Exemplo n.º 1
         * phxlive()
         * Simple live capture application code, using image conversion in order to reduce
         * the amount of PCI bandwidth used.
        unsafe static int phxlive(
            Phx.etParamValue eBoardNumber,            /* Board number, i.e. 1, 2, or 0 for next available */
            Phx.etParamValue eChannelNumber,          /* Channel number */
            String strConfigFileName,                 /* Name of config file */
            PhxCommon.tCxpRegisters sCameraRegs       /* Camera CXP registers */
            Phx.etStat          eStat             = Phx.etStat.PHX_OK;           /* Status variable */
            Phx.etParamValue    eAcqType          = 0;                           /* Parameter for use with PHX_ParameterSet/Get calls */
            Pbl.etPblParamValue eBayCol           = 0;
            Phx.etParamValue    eParamValue       = 0;
            Pbl.etPblParamValue ePblCaptureFormat = 0;
            Phx.etParamValue    eCamSrcCol        = 0;
            Phx.etParamValue    eCaptureFormat    = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_MONO8;
            Phx.etParamValue    eCamFormat        = 0;
            uint      dwBufferReadyLast           = 0;                           /* Previous BufferReady count value */
            IntPtr    pParamValue = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr    pConfigFile = IntPtr.Zero;
            PhxCommon myPhxCommon = new PhxCommon();

            Phx.PHX_AcquireCallBack PHX_Callback   = new Phx.PHX_AcquireCallBack(phxlive_callback);
            Phx.stImageBuff[]       asImageBuffers = null;                       /* Capture buffer array */
            uint[]   ahCaptureBuffers = null;                                    /* Capture buffer handle array */
            tPhxLive sPhxLive;                                                   /* User defined event context */
            uint     hCamera                = 0;                                 /* Camera handle */
            uint     hDisplay               = 0;                                 /* Display handle */
            uint     hDisplayBuffer         = 0;                                 /* Display buffer handle */
            uint     dwAcqNumBuffers        = 0;
            uint     dwBufferWidth          = 0;
            uint     dwBufferHeight         = 0;
            uint     dwBufferStride         = 0;
            uint     dwCamSrcDepth          = 0;
            bool     fDebayer               = false;
            bool     fCameraIsCxp           = false;
            bool     fIsCxpCameraDiscovered = false;

            /* Create a Phx handle */
            eStat = Phx.PHX_Create(ref hCamera, Phx.PHX_ErrHandlerDefault);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;

            /* Set the configuration file name */
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strConfigFileName))
                pConfigFile = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(PhxCommon.GetBytesFromString(strConfigFileName), 0);
                eStat       = Phx.PHX_ParameterSet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_CONFIG_FILE, ref pConfigFile);
                if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                    goto Error;

            /* Set the board number */
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterSet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_BOARD_NUMBER, ref eBoardNumber);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;

            /* Set the channel number */
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterSet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_CHANNEL_NUMBER, ref eChannelNumber);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;

            /* Open the board using the above configuration file */
            eStat = Phx.PHX_Open(hCamera);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;

            /* Read various parameter values in order to generate the capture buffers. */
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterGet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_ROI_XLENGTH, ref dwBufferWidth);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterGet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_ROI_YLENGTH, ref dwBufferHeight);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterGet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_CAM_SRC_DEPTH, ref dwCamSrcDepth);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterGet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_CAM_SRC_COL, ref eCamSrcCol);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterGet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_BUS_FORMAT, ref eCaptureFormat);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterGet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_CAM_FORMAT, ref eCamFormat);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterGet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_ACQ_FIELD_MODE, ref eAcqType);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterGet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_ACQ_NUM_BUFFERS, ref dwAcqNumBuffers);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;

            /* Interlaced Camera in Field Mode */
            if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_INTERLACED == eCamFormat &&
                (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_ACQ_FIELD_12 == eAcqType ||
                 Phx.etParamValue.PHX_ACQ_FIELD_21 == eAcqType ||
                 Phx.etParamValue.PHX_ACQ_FIELD_NEXT == eAcqType ||
                 Phx.etParamValue.PHX_ACQ_FIELD_1 == eAcqType ||
                 Phx.etParamValue.PHX_ACQ_FIELD_2 == eAcqType))
                dwBufferHeight /= 2;

            /* Determine PHX_BUS_FORMAT based on the camera format */
            eStat = myPhxCommon.PhxCommonGetBusFormat(eCamSrcCol, dwCamSrcDepth, eCaptureFormat, ref eCaptureFormat);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;

            /* Determine bayer format */
            fDebayer = true;
            if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_BG == eCamSrcCol)
                eBayCol = Pbl.etPblParamValue.PBL_BAY_COL_BLU;
            else if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_GB == eCamSrcCol)
                eBayCol = Pbl.etPblParamValue.PBL_BAY_COL_GRNB;
            else if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_GR == eCamSrcCol)
                eBayCol = Pbl.etPblParamValue.PBL_BAY_COL_GRNR;
            else if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_RG == eCamSrcCol)
                eBayCol = Pbl.etPblParamValue.PBL_BAY_COL_RED;
                fDebayer = false;

            /* Update the PHX_BUS_FORMAT, as it may have changed (above) */
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterSet(hCamera, (Phx.etParam.PHX_BUS_FORMAT | Phx.etParam.PHX_CACHE_FLUSH), ref eCaptureFormat);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;

            /* Read back the Buffer Stride */
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterGet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_BUF_DST_XLENGTH, ref dwBufferStride);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;

            /* Init the array of capture buffer handles */
            ahCaptureBuffers = new uint[dwAcqNumBuffers];

            /* Init the array of image buffers */
            asImageBuffers = new Phx.stImageBuff[dwAcqNumBuffers + 1];

            /* Create and initialise our capture buffers (not associated with display) */
            for (int i = 0; i < dwAcqNumBuffers; i++)
                /* We create a capture buffer for our double buffering */
                eStat = Pbl.PBL_BufferCreate(ref ahCaptureBuffers[i], Pbl.etPblBufferMode.PBL_BUFF_SYSTEM_MEM_DIRECT, 0, hCamera, myPhxCommon.PhxCommonDisplayErrorHandler);
                if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                    goto Error;

                /* Initialise our capture buffer */
                eStat = Pbl.PBL_BufferParameterSet(ahCaptureBuffers[i], Pbl.etPblParam.PBL_BUFF_WIDTH, ref dwBufferWidth);
                if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                    goto Error;
                eStat = Pbl.PBL_BufferParameterSet(ahCaptureBuffers[i], Pbl.etPblParam.PBL_BUFF_HEIGHT, ref dwBufferHeight);
                if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                    goto Error;
                eStat = Pbl.PBL_BufferParameterSet(ahCaptureBuffers[i], Pbl.etPblParam.PBL_BUFF_STRIDE, ref dwBufferStride);
                if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                    goto Error;
                ePblCaptureFormat = (Pbl.etPblParamValue)eCaptureFormat;
                eStat             = Pbl.PBL_BufferParameterSet(ahCaptureBuffers[i], Pbl.etPblParam.PBL_DST_FORMAT, ref ePblCaptureFormat);
                if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                    goto Error;
                eStat = Pbl.PBL_BufferInit(ahCaptureBuffers[i]);
                if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                    goto Error;

                /* Set up the type of Bayer conversion required */
                if (fDebayer)
                    Pbl.etPblParamValue ePblParamValue = Pbl.etPblParamValue.PBL_BAY_DEC_DUP;
                    eStat = Pbl.PBL_BufferParameterSet(ahCaptureBuffers[i], Pbl.etPblParam.PBL_BUFF_BAYDEC, ref ePblParamValue);
                    if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                        goto Error;
                    eStat = Pbl.PBL_BufferParameterSet(ahCaptureBuffers[i], Pbl.etPblParam.PBL_BUFF_BAYCOL, ref eBayCol);
                    if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                        goto Error;

                /* Build up our array of capture buffers */
                Pbl.PBL_BufferParameterGet(ahCaptureBuffers[i], Pbl.etPblParam.PBL_BUFF_ADDRESS, ref asImageBuffers[i].pvAddress);
                asImageBuffers[i].pvContext = (IntPtr)ahCaptureBuffers[i];
            /* Terminate the array */
            asImageBuffers[dwAcqNumBuffers].pvAddress = System.IntPtr.Zero;
            asImageBuffers[dwAcqNumBuffers].pvContext = System.IntPtr.Zero;

            /* The above code has created dwAcqNumBuffers acquisition buffers.
             * Therefore ensure that the Phoenix is configured to use this number, by overwriting
             * the value already loaded from the config file.
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterSet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_ACQ_NUM_BUFFERS, ref dwAcqNumBuffers);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;

            /* These are 'direct' buffers, so we must tell Phoenix about them
             * so that it can capture data directly into them.
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterSet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_BUF_DST_XLENGTH, ref dwBufferStride);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterSet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_BUF_DST_YLENGTH, ref dwBufferHeight);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterSet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_DST_PTRS_VIRT, asImageBuffers);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;
            eParamValue = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_DST_PTR_USER_VIRT;
            eStat       = Phx.PHX_ParameterSet(hCamera, (Phx.etParam.PHX_DST_PTR_TYPE | Phx.etParam.PHX_CACHE_FLUSH | Phx.etParam.PHX_FORCE_REWRITE), ref eParamValue);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;

            /* We create our display with a NULL hWnd, this will automatically create an image window. */
            eStat = Pdl.PDL_DisplayCreate(ref hDisplay, IntPtr.Zero, hCamera, myPhxCommon.PhxCommonDisplayErrorHandler);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;

            /* We create a display buffer (indirect) */
            eStat = Pdl.PDL_BufferCreate(ref hDisplayBuffer, hDisplay, Pdl.etPdlBufferMode.PDL_BUFF_SYSTEM_MEM_INDIRECT);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;

            /* Initialise the display, this associates the display buffer with the display */
            eStat = Pdl.PDL_DisplayInit(hDisplay);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;

            /* Enable FIFO Overflow events */
            eParamValue = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_INTRPT_FIFO_OVERFLOW;
            eStat       = Phx.PHX_ParameterSet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_INTRPT_SET, ref eParamValue);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;

            /* Setup our own event context */
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterSet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_EVENT_CONTEXT, (void *)&sPhxLive);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;

            /* Check if camera is CXP */
            eStat = Phx.PHX_ParameterGet(hCamera, Phx.etParam.PHX_BOARD_VARIANT, ref eParamValue);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;
            if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BOARD_FBD_4XCXP6_2PE8 == eParamValue ||
                Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BOARD_FBD_2XCXP6_2PE8 == eParamValue ||
                Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BOARD_FBD_1XCXP6_2PE8 == eParamValue)
                fCameraIsCxp = true;

            /* Check that camera is discovered (only applies to CXP) */
            if (fCameraIsCxp)
                myPhxCommon.PhxCommonGetCxpDiscoveryStatus(hCamera, 10, ref fIsCxpCameraDiscovered);
                if (!fIsCxpCameraDiscovered)
                    goto Error;

            /* Now start our capture, using the callback method */
            eStat = Phx.PHX_StreamRead(hCamera, Phx.etAcq.PHX_START, PHX_Callback);
            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                goto Error;

            /* Now start camera */
            if (fCameraIsCxp && 0 != sCameraRegs.dwAcqStartAddress)
                eStat = myPhxCommon.PhxCommonWriteCxpReg(hCamera, sCameraRegs.dwAcqStartAddress, sCameraRegs.dwAcqStartValue, 800);
                if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                    goto Error;

            /* Continue processing data until the user presses a key in the console window
             * or a FIFO overflow is detected.
            Console.WriteLine("Press a key to exit");
            while (0 == myPhxCommon.PhxCommonKbHit())
                /* Wait here until either:
                 * (a) The user aborts the wait by pressing a key in the console window
                 * (b) The BufferReady event occurs indicating that the image is complete
                 * (c) The FIFO overflow event occurs indicating that the image is corrupt
                 * Keep calling the sleep function to avoid burning CPU cycles
                while (0 == myPhxCommon.PhxCommonKbHit() && !sPhxLive.fBufferReady && !sPhxLive.fFifoOverflow)

                if (dwBufferReadyLast != sPhxLive.dwBufferReadyCount)
                    uint dwStaleBufferCount;

                    /* If the processing is too slow to keep up with acquisition,
                     * then there may be more than 1 buffer ready to process.
                     * The application can either be designed to process all buffers
                     * knowing that it will catch up, or as here, throw away all but the
                     * latest
                    dwStaleBufferCount = sPhxLive.dwBufferReadyCount - dwBufferReadyLast;
                    dwBufferReadyLast += dwStaleBufferCount;

                    /* Throw away all but the last image */
                    if (1 < dwStaleBufferCount)
                            eStat = Phx.PHX_StreamRead(hCamera, Phx.etAcq.PHX_BUFFER_RELEASE, IntPtr.Zero);
                            if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                                goto Error;
                        } while (dwStaleBufferCount > 1);
                sPhxLive.fBufferReady = false;

                Phx.stImageBuff stBuffer;
                stBuffer.pvAddress = IntPtr.Zero;
                stBuffer.pvContext = IntPtr.Zero;

                /* Get the info for the last acquired buffer */
                eStat = Phx.PHX_StreamRead(hCamera, Phx.etAcq.PHX_BUFFER_GET, ref stBuffer);
                if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                    eStat = Phx.PHX_StreamRead(hCamera, Phx.etAcq.PHX_BUFFER_RELEASE, IntPtr.Zero);
                    if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                        goto Error;

                /* Process the newly acquired buffer,
                 * which in this simple example is a call to display the data.
                 * For our display function we use the pvContext member variable to
                 * pass a display buffer handle.
                 * Alternatively the actual video data can be accessed at stBuffer.pvAddress
                byte[] wtf = new byte[4036608];
                Marshal.Copy(stBuffer.pvAddress, wtf, 0, 4036608);
                // Console.WriteLine(wtf[0].ToString());
                for (int i = 50000; i < 500000; i++)
                    wtf[i] = 0;
                Marshal.Copy(wtf, 0, stBuffer.pvAddress, 4036608);

                uint hBufferHandle = (uint)stBuffer.pvContext;

                /* This copies/converts data from the direct capture buffer to the indirect display buffer */
                eStat = Pil.PIL_Convert(hBufferHandle, hDisplayBuffer);
                if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                    eStat = Phx.PHX_StreamRead(hCamera, Phx.etAcq.PHX_BUFFER_RELEASE, IntPtr.Zero);
                    if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                        goto Error;


                /* Having processed the data, release the buffer ready for further image data */
                eStat = Phx.PHX_StreamRead(hCamera, Phx.etAcq.PHX_BUFFER_RELEASE, IntPtr.Zero);
                if (Phx.etStat.PHX_OK != eStat)
                    goto Error;

            /* In this simple example we abort the processing loop on an error condition (FIFO overflow).
             * However handling of this condition is application specific, and generally would involve
             * aborting the current acquisition, and then restarting.
            if (sPhxLive.fFifoOverflow)
                Console.WriteLine("FIFO Overflow detected. Aborting.");

            /* Now cease all captures */
            if (0 != hCamera)
                /* Stop camera */
                if (fIsCxpCameraDiscovered && 0 != sCameraRegs.dwAcqStopAddress)
                    myPhxCommon.PhxCommonWriteCxpReg(hCamera, sCameraRegs.dwAcqStopAddress, sCameraRegs.dwAcqStopValue, 800);
                /* Stop frame grabber */
                Phx.PHX_StreamRead(hCamera, Phx.etAcq.PHX_ABORT, IntPtr.Zero);

Exemplo n.º 2
     * PhxCommonGetBusFormat()
     * Determine the PHX_BUS_FORMAT based on PHX_CAM_SRC_COL and PHX_CAM_SRC_DEPTH.
    public Phx.etStat PhxCommonGetBusFormat(
        Phx.etParamValue ePhxCamSrcCol,       /* PHX_CAM_SRC_COL value */
        uint dwPhxCamSrcDepth,                /* PHX_CAM_SRC_DEPTH value */
        Phx.etParamValue ePhxBusFormatIn,     /* Current PHX_BUS_FORMAT value */
        ref Phx.etParamValue ePhxBusFormatOut /* PHX_BUS_FORMAT return value */
        Phx.etStat eStat       = Phx.etStat.PHX_OK;
        int        nBayerDepth = 0;

        /* Check if legacy PHX_DST_FORMAT_BAY value is being used, and replace it with new PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER value if needed */
        if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_DST_FORMAT_BAY8 == ePhxBusFormatIn)
            switch (ePhxCamSrcCol)
            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_RG: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_RG8; break;

            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_GR: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GR8; break;

            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_GB: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GB8; break;

            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_BG: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_BG8; break;

            default: break;
        else if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_DST_FORMAT_BAY10 == ePhxBusFormatIn)
            switch (ePhxCamSrcCol)
            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_RG: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_RG10; break;

            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_GR: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GR10; break;

            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_GB: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GB10; break;

            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_BG: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_BG10; break;

            default: break;
        else if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_DST_FORMAT_BAY12 == ePhxBusFormatIn)
            switch (ePhxCamSrcCol)
            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_RG: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_RG12; break;

            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_GR: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GR12; break;

            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_GB: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GB12; break;

            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_BG: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_BG12; break;

            default: break;
        else if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_DST_FORMAT_BAY14 == ePhxBusFormatIn)
            switch (ePhxCamSrcCol)
            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_RG: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_RG14; break;

            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_GR: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GR14; break;

            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_GB: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GB14; break;

            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_BG: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_BG14; break;

            default: break;
        else if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_DST_FORMAT_BAY16 == ePhxBusFormatIn)
            switch (ePhxCamSrcCol)
            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_RG: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_RG16; break;

            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_GR: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GR16; break;

            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_GB: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GB16; break;

            case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_BG: ePhxBusFormatIn = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_BG16; break;

            default: break;

        /* Check if Bayer format (used when determining the PHX_BUS_FORMAT for a Mono source) */
        if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GR8 <= ePhxBusFormatIn &&
            Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_BG8 >= ePhxBusFormatIn)
            nBayerDepth = 8;
        else if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GR10 <= ePhxBusFormatIn &&
                 Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_BG10 >= ePhxBusFormatIn)
            nBayerDepth = 10;
        else if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GR12 <= ePhxBusFormatIn &&
                 Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_BG12 >= ePhxBusFormatIn)
            nBayerDepth = 12;
        else if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GR14 <= ePhxBusFormatIn &&
                 Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_BG14 >= ePhxBusFormatIn)
            nBayerDepth = 14;
        else if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GR16 <= ePhxBusFormatIn &&
                 Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_BG16 >= ePhxBusFormatIn)
            nBayerDepth = 16;

        /* Set the return value to the input PHX_BUS_FORMAT value */
        ePhxBusFormatOut = ePhxBusFormatIn;

        /* Determine PHX_BUS_FORMAT output value */
        switch (ePhxCamSrcCol)
        case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_MONO:
            switch (dwPhxCamSrcDepth)
            case 8:
                if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_MONO8 != ePhxBusFormatIn && 8 != nBayerDepth)
                    ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_MONO8;

            case 10:
                if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_MONO10P != ePhxBusFormatIn &&
                    Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_MONO10 != ePhxBusFormatIn && 10 != nBayerDepth)
                    ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_MONO10;

            case 12:
                if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_MONO12P != ePhxBusFormatIn &&
                    Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_MONO12 != ePhxBusFormatIn && 12 != nBayerDepth)
                    ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_MONO12;

            case 14:
                if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_MONO14P != ePhxBusFormatIn &&
                    Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_MONO14 != ePhxBusFormatIn && 14 != nBayerDepth)
                    ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_MONO14;

            case 16:
                if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_MONO16 != ePhxBusFormatIn && 16 != nBayerDepth)
                    ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_MONO16;

                eStat = Phx.etStat.PHX_ERROR_BAD_PARAM_VALUE;
                goto Exit;

        case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_RGB:
            switch (dwPhxCamSrcDepth)
            case 8:
                if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_RGB8 != ePhxBusFormatIn &&
                    Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BGR8 != ePhxBusFormatIn)
                    ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_RGB8;

            case 10:
                if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_RGB10 != ePhxBusFormatIn &&
                    Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BGR10 != ePhxBusFormatIn)
                    ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_RGB10;

            case 12:
                if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_RGB12 != ePhxBusFormatIn &&
                    Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BGR12 != ePhxBusFormatIn)
                    ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_RGB12;

            case 14:
                if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_RGB14 != ePhxBusFormatIn &&
                    Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BGR14 != ePhxBusFormatIn)
                    ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_RGB14;

            case 16:
                if (Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_RGB16 != ePhxBusFormatIn &&
                    Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BGR16 != ePhxBusFormatIn)
                    ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_RGB16;

                eStat = Phx.etStat.PHX_ERROR_BAD_PARAM_VALUE;
                goto Exit;

        case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_RG:
            switch (dwPhxCamSrcDepth)
            case  8: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_RG8;  break;

            case 10: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_RG10; break;

            case 12: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_RG12; break;

            case 14: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_RG14; break;

            case 16: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_RG16; break;

            default: eStat = Phx.etStat.PHX_ERROR_BAD_PARAM_VALUE; goto Exit;

        case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_GR:
            switch (dwPhxCamSrcDepth)
            case  8: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GR8;  break;

            case 10: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GR10; break;

            case 12: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GR12; break;

            case 14: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GR14; break;

            case 16: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GR16; break;

            default: eStat = Phx.etStat.PHX_ERROR_BAD_PARAM_VALUE; goto Exit;

        case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_GB:
            switch (dwPhxCamSrcDepth)
            case  8: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GB8;  break;

            case 10: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GB10; break;

            case 12: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GB12; break;

            case 14: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GB14; break;

            case 16: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_GB16; break;

            default: eStat = Phx.etStat.PHX_ERROR_BAD_PARAM_VALUE; goto Exit;

        case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_BAYER_BG:
            switch (dwPhxCamSrcDepth)
            case  8: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_BG8;  break;

            case 10: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_BG10; break;

            case 12: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_BG12; break;

            case 14: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_BG14; break;

            case 16: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_BAYER_BG16; break;

            default: eStat = Phx.etStat.PHX_ERROR_BAD_PARAM_VALUE; goto Exit;

        case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_YUV422:
            switch (dwPhxCamSrcDepth)
            case 8:
            case 16: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_YUV422_8; break;

            default: eStat = Phx.etStat.PHX_ERROR_BAD_PARAM_VALUE; goto Exit;

        case Phx.etParamValue.PHX_CAM_SRC_RGBA:
            switch (dwPhxCamSrcDepth)
            case  8: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_RGBA8;   break;

            case 10: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_RGBA10;  break;

            case 12: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_RGBA12;  break;

            case 14: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_RGBA14;  break;

            case 16: ePhxBusFormatOut = Phx.etParamValue.PHX_BUS_FORMAT_RGBA16;  break;

            default: eStat = Phx.etStat.PHX_ERROR_BAD_PARAM_VALUE; goto Exit;

            eStat = Phx.etStat.PHX_ERROR_BAD_PARAM_VALUE;
            goto Exit;
