Exemplo n.º 1
        private bool CheckRoutineProperties(PhpSyntaxTree syntaxTree, IEnumerable <SourceRoutineSymbol> userDeclaredRoutines, MatchCollection expectedRoutineProps)
            var positionRoutineMap = new Dictionary <int, SourceRoutineSymbol>(
                from routine in userDeclaredRoutines
                let position = (routine.Syntax as FunctionDecl)?.ParametersSpan.End ?? (routine.Syntax as MethodDecl)?.ParametersSpan.End
                               where position != null
                               select new KeyValuePair <int, SourceRoutineSymbol>(position.Value, routine));

            // Routine properties are voluntary; therefore, check only the specified ones
            bool isCorrect = true;

            foreach (Match match in expectedRoutineProps)
                int expectedPos = match.Index;
                if (!positionRoutineMap.TryGetValue(expectedPos, out var routine))
                    var linePos = GetLinePosition(syntaxTree.GetLineSpan(match.GetTextSpan()));
                    _output.WriteLine($"Cannot get routine information for properties on {linePos.Line},{linePos.Character}");
                    isCorrect = false;

                int expectedVersion = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
                int actualVersion   = routine.ControlFlowGraph.FlowContext.Version;
                if (expectedVersion != actualVersion)
                    var linePos = GetLinePosition(syntaxTree.GetLineSpan(match.GetTextSpan()));
                        $"Wrong final flow analysis version {actualVersion} instead of {expectedVersion} of the routine {routine.Name} on {linePos.Line},{linePos.Character}");
                    isCorrect = false;

Exemplo n.º 2
        private bool CheckParameterProperties(PhpSyntaxTree syntaxTree, IEnumerable <SymbolsSelector.SymbolStat> symbolStats, MatchCollection expectedParamProps)
            var positionParamMap = new Dictionary <int, SourceParameterSymbol>(
                from symbolStat in symbolStats
                let symbol = symbolStat.Symbol
                             where symbol is SourceParameterSymbol
                             select new KeyValuePair <int, SourceParameterSymbol>(symbolStat.Span.End, (SourceParameterSymbol)symbol));

            bool isCorrect = true;

            foreach (Match match in expectedParamProps)
                int expectedPos = match.Index;
                if (!positionParamMap.TryGetValue(expectedPos, out var param))
                    var linePos = GetLinePosition(syntaxTree.GetLineSpan(match.GetTextSpan()));
                    _output.WriteLine($"Cannot get parameter information for properties on {linePos.Line},{linePos.Character}");
                    isCorrect = false;

                bool expectedSkipPass = (int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value) != 0);
                bool actualSkipPass   = !param.CopyOnPass;
                if (expectedSkipPass != actualSkipPass)
                    var linePos = GetLinePosition(syntaxTree.GetLineSpan(match.GetTextSpan()));
                        $"Wrong value of SkipPass {actualSkipPass} instead of {expectedSkipPass} of the parameter {param.Name} in {param.Routine.Name} on {linePos.Line},{linePos.Character}");
                    isCorrect = false;

Exemplo n.º 3
        private bool CheckTypes(PhpSyntaxTree syntaxTree, IEnumerable <SymbolsSelector.SymbolStat> symbolStats, MatchCollection expectedTypes)
            var positionSymbolMap = new Dictionary <int, SymbolsSelector.SymbolStat>();

            foreach (var stat in symbolStats)
                positionSymbolMap.TryAdd(stat.Span.Start, stat);

            // Type annotation is voluntary; therefore, check only the specified types
            bool isCorrect = true;

            foreach (Match match in expectedTypes)
                // The text of symbol should start where the annotation ends
                int expectedPos = match.Index + match.Length;
                if (!positionSymbolMap.TryGetValue(expectedPos, out var symbolStat))
                    var linePos = GetLinePosition(syntaxTree.GetLineSpan(match.GetTextSpan()));
                    _output.WriteLine($"Cannot get type information for type annotation on {linePos.Line},{linePos.Character}");
                    isCorrect = false;

                // Obtain the type of the given symbol or expression
                string actualType = GetTypeString(symbolStat);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(actualType))
                    var linePos = GetLinePosition(syntaxTree.GetLineSpan(symbolStat.Span.ToTextSpan()));
                    _output.WriteLine($"Unable to get the type of the symbol on {linePos.Line},{linePos.Character}");
                    isCorrect = false;

                // Reorder expected types alphabetically
                string expectedType = string.Join("|", match.Groups[1].Value.Split('|').OrderBy(s => s));

                // Report any problem
                if (actualType != expectedType)
                    var linePos = GetLinePosition(syntaxTree.GetLineSpan(symbolStat.Span.ToTextSpan()));
                        $"Wrong type {actualType} instead of {expectedType} of the expression on {linePos.Line},{linePos.Character}");
                    isCorrect = false;

Exemplo n.º 4
        private void ReportMissingDiagnostic(PhpSyntaxTree syntaxTree, Match expectedMatch)
            string idExpected = expectedMatch.Groups[1].Value;
            var    span       = new TextSpan(expectedMatch.Index, 0);
            var    position   = GetLinePosition(syntaxTree.GetLineSpan(span));

            _output.WriteLine($"Missing diagnostic {idExpected} on {position.Line},{position.Character}");
Exemplo n.º 5
        private bool CheckOperationProperties(PhpSyntaxTree syntaxTree, IEnumerable <IPhpOperation> interestingOps, MatchCollection expectedOpProps)
            var copyPositionSet = new HashSet <int>(
                .OfType <BoundCopyValue>()
                .Select(c => c.Expression.PhpSyntax.Span.End));

            bool isCorrect = true;

            foreach (Match match in expectedOpProps)
                bool expectedSkipCopy = (int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value) != 0);
                bool actualSkipCopy   = !copyPositionSet.Contains(match.Index);
                if (expectedSkipCopy != actualSkipCopy)
                    var linePos = GetLinePosition(syntaxTree.GetLineSpan(match.GetTextSpan()));
                        $"Wrong value of copy skipping {actualSkipCopy} instead of {expectedSkipCopy} of the expression on {linePos.Line},{linePos.Character}");
                    isCorrect = false;
