Exemplo n.º 1
        private void handlePhotoLoadProgress(object sender, PhotoLoadEventArgs e)
            _allImageData  = e.finalList;
            _pullNewPhotos = false;

            // Dispatch the latest list up so the main app has a copy of it
            if (incomingPhotoList != null)
                PhotoListStateEventArgs newArgs = new PhotoListStateEventArgs(false, e.finalList);
                incomingPhotoList(this, newArgs);

            // Pick a random image to display first
            // Transition the first set of images on starting the process
            // transition them on - events handle the rest
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void confirmDenyPhoto(bool _yesNo)
            //7/28/2013 - There is a System.ArgumentException that can occurr here on a dependency property not 100% on what is causing it yet.
            // submission is not affected but it is related to a double animation. I expect from daHeight or daFHeight

            // It is also possible that this could be called immediately twice in a row with yes or no..so be careful...So a left and right hand
            // simultaniously activate or two players activate at the same time..so two of the same.
            if (_confirmDenyTransitioning == false)
                    // Hide the yes and no buttons
                    DoubleAnimation daHeight = new DoubleAnimation(Canvas.GetTop(contentBorder) + contentBorder.ActualHeight + 50, (GlobalConfiguration.currentScreenH + btnStack.ActualHeight + 30), new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3)));
                    // Slide the background selection back in
                    DoubleAnimation daFHeight = new DoubleAnimation((GlobalConfiguration.currentScreenW + 50), (GlobalConfiguration.currentScreenW / 2 - stackBGs.ActualWidth / 2), new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3)));
                    SineEase        ease      = new SineEase();
                    ease.EasingMode          = EasingMode.EaseIn;
                    daHeight.EasingFunction  = ease;
                    daFHeight.EasingFunction = ease;
                    daFHeight.BeginTime      = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.2);
                    btnStack.BeginAnimation(Canvas.TopProperty, daHeight);
                    stackBGs.BeginAnimation(Canvas.LeftProperty, daFHeight);

                    // Show take photo
                    daOpacity.Completed      += showTakePhotoCompleted;
                    _confirmDenyTransitioning = true;
                    txtTakePhoto.Text         = "TAKE PHOTO";
                    txtTakePhoto.BeginAnimation(TextBlock.OpacityProperty, daOpacity);
                    txtStartCountdown.BeginAnimation(TextBlock.OpacityProperty, daOpacity);
                    takePhoto.BeginAnimation(Image.OpacityProperty, daOpacity);
                catch (ArgumentException aEx)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SectionPhoto - configmDenyPhoto argument exception: " + aEx.Message);

                if (_yesNo == true)
                    // Captions
                    requestNewCaption(ApplicationStates.STATE_PHOTO_SUBMITTED, false);
                    // Ensure the main knows it needs to update the photo list in attract next time
                    if (requestNewPhotoList != null)
                        PhotoListStateEventArgs newArgs = new PhotoListStateEventArgs(true, null);
                        requestNewPhotoList(this, newArgs);
                    // Captions
                    requestNewCaption(ApplicationStates.STATE_PHOTO_DESTROYED, false);

                // Save photo or not, we can unfreese the video here. Saving is done in a background worker
                if (gsView != null)