Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            if (!_videoFileDetected)
            var bufferWi = BufferWi;
            var bufferHt = BufferHt;
            //these lookups are a bit expensive when called a lot of times
            var bufferWiOffset = BufferWiOffset;
            var bufferHtOffset = BufferHtOffset;

            for (int frame = 0; frame < numFrames; frame++)
                frameBuffer.CurrentFrame = frame;

                InitFrameData(frame, out double intervalPos, out double intervalPosFactor, out double level, out double adjustedBrightness);
                InitialRender(intervalPos, intervalPosFactor);
                if (_fp != null)

                    foreach (var elementLocation in frameBuffer.ElementLocations)
                        CalculatePixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, frameBuffer, frame, level, adjustedBrightness, ref bufferHt, ref bufferWi, true, bufferHtOffset, bufferWiOffset);
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            var nodes    = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(x => x.X).ThenBy(x => x.Y).GroupBy(x => x.X);
            var bufferHt = BufferHt;
            var bufferWi = BufferWi;

            for (int frame = 0; frame < numFrames; frame++)
                frameBuffer.CurrentFrame = frame;
                _level = LevelCurve.GetValue(GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100;
                using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(bufferWi, bufferHt))
                    InitialRender(frame, bitmap, bufferHt, bufferWi);
                    FastPixel.FastPixel fp = new FastPixel.FastPixel(bitmap);
                    foreach (IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> elementLocations in nodes)
                        foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                            CalculatePixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, ref bufferHt, fp, frameBuffer);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            var nodes = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(x => x.X).ThenBy(x => x.Y).GroupBy(x => x.X);

            for (int frame = 0; frame < numFrames; frame++)
                var intervalPos       = GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame);
                var intervalPosFactor = intervalPos * 100;
                var speed             = CalculateSpeed(intervalPosFactor);
                frameBuffer.CurrentFrame = frame;
                double position    = intervalPosFactor * speed;
                double plasmaSpeed = (101 - speed) * 3;
                var    time        = (position + 1.0) / plasmaSpeed;
                double level       = LevelCurve.GetValue(intervalPosFactor) / 100;
                double lineDensity = CalculateLineDensity(intervalPosFactor) * Pi;

                foreach (IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> elementLocations in nodes)
                    foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                        CalculatePixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, time, frame, level, frameBuffer, lineDensity);
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            var nodes = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(x => x.X).ThenBy(x => x.Y).GroupBy(x => x.X);

            for (int frame = 0; frame < numFrames; frame++)
                frameBuffer.CurrentFrame = frame;
                _level = LevelCurve.GetValue(GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100;
                using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(BufferWi, BufferHt))
                    InitialRender(frame, bitmap);
                    if (_text.Count == 0 && !UseBaseColor)
                    foreach (IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> elementLocations in nodes)
                        foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                            CalculatePixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, bitmap, frameBuffer);
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected EffectIntents RenderNodeByLocation(ElementNode node)
            EffectIntents effectIntents = new EffectIntents();
            int           nFrames       = GetNumberFrames();

            if (nFrames <= 0 | BufferWi == 0 || BufferHt == 0)
            PixelLocationFrameBuffer buffer = new PixelLocationFrameBuffer(ElementLocations.Distinct().ToList(), nFrames);

            TimeSpan startTime = TimeSpan.Zero;

            // generate all the pixels
            RenderEffectByLocation(nFrames, buffer);

            // create the intents
            var frameTs = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, FrameTime);

            foreach (var tuple in buffer.GetElementData())
                if (tuple.Item2.Count != nFrames)
                    Logging.Error("{0} count has {1} instead of {2}", tuple.Item1.ElementNode.Name, tuple.Item2.Count, nFrames);
                IIntent intent = new StaticArrayIntent <RGBValue>(frameTs, tuple.Item2.ToArray(), TimeSpan);
                effectIntents.AddIntentForElement(tuple.Item1.ElementNode.Element.Id, intent, startTime);

Exemplo n.º 6
        private IList <Tuple <int, int[]> > GetSparseMatrix(PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            IList <Tuple <int, int[]> > sparseMatrix = new List <Tuple <int, int[]> >();

            if (Direction == GarlandsDirection.Up || Direction == GarlandsDirection.Down)
                IEnumerable <IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> > nodes =
                    frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(elementLocation => elementLocation.Y).ThenBy(elementLocation => elementLocation.X).GroupBy(elementLocation => elementLocation.Y);

                foreach (IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> group in nodes)
                    sparseMatrix.Add(new Tuple <int, int[]>(group.Key, group.Select(elementLocation => elementLocation.X).ToArray()));
                IEnumerable <IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> > nodes =
                    frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(elementLocation => elementLocation.X).ThenBy(elementLocation => elementLocation.Y).GroupBy(elementLocation => elementLocation.X);

                foreach (IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> group in nodes)
                    sparseMatrix.Add(new Tuple <int, int[]>(group.Key, group.Select(elementLocation => elementLocation.Y).ToArray()));

Exemplo n.º 7
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            var nodes = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(x => x.X).ThenBy(x => x.Y).GroupBy(x => x.X);

            for (int frame = 0; frame < numFrames; frame++)
                frameBuffer.CurrentFrame = frame;
                double level          = LevelCurve.GetValue(GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100;
                var    iterationFrame = frame * Iterations % (numFrames);
                double position       = GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(iterationFrame);

                HSV hsv = HSV.FromRGB(Color.GetColorAt(position));
                if (Shimmer && frame % 2 != 0)
                    hsv.V = 0;

                foreach (IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> elementLocations in nodes)
                    foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                        var v = hsv.V;
                        //Here we offset our x, y values to get us to zero based coordinates for our math to work out
                        //Our effect is symetrical so we don't need to waste time flipping the coordinates around
                        v  = CalculateAdjustedV(v, elementLocation.X - BufferWiOffset, elementLocation.Y - BufferHtOffset);
                        v *= level;
                        HSV hsv2 = hsv;
                        hsv2.V = v;
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, hsv2);
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected EffectIntents RenderNodeByLocation(ElementNode node, ref EffectIntents effectIntents)
            int nFrames = GetNumberFrames();

            if (nFrames <= 0 | BufferWi == 0 || BufferHt == 0)
            PixelLocationFrameBuffer buffer = new PixelLocationFrameBuffer(ElementLocations, nFrames);

            TimeSpan startTime = TimeSpan.Zero;

            // generate all the pixels
            RenderEffectByLocation(nFrames, buffer);

            // create the intents
            var frameTs = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, FrameTime);

            foreach (var elementLocation in ElementLocations)
                var     frameData = buffer.GetFrameDataAt(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y);
                IIntent intent    = new StaticArrayIntent <RGBValue>(frameTs, frameData, TimeSpan);
                effectIntents.AddIntentForElement(elementLocation.ElementNode.Element.Id, intent, startTime);

Exemplo n.º 9
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            //It kinda stinks so much of this code duplicates the RenderEffect method, but
            //there are enough differences in the two that it needs to be. Trying to refactor
            //small parts of it out into reusable chunks is probably not fruitful at this time.
            double posX         = (BufferWi * CenterX / 100.0) + BufferWiOffset;
            double posY         = (BufferHt * CenterY / 100.0) + BufferHtOffset;
            Point  centerPoint  = new Point((int)posX, (int)posY);
            var    nodes        = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(x => x.X).ThenBy(x => x.Y).GroupBy(x => x.X);
            Point  currentPoint = Point.Empty;

            for (int effectFrame = 0; effectFrame < numFrames; effectFrame++)
                double position             = GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(effectFrame);
                double effectPositionAdjust = CalculateAcceleration(position, Acceleration);
                Color  c            = Color.GetColorAt(position);
                double centerRadius = StartRadius + (EndRadius - StartRadius) * effectPositionAdjust;
                double halfWidth    = (StartWidth + (EndWidth - StartWidth) * effectPositionAdjust) / 2.0;
                var    radius1      = Math.Max(0.0, centerRadius - halfWidth);
                var    radius2      = centerRadius + halfWidth;

                foreach (IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> elementLocations in nodes)
                    foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                        currentPoint.X = elementLocation.X;
                        currentPoint.Y = elementLocation.Y;
                        var distance = DistanceFromCenter(centerPoint, currentPoint);
                        if (ContainsPoint(distance, radius1, radius2))
                            if (BlendEdges)
                                double colorPct = 1.0 - Math.Abs(distance - centerRadius) / halfWidth;
                                if (colorPct > 0.0)
                                    HSV hsv = HSV.FromRGB(c);
                                    hsv.V = hsv.V * colorPct;
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(currentPoint.X, currentPoint.Y, hsv);
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(currentPoint.X, currentPoint.Y, System.Drawing.Color.Transparent);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(currentPoint.X, currentPoint.Y, c);
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(currentPoint.X, currentPoint.Y, System.Drawing.Color.Transparent);
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            var bufferWi = BufferWi;
            var bufferHt = BufferHt;

            for (int effectFrame = 0; effectFrame < numFrames; effectFrame++)
                frameBuffer.CurrentFrame = effectFrame;

                var intervalPos       = GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(effectFrame);
                var intervalPosFactor = intervalPos * 100;

                double level           = LevelCurve.GetValue(intervalPos);
                int    thickness       = (int)Math.Round(CalculateBorderThickness(intervalPosFactor) / 2);
                int    topThickness    = (int)(TopThicknessCurve.GetValue(intervalPosFactor) * bufferHt / 100);
                int    bottomThickness = (int)(BottomThicknessCurve.GetValue(intervalPosFactor) * bufferHt / 100);
                int    leftThickness   = (int)(LeftThicknessCurve.GetValue(intervalPosFactor) * bufferWi / 100);
                int    rightThickness  = (int)(RightThicknessCurve.GetValue(intervalPosFactor) * bufferWi / 100);
                int    borderHeight    = (int)CalculateBorderHeight(intervalPosFactor) / 2;
                int    borderWidth     = (int)(CalculateBorderSize(intervalPosFactor) / 2);
                int    xOffsetAdj      = CalculateXOffset(intervalPosFactor) * (bufferWi - borderWidth) / 100;
                int    yOffsetAdj      = CalculateYOffset(intervalPosFactor) * (bufferHt - borderHeight) / 100;
                Color  color           = Color.GetColorAt(GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(effectFrame));

                if (BorderMode == BorderMode.Simple)
                    thickness    = SimpleBorderWidth;
                    borderWidth  = 0;
                    borderHeight = 0;
                    xOffsetAdj   = 0;
                    yOffsetAdj   = 0;
                else if (BorderType == BorderType.Single)
                    rightThickness  = thickness;
                    topThickness    = thickness;
                    leftThickness   = thickness;
                    bottomThickness = thickness;

                foreach (var elementLocation in frameBuffer.ElementLocations)
                    CalculatePixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, frameBuffer, thickness,
                                   topThickness, bottomThickness, leftThickness, rightThickness, level, borderWidth, borderHeight,
                                   color, xOffsetAdj, yOffsetAdj, ref bufferHt, ref bufferWi);
Exemplo n.º 11
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            int degreesPerArm = 1;

            if (Arms > 0)
                degreesPerArm = 360 / Arms;

            for (int frame = 0; frame < numFrames; frame++)
                frameBuffer.CurrentFrame = frame;
                var intervalPos = GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame);

                var intervalPosFactor = intervalPos * 100;

                double pos = MovementType == MovementType.Iterations
                                        ? intervalPos * CalculateSpeed(intervalPosFactor) * 360
                                        : intervalPos *CalculateSpeed(intervalPosFactor) * GetNumberFrames();

                var overallLevel = LevelCurve.GetValue(intervalPosFactor) / 100;

                double currentTwist = CalculateTwist(intervalPosFactor);

                var arms = CreateArms(degreesPerArm, pos, frame, overallLevel);

                float armsize = (float)(CalculateSize(intervalPosFactor) / 100.0);

                var origin = new Point(BufferWi / 2 + BufferWiOffset + CalculateXOffset(intervalPosFactor), BufferHt / 2 + BufferHtOffset + CalculateYOffset(intervalPosFactor));

                var xc = OffsetPercentage
                                        ? BufferHt
                                        : DistanceFromPoint(origin, new Point(BufferWiOffset + BufferWi, BufferHtOffset + BufferHt));

                var maxRadius = xc * armsize;

                var angleRange = CalculateThickness(intervalPosFactor) / 100.0f * degreesPerArm / 2.0f;

                var centerStartPct = CalculateCenterStartPct(intervalPosFactor);

                foreach (var elementLocation in frameBuffer.ElementLocations)
                    RenderPoint(frameBuffer, currentTwist, elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, origin, maxRadius, arms, angleRange, overallLevel, false, centerStartPct);
Exemplo n.º 12
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            var bufferHt = BufferHt;
            var bufferWi = BufferWi;
            var nodes    = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(x => x.X).ThenBy(x => x.Y).GroupBy(x => x.X);

            for (int frame = 0; frame < numFrames; frame++)
                frameBuffer.CurrentFrame = frame;
                double intervalPos       = GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame);
                double intervalPosFactor = intervalPos * 100;
                int    xOffset           = CalculateXOffset(intervalPosFactor);
                int    yOffset           = CalculateYOffset(intervalPosFactor);
                double level             = LevelCurve.GetValue(intervalPosFactor) / 100;
                double radius1           = CalculateRadialSize(intervalPosFactor);
                double radius            = radius1 / 2 / _circleCount;
                double currentRadius     = radius;
                double edgeWidth         = CalculateEdgeWidth(intervalPosFactor, currentRadius);
                double barht             = _maxBuffer / _circleCount;
                if (CircleFill == CircleFill.Empty || CircleFill == CircleFill.Fade)
                    barht /= _circleCount;
                if (barht < 1)
                    barht = 1;
                double blockHt = Colors.Count * barht;
                double foffset = frame * CalculateCenterSpeed(intervalPosFactor) / 4 % (blockHt + 1);
                barht = barht > 0 ? barht : 1;

                _circleCount = CalculateCircleCount(intervalPosFactor) / 2;
                if (CircleFill == CircleFill.Fade || CircleFill == CircleFill.Empty)
                    _circleCount /= 5;
                foreach (IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> elementLocations in nodes)
                    foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                        CalculatePixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, level, frameBuffer, intervalPos, radius, radius1, currentRadius, foffset, barht, blockHt, bufferWi, bufferHt, xOffset, yOffset, edgeWidth);
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            var nodes = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(x => x.X).ThenBy(x => x.Y).GroupBy(x => x.X);

            for (int effectFrame = 0; effectFrame < numFrames; effectFrame++)
                frameBuffer.CurrentFrame = effectFrame;

                var intervalPos       = GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(effectFrame);
                var intervalPosFactor = intervalPos * 100;

                double level           = LevelCurve.GetValue(intervalPos);
                int    thickness       = (int)Math.Round(CalculateBorderThickness(intervalPosFactor) / 2);
                int    topThickness    = (int)(TopThicknessCurve.GetValue(intervalPosFactor) * BufferHt / 100);
                int    bottomThickness = (int)(BottomThicknessCurve.GetValue(intervalPosFactor) * BufferHt / 100);
                int    leftThickness   = (int)(LeftThicknessCurve.GetValue(intervalPosFactor) * BufferWi / 100);
                int    rightThickness  = (int)(RightThicknessCurve.GetValue(intervalPosFactor) * BufferWi / 100);
                int    borderWidth     = (int)(CalculateBorderSize(intervalPosFactor) / 2);
                Color  color           = Color.GetColorAt(GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(effectFrame));

                if (BorderMode == BorderMode.Simple)
                    thickness   = SimpleBorderWidth;
                    borderWidth = 0;
                else if (BorderType == BorderType.Single)
                    rightThickness  = thickness;
                    topThickness    = thickness;
                    leftThickness   = thickness;
                    bottomThickness = thickness;

                foreach (IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> elementLocations in nodes)
                    foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                        CalculatePixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, frameBuffer, thickness,
                                       topThickness, bottomThickness, leftThickness, rightThickness,
                                       intervalPosFactor, level, effectFrame, borderWidth, color);
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the effect by location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The general math is identical between RenderEffectByLocation and RenderEffect.
        /// The RenderEffect draws the garland pattern in one pass adjusting the Y position to get the pattern.
        /// The RenderEffectByLocation has to process each row in the pattern separately since each row that
        /// makes up the pattern could be a different number of pixels.
        /// </remarks>
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            IList <Tuple <int, int[]> > sparseMatrix = GetSparseMatrix(frameBuffer);

            for (int frame = 0; frame < numFrames; frame++)
                frameBuffer.CurrentFrame = frame;

                // This tells us where we are in the effect duration normalized 0 - 1
                double intervalPos = GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame);

                // This is where we are in the effect duration normalized to 0 - 100
                double intervalPosFactor = intervalPos * 100;

                // Get the brightness of the effect
                double brightnessLevel = LevelCurve.GetValue(intervalPosFactor) / 100;

                int height = sparseMatrix.Count;

                // Get a value between 1 and 20 pixels
                int pixelSpacing = CalculateSpacing(intervalPosFactor) * height / 100 + 3;

                int limit = height * pixelSpacing * 4;
                int garlandsState;
                if (MovementType == MovementType.Iterations)
                    garlandsState = (int)(limit - _frames * (limit / GetNumberFrames() * Iterations)) / 4;
                    if (garlandsState <= 0)
                        _frames = 0;
                    _speed       += CalculateSpeed(intervalPosFactor);
                    garlandsState = (limit - _speed % limit) / 4;                     //Speed

                DrawGarlandPattern(sparseMatrix, height, pixelSpacing, brightnessLevel, garlandsState, frame, frameBuffer);
Exemplo n.º 15
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            var nodes = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(x => x.X).ThenBy(x => x.Y).GroupBy(x => x.X);

            for (int frame = 0; frame < numFrames; frame++)
                double position    = GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * Speed * 100;
                double plasmaSpeed = (101 - Speed) * 3;
                var    time        = (position + 1.0) / plasmaSpeed;
                double level       = LevelCurve.GetValue(GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100;

                foreach (IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> elementLocations in nodes)
                    foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                        CalculatePixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, time, frame, level, frameBuffer);
Exemplo n.º 16
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            int repeat   = ConfigureRepeat();
            int maxframe = BufferHt;

            var nodes = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(x => x.X).ThenBy(x => x.Y).GroupBy(x => x.X);

            for (int effectFrame = 0; effectFrame < numFrames; effectFrame++)
                frameBuffer.CurrentFrame = effectFrame;
                double position = (GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(effectFrame) * Iterations) % 1;
                int    curState = (int)(TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds * position * repeat);
                int    frame    = (BufferHt * curState / (int)TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds) % maxframe;
                double offset   = curState / TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds;
                double level    = LevelCurve.GetValue(GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(effectFrame) * 100) / 100;

                if (Direction == Direction.Forward)
                    offset = -offset;

                int bufferDim = 0;
                if (ButterflyType == ButterflyType.Type1 || ButterflyType == ButterflyType.Type4)
                    bufferDim = BufferHt + BufferWi;
                else if (ButterflyType == ButterflyType.Type5)
                    bufferDim = BufferHt * BufferWi;

                foreach (IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> elementLocations in nodes)
                    foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                        CalculatePixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, bufferDim, offset, frame, maxframe, level, frameBuffer);
Exemplo n.º 17
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            var nodes = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(x => x.Y).ThenBy(x => x.X).GroupBy(x => x.Y);

            for (int frame = 0; frame < numFrames; frame++)
                frameBuffer.CurrentFrame = frame;
                _intervalPos             = (float)GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame);
                _intervalPosFactor       = _intervalPos * 100;

                _radius         = CalculateSize(_intervalPosFactor);
                _centerSpeed    = CalculateCenterSpeed(_intervalPosFactor);
                _speedVariation = CalculateSpeedVariation(_intervalPosFactor);
                _level          = LevelCurve.GetValue(_intervalPosFactor) / 100;
                int   maxRandomTime    = CalculateRandomMax(_intervalPosFactor);
                Color inverseBackColor = BackgroundColor.GetColorAt(_intervalPos);

                double minSpeed = _centerSpeed - (_speedVariation / 2);
                double maxSpeed = _centerSpeed + (_speedVariation / 2);

                _ballCount = CalculateBallCount(_intervalPosFactor);

                // Create new Balls and add balls due to increase in ball count curve.
                CreateBalls(minSpeed, maxSpeed, maxRandomTime);

                // Update Ball location, radius and speed.
                UpdateBalls(minSpeed, maxSpeed, maxRandomTime);

                //Remove Excess Balls due to BallCount Curve.

                //Iterate through all grid locations.
                foreach (IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> elementLocations in nodes)
                    foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                        CalculatePixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, frameBuffer, inverseBackColor);
Exemplo n.º 18
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            var bufferWi = BufferWi;
            var bufferHt = BufferHt;

            for (int frame = 0; frame < numFrames; frame++)
                frameBuffer.CurrentFrame = frame;

                InitFrameData(frame, out double intervalPosFactor, out double level, out double adjustedBrightness);
                InitialRender(frame, intervalPosFactor);
                if (_fp != null)

                    foreach (var elementLocation in frameBuffer.ElementLocations)
                        CalculatePixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, frameBuffer, frame, level, adjustedBrightness, ref bufferHt, ref bufferWi);

Exemplo n.º 19
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            int colorcnt = Colors.Count();
            int barCount = Repeat * colorcnt;

            if (barCount < 1)
                barCount = 1;

            int barHt = BufferHt / barCount + 1;

            if (barHt < 1)
                barHt = 1;
            int blockHt = colorcnt * barHt;

            if (blockHt < 1)
                blockHt = 1;

            int barWi = BufferWi / barCount + 1;

            if (barWi < 1)
                barWi = 1;
            int blockWi = colorcnt * barWi;

            if (blockWi < 1)
                blockWi = 1;

            IEnumerable <IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> > nodes;
            List <IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> >        reversedNodes = new List <IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> >();

            switch (Direction)
            case BarDirection.AlternateUp:
            case BarDirection.Up:
                nodes = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(x => x.Y).ThenBy(x => x.X).GroupBy(x => x.Y);

            case BarDirection.Left:
            case BarDirection.AlternateLeft:
                nodes = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderByDescending(x => x.X).ThenBy(x => x.Y).GroupBy(x => x.X);

            case BarDirection.Right:
            case BarDirection.AlternateRight:
                nodes = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(x => x.X).ThenBy(x => x.Y).GroupBy(x => x.X);

            case BarDirection.Compress:
            case BarDirection.Expand:
                nodes         = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderByDescending(x => x.Y).ThenBy(x => x.X).GroupBy(x => x.Y);
                reversedNodes = nodes.Reverse().ToList();

            case BarDirection.HCompress:
            case BarDirection.HExpand:
                nodes         = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(x => x.X).ThenBy(x => x.Y).GroupBy(x => x.X);
                reversedNodes = nodes.Reverse().ToList();

                nodes = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderByDescending(x => x.Y).ThenBy(x => x.X).GroupBy(x => x.Y);
            var nodeCount     = nodes.Count();
            var halfNodeCount = (nodeCount - 1) / 2;
            var evenHalfCount = nodeCount % 2 != 0;

            for (int frame = 0; frame < numFrames; frame++)
                frameBuffer.CurrentFrame = frame;
                double level    = LevelCurve.GetValue(GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100;
                double position = (GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * Speed) % 1;

                int n;
                int colorIdx;
                if (Direction < BarDirection.Left || Direction == BarDirection.AlternateUp || Direction == BarDirection.AlternateDown)
                    int fOffset = (int)(position * blockHt * Repeat);                    // : Speed * frame / 4 % blockHt);
                    if (Direction == BarDirection.AlternateUp || Direction == BarDirection.AlternateDown)
                        fOffset = (int)(Math.Floor(position * barCount) * barHt);
                    if (Direction == BarDirection.Down || Direction == BarDirection.AlternateDown || Direction == BarDirection.Expand)
                        fOffset = -fOffset;

                    int indexAdjust = 1;

                    int  i        = 0;
                    bool exitLoop = false;
                    foreach (IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> elementLocations in nodes)
                        int y = elementLocations.Key;
                        n        = y + fOffset;
                        colorIdx = Math.Abs(((n + indexAdjust) % blockHt) / barHt);

                        //we need the integer division here to make things work
                        double colorPosition = Math.Abs((double)(n + indexAdjust) / barHt - (n + indexAdjust) / barHt);
                        Color  c             = Colors[colorIdx].GetColorAt(colorPosition);
                        var    hsv           = HSV.FromRGB(c);
                        if (Highlight && (n + indexAdjust) % barHt == 0)
                            hsv.S = 0.0f;
                        if (Show3D)
                            hsv.V *= (float)(barHt - (n + indexAdjust) % barHt - 1) / barHt;

                        hsv.V = hsv.V * level;

                        switch (Direction)
                        case BarDirection.Expand:
                        case BarDirection.Compress:
                            // expand / compress
                            if (i <= halfNodeCount)
                                foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(elementLocation.X, y, hsv);
                                if (i == halfNodeCount & evenHalfCount)
                                foreach (var elementLocation in reversedNodes[i])
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, hsv);

                                exitLoop = true;

                            foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(elementLocation.X, y, hsv);
                        if (exitLoop)
                    int fOffset = (int)(position * blockWi * Repeat);
                    if (Direction > BarDirection.AlternateDown)
                        fOffset = (int)(Math.Floor(position * barCount) * barWi);
                    if (Direction == BarDirection.Right || Direction == BarDirection.AlternateRight || Direction == BarDirection.HCompress)
                        fOffset = -fOffset;

                    int i = 0;

                    foreach (IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> elementLocations in nodes)
                        int x = elementLocations.Key;
                        n        = x + fOffset;
                        colorIdx = Math.Abs(((n + 1) % blockWi) / barWi);
                        //we need the integer division here to make things work
                        double colorPosition = Math.Abs((double)(n + 1) / barWi - (n + 1) / barWi);
                        Color  c             = Colors[colorIdx].GetColorAt(colorPosition);
                        var    hsv           = HSV.FromRGB(c);
                        if (Highlight && n % barWi == 0)
                            hsv.S = 0.0f;
                        if (Show3D)
                            hsv.V *= (float)(barWi - n % barWi - 1) / barWi;
                        hsv.V = hsv.V * level;
                        switch (Direction)
                        case BarDirection.HExpand:
                        case BarDirection.HCompress:
                            if (i <= halfNodeCount)
                                foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, elementLocation.Y, hsv);
                                if (i == halfNodeCount & evenHalfCount)
                                foreach (var elementLocation in reversedNodes[i])
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, hsv);


                            foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, elementLocation.Y, hsv);
Exemplo n.º 20
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            int colorcnt = Colors.Count();
            int barCount = Repeat * colorcnt;

            if (barCount < 1)
                barCount = 1;

            int barHt = BufferHt / barCount + 1;

            if (barHt < 1)
                barHt = 1;
            int blockHt = colorcnt * barHt;

            if (blockHt < 1)
                blockHt = 1;

            int barWi = BufferWi / barCount + 1;

            if (barWi < 1)
                barWi = 1;
            int blockWi = colorcnt * barWi;

            if (blockWi < 1)
                blockWi = 1;

            var bufferHt       = BufferHt;
            var bufferWi       = BufferWi;
            var bufferHtOffset = BufferHtOffset;
            var bufferWiOffset = BufferWiOffset;

            IEnumerable <IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> > nodes;
            List <IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> >        reversedNodes = new List <IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> >();

            switch (Direction)
            case BarDirection.AlternateUp:
            case BarDirection.Up:
                nodes = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(x => x.Y).ThenBy(x => x.X).GroupBy(x => x.Y);

            case BarDirection.Left:
            case BarDirection.AlternateLeft:
                nodes = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderByDescending(x => x.X).ThenBy(x => x.Y).GroupBy(x => x.X);

            case BarDirection.Right:
            case BarDirection.AlternateRight:
                nodes = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(x => x.X).ThenBy(x => x.Y).GroupBy(x => x.X);

            case BarDirection.Compress:
            case BarDirection.Expand:
                nodes         = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderByDescending(x => x.Y).ThenBy(x => x.X).GroupBy(x => x.Y);
                reversedNodes = nodes.Reverse().ToList();

            case BarDirection.HCompress:
            case BarDirection.HExpand:
                nodes         = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderBy(x => x.X).ThenBy(x => x.Y).GroupBy(x => x.X);
                reversedNodes = nodes.Reverse().ToList();

                nodes = frameBuffer.ElementLocations.OrderByDescending(x => x.Y).ThenBy(x => x.X).GroupBy(x => x.Y);
            var nodeCount     = nodes.Count();
            var halfNodeCount = (nodeCount - 1) / 2;
            var evenHalfCount = nodeCount % 2 != 0;

            for (int frame = 0; frame < numFrames; frame++)
                frameBuffer.CurrentFrame = frame;
                double intervalPosFactor = GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100;
                double level             = LevelCurve.GetValue(intervalPosFactor) / 100;

                if (MovementType == MovementType.Iterations)
                    _position = (GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * Speed) % 1;
                    var s = CalculateSpeed(intervalPosFactor);
                    if (frame == 0)
                        _position = s;
                    _position += s / 100 * FrameTime / 50d;                     //Adjust the speed setting for different frame rates with FrameTime / 50d

                int n;
                int colorIdx;
                if (Direction < BarDirection.Left || Direction == BarDirection.AlternateUp || Direction == BarDirection.AlternateDown)
                    int fOffset = (int)(_position * blockHt * Repeat);                    // : Speed * frame / 4 % blockHt);
                    if (Direction == BarDirection.AlternateUp || Direction == BarDirection.AlternateDown)
                        fOffset = (int)(Math.Floor(_position * barCount) * barHt);

                    int indexAdjust = 1;

                    int  i        = 0;
                    bool exitLoop = false;
                    foreach (IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> elementLocations in nodes)
                        int y = elementLocations.Key;

                        switch (Direction)
                        case BarDirection.Down:
                        case BarDirection.AlternateDown:
                        case BarDirection.Expand:
                            n = (bufferHt + bufferHtOffset) - y + fOffset;

                            n = y - bufferHtOffset + fOffset;

                        colorIdx = ((n + indexAdjust) % blockHt) / barHt;
                        //we need the integer division here to make things work
                        var   colorPosition = (n + indexAdjust) % barHt / (double)barHt;
                        Color c             = Colors[colorIdx].GetColorAt(colorPosition);

                        if (Highlight || Show3D)
                            var hsv = HSV.FromRGB(c);
                            if (Highlight && (n + indexAdjust) % barHt == 0 || colorPosition > .95)
                                hsv.S = 0.0f;
                            if (Show3D)
                                hsv.V *= (float)(barHt - (n + indexAdjust) % barHt - 1) / barHt;
                            hsv.V *= level;
                            c      = hsv.ToRGB();
                            if (level < 1)
                                HSV hsv = HSV.FromRGB(c);
                                hsv.V *= level;
                                c      = hsv.ToRGB();

                        switch (Direction)
                        case BarDirection.Expand:
                        case BarDirection.Compress:
                            // expand / compress
                            if (i <= halfNodeCount)
                                foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(elementLocation.X, y, c);
                                if (i == halfNodeCount & evenHalfCount)
                                foreach (var elementLocation in reversedNodes[i])
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, c);

                                exitLoop = true;

                            foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(elementLocation.X, y, c);
                        if (exitLoop)
                    int fOffset = (int)(_position * blockWi * Repeat);
                    if (Direction > BarDirection.AlternateDown)
                        fOffset = (int)(Math.Floor(_position * barCount) * barWi);

                    int i = 0;

                    foreach (IGrouping <int, ElementLocation> elementLocations in nodes)
                        int x = elementLocations.Key;

                        switch (Direction)
                        case BarDirection.Right:
                        case BarDirection.AlternateRight:
                        case BarDirection.HCompress:
                            n = (bufferWi + bufferWiOffset) - x + fOffset;

                            n = x - bufferWiOffset + fOffset;

                        //we need the integer division here to make things work
                        colorIdx = (n + 1) % blockWi / barWi;
                        double colorPosition = (n + 1) % barWi / (double)barWi;
                        Color  c             = Colors[colorIdx].GetColorAt(colorPosition);

                        if (Highlight || Show3D)
                            var hsv = HSV.FromRGB(c);
                            if (Highlight && (n + 1) % barWi == 0 || colorPosition > .95)
                                hsv.S = 0.0f;
                            if (Show3D)
                                hsv.V *= (float)(barWi - n % barWi - 1) / barWi;
                            hsv.V *= level;
                            c      = hsv.ToRGB();
                            if (level < 1)
                                HSV hsv = HSV.FromRGB(c);
                                hsv.V *= level;
                                c      = hsv.ToRGB();

                        switch (Direction)
                        case BarDirection.HExpand:
                        case BarDirection.HCompress:
                            if (i <= halfNodeCount)
                                foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, elementLocation.Y, c);
                                if (i == halfNodeCount & evenHalfCount)
                                foreach (var elementLocation in reversedNodes[i])
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, c);


                            foreach (var elementLocation in elementLocations)
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, elementLocation.Y, c);
Exemplo n.º 21
        private void DrawCurtainVerticalLocation(bool topEdge, int ylimit, List <int> swagArray, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer,
                                                 double level, int width)
            var topBufferLimit = BufferHt + BufferHtOffset;
            var elements       = topEdge ? frameBuffer.ElementLocations.Where(e => e.Y > topBufferLimit - ylimit) : frameBuffer.ElementLocations.Where(e => e.Y < ylimit + BufferHtOffset);

            foreach (var elementLocation in elements)
                var hsv = GetVerticalLocationColor(topEdge, width, elementLocation);
                hsv.V = hsv.V * level;
                frameBuffer.SetPixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, hsv);

            if (swagArray.Count > 0)
                var swagElements = topEdge ? frameBuffer.ElementLocations.Where(e => e.Y <= topBufferLimit - ylimit && e.Y >= topBufferLimit - (ylimit + swagArray.Count)).ToLookup(e => e.Y) : frameBuffer.ElementLocations.Where(e => e.Y >= ylimit + BufferHtOffset && e.Y <= ylimit + swagArray.Count + BufferHtOffset).ToLookup(e => e.Y);

                for (int i = 0; i < swagArray.Count; i++)
                    int x = topEdge ? topBufferLimit - (ylimit + i) : ylimit + i + BufferHtOffset;

                    var limit = BufferWiOffset + swagArray[i];
                    foreach (var elementLocation in swagElements[x])
                        if (elementLocation.X > limit)
                            var hsv = GetVerticalLocationColor(topEdge, width, elementLocation);
                            hsv.V = hsv.V * level;
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, hsv);
Exemplo n.º 22
        private void DrawCurtainLocation(bool leftEdge, int xlimit, List <int> swagArray, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer,
                                         double level, int width)
            var rightBufferLimit = BufferWi + BufferWiOffset;

            var elements = leftEdge
                                ? frameBuffer.ElementLocations.Where(e => e.X >= (rightBufferLimit) - xlimit)
                                : frameBuffer.ElementLocations.Where(e => e.X <= xlimit + BufferWiOffset);

            foreach (var elementLocation in elements)
                var hsv = GetLocationColor(leftEdge, width, elementLocation);
                hsv.V = hsv.V * level;
                frameBuffer.SetPixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, hsv);

            // swag
            if (swagArray.Count > 0)
                var swagElements = leftEdge ? frameBuffer.ElementLocations.Where(e => e.X <= (BufferWi + BufferWiOffset) - xlimit && e.X >= (BufferWi + BufferWiOffset) - (xlimit + swagArray.Count)).ToLookup(e => e.X) : frameBuffer.ElementLocations.Where(e => e.X >= xlimit + BufferWiOffset && e.X <= xlimit + swagArray.Count + BufferWiOffset).ToLookup(e => e.X);

                for (int i = 0; i < swagArray.Count; i++)
                    int x = leftEdge? rightBufferLimit - (xlimit + i):xlimit + i + BufferWiOffset;

                    var limit = BufferHt - swagArray[i] + BufferHtOffset;
                    foreach (var elementLocation in swagElements[x])
                        if (elementLocation.Y < limit)
                            var hsv = GetLocationColor(leftEdge, width, elementLocation);
                            hsv.V = hsv.V * level;
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(elementLocation.X, elementLocation.Y, hsv);
Exemplo n.º 23
        protected override void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            var swagArray = new List <int>();
            int swaglen   = BufferHt > 1 ? Swag * BufferWi / 40 : 0;

            var swagBufferHt = BufferHt;

            switch (Edge)
            case CurtainEdge.Middle:
            case CurtainEdge.Top:
            case CurtainEdge.Bottom:
                swagBufferHt = BufferWi;

            for (int effectFrame = 0; effectFrame < numFrames; effectFrame++)
                frameBuffer.CurrentFrame = effectFrame;
                var    timeIntervalPosition = GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(effectFrame);
                double position             = (timeIntervalPosition * Speed) % 1;
                double level = LevelCurve.GetValue(timeIntervalPosition * 100) / 100;

                if (swaglen > 0)
                    double a = (double)(swagBufferHt) / (swaglen * swaglen);
                    for (int x = 0; x < swaglen; x++)
                        swagArray.Add((int)(a * x * x));
                int xlimit;
                int ylimit;
                if (Direction < CurtainDirection.CurtainOpenClose)
                    if (Direction == CurtainDirection.CurtainOpen)
                        xlimit = (int)((position * BufferWi) + (swaglen * position * 2));
                        ylimit = (int)((position * BufferHt) + (swaglen * position * 2));
                        xlimit = (int)((position * BufferWi) - (swaglen * (1 - position) * 2));
                        ylimit = (int)((position * BufferHt) - (swaglen * (1 - position) * 2));
                    if (Direction == CurtainDirection.CurtainOpenClose)
                        xlimit = (int)(position <= .5 ? (position * 2 * BufferWi) + (swaglen * position * 4) : ((position - .5) * 2 * BufferWi) - (swaglen * (1 - position) * 4));
                        ylimit = (int)(position <= .5 ? (position * 2 * BufferHt) + (swaglen * position * 4) : ((position - .5) * 2 * BufferHt) - (swaglen * (1 - position) * 4));
                        xlimit = (int)(position <= .5 ? (position * 2 * BufferWi) - (swaglen * (0.5 - position) * 4) : ((position - .5) * 2 * BufferWi) + (swaglen * position * 2));
                        ylimit = (int)(position <= .5 ? (position * 2 * BufferHt) - (swaglen * (0.5 - position) * 4) : ((position - .5) * 2 * BufferHt) + (swaglen * position * 2));
                int curtainDir;
                if (Direction < CurtainDirection.CurtainOpenClose)
                    curtainDir = (int)Direction % 2;
                else if (xlimit < _lastCurtainLimit - swaglen * 2)
                    curtainDir = 1 - _lastCurtainDir;
                    curtainDir = _lastCurtainDir;
                _lastCurtainDir   = curtainDir;
                _lastCurtainLimit = xlimit;
                if (curtainDir == 0)
                    xlimit = BufferWi - xlimit;
                    ylimit = BufferHt - ylimit;

                int middle;
                switch (Edge)
                case CurtainEdge.Left:
                    // left
                    DrawCurtainLocation(true, xlimit, swagArray, frameBuffer, level, BufferWi);

                case CurtainEdge.Center:
                    // center
                    middle = xlimit / 2;
                    DrawCurtainLocation(true, middle, swagArray, frameBuffer, level, BufferWi / 2);
                    DrawCurtainLocation(false, middle, swagArray, frameBuffer, level, BufferWi / 2);

                case CurtainEdge.Right:
                    // right
                    DrawCurtainLocation(false, xlimit, swagArray, frameBuffer, level, BufferWi);

                case CurtainEdge.Bottom:

                    // bottom
                    DrawCurtainVerticalLocation(false, ylimit, swagArray, frameBuffer, level, BufferHt);

                case CurtainEdge.Middle:
                    // middle
                    middle = ylimit / 2;
                    DrawCurtainVerticalLocation(true, middle, swagArray, frameBuffer, level, BufferHt / 2);
                    DrawCurtainVerticalLocation(false, middle, swagArray, frameBuffer, level, BufferHt / 2);

                case CurtainEdge.Top:
                    // top
                    DrawCurtainVerticalLocation(true, ylimit, swagArray, frameBuffer, level, BufferHt);
Exemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Called by for effects that support location based rendering when it is enabled
 /// The normal array based logic inverts the effect data. This si the formula to convert the x, y coordinates
 /// in order to do similar math
 /// This inverts the coordinate
 /// y = Math.Abs((BufferHtOffset - y) + (BufferHt - 1 + BufferHtOffset));
 /// This offsets it to be zero based like the others
 ///	y = y - BufferHtOffset;
 ///	x = x - BufferWiOffset;
 /// See full example in Butteryfly or partial in Colorwash.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="numFrames"></param>
 /// <param name="frameBuffer"></param>
 protected virtual void RenderEffectByLocation(int numFrames, PixelLocationFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
     throw new NotImplementedException();