Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// creates an instance of a room
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engine">the parent engine</param>
        public Room(PEngine engine)
            Engine               = engine;
            Sounds               = new SoundManager();
            Background           = new SpriteData();
            Background.LayerData = new LayerData(0);
            Width          = 512;
            Height         = 512;
            ViewPosition   = new Vector2(0, 0);
            GameObjectList = new List <GameObject>();
            GameTileList   = new List <GameTile>();
            LightList      = new List <Light>();
            Physics        = null;
            var pp = Engine.Game.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters;

            MainTarget  = new RenderTarget2D(Engine.Game.GraphicsDevice, pp.BackBufferWidth, pp.BackBufferHeight);
            LightTarget = new RenderTarget2D(Engine.Game.GraphicsDevice, pp.BackBufferWidth, pp.BackBufferHeight);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// creates an instance of a room
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engine">the parent engine</param>
        public Room(PEngine engine)
            Engine          = engine;
            Sounds          = new SoundManager();
            Background      = null;
            Width           = 512;
            Height          = 512;
            ViewPosition    = new Vector2(0, 0);
            GameObjectList  = new List <GameObject>();
            GameTileList    = new List <GameTile>();
            LightList       = new List <Light>();
            LightingEnabled = false;
            Physics         = null;
            var pp = Engine.Game.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters;

            MainTarget      = new RenderTarget2D(Engine.Game.GraphicsDevice, pp.BackBufferWidth, pp.BackBufferHeight);
            LightTarget     = new RenderTarget2D(Engine.Game.GraphicsDevice, pp.BackBufferWidth, pp.BackBufferHeight);
            CurrentFileName = "";
Exemplo n.º 3
    // Update is called once per frame
    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            if (_state == null)
                _state = new GJKState(ref PolytopeA, ref PolytopeB);
                _state.LastDirection = initDirection;

            _minkowskisumPoints = MinkowskiSum.CalcMinkowskiSum(PolytopeA, PolytopeB);


            if (!_state.FinishRun)
                GJK.Collided(ref _state);

                for (int i = 0; i < _state.CurrentSimplex.GetSize(); i++)
                // Physics res
                float c = 0.5f;

                PhysicsSim compA = _state.GetPolytopeA.GetComponent <PhysicsSim>();
                PhysicsSim compB = _state.GetPolytopeB.GetComponent <PhysicsSim>();

                compA.velocity = UIController.initVelocutyA;
                compB.velocity = UIController.initVelocutyB;

                float massTotal = compA.mass + compB.mass;

                // Contacts
                Vector3 lpA = _state.CurrentSimplex.PopBack();
                Vector3 lpB = _state.CurrentSimplex.PopBack();

                Vector3 cpA = _state.epaData.Contact;
                Vector3 cpB = cpA;

                // Inert
                float invVal = 1f / 0.16f;

                Matrix4x4 rotInert = Matrix4x4.identity;
                rotInert.SetRow(0, new Vector4(invVal, 0f, 0f, 0f));
                rotInert.SetRow(1, new Vector4(0f, invVal, 0f, 0f));
                rotInert.SetRow(2, new Vector4(0f, 0f, 0f, invVal));

                float j =
                    (-(1f + c) * Vector3.Dot(compA.velocity - compB.velocity, _state.epaData.Normal)) /
                    ((1f / compA.mass + 1f / compB.mass) +
                         Vector3.Cross(rotInert * Vector3.Cross(cpA, _state.epaData.Normal), cpA) +
                         Vector3.Cross(rotInert * Vector3.Cross(cpB, _state.epaData.Normal), cpB),

                Vector4 wa = rotInert *
                        j * _state.epaData.Normal

                compA.AngularVelocity.x += wa.x;
                compA.AngularVelocity.y += wa.y;
                compA.AngularVelocity.z += wa.z;

                Vector4 wb = rotInert *
                        j * _state.epaData.Normal

                compB.AngularVelocity.x -= wb.x;
                compB.AngularVelocity.y -= wb.y;
                compB.AngularVelocity.z -= wb.z;

                compA.velocity = compA.velocity + ((j / compA.mass) * _state.epaData.Normal);

                compB.velocity = compA.velocity - ((j / compB.mass) * _state.epaData.Normal);

                _state = null;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// loads the room from a file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">the filename with the room data</param>
        public Room Load(string filename)
            CurrentFileName = filename;
            //get the json
            string json = File.ReadAllText(filename, Encoding.UTF8);
            //turn it into an internal json object
            JObject obj = JObject.Parse(json);

            Width = (int)obj.GetValue("width").ToObject(typeof(int));
            Height = (int)obj.GetValue("height").ToObject(typeof(int));
            if (obj.ContainsKey("physics"))
                JObject physicsObj = (JObject)obj.GetValue("physics").ToObject(typeof(JObject));
                float   gravityX   = (float)physicsObj.GetValue("gravityx").ToObject(typeof(float));
                float   gravityY   = (float)physicsObj.GetValue("gravityy").ToObject(typeof(float));
                Physics         = new PhysicsSim();
                Physics.Gravity = new Vector2(gravityX, gravityY);
            if (obj.ContainsKey("background"))
                JObject backObj        = (JObject)obj.GetValue("background").ToObject(typeof(JObject));
                string  backgroundType = (string)backObj.GetValue("type").ToObject(typeof(string));
                if (backgroundType.Equals("static"))
                    string backAssetName = (string)backObj.GetValue("name").ToObject(typeof(string));
                    Background = new StaticBackground(this, backAssetName);
                else if (backgroundType.Equals("parallax"))
                    JArray   backAssetNames = (JArray)backObj.GetValue("names").ToObject(typeof(JArray));
                    string   targetName     = (string)backObj.GetValue("target").ToObject(typeof(string));
                    string[] names          = new string[backAssetNames.Count];
                    float[]  speeds         = new float[backAssetNames.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < backAssetNames.Count; i++)
                        JObject backLayer = (JObject)backAssetNames[i].ToObject(typeof(JObject));
                        names[i]  = (string)backLayer.GetValue("name").ToObject(typeof(string));
                        speeds[i] = (float)backLayer.GetValue("speed").ToObject(typeof(float));
                    Background = new ParallaxBackground(this, names, speeds, targetName);
            //world layers
            JArray layerArray = (JArray)obj.GetValue("layers").ToObject(typeof(JArray));

            foreach (JToken item in layerArray)
                JObject layerObject = (JObject)item.ToObject(typeof(JObject));
                int     layer       = (int)layerObject.GetValue("layer").ToObject(typeof(int));
                JArray  objectArray = (JArray)layerObject.GetValue("objects").ToObject(typeof(JArray));
                foreach (JToken gameObjectToken in objectArray)
                    JObject gameObjectData = (JObject)gameObjectToken.ToObject(typeof(JObject));
                    string  internalName   = (string)gameObjectData.GetValue("name").ToObject(typeof(string));
                    Type    type           = PEngine.GetTypeFromName(internalName);
                    if (type == null)
                        ConsoleManager.WriteLine("could not find object name \"" + internalName + "\"", "err");
                    Vector2    position   = new Vector2((int)gameObjectData.GetValue("x").ToObject(typeof(int)), (int)gameObjectData.GetValue("y").ToObject(typeof(int)));
                    GameObject gameObject = (GameObject)type.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(Room), typeof(Vector2) }).Invoke(new object[] { this, position });
                    gameObject.Sprite.LayerData.Layer = layer;
                JArray tileArray = (JArray)layerObject.GetValue("tiles").ToObject(typeof(JArray));
                foreach (JToken tileToken in tileArray)
                    JObject tileData     = (JObject)tileToken.ToObject(typeof(JObject));
                    string  internalName = (string)tileData.GetValue("name").ToObject(typeof(string));
                    Type    type         = PEngine.GetTypeFromName(internalName);
                    if (type == null)
                        ConsoleManager.WriteLine("could not find tile name \"" + internalName + "\"", "err");
                    Vector2  position = new Vector2((int)tileData.GetValue("x").ToObject(typeof(int)), (int)tileData.GetValue("y").ToObject(typeof(int)));
                    GameTile tile     = (GameTile)type.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(Room), typeof(Vector2) }).Invoke(new object[] { this, position });
                    tile.Sprite.LayerData.Layer = layer;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// loads the room from a file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">the filename with the room data</param>
        public Room Load(string filename)
            //get the json
            string json = File.ReadAllText(filename, Encoding.UTF8);
            //turn it into an internal json object
            JObject obj = JObject.Parse(json);

            Width = (int)obj.GetValue("width").ToObject(typeof(int));
            Height = (int)obj.GetValue("height").ToObject(typeof(int));
            if (obj.ContainsKey("physics"))
                JObject physicsObj = (JObject)obj.GetValue("physics").ToObject(typeof(JObject));
                float   gravityX   = (float)physicsObj.GetValue("gravityx").ToObject(typeof(float));
                float   gravityY   = (float)physicsObj.GetValue("gravityy").ToObject(typeof(float));
                Physics         = new PhysicsSim();
                Physics.Gravity = new Vector2(gravityX, gravityY);
            //world layers
            JArray layerArray = (JArray)obj.GetValue("layers").ToObject(typeof(JArray));

            foreach (JToken item in layerArray)
                JObject layerObject = (JObject)item.ToObject(typeof(JObject));
                int     layer       = (int)layerObject.GetValue("layer").ToObject(typeof(int));
                JArray  objectArray = (JArray)layerObject.GetValue("objects").ToObject(typeof(JArray));
                foreach (JToken gameObjectToken in objectArray)
                    JObject gameObjectData = (JObject)gameObjectToken.ToObject(typeof(JObject));
                    string  internalName   = (string)gameObjectData.GetValue("name").ToObject(typeof(string));
                    Type    type           = PEngine.GetTypeFromName(internalName);
                    if (type == null)
                        ConsoleManager.WriteLine("could not find object name \"" + internalName + "\"", "err");
                    Vector2    position   = new Vector2((int)gameObjectData.GetValue("x").ToObject(typeof(int)), (int)gameObjectData.GetValue("y").ToObject(typeof(int)));
                    GameObject gameObject = (GameObject)type.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(Room), typeof(Vector2) }).Invoke(new object[] { this, position });
                    gameObject.Sprite.LayerData.Layer = layer;
                JArray tileArray = (JArray)layerObject.GetValue("tiles").ToObject(typeof(JArray));
                foreach (JToken tileToken in tileArray)
                    JObject tileData     = (JObject)tileToken.ToObject(typeof(JObject));
                    string  internalName = (string)tileData.GetValue("name").ToObject(typeof(string));
                    Type    type         = PEngine.GetTypeFromName(internalName);
                    if (type == null)
                        ConsoleManager.WriteLine("could not find tile name \"" + internalName + "\"", "err");
                    Vector2  position = new Vector2((int)tileData.GetValue("x").ToObject(typeof(int)), (int)tileData.GetValue("y").ToObject(typeof(int)));
                    GameTile tile     = (GameTile)type.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(Room), typeof(Vector2) }).Invoke(new object[] { this, position });
                    tile.Sprite.LayerData.Layer = layer;