Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the SenseHat object.
 /// </summary>
 public static Task <ISenseHat> GetSenseHat()
     Pi.Init <BootstrapWiringPi>();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public BuiltInFunctions()
     // Text
     Functions["len"]         = new Len();
     Functions["lower"]       = new Lower();
     Functions["upper"]       = new Upper();
     Functions["left"]        = new Left();
     Functions["right"]       = new Right();
     Functions["mid"]         = new Mid();
     Functions["replace"]     = new Replace();
     Functions["rept"]        = new Rept();
     Functions["substitute"]  = new Substitute();
     Functions["concatenate"] = new Concatenate();
     Functions["char"]        = new CharFunction();
     Functions["exact"]       = new Exact();
     Functions["find"]        = new Find();
     Functions["fixed"]       = new Fixed();
     Functions["proper"]      = new Proper();
     Functions["text"]        = new Text.Text();
     Functions["t"]           = new T();
     Functions["hyperlink"]   = new Hyperlink();
     // Numbers
     Functions["int"] = new CInt();
     // Math
     Functions["abs"]         = new Abs();
     Functions["asin"]        = new Asin();
     Functions["asinh"]       = new Asinh();
     Functions["cos"]         = new Cos();
     Functions["cosh"]        = new Cosh();
     Functions["power"]       = new Power();
     Functions["sign"]        = new Sign();
     Functions["sqrt"]        = new Sqrt();
     Functions["sqrtpi"]      = new SqrtPi();
     Functions["pi"]          = new Pi();
     Functions["product"]     = new Product();
     Functions["ceiling"]     = new Ceiling();
     Functions["count"]       = new Count();
     Functions["counta"]      = new CountA();
     Functions["countblank"]  = new CountBlank();
     Functions["countif"]     = new CountIf();
     Functions["countifs"]    = new CountIfs();
     Functions["fact"]        = new Fact();
     Functions["floor"]       = new Floor();
     Functions["sin"]         = new Sin();
     Functions["sinh"]        = new Sinh();
     Functions["sum"]         = new Sum();
     Functions["sumif"]       = new SumIf();
     Functions["sumifs"]      = new SumIfs();
     Functions["sumproduct"]  = new SumProduct();
     Functions["sumsq"]       = new Sumsq();
     Functions["stdev"]       = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdevp"]      = new StdevP();
     Functions["stdev.s"]     = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdev.p"]     = new StdevP();
     Functions["subtotal"]    = new Subtotal();
     Functions["exp"]         = new Exp();
     Functions["log"]         = new Log();
     Functions["log10"]       = new Log10();
     Functions["ln"]          = new Ln();
     Functions["max"]         = new Max();
     Functions["maxa"]        = new Maxa();
     Functions["median"]      = new Median();
     Functions["min"]         = new Min();
     Functions["mina"]        = new Mina();
     Functions["mod"]         = new Mod();
     Functions["average"]     = new Average();
     Functions["averagea"]    = new AverageA();
     Functions["averageif"]   = new AverageIf();
     Functions["averageifs"]  = new AverageIfs();
     Functions["round"]       = new Round();
     Functions["rounddown"]   = new Rounddown();
     Functions["roundup"]     = new Roundup();
     Functions["rand"]        = new Rand();
     Functions["randbetween"] = new RandBetween();
     Functions["quotient"]    = new Quotient();
     Functions["trunc"]       = new Trunc();
     Functions["tan"]         = new Tan();
     Functions["tanh"]        = new Tanh();
     Functions["atan"]        = new Atan();
     Functions["atan2"]       = new Atan2();
     Functions["atanh"]       = new Atanh();
     Functions["acos"]        = new Acos();
     Functions["acosh"]       = new Acosh();
     Functions["var"]         = new Var();
     Functions["varp"]        = new VarP();
     Functions["large"]       = new Large();
     Functions["small"]       = new Small();
     Functions["degrees"]     = new Degrees();
     // Information
     Functions["isblank"]    = new IsBlank();
     Functions["isnumber"]   = new IsNumber();
     Functions["istext"]     = new IsText();
     Functions["isnontext"]  = new IsNonText();
     Functions["iserror"]    = new IsError();
     Functions["iserr"]      = new IsErr();
     Functions["error.type"] = new ErrorType();
     Functions["iseven"]     = new IsEven();
     Functions["isodd"]      = new IsOdd();
     Functions["islogical"]  = new IsLogical();
     Functions["isna"]       = new IsNa();
     Functions["na"]         = new Na();
     Functions["n"]          = new N();
     // Logical
     Functions["if"]      = new If();
     Functions["iferror"] = new IfError();
     Functions["ifna"]    = new IfNa();
     Functions["not"]     = new Not();
     Functions["and"]     = new And();
     Functions["or"]      = new Or();
     Functions["true"]    = new True();
     Functions["false"]   = new False();
     // Reference and lookup
     Functions["address"] = new Address();
     Functions["hlookup"] = new HLookup();
     Functions["vlookup"] = new VLookup();
     Functions["lookup"]  = new Lookup();
     Functions["match"]   = new Match();
     Functions["row"]     = new Row()
         SkipArgumentEvaluation = true
     Functions["rows"] = new Rows()
         SkipArgumentEvaluation = true
     Functions["column"] = new Column()
         SkipArgumentEvaluation = true
     Functions["columns"] = new Columns()
         SkipArgumentEvaluation = true
     Functions["choose"]   = new Choose();
     Functions["index"]    = new Index();
     Functions["indirect"] = new Indirect();
     Functions["offset"]   = new Offset()
         SkipArgumentEvaluation = true
     // Date
     Functions["date"]       = new Date();
     Functions["today"]      = new Today();
     Functions["now"]        = new Now();
     Functions["day"]        = new Day();
     Functions["month"]      = new Month();
     Functions["year"]       = new Year();
     Functions["time"]       = new Time();
     Functions["hour"]       = new Hour();
     Functions["minute"]     = new Minute();
     Functions["second"]     = new Second();
     Functions["weeknum"]    = new Weeknum();
     Functions["weekday"]    = new Weekday();
     Functions["days360"]    = new Days360();
     Functions["yearfrac"]   = new Yearfrac();
     Functions["edate"]      = new Edate();
     Functions["eomonth"]    = new Eomonth();
     Functions["isoweeknum"] = new IsoWeekNum();
     Functions["workday"]    = new Workday();
Exemplo n.º 3
        static void TestSweep()
            Console.WriteLine("Testing a servo motor in a sweeping motion");
            var angle = 0d;
            var step  = 0.1d;
            var done  = false;

            using (var left = Pi.Gpio.Pin(leftPin, PinKind.InputPullUp))
                using (var right = Pi.Gpio.Pin(rightPin, PinKind.InputPullUp))
                    using (var servo = new ServoMotor(maxAngle))
                        servo.PulseWidths(0.5, 2.5);
                        var timer = PreciseTimer.Every(1, () =>
                            if (done)
                            angle += step;
                            var a  = angle % (maxAngle * 2);
                            if (a > maxAngle)
                                a = (maxAngle * 2) - a;
                            servo.Angle = a;
                        Console.WriteLine("Click the button to stop this test");
                        // Connect rotate and click events
                        left.OnRisingEdge += Rotate;
                        Pi.Gpio.Pin(buttonPin, PinKind.InputPullUp).WaitForEdge(PinEdge.Rising);
                        left.OnRisingEdge -= Rotate;
                        done = true;
                        servo.Angle = 0;

                        // Called on the falling edge of the left pin
                        void Rotate(object sender, PinEventHandlerArgs args)
                            if (args.Bounced)
                            var s = step;

                            if (left.Value == right.Value)
                                s += 0.1;
                                s -= 0.1;
                            if (s < 0)
                                s = 0;
                            step = s;
                            Console.WriteLine("servo step {0:0.0}°", step);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the device address:");

            int expanderAddress = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int address)
                ? address
                : GpioExpander.DefaultAddress;

                Pi.Init <BootstrapWiringPi>();

                _expander = Pi.I2C.GetGpioExpander(expanderAddress);

                _expander = I2cBus.Create(1).GetGpioExpander(expanderAddress);
            catch (Exception error)
                Console.WriteLine($"Fail initialization GPIO Expander. Error: {error}");


            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Select a mode:\n1. {0}\n2. {1}\n3. {2}\n4. {3}\n5. {4}\n6. {5}\n7. {6}\n",
                                  nameof(Analog1), nameof(Analog2), nameof(Digital), nameof(Port),
                                  nameof(Pwm), "Address/Reset", nameof(Adc));

                switch (Console.ReadLine())
                case nameof(Analog1):

                case nameof(Analog2):

                case nameof(Digital):

                case nameof(Port):

                case nameof(Pwm):

                case nameof(Adc):

                case "Address":
                case "Reset":

                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid program mode.");
            else if (args[0].Equals("Freq", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid app mode.");


            Console.WriteLine("Application is shutting down...");
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static long Deg2Rad(long deg)
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Probe the sensor by reading pin data
 /// </summary>
 private void ReadPin()
     IsUpdateSuccessful = false;
         // Send the sensor our trigger signal
         // Wait at least 18ms for sensor initialization
         // Send the start signal
         // Wait 20μs - 40μs
         pin.Kind = PinKind.InputPullUp;
         // Sensor should take over and go low
         if (!pin.WaitLow(Pi.Microseconds(100)))
             // FAIL: sensor did not take over
         // Wait for the sensor to switch to high
         if (!pin.WaitHigh(Pi.Microseconds(100)))
             // FAIL: sensor did not send high
         // Wait for sensor to begin data bits
         if (!pin.WaitLow(Pi.Microseconds(100)))
             // FAIL: sensor did not begin sending a data bit
         // Elapsed is the duration a data bit was held high
         double elapsed = 0;
         // A buffer for eight bits of data
         byte data = 0;
         // Now we can begin reading 40 data bits
         for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
             // Wait for the data bit
             if (!pin.WaitHigh(Pi.Microseconds(100)))
                 // FAIL: no data bit was sent
             // Measure the data bit
             if (!pin.WaitLow(Pi.Microseconds(100), out elapsed))
                 // FAIL: data bit was too long
             // Make room to store the next data bit
             data <<= 1;
             // If elapsed was more than 40µs then the data bit is 1
             if (elapsed > 0.04d)
                 data |= 1;
             // If 8 bits were read then copy those bits to our buffer
             if (((i + 1) % 8) == 0)
                 buffer[i / 8] = data;
         // Success is reached if the checksum passes
         if ((buffer[4] == ((buffer[0] + buffer[1] + buffer[2] + buffer[3]) & 0xFF)))
             IsUpdateSuccessful = (buffer[0] != 0) || (buffer[2] != 0);
         // Set pin to high and for next update
         pin.Kind = PinKind.Output;
         // And set the last update time
         lastUpdate = Pi.Now;
Exemplo n.º 7
        List <Pi> getPiData(string tagName, DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate, out string unit)
            ////DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-1);
            ////DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
            ////TimeSpan span = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0);
            PISDK.PISDK sdk = new PISDK.PISDK();
            //PISDK.Server srv = sdk.Servers["mus-as-126.corp.pdo.om"];
            string piServer      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["PIServer"]) ? "mus-as-126.corp.pdo.om" : ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["PIServer"];
            string piCredentials = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["PICredentials"]) ? "UID=upoa;PWD=upoa" : ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["PICredentials"];
            Server srv           = sdk.Servers[piServer];

            string nameConcat = "";
            int    i          = 0;

            PISDK.PIPoints myPoints = srv.PIPoints;
            PointList      list     = srv.GetPoints("tag = '*" + tagName + "*'");
            int            count    = list.Count;
            PIData         data     = list[1].Data;

            unit = list[1].PointAttributes["EngUnits"].Value.ToString();
            PIValues        values;
            List <string>   stringValues = new List <string>();
            List <DateTime> timeValues   = new List <DateTime>();
            List <Pi>       piData       = new List <Pi>();

                ////DateTime DateTimeStart = new DateTime();
                ////DateTimeStart = Convert.ToDateTime(StartDate);
                ////DateTime DateTimeEnd = new DateTime();
                ////DateTimeEnd = Convert.ToDateTime(EndDate);
                ////if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["txtStartDate"]))
                ////    TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(int.Parse(ddlHoursStart.SelectedValue), int.Parse(ddlMinutesStart.SelectedValue), 0);
                ////    DateTimeStart.Add(timeSpan);
                ////    DateTimeEnd.AddHours(int.Parse(ddlHoursEnd.SelectedValue));
                ////    DateTimeEnd.AddMinutes(int.Parse(ddlMinutesEnd.SelectedValue));
                values = data.RecordedValues(StartDate, EndDate);
                foreach (PIValue value in values)
                        if (value.Value.GetType().IsCOMObject)
                            stringValues.Add((value.Value as DigitalState).Name.ToString());
                            PITimeServer.PITime pt = value.TimeStamp;
                            Pi p = new Pi();
                            p.time  = value.TimeStamp.LocalDate;
                            p.value = Convert.ToString(value.Value);
                            p.tag   = tagName;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    { //throw ex;
            catch (Exception ex)
            { }
Exemplo n.º 8
 public Dragino(Dictionary <String, String> settings) : base(settings)
     Pi.Init <BootstrapWiringPi>();
     this.Interfaces = 1;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public BuiltInFunctions()
     // Text
     Functions["len"]         = new Len();
     Functions["lower"]       = new Lower();
     Functions["upper"]       = new Upper();
     Functions["left"]        = new Left();
     Functions["right"]       = new Right();
     Functions["mid"]         = new Mid();
     Functions["replace"]     = new Replace();
     Functions["rept"]        = new Rept();
     Functions["substitute"]  = new Substitute();
     Functions["concatenate"] = new Concatenate();
     Functions["concat"]      = new Concat();
     Functions["char"]        = new CharFunction();
     Functions["exact"]       = new Exact();
     Functions["find"]        = new Find();
     Functions["fixed"]       = new Fixed();
     Functions["proper"]      = new Proper();
     Functions["search"]      = new Search();
     Functions["text"]        = new Text.Text();
     Functions["t"]           = new T();
     Functions["hyperlink"]   = new Hyperlink();
     Functions["value"]       = new Value();
     Functions["trim"]        = new Trim();
     Functions["clean"]       = new Clean();
     Functions["unicode"]     = new Unicode();
     Functions["unichar"]     = new Unichar();
     Functions["numbervalue"] = new NumberValue();
     // Numbers
     Functions["int"] = new CInt();
     // Math
     Functions["abs"]             = new Abs();
     Functions["asin"]            = new Asin();
     Functions["asinh"]           = new Asinh();
     Functions["acot"]            = new Acot();
     Functions["acoth"]           = new Acoth();
     Functions["cos"]             = new Cos();
     Functions["cot"]             = new Cot();
     Functions["coth"]            = new Coth();
     Functions["cosh"]            = new Cosh();
     Functions["csc"]             = new Csc();
     Functions["csch"]            = new Csch();
     Functions["power"]           = new Power();
     Functions["gcd"]             = new Gcd();
     Functions["lcm"]             = new Lcm();
     Functions["sec"]             = new Sec();
     Functions["sech"]            = new SecH();
     Functions["sign"]            = new Sign();
     Functions["sqrt"]            = new Sqrt();
     Functions["sqrtpi"]          = new SqrtPi();
     Functions["pi"]              = new Pi();
     Functions["product"]         = new Product();
     Functions["ceiling"]         = new Ceiling();
     Functions["ceiling.precise"] = new CeilingPrecise();
     Functions["ceiling.math"]    = new CeilingMath();
     Functions["iso.ceiling"]     = new IsoCeiling();
     Functions["combin"]          = new Combin();
     Functions["combina"]         = new Combina();
     Functions["count"]           = new Count();
     Functions["counta"]          = new CountA();
     Functions["countblank"]      = new CountBlank();
     Functions["countif"]         = new CountIf();
     Functions["countifs"]        = new CountIfs();
     Functions["fact"]            = new Fact();
     Functions["factdouble"]      = new FactDouble();
     Functions["floor"]           = new Floor();
     Functions["floor.precise"]   = new FloorPrecise();
     Functions["floor.math"]      = new FloorMath();
     Functions["radians"]         = new Radians();
     Functions["roman"]           = new Roman();
     Functions["sin"]             = new Sin();
     Functions["sinh"]            = new Sinh();
     Functions["sum"]             = new Sum();
     Functions["sumif"]           = new SumIf();
     Functions["sumifs"]          = new SumIfs();
     Functions["sumproduct"]      = new SumProduct();
     Functions["sumsq"]           = new Sumsq();
     Functions["sumxmy2"]         = new Sumxmy2();
     Functions["sumx2my2"]        = new SumX2mY2();
     Functions["sumx2py2"]        = new SumX2pY2();
     Functions["seriessum"]       = new Seriessum();
     Functions["stdev"]           = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdevp"]          = new StdevP();
     Functions["stdev.s"]         = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdev.p"]         = new StdevP();
     Functions["subtotal"]        = new Subtotal();
     Functions["exp"]             = new Exp();
     Functions["log"]             = new Log();
     Functions["log10"]           = new Log10();
     Functions["ln"]              = new Ln();
     Functions["max"]             = new Max();
     Functions["maxa"]            = new Maxa();
     Functions["median"]          = new Median();
     Functions["min"]             = new Min();
     Functions["mina"]            = new Mina();
     Functions["mod"]             = new Mod();
     Functions["mround"]          = new Mround();
     Functions["average"]         = new Average();
     Functions["averagea"]        = new AverageA();
     Functions["averageif"]       = new AverageIf();
     Functions["averageifs"]      = new AverageIfs();
     Functions["round"]           = new Round();
     Functions["rounddown"]       = new Rounddown();
     Functions["roundup"]         = new Roundup();
     Functions["rand"]            = new Rand();
     Functions["randbetween"]     = new RandBetween();
     Functions["rank"]            = new Rank();
     Functions["rank.eq"]         = new Rank();
     Functions["rank.avg"]        = new Rank(true);
     Functions["quotient"]        = new Quotient();
     Functions["trunc"]           = new Trunc();
     Functions["tan"]             = new Tan();
     Functions["tanh"]            = new Tanh();
     Functions["atan"]            = new Atan();
     Functions["atan2"]           = new Atan2();
     Functions["atanh"]           = new Atanh();
     Functions["acos"]            = new Acos();
     Functions["acosh"]           = new Acosh();
     Functions["var"]             = new Var();
     Functions["varp"]            = new VarP();
     Functions["large"]           = new Large();
     Functions["small"]           = new Small();
     Functions["degrees"]         = new Degrees();
     Functions["odd"]             = new Odd();
     Functions["even"]            = new Even();
     // Information
     Functions["isblank"]    = new IsBlank();
     Functions["isnumber"]   = new IsNumber();
     Functions["istext"]     = new IsText();
     Functions["isnontext"]  = new IsNonText();
     Functions["iserror"]    = new IsError();
     Functions["iserr"]      = new IsErr();
     Functions["error.type"] = new ErrorType();
     Functions["iseven"]     = new IsEven();
     Functions["isodd"]      = new IsOdd();
     Functions["islogical"]  = new IsLogical();
     Functions["isna"]       = new IsNa();
     Functions["na"]         = new Na();
     Functions["n"]          = new N();
     Functions["type"]       = new TypeFunction();
     // Logical
     Functions["if"]      = new If();
     Functions["ifs"]     = new Ifs();
     Functions["iferror"] = new IfError();
     Functions["ifna"]    = new IfNa();
     Functions["not"]     = new Not();
     Functions["and"]     = new And();
     Functions["or"]      = new Or();
     Functions["true"]    = new True();
     Functions["false"]   = new False();
     Functions["switch"]  = new Switch();
     // Reference and lookup
     Functions["address"]  = new Address();
     Functions["hlookup"]  = new HLookup();
     Functions["vlookup"]  = new VLookup();
     Functions["lookup"]   = new Lookup();
     Functions["match"]    = new Match();
     Functions["row"]      = new Row();
     Functions["rows"]     = new Rows();
     Functions["column"]   = new Column();
     Functions["columns"]  = new Columns();
     Functions["choose"]   = new Choose();
     Functions["index"]    = new RefAndLookup.Index();
     Functions["indirect"] = new Indirect();
     Functions["offset"]   = new Offset();
     // Date
     Functions["date"]             = new Date();
     Functions["today"]            = new Today();
     Functions["now"]              = new Now();
     Functions["day"]              = new Day();
     Functions["month"]            = new Month();
     Functions["year"]             = new Year();
     Functions["time"]             = new Time();
     Functions["hour"]             = new Hour();
     Functions["minute"]           = new Minute();
     Functions["second"]           = new Second();
     Functions["weeknum"]          = new Weeknum();
     Functions["weekday"]          = new Weekday();
     Functions["days"]             = new Days();
     Functions["days360"]          = new Days360();
     Functions["yearfrac"]         = new Yearfrac();
     Functions["edate"]            = new Edate();
     Functions["eomonth"]          = new Eomonth();
     Functions["isoweeknum"]       = new IsoWeekNum();
     Functions["workday"]          = new Workday();
     Functions["workday.intl"]     = new WorkdayIntl();
     Functions["networkdays"]      = new Networkdays();
     Functions["networkdays.intl"] = new NetworkdaysIntl();
     Functions["datevalue"]        = new DateValue();
     Functions["timevalue"]        = new TimeValue();
     // Database
     Functions["dget"]     = new Dget();
     Functions["dcount"]   = new Dcount();
     Functions["dcounta"]  = new DcountA();
     Functions["dmax"]     = new Dmax();
     Functions["dmin"]     = new Dmin();
     Functions["dsum"]     = new Dsum();
     Functions["daverage"] = new Daverage();
     Functions["dvar"]     = new Dvar();
     Functions["dvarp"]    = new Dvarp();
     Functions["pmt"] = new Pmt();
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the service.
        /// </summary>
        public void Start()
                _logger = Log.Instance;
                _logger.WriteMessage("Service", "==========================================");
                _logger.WriteMessage("Service", "Starting service..");

                //start time
                _startTime = DateTime.Now;

                Console.CancelKeyPress += Console_CancelKeyPress;

                _logger.WriteMessage("Service", "Loading configuration..");
                IConfigurationRoot root = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                                          .AddJsonFile("Config.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: false)
                _config = new Config(root);
                _logger.WriteMessage("Service", $"Service version is {_config.ServiceVersion}");

                //init pi (if linux)
                if (_config.IsLinux)
                    Pi.Init <BootstrapWiringPi>();

                _logger.WriteMessage("Service", "Creating support structures..");
                ((Log)Log.Instance).Initialize(_config.IsWindows ? "C:\\Temp\\" : "/var/log/", _config.ServiceVersion);
                _errorCache   = new ErrorCache(null, _config.ErrorRetention);
                _errorHandler = new ErrorHandler(_errorCache, _logger);
                _serviceState = new ServiceState(_errorHandler, _logger, ServiceStateType.Down);
                _serviceStats = new ServiceStats(_errorHandler);
                _heartbeat    = new Heartbeat(_errorHandler, _config, _logger, _serviceStats, _serviceState);
                _piInfo       = new PiInfo(_config);
                _gpio         = new GpioManager(_errorHandler, _config);

                //stats writers

                //start health thread
                _logger.WriteMessage("Service", "Starting health thread..");
                _healthThread = new Thread(Health_Thread)
                    IsBackground = true

                //finish init on another thread, finish start
                Task.Run(() =>
                    //start gpio loop

                    //wait for ip assignment

                    //start heatbeat timer

                    //start http listener

                //log start operation
                _serviceStats.LogOperation("ServiceStart", DateTime.Now.Subtract(_startTime));

                //wait for exit signal
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (_errorHandler != null)
Exemplo n.º 11
 public FanHandler(int controlGpio)
     Pi.Init <BootstrapWiringPi>();
     myControlGpio = controlGpio;
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static async Task <int> Main(string[] args)
            bool mode = false;

            Pi.Init <BootstrapWiringPi>();//初始化通信接口,分配内存空间等
            var Count = 0;
            var Exit  = false;

            _ = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                var clkPin      = Pi.Gpio[BcmPin.Gpio23];  //引用16接口
                var dataPin     = Pi.Gpio[BcmPin.Gpio24];  //引用18接口
                clkPin.PinMode  = GpioPinDriveMode.Output; //设置16接口模式为输出
                dataPin.PinMode = GpioPinDriveMode.Output; //设置18接口模式为输出
                    Show(0xC0, 0x40);
                    Show(0xC1, 0x40);
                    Show(0xC2, 0x40);
                    Show(0xC3, 0x40);
                Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate
                void startDisp()
                    clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High);  //CLK拉为高电平
                    dataPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High); //DIO拉为高电平
                    dataPin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low);  //和上面那句指令一起就是DIO由高变低
                    clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low);   //然后CLK上的时钟信号拉低,DIO接口的数据允许改变,代表开始写入数据
                void stopDisp()
                    clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low);   //先拉低CLK,代表允许DIO改变数据
                    dataPin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low);  //拉低DIO
                    clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High);  //CLK拉高,满足结束条件前半部分
                    dataPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High); //DIO由低变高,代表数据输入结束
                void writeByte(byte input)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)         //每次写入一个byte,一共8bit
                        clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low); //确保无误输入前再拉低一次时钟 ,代表开始写入数据
                        if ((input & 0x01) == 1)        //判断每一位的高低电平
                        input >>= 1;                     //每写入完毕一次,移动一位
                        clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High); //每次输入完一位,就拉高一次时钟
                    clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low);  //先拉低
                    clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High); //需要判断D是否为低电平此期间C一直拉高
                    clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low);  //应答完毕以后拉低C
                void Show(byte address, byte show)
                    //Start transmission
                    startDisp();     //开始写入指令 C高D高D低
                    writeByte(0x44); //40H模式地址自动+1,44H模式固定地址
                    stopDisp();      //结束写入指令 C低D低C高D高

                    writeByte(address);  //设置首地址
                                         //Write text
                                         //      A
                                         //     ---
                                         //  F |   | B
                                         //     -G-
                                         //  E |   | C
                                         //     ---
                                         //      D

                     * XGFEDCBA
                     * 10000000
                     * 00111111,    // 0
                     * 00000110,    // 1
                     * 01011011,    // 2
                     * 01001111,    // 3
                     * 01100110,    // 4
                     * 01101101,    // 5
                     * 01111101,    // 6
                     * 00000111,    // 7
                     * 01111111,    // 8
                     * 01101111,    // 9
                     * 01110111,    // A
                     * 01111100,    // b
                     * 00111001,    // C
                     * 01011110,    // d
                     * 01111001,    // E
                     * 01110001     // F

                    startDisp();                  //开始写入指令
                    writeByte(0x8f);              //最大亮度
                    stopDisp();                   //停止写入
                clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High);  //初始化电平为低,可不加
                dataPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High); //初始化电平为低,可不加
                var ShowCount = false;
                while (true)
                    if (mode)
                        var Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmm").ToCharArray();
                        Show(0xC3, numbers[Date[Date.Length - 1] - 48]);
                        if (Date.Length > 1)
                            Show(0xC2, numbers[Date[Date.Length - 2] - 48]);
                            Show(0xC2, 0x40);
                        if (Date.Length > 2)
                            if (ShowCount)
                                ShowCount = false;
                                Show(0xC1, (byte)(numbers[Date[Date.Length - 3] - 48] | 0x80));
                                ShowCount = true;

                                Show(0xC1, numbers[Date[Date.Length - 3] - 48]);
                            Show(0xC1, 0x40);
                        if (Date.Length > 3)
                            Show(0xC0, numbers[Date[Date.Length - 4] - 48]);
                            Show(0xC0, 0x40);
                        //Interlocked.Increment(ref Count);
                        if (Exit)
                        var Date = Count.ToString().ToCharArray();
                        Show(0xC3, numbers[Date[Date.Length - 1] - 48]);
                        if (Date.Length > 1)
                            Show(0xC2, numbers[Date[Date.Length - 2] - 48]);
                            Show(0xC2, 0x40);
                        if (Date.Length > 2)
                            Show(0xC1, numbers[Date[Date.Length - 3] - 48]);
                            Show(0xC1, 0x40);
                        if (Date.Length > 3)
                            Show(0xC0, numbers[Date[Date.Length - 4] - 48]);
                            Show(0xC0, 0x40);
                        //Interlocked.Increment(ref Count);
                        if (Count == 10000)
                            Count = 0;
                        if (Exit)
            _ = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                var Shock     = Pi.Gpio[BcmPin.Gpio22];
                Shock.PinMode = GpioPinDriveMode.Input;
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch StartWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch KeepWatch  = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                var KeyCount = 0;

                while (true)
                    if (!Shock.Read() && !KeepWatch.IsRunning)//按下按钮,计时未开始
                    else if (Shock.Read() && KeepWatch.IsRunning)//松开按钮,计时开始中,松开按钮计时
                    else if (!Shock.Read() && KeepWatch.IsRunning && KeepWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000)//按下按钮,计时开始中
                        if (KeepWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000)
                            Count = 0;
                        else if (KeepWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 5000)
                            Exit = true;
                    else if (Shock.Read() && KeepWatch.IsRunning && StartWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 200)

                    if (KeyCount != 0 && StartWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 500)
                        switch (KeyCount)
                        case 1:
                                if (Count > 0 && !mode)
                                    Interlocked.Decrement(ref Count);

                        case 2:
                                if (!mode)
                                    Interlocked.Increment(ref Count);

                                if (KeyCount > 6)
                                    mode = mode ? false : true;
                        KeyCount = 0;

                    /* if (!Shock.Read() && !KeepWatch.IsRunning)
                     * {
                     *   KeepWatch.Restart();
                     * }
                     * else if (Shock.Read() && KeepWatch.IsRunning)
                     * {
                     *   if(KeepWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 1000&& Count > 0&& !mode)
                     *       Interlocked.Decrement(ref Count);
                     *   KeepWatch.Stop();
                     * }
                     * else if (KeepWatch.IsRunning && KeepWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 5000)
                     * {
                     *   //Exit = true;
                     *   Thread.Sleep(100);
                     *   mode = mode ? false : true;
                     *  // ShutdownResetEvent.SetResult(0);
                     * }
                     * else if (KeepWatch.IsRunning && KeepWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000)
                     * {
                     *   Count = 0;
                     * }
                     * else if (KeepWatch.IsRunning&&KeepWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 6000)
                     * {
                     *   KeepWatch.Stop();
                     * }*/

                    /*if (!Shock.Read() && !KeySign)
                     * {
                     *  KeySign = true;
                     *  if(Count>0)
                     *  Interlocked.Decrement(ref Count);
                     * }
                     * if (Shock.Read() && KeySign)
                     * {
                     *  KeySign = false;
                     * }*/
            _ = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                var Tilt     = Pi.Gpio[BcmPin.Gpio04];
                Tilt.PinMode = GpioPinDriveMode.Input;
                var KeySign  = false;
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch KeepWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

                while (true)

                    /*  if (Tilt.Read() && !KeySign)
                     * {
                     *     KeySign = true;
                     *     if (!KeepWatch.IsRunning)
                     *         Interlocked.Increment(ref Count);
                     *     KeepWatch.Restart();
                     * }else if (!Tilt.Read() && KeySign)
                     * {
                     *     KeySign = false;
                     * }
                     * if (KeepWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 4000) KeepWatch.Stop();*/

                    if (!Tilt.Read() && !KeySign)
                        KeySign = true;
                        if (!KeepWatch.IsRunning)
                            Interlocked.Increment(ref Count);
                    else if (Tilt.Read() && KeySign)
                        KeySign = false;
                    if (KeepWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 4000)
            return(await ShutdownResetEvent.Task.ConfigureAwait(false));
Exemplo n.º 13
 public void Initiate()
     Pi.Init <BootstrapWiringPi>();
Exemplo n.º 14
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            Pi.Init <BootstrapWiringPi>();             //初始化通信接口,分配内存空间等
            var clkPin  = Pi.Gpio[BcmPin.Gpio23];      //引用16接口
            var dataPin = Pi.Gpio[BcmPin.Gpio24];      //引用18接口

            clkPin.PinMode  = GpioPinDriveMode.Output; //设置16接口模式为输出
            dataPin.PinMode = GpioPinDriveMode.Output; //设置18接口模式为输出
            clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High);           //初始化电平为低,可不加
            dataPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High);          //初始化电平为低,可不加
            Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate
            // var B = Pi.Gpio[BcmPin.Gpio25];//引用16接口
            //var G = Pi.Gpio[BcmPin.Gpio08];//引用18接口
            //var R = Pi.Gpio[BcmPin.Gpio07];//引用18接口

            /*   B.PinMode = GpioPinDriveMode.Output;
             * G.PinMode = GpioPinDriveMode.Output;
             * R.PinMode = GpioPinDriveMode.Output;
             * while (true)
             * {
             *     B.Write(GpioPinValue.High);
             *     G.Write(GpioPinValue.High);
             *     R.Write(GpioPinValue.High);
             *     Thread.Sleep(1000);
             *     B.Write(GpioPinValue.Low);
             *     G.Write(GpioPinValue.High);
             *     R.Write(GpioPinValue.High);
             *     Thread.Sleep(1000);
             *     B.Write(GpioPinValue.High);
             *     G.Write(GpioPinValue.Low);
             *     R.Write(GpioPinValue.High);
             *     Thread.Sleep(1000);
             *     B.Write(GpioPinValue.High);
             *     G.Write(GpioPinValue.High);
             *     R.Write(GpioPinValue.Low);
             *     Thread.Sleep(1000);
             *     B.Write(GpioPinValue.High);
             *     G.Write(GpioPinValue.Low);
             *     R.Write(GpioPinValue.Low);
             *     Thread.Sleep(1000);
             * }*/

            void startDisp()
                clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High);  //CLK拉为高电平
                dataPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High); //DIO拉为高电平
                dataPin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low);  //和上面那句指令一起就是DIO由高变低
                clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low);   //然后CLK上的时钟信号拉低,DIO接口的数据允许改变,代表开始写入数据

            void stopDisp()
                clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low);   //先拉低CLK,代表允许DIO改变数据
                dataPin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low);  //拉低DIO
                clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High);  //CLK拉高,满足结束条件前半部分
                dataPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High); //DIO由低变高,代表数据输入结束

            void writeByte(byte input)
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)         //每次写入一个byte,一共8bit
                    clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low); //确保无误输入前再拉低一次时钟 ,代表开始写入数据
                    if ((input & 0x01) == 1)        //判断每一位的高低电平
                    input >>= 1;                     //每写入完毕一次,移动一位
                    clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High); //每次输入完一位,就拉高一次时钟
                clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low);  //先拉低
                clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High); //需要判断D是否为低电平此期间C一直拉高
                clkPin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low);  //应答完毕以后拉低C

            void Show(byte address, byte show)
                //Start transmission
                startDisp();     //开始写入指令 C高D高D低
                writeByte(0x44); //40H模式地址自动+1,44H模式固定地址
                stopDisp();      //结束写入指令 C低D低C高D高

                writeByte(address); //设置首地址
                                    //Write text
                                    //      A
                                    //     ---
                                    //  F |   | B
                                    //     -G-
                                    //  E |   | C
                                    //     ---
                                    //      D

                 * XGFEDCBA
                 * 00111111,    // 0
                 * 00000110,    // 1
                 * 01011011,    // 2
                 * 01001111,    // 3
                 * 01100110,    // 4
                 * 01101101,    // 5
                 * 01111101,    // 6
                 * 00000111,    // 7
                 * 01111111,    // 8
                 * 01101111,    // 9
                 * 01110111,    // A
                 * 01111100,    // b
                 * 00111001,    // C
                 * 01011110,    // d
                 * 01111001,    // E
                 * 01110001     // F

                startDisp();     //开始写入指令
                writeByte(0x8f); //最大亮度
                stopDisp();      //停止写入

            void Show2()
                startDisp();     //开始写入指令
                writeByte(0x40); //指定功能参数
                stopDisp();      //结束写入指令

                writeByte(0xC0);                                                                                                        //设置首地址,指向第一个字符
                var Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("hhmm").ToCharArray();                                                                 //获得当前日期,并表示为小时分钟

                byte[] Characters = { 0x3f, 0x06, 0x5b, 0x4f, 0x66, 0x6d, 0x7d, 0x07, 0x7f, 0x6f, 0x77, 0x7c, 0x39, 0x5e, 0x79, 0x71 }; //0~9,A,b,C,d,E,F

                /*for (int i = 0; i < Date.Length; i++)
                 * {
                 *  if (i != 1) writeByte(Characters[Date[i] - 48]);//从Characters数组根据索引获得字符显示的编码
                 *  else writeByte((byte)(Characters[Date[1] - 48] + 0x80));//第二个字符带有冒号,因此将第一位空置拉高
                 * }*/
                writeByte(Characters[Date[0] - 48]);

                writeByte(Characters[Date[1] - 48]);

                writeByte(Characters[Date[2] - 48]);

                writeByte(Characters[Date[3] - 48]);


            /*  for (byte i = 0x40; i < 0x7f; i++)
             * {
             *    Show((byte)(i | 0x80));
             *    Thread.Sleep(10000);
             * }*/
            /* while (true)
             * {
             *   Show2();
             * }*/
            while (true)
                var Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("hhmm").ToCharArray();
                Show(0xC0, numbers[Date[0] - 48]);
                Show(0xC1, (byte)(numbers[Date[1] - 48] + 0x80));
                Show(0xC2, numbers[Date[2] - 48]);
                Show(0xC3, numbers[Date[3] - 48]);
                Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("mmss").ToCharArray();
                Show(0xC0, numbers[Date[0] - 48]);
                Show(0xC1, (byte)(numbers[Date[1] - 48] + 0x80));
                Show(0xC2, numbers[Date[2] - 48]);
                Show(0xC3, numbers[Date[3] - 48]);
            foreach (var item in numbers)
                /* if (item == 0x7f) Show(0x00 + 0x80);
                 * else Show((byte)(item + 0x80));*/
                Show(0xC0, (byte)(item));
                Show(0xC1, (byte)(item + 0x80));
                Show(0xC2, (byte)(item));
                Show(0xC3, (byte)(item));

            /*if (ij == 0xC6)
             * {
             *  ij = 0xC0;
             * }*/


Exemplo n.º 15
 public SensorPoller(ILogger <SensorPoller> logger)
     _logger = logger;
     Pi.Init <BootstrapWiringPi>();
Exemplo n.º 16
 private static Function[] ProduceFunctions()
     Function[] retval = new Function[368];
     retval[0]                        = new Count();                  // COUNT
     retval[FunctionID.IF]            = new If();                     // IF
     retval[2]                        = LogicalFunction.ISNA;         // IsNA
     retval[3]                        = LogicalFunction.ISERROR;      // IsERROR
     retval[FunctionID.SUM]           = AggregateFunction.SUM;        // SUM
     retval[5]                        = AggregateFunction.AVERAGE;    // AVERAGE
     retval[6]                        = AggregateFunction.MIN;        // MIN
     retval[7]                        = AggregateFunction.MAX;        // MAX
     retval[8]                        = new Row();                    // ROW
     retval[9]                        = new Column();                 // COLUMN
     retval[10]                       = new Na();                     // NA
     retval[11]                       = new Npv();                    // NPV
     retval[12]                       = AggregateFunction.STDEV;      // STDEV
     retval[13]                       = NumericFunction.DOLLAR;       // DOLLAR
     retval[14]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FIXED
     retval[15]                       = NumericFunction.SIN;          // SIN
     retval[16]                       = NumericFunction.COS;          // COS
     retval[17]                       = NumericFunction.TAN;          // TAN
     retval[18]                       = NumericFunction.ATAN;         // ATAN
     retval[19]                       = new Pi();                     // PI
     retval[20]                       = NumericFunction.SQRT;         // SQRT
     retval[21]                       = NumericFunction.EXP;          // EXP
     retval[22]                       = NumericFunction.LN;           // LN
     retval[23]                       = NumericFunction.LOG10;        // LOG10
     retval[24]                       = NumericFunction.ABS;          // ABS
     retval[25]                       = NumericFunction.INT;          // INT
     retval[26]                       = NumericFunction.SIGN;         // SIGN
     retval[27]                       = NumericFunction.ROUND;        // ROUND
     retval[28]                       = new Lookup();                 // LOOKUP
     retval[29]                       = new Index();                  // INDEX
     retval[30]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // REPT
     retval[31]                       = TextFunction.MID;             // MID
     retval[32]                       = TextFunction.LEN;             // LEN
     retval[33]                       = new Value();                  // VALUE
     retval[34]                       = new True();                   // TRUE
     retval[35]                       = new False();                  // FALSE
     retval[36]                       = new And();                    // AND
     retval[37]                       = new Or();                     // OR
     retval[38]                       = new Not();                    // NOT
     retval[39]                       = NumericFunction.MOD;          // MOD
     retval[40]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DCOUNT
     retval[41]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DSUM
     retval[42]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DAVERAGE
     retval[43]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DMIN
     retval[44]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DMAX
     retval[45]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DSTDEV
     retval[46]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // VAR
     retval[47]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DVAR
     retval[48]                       = TextFunction.TEXT;            // TEXT
     retval[49]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // LINEST
     retval[50]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TREND
     retval[51]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // LOGEST
     retval[52]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GROWTH
     retval[53]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GOTO
     retval[54]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // HALT
     retval[56]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PV
     retval[57]                       = FinanceFunction.FV;           // FV
     retval[58]                       = FinanceFunction.NPER;         // NPER
     retval[59]                       = FinanceFunction.PMT;          // PMT
     retval[60]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RATE
     retval[61]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // MIRR
     retval[62]                       = new Irr();                    // IRR
     retval[63]                       = new Rand();                   // RAND
     retval[64]                       = new Match();                  // MATCH
     retval[65]                       = DateFunc.instance;            // DATE
     retval[66]                       = new TimeFunc();               // TIME
     retval[67]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.DAY;    // DAY
     retval[68]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.MONTH;  // MONTH
     retval[69]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.YEAR;   // YEAR
     retval[70]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // WEEKDAY
     retval[71]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.HOUR;
     retval[72]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.MINUTE;
     retval[73]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.SECOND;
     retval[74]                       = new Now();
     retval[75]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // AREAS
     retval[76]                       = new Rows();                   // ROWS
     retval[77]                       = new Columns();                // COLUMNS
     retval[FunctionID.OFFSET]        = new Offset();                 // Offset.Evaluate has a different signature
     retval[79]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ABSREF
     retval[80]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RELREF
     retval[81]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ARGUMENT
     retval[82]                       = TextFunction.SEARCH;
     retval[83]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TRANSPOSE
     retval[84]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ERROR
     retval[85]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // STEP
     retval[86]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TYPE
     retval[87]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ECHO
     retval[88]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SetNAME
     retval[89]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CALLER
     retval[90]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DEREF
     retval[91]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // WINDOWS
     retval[92]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SERIES
     retval[93]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DOCUMENTS
     retval[94]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ACTIVECELL
     retval[95]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SELECTION
     retval[96]                       = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RESULT
     retval[97]                       = NumericFunction.ATAN2;        // ATAN2
     retval[98]                       = NumericFunction.ASIN;         // ASIN
     retval[99]                       = NumericFunction.ACOS;         // ACOS
     retval[FunctionID.CHOOSE]        = new Choose();
     retval[101]                      = new Hlookup();                // HLOOKUP
     retval[102]                      = new Vlookup();                // VLOOKUP
     retval[103]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // LINKS
     retval[104]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // INPUT
     retval[105]                      = LogicalFunction.ISREF;        // IsREF
     retval[106]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetFORMULA
     retval[107]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetNAME
     retval[108]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SetVALUE
     retval[109]                      = NumericFunction.LOG;          // LOG
     retval[110]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // EXEC
     retval[111]                      = TextFunction.CHAR;            // CHAR
     retval[112]                      = TextFunction.LOWER;           // LOWER
     retval[113]                      = TextFunction.UPPER;           // UPPER
     retval[114]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PROPER
     retval[115]                      = TextFunction.LEFT;            // LEFT
     retval[116]                      = TextFunction.RIGHT;           // RIGHT
     retval[117]                      = TextFunction.EXACT;           // EXACT
     retval[118]                      = TextFunction.TRIM;            // TRIM
     retval[119]                      = new Replace();                // Replace
     retval[120]                      = new Substitute();             // SUBSTITUTE
     retval[121]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CODE
     retval[122]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // NAMES
     retval[123]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DIRECTORY
     retval[124]                      = TextFunction.FIND;            // Find
     retval[125]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CELL
     retval[126]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // IsERR
     retval[127]                      = LogicalFunction.ISTEXT;       // IsTEXT
     retval[128]                      = LogicalFunction.ISNUMBER;     // IsNUMBER
     retval[129]                      = LogicalFunction.ISBLANK;      // IsBLANK
     retval[130]                      = new T();                      // T
     retval[131]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // N
     retval[132]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FOPEN
     retval[133]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FCLOSE
     retval[134]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FSIZE
     retval[135]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FReadLN
     retval[136]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FRead
     retval[137]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FWriteLN
     retval[138]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FWrite
     retval[139]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FPOS
     retval[140]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DATEVALUE
     retval[141]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TIMEVALUE
     retval[142]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SLN
     retval[143]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SYD
     retval[144]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DDB
     retval[145]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetDEF
     retval[146]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // REFTEXT
     retval[147]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TEXTREF
     retval[FunctionID.INDIRECT]      = null;                         // Indirect.Evaluate has different signature
     retval[149]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // REGISTER
     retval[150]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CALL
     retval[151]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // AddBAR
     retval[152]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // AddMENU
     retval[153]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // AddCOMMAND
     retval[154]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ENABLECOMMAND
     retval[155]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CHECKCOMMAND
     retval[156]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RenameCOMMAND
     retval[157]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SHOWBAR
     retval[158]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DELETEMENU
     retval[159]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DELETECOMMAND
     retval[160]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetCHARTITEM
     retval[161]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DIALOGBOX
     retval[162]                      = TextFunction.CLEAN;           // CLEAN
     retval[163]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // MDETERM
     retval[164]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // MINVERSE
     retval[165]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // MMULT
     retval[166]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FILES
     retval[167]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // IPMT
     retval[168]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PPMT
     retval[169]                      = new Counta();                 // COUNTA
     retval[170]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CANCELKEY
     retval[175]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // INITIATE
     retval[176]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // REQUEST
     retval[177]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // POKE
     retval[178]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // EXECUTE
     retval[179]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TERMINATE
     retval[180]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RESTART
     retval[181]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // HELP
     retval[182]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetBAR
     retval[183]                      = AggregateFunction.PRODUCT;    // PRODUCT
     retval[184]                      = NumericFunction.FACT;         // FACT
     retval[185]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetCELL
     retval[186]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetWORKSPACE
     retval[187]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetWINDOW
     retval[188]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetDOCUMENT
     retval[189]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DPRODUCT
     retval[190]                      = LogicalFunction.ISNONTEXT;    // IsNONTEXT
     retval[191]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetNOTE
     retval[192]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // NOTE
     retval[193]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // STDEVP
     retval[194]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // VARP
     retval[195]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DSTDEVP
     retval[196]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DVARP
     retval[197]                      = NumericFunction.TRUNC;        // TRUNC
     retval[198]                      = LogicalFunction.ISLOGICAL;    // IsLOGICAL
     retval[199]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DCOUNTA
     retval[200]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DELETEBAR
     retval[201]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // UNREGISTER
     retval[204]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // USDOLLAR
     retval[205]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FindB
     retval[206]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SEARCHB
     retval[207]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ReplaceB
     retval[208]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // LEFTB
     retval[209]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RIGHTB
     retval[210]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // MIDB
     retval[211]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // LENB
     retval[212]                      = NumericFunction.ROUNDUP;      // ROUNDUP
     retval[213]                      = NumericFunction.ROUNDDOWN;    // ROUNDDOWN
     retval[214]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ASC
     retval[215]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DBCS
     retval[216]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RANK
     retval[219]                      = new Address();                // AddRESS
     retval[220]                      = new Days360();                // DAYS360
     retval[221]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TODAY
     retval[222]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // VDB
     retval[227]                      = AggregateFunction.MEDIAN;     // MEDIAN
     retval[228]                      = new Sumproduct();             // SUMPRODUCT
     retval[229]                      = NumericFunction.SINH;         // SINH
     retval[230]                      = NumericFunction.COSH;         // COSH
     retval[231]                      = NumericFunction.TANH;         // TANH
     retval[232]                      = NumericFunction.ASINH;        // ASINH
     retval[233]                      = NumericFunction.ACOSH;        // ACOSH
     retval[234]                      = NumericFunction.ATANH;        // ATANH
     retval[235]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DGet
     retval[236]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CreateOBJECT
     retval[237]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // VOLATILE
     retval[238]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // LASTERROR
     retval[239]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CUSTOMUNDO
     retval[240]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CUSTOMREPEAT
     retval[241]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FORMULAConvert
     retval[242]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetLINKINFO
     retval[243]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TEXTBOX
     retval[244]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // INFO
     retval[245]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GROUP
     retval[246]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetOBJECT
     retval[247]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DB
     retval[248]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PAUSE
     retval[250]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RESUME
     retval[252]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FREQUENCY
     retval[253]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // AddTOOLBAR
     retval[254]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DELETETOOLBAR
     retval[FunctionID.EXTERNAL_FUNC] = null;                         // ExternalFunction is a FreeREfFunction
     retval[256]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RESetTOOLBAR
     retval[257]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // EVALUATE
     retval[258]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetTOOLBAR
     retval[259]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetTOOL
     retval[260]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SPELLINGCHECK
     retval[261]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ERRORTYPE
     retval[262]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // APPTITLE
     retval[263]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // WINDOWTITLE
     retval[264]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SAVETOOLBAR
     retval[265]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ENABLETOOL
     retval[266]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PRESSTOOL
     retval[267]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // REGISTERID
     retval[268]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetWORKBOOK
     retval[269]                      = AggregateFunction.AVEDEV;     // AVEDEV
     retval[270]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // BETADIST
     retval[271]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GAMMALN
     retval[272]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // BETAINV
     retval[273]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // BINOMDIST
     retval[274]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CHIDIST
     retval[275]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CHIINV
     retval[276]                      = NumericFunction.COMBIN;       // COMBIN
     retval[277]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CONFIDENCE
     retval[278]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CRITBINOM
     retval[279]                      = new Even();                   // EVEN
     retval[280]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // EXPONDIST
     retval[281]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FDIST
     retval[282]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FINV
     retval[283]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FISHER
     retval[284]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FISHERINV
     retval[285]                      = NumericFunction.FLOOR;        // FLOOR
     retval[286]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GAMMADIST
     retval[287]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GAMMAINV
     retval[288]                      = NumericFunction.CEILING;      // CEILING
     retval[289]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // HYPGEOMDIST
     retval[290]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // LOGNORMDIST
     retval[291]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // LOGINV
     retval[292]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // NEGBINOMDIST
     retval[293]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // NORMDIST
     retval[294]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // NORMSDIST
     retval[295]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // NORMINV
     retval[296]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // NORMSINV
     retval[297]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // STANDARDIZE
     retval[298]                      = new Odd();                    // ODD
     retval[299]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PERMUT
     retval[300]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // POISSON
     retval[301]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TDIST
     retval[302]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // WEIBULL
     retval[303]                      = new Sumxmy2();                // SUMXMY2
     retval[304]                      = new Sumx2my2();               // SUMX2MY2
     retval[305]                      = new Sumx2py2();               // SUMX2PY2
     retval[306]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CHITEST
     retval[307]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // CORREL
     retval[308]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // COVAR
     retval[309]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FORECAST
     retval[310]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // FTEST
     retval[311]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // INTERCEPT
     retval[312]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PEARSON
     retval[313]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // RSQ
     retval[314]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // STEYX
     retval[315]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SLOPE
     retval[316]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TTEST
     retval[317]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PROB
     retval[318]                      = AggregateFunction.DEVSQ;      // DEVSQ
     retval[319]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GEOMEAN
     retval[320]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // HARMEAN
     retval[321]                      = AggregateFunction.SUMSQ;      // SUMSQ
     retval[322]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // KURT
     retval[323]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SKEW
     retval[324]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ZTEST
     retval[325]                      = AggregateFunction.LARGE;      // LARGE
     retval[326]                      = AggregateFunction.SMALL;      // SMALL
     retval[327]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // QUARTILE
     retval[328]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PERCENTILE
     retval[329]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PERCENTRANK
     retval[330]                      = new Mode();                   // MODE
     retval[331]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TRIMMEAN
     retval[332]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // TINV
     retval[334]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // MOVIECOMMAND
     retval[335]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetMOVIE
     retval[336]                      = TextFunction.CONCATENATE;     // CONCATENATE
     retval[337]                      = NumericFunction.POWER;        // POWER
     retval[338]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PIVOTAddDATA
     retval[339]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetPIVOTTABLE
     retval[340]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetPIVOTFIELD
     retval[341]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetPIVOTITEM
     retval[342]                      = NumericFunction.RADIANS;;     // RADIANS
     retval[343]                      = NumericFunction.DEGREES;      // DEGREES
     retval[344]                      = new Subtotal();               // SUBTOTAL
     retval[345]                      = new Sumif();                  // SUMIF
     retval[346]                      = new Countif();                // COUNTIF
     retval[347]                      = new Countblank();             // COUNTBLANK
     retval[348]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SCENARIOGet
     retval[349]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // OPTIONSLISTSGet
     retval[350]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // IsPMT
     retval[351]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DATEDIF
     retval[352]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // DATESTRING
     retval[353]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // NUMBERSTRING
     retval[354]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // ROMAN
     retval[355]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // OPENDIALOG
     retval[356]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // SAVEDIALOG
     retval[357]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // VIEWGet
     retval[358]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // GetPIVOTDATA
     retval[359]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // HYPERLINK
     retval[360]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // PHONETIC
     retval[361]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // AVERAGEA
     retval[362]                      = new Maxa();                   // MAXA
     retval[363]                      = new Mina();                   // MINA
     retval[364]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // STDEVPA
     retval[365]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // VARPA
     retval[366]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // STDEVA
     retval[367]                      = new NotImplementedFunction(); // VARA
Exemplo n.º 17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Pi.Init <BootstrapWiringPi>();

            //Pins used to create the doors buttons
            var door0Pin = Pi.Gpio[BcmPin.Gpio12];
            var door1Pin = Pi.Gpio[BcmPin.Gpio05];
            var door2Pin = Pi.Gpio[BcmPin.Gpio06];
            var door3Pin = Pi.Gpio[BcmPin.Gpio13];

            var mDoorsState = new Dictionary <string, bool>()
                { "door 0", !door0Pin.Read() },
                { "door 1", !door1Pin.Read() },

            var wDoorsState = new Dictionary <string, bool>()
                { "door 2", !door2Pin.Read() },
                { "door 3", !door3Pin.Read() },

            "antes del sync".Info();
            InitialSync(mDoorsState, wDoorsState);
            "despues del sync".Info();

            var mbDoorsButtons = new Dictionary <string, Button>()
                { "door 0", new Button(door0Pin, GpioPinResistorPullMode.PullDown) },
                { "door 1", new Button(door1Pin, GpioPinResistorPullMode.PullDown) },

            var wbDoorsButtons = new Dictionary <string, Button>()
                { "door 2", new Button(door2Pin, GpioPinResistorPullMode.PullDown) },
                { "door 3", new Button(door3Pin, GpioPinResistorPullMode.PullDown) },

            mbDoorsButtons.ForEach((key, value) =>
                value.Pressed += (s, e) =>
                    mDoorsState[key]   = false;
                    var availableDoors = mDoorsState.Where(x => x.Value == true).ToArray().Length;
                    JsonClient.Post <Dictionary <string, bool> >(postUrl + $"/{mBathId}/{availableDoors}", new { }).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                value.Released += (s, e) =>
                    mDoorsState[key]   = true;
                    var availableDoors = mDoorsState.Where(x => x.Value == true).ToArray().Length;
                    JsonClient.Post <Dictionary <string, bool> >(postUrl + $"/{mBathId}/{availableDoors}", new { }).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            wbDoorsButtons.ForEach((key, value) =>
                value.Pressed += (s, e) =>
                    wDoorsState[key]   = false;
                    var availableDoors = wDoorsState.Where(x => x.Value == true).ToArray().Length;
                    JsonClient.Post <Dictionary <string, bool> >(postUrl + $"/{wBathId}/{availableDoors}", new { }).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                value.Released += (s, e) =>
                    wDoorsState[key]   = true;
                    var availableDoors = wDoorsState.Where(x => x.Value == true).ToArray().Length;
                    JsonClient.Post <Dictionary <string, bool> >(postUrl + $"/{wBathId}/{availableDoors}", new { }).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
