure we are working on the chunk we are now within
     * If not, then we sticl with the current chunk
     * blockLocation - location of the block/cube that the Raycast has hit
     * newLocation - location of the block/cube that is to be placed (during building)
     * hitChunk - chunk that was hit by the Raycast
    PlanetChunk AtChunkBounds(Vector3 blockLocation, out Vector3 newLocation, PlanetChunk hitChunk)
        // initialise cube's new location (initially set to the cube's loaction that the Raycast hit)
        newLocation.x = blockLocation.x;
        newLocation.y = blockLocation.y;
        newLocation.z = blockLocation.z;

        // Are we beyond the positive extreme of X?
        if (blockLocation.x > Universe.planet.chunkSize - 1)
            //    print("We are at the X end");  // if location of block to be placed > PlanetSize * ChunkSize, then next chunk

            // Get neighbouring chunk
            string cn = "Chunk_" +
                        Universe.BuildPlanetChunkName(new Vector3(hitChunk.chunkXIndex + 1, hitChunk.chunkYIndex, hitChunk.chunkZIndex));

            // does that chunk exist?
            PlanetChunk newChunk;
            if (Universe.planet.planetChunks.TryGetValue(cn, out newChunk))
                //    Debug.Log("New Chunk FOUND!");

                // set the cube's location
                newLocation.x = 0;
                newLocation.y = blockLocation.y;
                newLocation.z = blockLocation.z;

                //    Debug.Log("New Chunk NOT FOUND!"); // need to account for reaching end of the planet
        // Are we beyond the positive extreme of Y?
        if (blockLocation.y > Universe.planet.chunkSize - 1)
            //    print("We are at the Y end"); // if location of block to be placed > PlanetSize * ChunkSize, then next chunk

            // Get neighbouring chunk
            string cn = "Chunk_" +
                        Universe.BuildPlanetChunkName(new Vector3(hitChunk.chunkXIndex, hitChunk.chunkYIndex + 1, hitChunk.chunkZIndex));

            // does that chunk exist?
            PlanetChunk newChunk;
            if (Universe.planet.planetChunks.TryGetValue(cn, out newChunk))
                //    Debug.Log("New Chunk FOUND!");

                // set the cube's location
                newLocation.x = blockLocation.x;
                newLocation.y = 0;
                newLocation.z = blockLocation.z;

                //    Debug.Log("New Chunk NOT FOUND!"); // need to account to reaching end of the planet
        // Are we beyond the positive extreme of Z?
        if (blockLocation.z > Universe.planet.chunkSize - 1)
            //    print("We are at the Z end"); // if location of block to be placed > PlanetSize * ChunkSize, then next chunk

            // Get neighbouring chunk
            string cn = "Chunk_" +
                        Universe.BuildPlanetChunkName(new Vector3(hitChunk.chunkXIndex, hitChunk.chunkYIndex, hitChunk.chunkZIndex + 1));

            // does that chunk exist?
            PlanetChunk newChunk;
            if (Universe.planet.planetChunks.TryGetValue(cn, out newChunk))
                //    Debug.Log("New Chunk FOUND!");

                // set the cube's location
                newLocation.x = blockLocation.x;
                newLocation.y = blockLocation.y;
                newLocation.z = 0;

                //    Debug.Log("New Chunk NOT FOUND!"); // need to account to reaching end of the planet
        // Are we at the negative extreme of X?
        if (blockLocation.x < 0) // if location of block to be place is negative, then we have moved into another chunk
            //    print("We are at the X beginning");

            // Get neighbouring chunk
            string cn = "Chunk_" +
                        Universe.BuildPlanetChunkName(new Vector3(hitChunk.chunkXIndex - 1, hitChunk.chunkYIndex, hitChunk.chunkZIndex));

            // does that chunk exist?
            PlanetChunk newChunk;
            if (Universe.planet.planetChunks.TryGetValue(cn, out newChunk))
                //    Debug.Log("New Chunk FOUND!");

                // set the cube's location
                newLocation.x = Universe.planet.chunkSize - 1;
                newLocation.y = blockLocation.y;
                newLocation.z = blockLocation.z;

                //    Debug.Log("New Chunk NOT FOUND!"); // need to account to reaching end of the planet
        // Are we at the negative extreme of Y?
        if (blockLocation.y < 0) // if location of block to be place is negative, then we have moved into another chunk
            //    print("We are at the Y beginning");

            // Get neighbouring chunk
            string cn = "Chunk_" +
                        Universe.BuildPlanetChunkName(new Vector3(hitChunk.chunkXIndex, hitChunk.chunkYIndex - 1, hitChunk.chunkZIndex));

            // does that chunk exist?
            PlanetChunk newChunk;
            if (Universe.planet.planetChunks.TryGetValue(cn, out newChunk))
                //    Debug.Log("New Chunk FOUND!");

                // set the cube's location
                newLocation.x = blockLocation.x;
                newLocation.y = Universe.planet.chunkSize - 1;
                newLocation.z = blockLocation.z;

                //    Debug.Log("New Chunk NOT FOUND!"); // need to account to reaching end of the planet
        // Are we at the negative extreme of Z?
        if (blockLocation.z < 0) // if location of block to be place is negative, then we have moved into another chunk
            //    print("We are at the Z beginning");

            // Get neighbouring chunk
            string cn = "Chunk_" +
                        Universe.BuildPlanetChunkName(new Vector3(hitChunk.chunkXIndex, hitChunk.chunkYIndex, hitChunk.chunkZIndex - 1));

            // does that chunk exist?
            PlanetChunk newChunk;
            if (Universe.planet.planetChunks.TryGetValue(cn, out newChunk))
                //    Debug.Log("New Chunk FOUND!");

                // set the cube's location
                newLocation.x = blockLocation.x;
                newLocation.y = blockLocation.y;
                newLocation.z = Universe.planet.chunkSize - 1;

                //    Debug.Log("New Chunk NOT FOUND!");
        // we are not beyond the extremes of the chunk, therefore carry on with the current chunk
Exemplo n.º 21
 public void AssignNeighbour(PlanetChunk chunk, int side)
     m_neighbourChunks[side] = chunk;
Exemplo n.º 22
    public bool BuildPlanet(bool threaded)
        int width          = worldSize / 8;
        int chunksPerFace  = width * width;
        int totalNumChunks = 6 * chunksPerFace;

        //ChunkMeshData[] meshData = new ChunkMeshData[totalNumChunks];
        List <BuildChunkJob>    chunkJobs       = new List <BuildChunkJob>();
        NativeArray <JobHandle> chunkJobHandles = new NativeArray <JobHandle>(totalNumChunks, Allocator.TempJob);

        int tempIndex = 0;

        if (!threaded)
            ////for each face
            //for (int f = 0; f < 6; f++)
            //    //for each chunk in face
            //    for (int x = 0; x < worldSize / 8; x++)
            //    {
            //        for (int y = 0; y < worldSize / 8; y++)
            //        {
            //            //calc vertex, tris and uvs
            //            meshData[tempIndex] = BuildChunk(f, x, y, false);
            //            tempIndex++;
            //        }
            //    }
            //Parallel.For(0, totalNumChunks, index =>
            //    int f = index / chunksPerFace;
            //    int x = (index / width) % width;
            //    int y = index % width;
            //    meshData[index] = BuildChunk(f, x, y, false);
            for (int i = 0; i < totalNumChunks; i++)
                int f = i / chunksPerFace;
                int x = (i / width) % width;
                int y = i % width;
                chunkJobs.Add(new BuildChunkJob()
                    chunkHeightmap     = GetChunkHeightmap(f, x, y),
                    chunkBasePositions = GetChunkBasePositions(f, x, y),

                    faceIndex = f,
                    chunkX    = x,
                    chunkY    = y,

                    verts = new NativeArray <Vector3>(8 * 8 * 20, Allocator.TempJob),
                    tris  = new NativeArray <int>(8 * 8 * 18 * 3, Allocator.TempJob),
                    uvs   = new NativeArray <Vector2>(8 * 8 * 20, Allocator.TempJob)
                JobHandle handle = chunkJobs[i].Schedule();
                chunkJobHandles[i] = handle;

        //for each face
        tempIndex = 0;
        for (int f = 0; f < 6; f++)
            //for each chunk in face
            for (int x = 0; x < worldSize / 8; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < worldSize / 8; y++)
                    PlanetChunk chunk = faces[f].chunks[x, y];
                    //mesh assignment from vars
                    //assign those to the mesh
                    if (chunk.mesh == null)
                        chunk.mesh = new Mesh();
                    //chunk.mesh.vertices = meshData[tempIndex].verts;
                    //chunk.mesh.triangles = meshData[tempIndex].tris;
                    //chunk.mesh.uv = meshData[tempIndex].uvs;
                    var layout = new[]
                        new VertexAttributeDescriptor(VertexAttribute.Position, VertexAttributeFormat.Float32, 3)
                    chunk.mesh.SetVertexBufferParams(chunkJobs[tempIndex].verts.Length, layout);
                    chunk.mesh.SetVertexBufferData(chunkJobs[tempIndex].verts, 0, 0, chunkJobs[tempIndex].verts.Length);
                    chunk.mesh.SetTriangles(chunkJobs[tempIndex].tris.ToArray(), 0);
                    chunk.mesh.SetUVs(0, chunkJobs[tempIndex].uvs);

                    //create object and assign values to it
                    if (chunk.go == null)
                        chunk.go = new GameObject(f + "|" + x + "," + y);
                        chunk.go.AddComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh       = chunk.mesh;
                        chunk.go.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = Resources.Load("Planet") as Material;
                        chunk.go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = chunk.mesh;


Exemplo n.º 23
    //Deferred mesh method
    //protected MeshData FaceDataUp
    //    (PlanetChunk planetchunk, int x, int y, int z, MeshData meshData)
    //    meshData.AddVertex(new Vector3(x - 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z + 0.5f));
    //    meshData.AddVertex(new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z + 0.5f));
    //    meshData.AddVertex(new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z - 0.5f));
    //    meshData.AddVertex(new Vector3(x - 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z - 0.5f));
    //    meshData.AddQuadTriangles();
    //    meshData.AddUVRange(FaceUVs(Direction.up));
    //    return meshData;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets whether or not the blocks next to this one are solid. Used to determine which sides to render.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="planetchunk">The planetchunk this block is contained by</param>
    /// <param name="x">The X coordinate of the Block</param>
    /// <param name="y">The Y coordinate of the Block</param>
    /// <param name="z">The Z coordinate of the Block</param>
    /// <param name="meshData">The MeshData the data is being sent to (to render the block).</param>
    public void GetSolid(PlanetChunk planetchunk, int x, int y, int z, MeshData meshData)
        if (planetchunk.GetBlock(x, y + 1, z).IsSolid)
            solidsides.up = true;
            solidsides.up = false;

        if (planetchunk.GetBlock(x, y - 1, z).IsSolid)
            solidsides.down = true;
            solidsides.down = false;

        if (planetchunk.GetBlock(x, y, z + 1).IsSolid)
            solidsides.north = true;
            solidsides.north = false;

        if (planetchunk.GetBlock(x, y, z - 1).IsSolid)
            solidsides.south = true;
            solidsides.south = false;

        if (planetchunk.GetBlock(x + 1, y, z).IsSolid)
            solidsides.east = true;
            solidsides.east = false;

        if (planetchunk.GetBlock(x - 1, y, z).IsSolid)
            solidsides.west = true;
            solidsides.west = false;
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Destroy the chunk when we wish to add or remove a cube
 void DestroyChunk(PlanetChunk chunk)
     DestroyImmediate(chunk.planetChunk.GetComponent <MeshFilter>());
     DestroyImmediate(chunk.planetChunk.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>());
     DestroyImmediate(chunk.planetChunk.GetComponent <Collider>());