Exemplo n.º 1
        internal IActionResult PrintHtml(BaseController controller)

            using (var htmlExport = new HTMLExport())
                htmlExport.OpenAfterExport = false;
                htmlExport.Navigator       = false;
                htmlExport.Layers          = Layers;
                htmlExport.SinglePage      = true;
                htmlExport.Pictures        = Pictures;
                htmlExport.Print           = true;
                htmlExport.Preview         = true;
                htmlExport.SubFolder       = false;
                htmlExport.EmbedPictures   = EmbedPictures;
                //htmlExport.WebImagePrefix = WebUtils.ToUrl(FastReportGlobal.FastReportOptions.RouteBasePath, controller.RouteBasePath, ID, "picture") + "/";
                htmlExport.WebImagePrefix = WebUtils.ToUrl(FastReportGlobal.FastReportOptions.RouteBasePath, $"preview.getPicture?reportId={ID}&pictureId=");
                htmlExport.ExportMode     = HTMLExport.ExportType.WebPrint;

                byte[] file = null;

                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                    htmlExport.Export(Report, ms);
                    file = ms.ToArray();

                if (htmlExport.PrintPageData != null)
                    //WebReportCache cache = new WebReportCache(this.Context);

                    // add all pictures in cache
                    for (int i = 0; i < htmlExport.PrintPageData.Pictures.Count; i++)
                        Stream stream = htmlExport.PrintPageData.Pictures[i];
                        byte[] image  = new byte[stream.Length];
                        stream.Position = 0;
                        int    n       = stream.Read(image, 0, (int)stream.Length);
                        string picGuid = htmlExport.PrintPageData.Guids[i];
                        //cache.PutObject(picGuid, image);
                        PictureCache[picGuid] = image;

                    // cleanup
                    for (int i = 0; i < htmlExport.PrintPageData.Pictures.Count; i++)
                        Stream stream = htmlExport.PrintPageData.Pictures[i];
                        stream = null;


                return(new FileContentResult(file, "text/html"));
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal StringBuilder ReportInHtml()

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            using (HTMLExport html = new HTMLExport())
                html.ExportMode = HTMLExport.ExportType.WebPreview;
                //html.CustomDraw += this.CustomDraw;
                html.StylePrefix = $"fr{ID}";         //html.StylePrefix = Prop.ControlID.Substring(0, 6);
                html.Pictures        = Pictures;      //html.Pictures = Prop.Pictures;
                html.EmbedPictures   = EmbedPictures; //html.EmbedPictures = EmbedPictures;
                html.OnClickTemplate = "fr{0}.click(this,'{1}','{2}')";
                html.ReportID        = ID;            //html.ReportID = Prop.ControlID;
                html.EnableMargins   = EnableMargins; //html.EnableMargins = Prop.EnableMargins;

                // calc zoom
                html.Zoom = Zoom;

                html.Layers      = Layers;                                              //html.Layers = Layers;
                html.PageNumbers = SinglePage ? "" : (CurrentPageIndex + 1).ToString(); //html.PageNumbers = SinglePage ? "" : (Prop.CurrentPage + 1).ToString();

                //if (Prop.AutoWidth)
                //    html.WidthUnits = HtmlSizeUnits.Percent;
                //if (Prop.AutoHeight)
                //    html.HeightUnits = HtmlSizeUnits.Percent;

                //html.WebImagePrefix = WebUtils.ToUrl(FastReportGlobal.FastReportOptions.RouteBasePath, controller.RouteBasePath, ID, "picture") + "/"; //html.WebImagePrefix = String.Concat(context.Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(WebUtils.HandlerFileName), "?", WebUtils.PicsPrefix);
                html.WebImagePrefix = WebUtils.ToUrl(FastReportGlobal.FastReportOptions.RouteBasePath, $"preview.getPicture?reportId={ID}&pictureId=");
                html.SinglePage     = SinglePage;       //html.SinglePage = SinglePage;
                html.CurPage        = CurrentPageIndex; //html.CurPage = CurrentPage;
                html.Export(Report, (Stream)null);

                //sb.Append("<div class=\"frbody\" style =\"");
                //if (HtmlLayers)
                //    sb.Append("position:relative;z-index:0;");

                // container for html report body
                //int pageWidth = (int)Math.Ceiling(GetReportPageWidthInPixels() * html.Zoom);
                //int pageHeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(GetReportPageHeightInPixels() * html.Zoom);
                //int paddingLeft = (int)Math.Ceiling(Padding.Left * html.Zoom);
                //int paddingRight = (int)Math.Ceiling(Padding.Right * html.Zoom);
                //int paddingTop = (int)Math.Ceiling(Padding.Top * html.Zoom);
                //int paddingBottom = (int)Math.Ceiling(Padding.Bottom * html.Zoom);
                //sb.Append("<div class=\"frcontainer\" style=\"width:" + pageWidth +
                //    "px;height:" + (SinglePage ? pageHeight * html.Count : pageHeight) +
                //    "px;padding-left:" + paddingLeft +
                //    "px;padding-right:" + paddingRight +
                //    "px;padding-top:" + paddingTop +
                //    "px;padding-bottom:" + paddingBottom + "px\">");

                if (html.Count > 0)
                    if (SinglePage)
                        DoAllHtmlPages(sb, html);
                        CurrentPageIndex = 0; //Prop.CurrentPage = 0;
                        DoHtmlPage(sb, html, 0);


                // important container, it cuts off elements that are outside of the report page bounds
                int pageWidth  = (int)Math.Ceiling(GetReportPageWidthInPixels() * html.Zoom);
                int pageHeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(GetReportPageHeightInPixels() * html.Zoom);
                sb.Insert(0, $@"<div style=""width:{pageWidth}px;height:{(SinglePage ? pageHeight * html.Count : pageHeight)}px;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;"">");
