Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TestPickleUnpickleUri()
            PyroURI        uri        = new PyroURI("PYRO:test@localhost:9999");
            PyroSerializer ser        = new PickleSerializer();
            var            pickledUri = ser.serializeData(uri);
            PyroURI        uri2       = (PyroURI)ser.deserializeData(pickledUri);

            Assert.Equal(uri, uri2);

            uri        = new PyroURI();
            pickledUri = ser.serializeData(uri);
            uri2       = (PyroURI)ser.deserializeData(pickledUri);
            Assert.Equal(uri, uri2);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void testPickleUnpickleURI()
            PyroURI        uri = new PyroURI("PYRO:test@localhost:9999");
            PyroSerializer ser = new PickleSerializer();

            byte[]  pickled_uri = ser.serializeData(uri);
            PyroURI uri2        = (PyroURI)ser.deserializeData(pickled_uri);

            Assert.AreEqual(uri, uri2);

            uri         = new PyroURI();
            pickled_uri = ser.serializeData(uri);
            uri2        = (PyroURI)ser.deserializeData(pickled_uri);
            Assert.AreEqual(uri, uri2);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void UnpickleRealProxy(byte[] pickledProxy)
            PyroSerializer ser   = new PickleSerializer();
            PyroProxy      proxy = (PyroProxy)ser.deserializeData(pickledProxy);

            Assert.Equal("Pyro.NameServer", proxy.objectid);
            Assert.Equal("localhost", proxy.hostname);
            Assert.Equal(9090, proxy.port);
            Assert.Equal("hello", proxy.pyroHandshake);
            Assert.Equal(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("secret"), proxy.pyroHmacKey);
            ISet <string> expectedSet = new HashSet <string>();

            Assert.Equal(expectedSet, proxy.pyroAttrs);
            Assert.Equal(0, proxy.pyroMethods.Count);     // "something is wrong with the expected exposed methods"
            expectedSet = new HashSet <string>();
            Assert.Equal(expectedSet, proxy.pyroOneway);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void PyroClassesPickle()
            var pickler = new PickleSerializer();
            var uri     = new PyroURI("PYRO:something@localhost:4444");

            byte[] s = pickler.serializeData(uri);
            object x = pickler.deserializeData(s);

            Assert.Equal(uri, x);

            var proxy = new PyroProxy(uri)
                correlation_id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                pyroHandshake  = "apples",
                pyroHmacKey    = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("secret"),
                pyroAttrs      = new HashSet <string> {
                    "attr1", "attr2"

            s = pickler.serializeData(proxy);
            x = pickler.deserializeData(s);
            PyroProxy proxy2 = (PyroProxy)x;

            Assert.Equal(uri.host, proxy2.hostname);
            Assert.Equal(uri.objectid, proxy2.objectid);
            Assert.Equal(uri.port, proxy2.port);
            Assert.Null(proxy2.correlation_id);             // "correlation_id is not serialized on the proxy object"
            Assert.Equal(proxy.pyroHandshake, proxy2.pyroHandshake);
            Assert.Equal(proxy.pyroHmacKey, proxy2.pyroHmacKey);
            Assert.Equal(2, proxy2.pyroAttrs.Count);
            Assert.Equal(proxy.pyroAttrs, proxy2.pyroAttrs);

            PyroException ex = new PyroException("error");

            s = pickler.serializeData(ex);
            x = pickler.deserializeData(s);
            PyroException ex2 = (PyroException)x;

            Assert.Equal("[Pyro4.errors.PyroError] error", ex2.Message);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void testPickleUnpickleProxy()
            PyroProxy      proxy = new PyroProxy("hostname", 9999, "objectid");
            PyroSerializer ser   = new PickleSerializer();

            byte[]    pickled_proxy = ser.serializeData(proxy);
            PyroProxy result        = (PyroProxy)ser.deserializeData(pickled_proxy);

            Assert.AreEqual(proxy.hostname, result.hostname);
            Assert.AreEqual(proxy.objectid, result.objectid);
            Assert.AreEqual(proxy.port, result.port);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void TestUnpickleProto0Bytes()
            var pickle = File.ReadAllBytes("pickled_bytes_level0.dat");

            PickleSerializer ser = new PickleSerializer();
            string           x   = (string)ser.deserializeData(pickle);

            Assert.Equal(2496, x.Length);

            // validate that the bytes in the string are what we expect (based on md5 hash)
            var    m      = SHA1.Create();
            var    hashb  = m.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(x));
            string digest = BitConverter.ToString(hashb);

            Assert.Equal("22-f4-5b-87-63-83-c9-1b-1c-b2-0a-fe-51-ee-3b-30-f5-a8-5d-4c", digest.ToLowerInvariant());
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void TestPickleUnpickleProxy()
            PyroProxy proxy = new PyroProxy("hostname", 9999, "objectid")
                pyroHmacKey   = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("secret"),
                pyroHandshake = "apples"
            PyroSerializer ser          = new PickleSerializer();
            var            pickledProxy = ser.serializeData(proxy);
            PyroProxy      result       = (PyroProxy)ser.deserializeData(pickledProxy);

            Assert.Equal(proxy.hostname, result.hostname);
            Assert.Equal(proxy.objectid, result.objectid);
            Assert.Equal(proxy.port, result.port);
            Assert.Equal(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("secret"), result.pyroHmacKey);
            Assert.Equal("apples", result.pyroHandshake);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void testUnpickleRealProxy()
            byte[] pickled_proxy = new byte[]
            { 128, 2, 99, 80, 121, 114, 111, 52, 46, 99, 111, 114, 101, 10, 80, 114, 111,
              120, 121, 10, 113, 1, 41, 129, 113, 2, 99, 80, 121, 114, 111, 52, 46, 99,
              111, 114, 101, 10, 85, 82, 73, 10, 113, 3, 41, 129, 113, 4, 40, 85, 4, 80,
              89, 82, 79, 113, 5, 85, 10, 115, 111, 109, 101, 111, 98, 106, 101, 99,
              116, 113, 6, 78, 85, 9, 108, 111, 99, 97, 108, 104, 111, 115, 116, 113, 7,
              77, 15, 39, 116, 98, 99, 95, 95, 98, 117, 105, 108, 116, 105, 110, 95, 95,
              10, 115, 101, 116, 10, 113, 8, 93, 133, 82, 113, 9, 71, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
              135, 98, 46 };
            PyroSerializer ser   = new PickleSerializer();
            PyroProxy      proxy = (PyroProxy)ser.deserializeData(pickled_proxy);

            Assert.AreEqual("someobject", proxy.objectid);
            Assert.AreEqual("localhost", proxy.hostname);
            Assert.AreEqual(9999, proxy.port);