Exemplo n.º 1
    public RaycastHit2D isGrounded()
        float dist = (walkCollider.bounds.extents.x * 2f) - .15f;

        return(PhysicsHelper2D.visibleRaycast((Vector2)transform.position + new Vector2(-walkCollider.bounds.extents.x + .075f, -walkCollider.edgeRadius - .025f),
                                              Vector2.right, dist, walkMask));
Exemplo n.º 2
    RaycastHit2D wallContact(bool right)
        float xOffset = (walkCollider.bounds.extents.x + walkCollider.edgeRadius) + .1f;

        return(PhysicsHelper2D.visibleRaycast((Vector2)transform.position + new Vector2((right ? xOffset : -xOffset), .1f),
                                              Vector2.up, (walkCollider.bounds.extents.y + walkCollider.edgeRadius) * 1.8f, walkMask));
Exemplo n.º 3
    bool isColliderUnderUmbrella(BoxCollider2D collider)
        float colliderHalfWidth = collider.bounds.extents.x;
        float yOffset           = 3.75f;
        var   hit = PhysicsHelper2D.visibleRaycast((Vector2)(new Vector3(collider.transform.position.x - colliderHalfWidth, yOffset, 0f)),
                                                   Vector2.right, colliderHalfWidth * 2f);

        return(hit && hit.collider.name.Equals("UmbrellaShadow"));
Exemplo n.º 4
    void updatePlatforming()
        int direction = 0;

        if (hasControl)
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow) && !wallContact(false))
                direction -= 1;
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow) && !wallContact(true))
                direction += 1;
        else //if ((forceDirection == 1 && !wallContact(true)) || (forceDirection == -1 && !wallContact(false)))
            direction = forceDirection;

        RaycastHit2D groundHit = isGrounded();
        bool         grounded  = groundHit; // && _rigidBody2D.velocity.y <= 0f;

        if (grounded)
            //Snap to ground y when landing
            if (_rigidBody2D.velocity.y < 0f &&
                transform.position.y < groundHit.transform.position.y &&
                transform.position.y >= groundHit.transform.position.y - maxLandSnapHeight)
                //float snapY = groundHit.transform.position.y + (groundHit.collider.bounds.extents.y);
                transform.position    = new Vector3(transform.position.x, groundHit.transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
                _rigidBody2D.velocity = new Vector2(_rigidBody2D.velocity.x, 0f);

            //Attach to moving objects
            if (groundHit.transform.name.Contains("Moving"))
                transform.parent = groundHit.transform;
                transform.parent = startParent;

            if (hasControl && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                _rigidBody2D.velocity = new Vector2(_rigidBody2D.velocity.x, jumpSpeed);
                grounded         = false;
                transform.parent = startParent;
            transform.parent = startParent;

        int actualDirection = _rigidBody2D.velocity.x == 0 ? 0 : (int)Mathf.Sign(_rigidBody2D.velocity.x);

        if (actualDirection == 0 && direction != 0)
            actualDirection = direction;

        updateSpinner((direction == 0 || (direction != 0 && actualDirection != direction)) ? 0 : actualDirection);

        updateWalkSpeed(direction, grounded);
        updateAnimatorValues(direction, grounded);

        //Bounds stuff
        if (direction == 0)
            RaycastHit2D leftWallHit = wallContact(false);
            if (leftWallHit && leftWallHit.collider.transform.parent == boundsParent)
                if (leftWallHit && wallContact(true))
                    float dist = (walkCollider.bounds.extents.x * 2f) - .15f;
                    if (PhysicsHelper2D.visibleRaycast((Vector2)transform.position + new Vector2(-walkCollider.bounds.extents.x + .075f, walkCollider.bounds.extents.y),
                                                       Vector2.right, dist, walkMask))
                else if (grounded && PaperThiefCamera.instance.getCurrentShiftSpeed() > 1f)
                    actualDirection = direction = 1;
                    rigAnimator.SetBool("Walking", true);
                    rigAnimator.SetFloat("WalkSpeed", 1f);

        if (hasControl && transform.position.x >= cucumberTransform.position.x - 1f)
            if (_rigidBody2D.velocity.y > 0f)
                _rigidBody2D.velocity = new Vector2(_rigidBody2D.velocity.x, 0f);
        else if (PaperThiefMarisa.defeated && transform.position.x >= victoryTransform.position.x - .5f)
            forceDirection = 0;
            MicrogameController.instance.setVictory(true, true);