public void ShowMap(List <Restaurant> list, string val)
            PinIcon     p;
            GMarker     gm;
            GInfoWindow win;


            foreach (var i in list)
                p  = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
                gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(i.Latitude), Convert.ToDouble(i.Longitude)),
                                 new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));

                //win = new GInfoWindow(gm, i.Name + " </br>Specialty: " + i.Specialty + "  </br>" + " <a href='" + i.Url + "'>Read more...</a>", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
                win = new GInfoWindow(gm, i.Name + " </br>Specialty: " + i.Specialty + "  </br>" + " <a href='' id='myid' runat='server' OnClick='ShowDirections(" + i.Latitude + ", " + i.Longitude + ")'>Get Directions </a> ", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);


                string items = i.Specialty.ToString();

                if (val == "")

                ddlType.Items.FindByValue(val).Attributes.Add("Selected", "Selected");
                ddlType.Items.FindByValue("").Attributes.Add("Text", "Select ALL");
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //if (!IsPostBack)
            navigatorView = new NavigatorView();
            var center = new GLatLng(48.51, 10.21);

            Gmap1.setCenter(center, 4);
            var xpinLetter = new XPinLetter(PinShapes.pin_star, "C", Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Chocolate);
            var location   = new GLatLng(, center.lng);

            //Gmap1.Add(new GMarker(location, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xpinLetter.ToString(), xpinLetter.Shadow()))));

            foreach (var marker in navigatorView.ListMarker)
                if (marker.Latitude > -90 && marker.Latitude < 90)
                    var icon = new PinIcon(PinIcons.flag, Color.Coral);

                    var gMarker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(marker.Latitude, marker.Longitude),
                                              new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(icon.ToString(), icon.Shadow())));
                    var tableText  = String.Format(Marker.infoTableHtml, marker.Name, marker.Name, marker.Name, marker.Latitude, marker.Longitude);
                    var infoWindow = new GInfoWindow(gMarker, tableText, false,;
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected void control(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            PROJEEntities db = new PROJEEntities();

            if (e.CommandName == "cmd1")
                int count = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);

                var query = (from a in db.mekans
                             where == count
                             select a.location).SingleOrDefault();

                var y = Convert.ToDouble(query.Latitude);
                var x = Convert.ToDouble(query.Longitude);

                GMap1.Height = 1000;
                GMap1.Width  = 1000;            //500'dü ben 1000 yaptım
                GMap1.Key    = "AIzaSyBbzayQWkhyVj3CTlFAh0UoVTt6NcZTpmo";
                var latlon = new GLatLng(x, y); //istenilen enlem boylam değerlerini merkez olarak alır
                GMap1.setCenter(latlon, 12);
                GMarker gm;
                GMarker icono = new GMarker(latlon);

                PinIcon p;
                p  = new PinIcon(PinIcons.flag, Color.Red);                             //istenen yere bırakılacak bayrak işaretçisi
                gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(x), Convert.ToDouble(y)), //parantezdeki sayılar enlem boylam buraya işaretçi bırakılacak
                                 new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));
                GInfoWindow win;
                win = new GInfoWindow(gm, "" + "", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);  //haritaya eklenir
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void LoadGMap(string latitude, string longitude, string companyName, string address, string imageName)
            PinIcon     p;
            GMarker     gm;
            GInfoWindow win;

            GLatLng mainLocation = new GLatLng(DBConvert.ParseDouble(latitude), DBConvert.ParseDouble(longitude));

            GMapType.GTypes maptype = GMapType.GTypes.Normal;
            GMap1.setCenter(mainLocation, 15, maptype);
            GMap1.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = true;

            GMapUIOptions options = new GMapUIOptions();

            options.maptypes_hybrid  = true;
            options.maptypes_normal  = true;
            options.zoom_scrollwheel = true;
            GMap1.Add(new GMapUI(options));

            //GMarker marker = new GMarker(mainLocation);
            GIcon icon = new GIcon();

            icon.markerIconOptions = new MarkerIconOptions(50, 50, Color.Blue);
            p   = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
            gm  = new GMarker(mainLocation, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));
            win = new GInfoWindow(gm, HtmlIconMap(imageName, companyName, address), false, GListener.Event.mouseover);

            GMap1.addControl(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.GOverviewMapControl));
            GMap1.addControl(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void FillHome()
            GLatLng gLatLng = null;

            if (Lat.HasValue)
                gLatLng = new GLatLng(Lat.Value, Lon.Value);
            else if (Address != null)
                GeoCode geoCode = GMap1.getGeoCodeRequest(Address);
                if (geoCode.valid)
                    gLatLng = geoCode.Placemark.coordinates;
            if (gLatLng != null)
                PinIcon pinIcon       = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.FromArgb(0xB4, 0x97, 0x59));
                var     markerOptions = new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(pinIcon.ToString(), pinIcon.Shadow()),
                                                           Title.Replace("'", "´"));
                GMarker marker = new GMarker(gLatLng, markerOptions);
                //GMarker marker = new GMarker(gLatLng);
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker, sb.ToString(), false);
                GMap1.setCenter(new GLatLng(, gLatLng.lng), InitialZoom);
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                // Here I used Degha Location as Main Location and Lat Long is : 21.622564, 87.523417
                GLatLng mainLocation = new GLatLng(40.813445, 29.307283);
                GMap1.setCenter(mainLocation, 15);

                XPinLetter xpinLetter = new XPinLetter(PinShapes.pin_star, "H", Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Chocolate);
                GMap1.Add(new GMarker(mainLocation, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xpinLetter.ToString(), xpinLetter.Shadow()))));

                List <lokasyon> lokasyonlar = new List <lokasyon>();
                using (lokasyonContext dc = new lokasyonContext())
                    lokasyonlar = dc.lokasyonlar.ToList();
                    //lokasyonlar = dc.HotelMasters.Where(a => a.HotelArea.Equals("Digha")).ToList();

                PinIcon     p;
                GMarker     gm;
                GInfoWindow win;
                foreach (var i in lokasyonlar)
                    p  = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
                    gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(i.enlem), Convert.ToDouble(i.boylam)),
                                     new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));

                    win = new GInfoWindow(gm, i.mekan_ismi + " <a href='" + i.siteye_git + "'>Read more...</a>", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                // Here I used Degha Location as Main Location and Lat Long is : 21.622564, 87.523417
                GLatLng mainLocation = new GLatLng(21.622564, 87.523417);
                GMap1.setCenter(mainLocation, 15);

                XPinLetter xpinLetter = new XPinLetter(PinShapes.pin_star, "H", Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Chocolate);
                GMap1.Add(new GMarker(mainLocation, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xpinLetter.ToString(), xpinLetter.Shadow()))));

                List <HotelMaster> hotels = new List <HotelMaster>();
                using (MyDatabaseEntities dc = new MyDatabaseEntities())
                    hotels = dc.HotelMasters.Where(a => a.HotelArea.Equals("Digha")).ToList();

                PinIcon     p;
                GMarker     gm;
                GInfoWindow win;
                foreach (var i in hotels)
                    p  = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
                    gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(i.LocLat), Convert.ToDouble(i.LocLong)),
                                     new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));

                    win = new GInfoWindow(gm, i.HotelName + " <a href='" + i.ReadMoreUrl + "'>Read more...</a>", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                GLatLng mainLocation = new GLatLng(34.0477964, -118.2581307);

                GMap1.setCenter(mainLocation, 14);

                XPinLetter xpinLetter = new XPinLetter(PinShapes.pin_star, "H", Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Chocolate);
                GMap1.Add(new GMarker(mainLocation, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xpinLetter.ToString(), xpinLetter.Shadow()))));

                List<HotelMaster> hotels = new List<HotelMaster>();
                using (HotelDatabaseEntities dc = new HotelDatabaseEntities())
                    hotels = dc.HotelMasters.Where(a => a.HotelArea.Equals("Los Angeles Downtown")).ToList();

                PinIcon p;
                GMarker gm;
                GInfoWindow win;
                foreach(var i in hotels)
                    p = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
                    gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(i.LocLat), Convert.ToDouble(i.LocLong)), new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));

                    win = new GInfoWindow(gm, i.HotelName + "<a href='"+i.ReadMoreUrl+"'> Read more...</a>", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
Exemplo n.º 9
        protected void control(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            PROJEEntities db = new PROJEEntities();

            if (e.CommandName == "cmd1")
                int count = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);

                var query = (from a in db.konaklama
                             where == count
                             select a.location).SingleOrDefault();

                var y = Convert.ToDouble(query.Latitude);
                var x = Convert.ToDouble(query.Longitude);

                GMap1.Height = 1000;
                GMap1.Width  = 500;
                GMap1.Key    = "AIzaSyBbzayQWkhyVj3CTlFAh0UoVTt6NcZTpmo";
                GLatLng latlon = new GLatLng(x, y);
                GMap1.setCenter(latlon, 12);
                GMarker gm;
                GMarker icono = new GMarker(latlon);

                PinIcon p;
                p  = new PinIcon(PinIcons.flag, Color.Red);
                gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(x), Convert.ToDouble(y)),
                                 new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));
                GInfoWindow win;
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            tokens.AccessToken = "140219230-Mww3rqC22jsEeGrwyWzfgGtzXNlPonroTyyFaE6F";

            tokens.AccessTokenSecret = "fNao9nGu9fgmxYtcF0UXoVMCcAGoBzkRPRfl7ujA2il1b";

            tokens.ConsumerKey = "2VqPg2xyY8A7ziLmRk5SaRaSL";

            tokens.ConsumerSecret = "ccJGxDaBDgyvrn6UGQFmQd0RNLXn3qRcTbg8rKZo01bmrK0EH5";

            TwitterResponse<TwitterSearchResultCollection> result = TwitterSearch.Search(tokens, "#ACME",  new SearchOptions());

            TwitterSearchResultCollection results = result.ResponseObject;
            List<TwitterSearchResult> resultList = results.ToList();

            foreach (var item in resultList)
                string longtu = "";
                string lattu = "";

                    longtu = item.Geo.Coordinates[0].Longitude.ToString();
                    lattu = item.Geo.Coordinates[0].Latitude.ToString();
                catch (Exception) { }

                if (longtu != "" && lattu != "")
                    GLatLng mainLocation = new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(longtu), Convert.ToDouble(lattu));
                    GMap1.setCenter(mainLocation, 5);

                    PinIcon p;
                    GMarker gm;
                    GInfoWindow win;

                    p = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
                    gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(longtu), Convert.ToDouble(lattu)),
                        new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));

                    win = new GInfoWindow(gm, "" + "", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);

                dt.Rows.Add(item.Text, item.User.Name, item.User.Location,longtu , lattu,item.User.ListedCount);

            GridView1.DataSource = dt;
Exemplo n.º 11
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["New"] != null)

            //double latitude;
            //double.TryParse(Session["latidtude"].ToString(), NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, out latitude);
            string RLat  = Session["latidtude"].ToString();
            string RLong = Session["longitude"].ToString();

            if (!IsPostBack)
                // Current Location
                GLatLng mainLocation = new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(RLat), Convert.ToDouble(RLong));
                GMap1.setCenter(mainLocation, 15);

                XPinLetter xpinLetter = new XPinLetter(PinShapes.pin_star, "F", Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Chocolate);
                GMap1.Add(new GMarker(mainLocation, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xpinLetter.ToString(), xpinLetter.Shadow()))));

                List <LocData> location = new List <LocData>();
                using (FishLocEntities dc = new FishLocEntities())
                    location = dc.LocDatas.Where(a => a.Loc_Area.Equals("Orick")).ToList();

                PinIcon     p;
                GMarker     gm;
                GInfoWindow win;
                foreach (var i in location)
                    p  = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
                    gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(i.Loc_Lat), Convert.ToDouble(i.Loc_Long)),
                                     new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));

                    win = new GInfoWindow(gm, i.Loc_Name + " <a href='" + i.ReadMoreUrl + "'>Read more...</a>", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
Exemplo n.º 12
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GLatLng latlng = new GLatLng(41, -3.2);
            GMap1.setCenter(latlng, 5);

            PinLetter pinLetter = new PinLetter("A", Color.Yellow, Color.Black);
            XPinLetter xPinLetter = new XPinLetter(PinShapes.pin_star, "B", Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Chocolate);
            PinIcon pinIcon = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
            XPinIcon xPinIcon = new XPinIcon(, PinIcons.home, Color.LightGreen, Color.BlueViolet);
            SPin sPin = new SPin(0.5, -10, Color.Green, 8, PinFontStyle.normal, "C");

            GMap1.Add(new GMarker(latlng, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(pinLetter.ToString(), pinLetter.Shadow()))));
            GMap1.Add(new GMarker(latlng + new GLatLng(2, 2), new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xPinLetter.ToString(), xPinLetter.Shadow()))));
            GMap1.Add(new GMarker(latlng + new GLatLng(2, -2), new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(pinIcon.ToString(), pinIcon.Shadow()))));
            GMap1.Add(new GMarker(latlng + new GLatLng(-2, 2), new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xPinIcon.ToString(), xPinIcon.Shadow()))));

            GMap1.Add(new GMarker(latlng + new GLatLng(-2, -2), new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(sPin.ToString()))));
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string role = Session["Role"] as string;

            if (role != "Administrator")
                txtUserName.InnerHtml = Session["username"] as string;

            if (!IsPostBack)
                // Here I used Degha Location as Main Location and Lat Long is : 21.622564, 87.523417
                //-25.85719, 28.1845484
                GLatLng mainLocation = new GLatLng(-26.270760, 28.112268);
                GMap1.setCenter(mainLocation, 15);

                XPinLetter xpinLetter = new XPinLetter(PinShapes.pin_star, "H", Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Chocolate);
                GMap1.Add(new GMarker(mainLocation, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xpinLetter.ToString(), xpinLetter.Shadow()))));

                List <UserRegistration> userreg = new List <UserRegistration>();
                using (NacosadbDataContext dc = new NacosadbDataContext())
                    userreg = dc.UserRegistrations.Where(a => a.ID != null).ToList();

                PinIcon     p;
                GMarker     gm;
                GInfoWindow win;
                foreach (var i in userreg)
                    p  = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
                    gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(-25.85719), Convert.ToDouble(28.1845484)),
                                     new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));
                    //" <a href='" + i.ReadMoreUrl + "'>Read more...</a>"
                    win = new GInfoWindow(gm, i.Address, false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
        private void ShowinMap(List <Report> reports)
            GLatLng mainLocation = new GLatLng(23.684994, 90.356331);

            GMap1.setCenter(mainLocation, 8);

            XPinLetter xPinLetter = new XPinLetter(PinShapes.pin_star, "H", Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Chocolate);

            GMap1.Add(new GMarker(mainLocation, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xPinLetter.ToString(), xPinLetter.Shadow()))));

            PinIcon     p;
            GMarker     gm;
            GInfoWindow win;

            foreach (var report in reports)
                if (report.TotalPatient > 0)
                    p  = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Red);
                    gm =
                        new GMarker(
                            new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(report.DistrictLoclot), Convert.ToDouble(report.DistrictLocLong)),
                            new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));
                    win = new GInfoWindow(gm,
                                          "  District Name: " + report.DistrictName + "   Total Patient: " + report.TotalPatient,

                    p  = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
                    gm =
                        new GMarker(
                            new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(report.DistrictLoclot), Convert.ToDouble(report.DistrictLocLong)),
                            new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));
                    win = new GInfoWindow(gm,
                                          "  District Name: " + report.DistrictName + "   Total Patient: " + report.TotalPatient,

        private void ShowinMap(List<Report> reports)
            GLatLng mainLocation = new GLatLng(23.684994, 90.356331);
            GMap1.setCenter(mainLocation, 8);

            XPinLetter xPinLetter = new XPinLetter(PinShapes.pin_star, "H", Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Chocolate);
            GMap1.Add(new GMarker(mainLocation, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xPinLetter.ToString(), xPinLetter.Shadow()))));

            PinIcon p;
            GMarker gm;
            GInfoWindow win;
            foreach (var report in reports)
                if (report.TotalPatient > 0)
                    p = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Red);
                    gm =
                        new GMarker(
                            new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(report.DistrictLoclot), Convert.ToDouble(report.DistrictLocLong)),
                            new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));
                    win = new GInfoWindow(gm,
                        "  District Name: " + report.DistrictName + "   Total Patient: " + report.TotalPatient,

                    p = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
                    gm =
                        new GMarker(
                            new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(report.DistrictLoclot), Convert.ToDouble(report.DistrictLocLong)),
                            new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));
                    win = new GInfoWindow(gm,
                        "  District Name: " + report.DistrictName + "   Total Patient: " + report.TotalPatient,

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GLatLng latlng = new GLatLng(41, -3.2);

            GMap1.setCenter(latlng, 5);

            PinLetter  pinLetter  = new PinLetter("A", Color.Yellow, Color.Black);
            XPinLetter xPinLetter = new XPinLetter(PinShapes.pin_star, "B", Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Chocolate);
            PinIcon    pinIcon    = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
            XPinIcon   xPinIcon   = new XPinIcon(, PinIcons.home, Color.LightGreen, Color.BlueViolet);
            SPin       sPin       = new SPin(0.5, -10, Color.Green, 8, PinFontStyle.normal, "C");

            GMap1.Add(new GMarker(latlng, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(pinLetter.ToString(), pinLetter.Shadow()))));
            GMap1.Add(new GMarker(latlng + new GLatLng(2, 2), new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xPinLetter.ToString(), xPinLetter.Shadow()))));
            GMap1.Add(new GMarker(latlng + new GLatLng(2, -2), new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(pinIcon.ToString(), pinIcon.Shadow()))));
            GMap1.Add(new GMarker(latlng + new GLatLng(-2, 2), new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xPinIcon.ToString(), xPinIcon.Shadow()))));

            GMap1.Add(new GMarker(latlng + new GLatLng(-2, -2), new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(sPin.ToString()))));
Exemplo n.º 17
        protected void GridView2_SelectedIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewSelectEventArgs e)
            //string ah = GridView2.SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text;
            int I = e.NewSelectedIndex;
            // GridViewRow row = GridView2.SelectedRow;
            // string lo = row.ID;
            string          pid  = GridView2.Rows[I].Cells[1].Text;
            dataDataContext dd   = new dataDataContext();
            Word_search     word = new Word_search();

            var eddd = (from a in dd.Word_searches
                        where a.ID == Convert.ToInt32(pid)
                        select a).SingleOrDefault();

            GMap1.Visible = true;
            PinIcon     p;
            GMarker     gm;
            GInfoWindow gin;
            GLatLng     mainarea = new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(eddd.latid), Convert.ToDouble(eddd.@long));

            GMap1.setCenter(mainarea, 15);
            XPinLetter xpinletter = new XPinLetter((PinShapes.pin_star), "W", Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Chocolate);

            GMap1.Add(new GMarker(mainarea, new GIcon(xpinletter.ToString(), xpinletter.Shadow())));
            p  = new PinIcon(, Color.Cyan);
            gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(eddd.latid), (Convert.ToDouble(eddd.@long))), new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));

            gin = new GInfoWindow(gm, "<font color=black><b>Search info</b><br/>  Word search:" + eddd.Word_search1 + "<br /> date_of_search:" + eddd.date_s, false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
            Session["lat"]  = this.Request.QueryString["lat"];
            Session["lon"]  = this.Request.QueryString["long"];
            Session["user"] = us;
Exemplo n.º 18
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            TwitterResponse<TwitterSearchResultCollection> result = TwitterSearch.Search(tokens, TextBox2.Text, new SearchOptions());

            TwitterSearchResultCollection results = result.ResponseObject;
            List<TwitterSearchResult> resultList = results.ToList();

            foreach (var item in resultList)
                string longtu = "";
                string lattu = "";

                    longtu = item.Geo.Coordinates[0].Longitude.ToString();
                    lattu = item.Geo.Coordinates[0].Latitude.ToString();
                catch (Exception) { }

                if (longtu != "" && lattu != "")
                    GLatLng mainLocation = new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(longtu), Convert.ToDouble(lattu));
                    GMap1.setCenter(mainLocation, 5);

                    PinIcon p;
                    GMarker gm;
                    GInfoWindow win;

                    p = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
                    gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(longtu), Convert.ToDouble(lattu)),
                        new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));

                    win = new GInfoWindow(gm, "" + "", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);

                dt.Rows.Add(item.Text, item.User.Name, item.User.Location, longtu, lattu, item.User.ListedCount);

            GridView1.DataSource = dt;
Exemplo n.º 19
        public async void idleuser()
            var idleuser = await ParseUser.Query
                               .WhereEqualTo("status", UserControlls.statusCode[0])
            txtidle.Text = idleuser.Count() + "";
            //foreach (ParseUser user in idleuser){

            //        int count= user.ObjectId.Count();
            //        txtidle.Text = count.ToString();

            //var userGeoPoint = ParseUser.CurrentUser.Get<ParseGeoPoint>("lastLocation");
            foreach (ParseUser user in idleuser)
                ParseFile img = user.Get<ParseFile>("profilePic");
                idleuserlist.Add(new User
                    Id = user.ObjectId,
                    username = user.Get<string>("username"),
                    lastLocation = user.Get<ParseGeoPoint>("lastLocation"),
                    profilePic = img.Url,
                    status = user.Get<string>("status")
            GMapOverlay markersOverlay = new GMapOverlay();
            foreach (var locations in idleuserlist)

                //Image i = new Image();
                //ResizeImage(locations.profilePic, 40, 40);
                //GIcon icon = new GIcon();

                //icon.shadow = "";
                //icon.iconSize = new GSize(40, 100);
                //icon.shadowSize = new GSize(82, 200);

                //string jsonEmployeeResponse = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(locations);
                PinIcon p;
                GMarker gm;
                GInfoWindow win;

                //Bitmap im = new Bitmap(PinIcons.WCmale);
                //imggreen = PinIcons.WCmale;
                //imggreen.ForeColor = Color.Green;
                //body += @"<p><img src='" + domainName + imageFileName +"' alt='Product Image' width='250px' height='250px' runat='server' /></p>";
                p = new PinIcon(PinIcons.WCmale, Color.Green);
                gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(locations.lastLocation.Latitude, locations.lastLocation.Longitude),
                    new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));
                win = new GInfoWindow(gm, "<p><img src='" + locations.profilePic + "' alt='person Image' width='60px' height='60px' runat='server' />  <br/>"
                    + locations.username.First().ToString().ToUpper() + locations.username.Substring(1) + " <br/>" + locations.status.First().ToString().ToUpper() + locations.status.Substring(1) + "</p>", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
Exemplo n.º 20
        protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GLatLng mainLocation = new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(TextBox3.Text), Convert.ToDouble(TextBox4.Text));
            GMap1.setCenter(mainLocation, 5);

            PinIcon p;
            GMarker gm;
            GInfoWindow win;

            p = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
            gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(TextBox3.Text), Convert.ToDouble(TextBox4.Text)),
                new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));

            win = new GInfoWindow(gm, "" + "", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
Exemplo n.º 21
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Label_noInternet.Text = "";
            us = (User)Session["user"];
            string lat = (string)Session["lat"];
            string lon = (string)Session["long"];

            GLatLng mainarea = new GLatLng(33.50, 36.30);

            GMap1.setCenter(mainarea, 13);

            PinIcon     p;
            GMarker     gm;
            GInfoWindow gin;

            foreach (var i in data.Word_searches)
                if (i.Word_search1.ToString().Trim() == TextBox1.Text)
                    if (i.latid != null && i.@long != null)
                        p   = new PinIcon(, Color.Cyan);
                        gm  = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(i.latid), (Convert.ToDouble(i.@long))), new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));
                        us  = data.Users.Where(pm => pm.ID == i.Searcher_id).Single();
                        gin = new GInfoWindow(gm, "<font color=black><b>Search info</b><br/> User:"******"<br /> Word search:" + i.Word_search1 + "<br /> date_of_search:" + i.date_s, false, GListener.Event.mouseover);

            Session["lat"]  = this.Request.QueryString["lat"];
            Session["lon"]  = this.Request.QueryString["long"];
            Session["user"] = us;
Exemplo n.º 22
        public async void finisheduser()
            var finisheduser = await ParseUser.Query
                                          .WhereEqualTo("status", UserControlls.statusCode[7])
            txtfinished.Text = finisheduser.Count().ToString();
            foreach (ParseUser user in finisheduser)
                ParseFile img = user.Get<ParseFile>("profilePic");
                finishuserlist.Add(new User
                    Id = user.ObjectId,
                    username = user.Get<string>("username"),
                    lastLocation = user.Get<ParseGeoPoint>("lastLocation"),
                    profilePic = img.Url,
                    status = user.Get<string>("status")

            foreach (var locations in finishuserlist)
                PinIcon p;
                GMarker gm;
                GInfoWindow win;

                p = new PinIcon(PinIcons.WCmale, Color.Yellow);
                gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(locations.lastLocation.Latitude, locations.lastLocation.Longitude),
                    new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));
                win = new GInfoWindow(gm, "<p><img src='" + locations.profilePic + "' alt='person Image' width='60px' height='60px' runat='server' />  <br/>"
                    + locations.username.First().ToString().ToUpper() + locations.username.Substring(1) + " <br/>" + locations.status.First().ToString().ToUpper() + locations.status.Substring(1) + "</p>", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);