/// <summary>
 /// Checks to see if the other collider that comes in contact with this trigger is either tagged with
 /// "finger" or "thumb" and set a bool from PickUpManager accordingly. It also checks to see if the
 /// pickup is in contact with a wall while it is picked up, if these conditions are met the cube is
 /// dropped.
 /// </summary>
 void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
     if (other.gameObject.tag == "finger")
         pickUpManager.touchingFinger = true;
     else if (other.gameObject.tag == "thumb")
         pickUpManager.touchingThumb = true;
     else if ((other.gameObject.tag == "wall" || other.gameObject.transform.parent.tag == "wall") && pickUpManager.IsPickedUp())
         pickUpManager.touchingFinger = false;
         pickUpManager.touchingThumb  = false;