Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override bool TryPlacePiece(BoardState board, PieceDefinition piece, out PieceBitmap resultBitmap, out int resultX, out int resultY)
            int smallestSize = BoardState.Height * BoardState.Width + 1;

            resultBitmap = null;
            resultX      = 0;
            resultY      = 0;

            //TODO: If we weren't a singleton we could track our used Width/Height
            int currentHeight = CalcUsedHeight(ref board);
            int currentWidth  = CalcUsedWidth(ref board);

            //Console.WriteLine($"Current {currentWidth}x{currentHeight}");

            for (var x = 0; x < BoardState.Width; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < BoardState.Height; y++)
                    foreach (var bitmap in piece.PossibleOrientations)
                        var size = Math.Max(currentWidth, x + bitmap.Width) * Math.Max(currentHeight, y + bitmap.Height);

                        if (size < smallestSize && x + bitmap.Width <= BoardState.Width && y + bitmap.Height <= BoardState.Height && board.CanPlace(bitmap, x, y))
                            smallestSize = size;
                            resultBitmap = bitmap;
                            resultX      = x;
                            resultY      = y;

            return(resultBitmap != null);
Exemplo n.º 2
 // to spawn a new object dropping out of the box by gravity
 public void spawnNew(PieceDefinition pd, Vector3 pos, float dropSpeed, int skinNum)
     isActive = true;
     piece    = new GamePiece(pd, this, skinNum, position - pos);
        protected override bool TryPlacePiece(BoardState board, PieceDefinition piece, out PieceBitmap resultBitmap, out int x, out int y)
            for (var oppositeWallGap = 0; oppositeWallGap < BoardState.Width; oppositeWallGap++)
                //TODO: Could use the minimum of the size of the sides of the bitmap in this gap < part to skip some wasteful loops
                for (var gap = 0; gap < BoardState.Height; gap++)
                    foreach (var bitmap in piece.PossibleOrientations)
                        //Try place in x direction
                        if (gap + bitmap.Width <= BoardState.Width && oppositeWallGap + bitmap.Height <= BoardState.Height && board.CanPlace(bitmap, gap, oppositeWallGap))
                            resultBitmap = bitmap;
                            x            = gap;
                            y            = oppositeWallGap;

                        //Try place in y direction
                        if (oppositeWallGap + bitmap.Width <= BoardState.Width && gap + bitmap.Height <= BoardState.Height && board.CanPlace(bitmap, oppositeWallGap, gap))
                            resultBitmap = bitmap;
                            x            = oppositeWallGap;
                            y            = gap;

            resultBitmap = null;
            x            = -1;
            y            = -1;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public GamePiece(PieceDefinition newPd, Board newMaster, int type, Vector3 newPosition)
     pd = newPd;
     master   = newMaster;
     slotNum  = type;
     position = newPosition;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void PlayerPlacedPiece(int player, PieceDefinition piece, int x, int y, PieceBitmap bitmap)
            Console.WriteLine($"Player {player} placed {piece.Name} at {x},{y}");

            if (PrintBoardsAfterPlacement)
Exemplo n.º 6
 // converts a piece that is here to be a special piece
 public void convertToSpecial(PieceDefinition pd)
     if (isFilled)
         piece.pd.performPower(arrayRef); // trigger specials if any
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected override bool TryPlacePiece(BoardState board, PieceDefinition piece, out PieceBitmap resultBitmap, out int resultX, out int resultY)
            resultBitmap = null;
            resultX      = -1;
            resultY      = -1;

            //TODO: We could do better with a good tiebreaker
            int bestScore       = int.MaxValue;
            int tieBreakerScore = int.MaxValue;
            int tiedForBest     = 0;

            foreach (var bitmap in piece.PossibleOrientations)
                for (int x = 0; x < BoardState.Width - bitmap.Width + 1; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < BoardState.Height - bitmap.Height + 1; y++)
                        if (board.CanPlace(bitmap, x, y))
                            CalculateScore(board, bitmap, x, y, _doubler, out var score);
                            if (score < bestScore)
                                bestScore       = score;
                                tieBreakerScore = x + y;

                                resultBitmap = bitmap;
                                resultX      = x;
                                resultY      = y;
                                tiedForBest  = 0;
                            else if (score == bestScore)

                                int ourTieBreaker = x + y;

                                if (ourTieBreaker < tieBreakerScore)
                                    //Console.WriteLine("Beat the tie");
                                    tieBreakerScore = ourTieBreaker;

                                    resultBitmap = bitmap;
                                    resultX      = x;
                                    resultY      = y;

            //if (tiedForBest > 0)
            //	Console.WriteLine($"{_doubler} {tiedForBest}");

            return(resultBitmap != null);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public override void Reason()
     if (!pieceProvided)
         def           = _context.nextQueue.GetNext();
         pieceProvided = false;
     _context.piece = _context.playfield.SpawnTileGroup(def, _context.spawnLocation);
     _machine.ChangeState <StateGravitate>().AddLine();
Exemplo n.º 9
 // for board reset when no more moves
 public void resetMe(PieceDefinition pieceType, int skinNum)
     if (pd.ignoreReset)
     { // non-resettable piece
     pd = pieceType;
     slotNum = skinNum;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void TwoPossibleOrientations()
            var piece = new PieceDefinition("test", 0, 0, 0,

            Assert.Equal(2, piece.PossibleOrientations.Length);
            Assert.Equal(2, piece.TotalUsedLocations);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void SinglePossibleOrientation()
            var piece = new PieceDefinition("test", 0, 0, 0,

            Assert.Equal(1, piece.TotalUsedLocations);
Exemplo n.º 12
    // spawn a new piece on the boar d itself (appear mode) which scales from small to big
    public void spawnNewAppear(PieceDefinition pd, float appearSpeed, int skinNum)
        isActive = true;
        piece    = new GamePiece(pd, this, skinNum, position);
        LeanTween.cancel(piece.thisPiece); // cancel any active tweens on this object
        float scaleSize = 0;

        scaleSize = piece.thisPiece.transform.localScale.x;
        piece.thisPiece.transform.localScale = Vector3.zero; // appear from scale 0
        LeanTween.value(piece.thisPiece, appearTweeningSubFunction, 0f, scaleSize, appearSpeed).setOnUpdateParam(piece.thisPiece);
Exemplo n.º 13
 // sets the piece that is here to be a special piece
 public void setSpecialPiece(PieceDefinition pd)
     if (panel.pnd.hasStartingPiece)
         if (pd.isSpecial)
         { // if it's a special type, define the appropriate skin
             piece.slotNum = pd.skinToUseDuringSpawn(arrayRef[0], arrayRef[1]);
         piece.pd = pd; // sets the pd type
Exemplo n.º 14
        protected override bool TryPlacePiece(BoardState board, PieceDefinition piece, out PieceBitmap resultBitmap, out int resultX, out int resultY)
            var holes = new List <int>();

            int leastHoles      = BoardState.Width * BoardState.Height;
            int largestHoleSize = 0;

            resultBitmap = null;
            resultX      = -1;
            resultY      = -1;

            //TODO: Distance could be < the piece size too
            for (var distance = 0; distance < BoardState.Width + BoardState.Height; distance++)
                //TODO: Min(distance, Width - bitmap.MinSideSize) ?
                for (var x = 0; x <= distance; x++)
                    var y = distance - x;

                    foreach (var bitmap in piece.PossibleOrientations)
                        if (x + bitmap.Width <= BoardState.Width && y + bitmap.Height <= BoardState.Height && board.CanPlace(bitmap, x, y))
                            var clone = board;
                            clone.Place(bitmap, x, y);

                            PlacementHelper.HoleCount(clone, ref holes);

                            //TODO: No Linq
                            if (holes.Count < leastHoles || (holes.Count == leastHoles && holes.Max() > largestHoleSize))
                                leastHoles      = holes.Count;
                                largestHoleSize = holes.Max();

                                resultBitmap = bitmap;
                                resultX      = x;
                                resultY      = y;

                if (resultBitmap != null)

Exemplo n.º 15
 public override bool powerMatched(int posX1, int posY1, int posX2, int posY2, bool execute,
                                   PieceDefinition thisPd, PieceDefinition otherPd)
     if (otherPd.isDestructible)
         if (execute)
             StartCoroutine(doPower6Merge(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2));          // match 6 type power ( clears the entire board )
Exemplo n.º 16
 // for external scripts to call, destroys the game piece with validation checks
 public void destroy(int i)
     if (pd != null)
         if (!pd.isSpecial)
         {                                    // not a special piece... it is a colored piece
             master.gm.matchCount[slotNum]++; // increase the type count that is destroyed.
         pd.onPieceDestroyed(this);           // call the piece type onDestroy function (if any)
         pd = null;                           // null the piece attribute here
         master.gm.animScript.doAnim(animType.GLOBALDESTROY, master.arrayRef[0], master.arrayRef[1]);
Exemplo n.º 17
        protected override bool TryPlacePiece(BoardState board, PieceDefinition piece, out PieceBitmap resultBitmap, out int resultX, out int resultY)

            resultBitmap = null;
            resultX      = -1;
            resultY      = -1;

            int bestScore = int.MinValue;

            //Exhaustively place it and make new child nodes
            for (var index = 0; index < piece.PossibleOrientations.Length; index++)
                var bitmap       = piece.PossibleOrientations[index];
                var searchWidth  = BoardState.Width - bitmap.Width + 1;
                var searchHeight = BoardState.Height - bitmap.Height + 1;

                //TODO? If this is the first piece, remove mirrors/rotations from the children
                //if (isFirstPiece)
                //	//TODO: This doesn't stop diagonal mirrors
                //	searchWidth = (BoardState.Width - bitmap.Width) / 2 + 1;
                //	searchHeight = (BoardState.Height - bitmap.Height) / 2 + 1;

                for (int x = 0; x < searchWidth; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < searchHeight; y++)
                        if (board.CanPlace(bitmap, x, y))
                            var clone = board;
                            clone.Place(bitmap, x, y);

                            var score = _evaluator.Evaluate(in clone, x, x + bitmap.Width, y, y + bitmap.Height);
                            if (score > bestScore)
                                resultBitmap = bitmap;
                                resultX      = x;
                                resultY      = y;

                                bestScore = score;

            return(resultBitmap != null);
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Swaps out the internal piece for <paramref name="toHold"/> and outputs <paramref name="swapped"/>. Returns <see langword="true"/> when the swap is successful.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="toHold"></param>
 /// <param name="swapped"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool Swap(PieceDefinition toHold, out PieceDefinition?swapped)
     if (isLocked)
         swapped = null;
         swapped   = heldPiece;
         heldPiece = toHold;
         isLocked  = true;
Exemplo n.º 19
 // reset the board when no more moves
 public void reset(PieceDefinition pd, int skinNum)
     if (panel.isFillable())
     { // if the panel can hold a game piece
         if (isFilled)
             piece.resetMe(pd, skinNum); // reset it
         { // game piece was stolen by another board and the reference is wrong. create a new piece
             piece = new GamePiece(pd, this, skinNum, position);
         isFalling = false;
         isActive  = true;
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a placement (Not guaranteed to be any good) for the given piece on the given board
        /// </summary>
        public static void GetFirstPlacement(BoardState board, PieceDefinition piece, out PieceBitmap bitmap, out int x, out int y)
            for (var index = 0; index < piece.PossibleOrientations.Length; index++)
                bitmap = piece.PossibleOrientations[index];
                for (y = BoardState.Height - bitmap.Height; y >= 0; y--)
                    for (x = BoardState.Width - bitmap.Width; x >= 0; x--)
                        if (board.CanPlace(bitmap, x, y))

            throw new Exception("GetFirstPlacement couldn't find a placement");
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// This runs from the highest x/y backwards, as a rule of thumb placement strategies should try place starting at 0,0 so this is likely to finish quicker
        /// </summary>
        public static bool CanPlace(BoardState board, PieceDefinition piece)
            for (var index = 0; index < piece.PossibleOrientations.Length; index++)
                var bitmap = piece.PossibleOrientations[index];
                for (var y = BoardState.Height - bitmap.Height; y >= 0; y--)
                    for (var x = BoardState.Width - bitmap.Width; x >= 0; x--)
                        if (board.CanPlace(bitmap, x, y))

Exemplo n.º 22
		private void BufferPiece(PieceDefinition piece)
			for (var y = 0; y < 5; y++)
				for (var x = 0; x < 5; x++)
					bool here = false;
					if (piece.Bitmap.Width > x && piece.Bitmap.Height > y)
						here = piece.Boolmap[x, y];

					_lines[y].Append(here ? '#' : ' ');

				_lines[y].Append(" | ");

			_lines[5].Append($"$:{piece.ButtonCost.ToString().PadRight(3)} | ");
			_lines[6].Append($"T:{piece.TimeCost.ToString().PadRight(3)} | ");
			_lines[7].Append($"+:{piece.ButtonsIncome.ToString().PadRight(3)} | ");
Exemplo n.º 23
        protected override bool TryPlacePiece(BoardState board, PieceDefinition piece, out PieceBitmap resultBitmap, out int resultX, out int resultY)
            foreach (var bitmap in piece.PossibleOrientations)
                for (var y = 0; y <= BoardState.Height - bitmap.Height; y++)
                    for (var x = 0; x <= BoardState.Width - bitmap.Width; x++)
                        if (board.CanPlace(bitmap, x, y))
                            resultBitmap = bitmap;
                            resultX      = x;
                            resultY      = y;

            resultBitmap = null;
            resultX      = -1;
            resultY      = -1;
Exemplo n.º 24
        public double CalculateValueOfPurchasing(SimulationState state, int pieceIndex, PieceDefinition piece)
            var offset = OffsetForPosition(state);

            var value = piece.TotalUsedLocations * _value[offset + UsedLocationUtilityOffset];

            value += piece.ButtonCost * _value[offset + ButtonCostUtilityOffset];

            value += piece.TimeCost * _value[offset + TimeCostUtilityOffset];

            //TODO: Should we have piece income and total income utilities?
            value += SimulationHelpers.ButtonIncomeAmountAfterPosition(state.PlayerPosition[state.ActivePlayer]) * piece.ButtonsIncome * _value[offset + IncomeUtilityOffset];

            value += SimulationHelpers.ButtonIncomeAmountAfterPosition(state.PlayerPosition[state.ActivePlayer]) * piece.ButtonsIncome * piece.ButtonsIncome * _value[offset + IncomeSquaredUtilityOffset];

            //TODO: Should this be boolean or vary by difference in location?
            if (state.PlayerPosition[state.NonActivePlayer] >= (state.PlayerPosition[state.ActivePlayer] + piece.TimeCost))
                value += _value[offset + GetAnotherTurnUtilityOffset];

            //TODO: Should this be boolean or vary by income amount?
            if (SimulationHelpers.ButtonIncomeAmountAfterPosition(state.PlayerPosition[state.ActivePlayer]) != SimulationHelpers.ButtonIncomeAmountAfterPosition(Math.Min(SimulationState.EndLocation, state.PlayerPosition[state.ActivePlayer] + piece.TimeCost)))
                value += _value[offset + ReceiveIncomeUtilityOffset];

            return(value);            //TODO Clamp? Divide by total utilities?
Exemplo n.º 25
 // old powerMatched function..
 public virtual bool powerMatched(int posX1, int posY1, int posX2, int posY2, bool execute,
                                  PieceDefinition pdMain, PieceDefinition pdSub)
     return(false);        // default is nothing..
Exemplo n.º 26
 public void PlayerPurchasedPiece(int player, PieceDefinition piece)
     Console.WriteLine($"{_turn}) Player {player} purchased {piece.Name}");
Exemplo n.º 27
 public bool TryPlacePiece(BoardState board, PieceDefinition piece, in PieceCollection possibleFuturePieces, int possibleFuturePiecesOffset, out PieceBitmap bitmap, out int x, out int y)
Exemplo n.º 28
 public double CalculateValueOfPurchasing(SimulationState state, int pieceIndex, PieceDefinition piece)
Exemplo n.º 29
 protected abstract double CalculateValue(SimulationState state, int pieceIndex, PieceDefinition piece);
Exemplo n.º 30
 protected override double CalculateValue(SimulationState state, int pieceIndex, PieceDefinition piece)
     return(_calculator.CalculateValueOfPurchasing(state, pieceIndex, piece));