Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> UploadPhoto([FromForm] PhotoForUploadDto photoForUploadDto)
            var uploadResult = new ImageUploadResult();

            var file = photoForUploadDto.File;

            if (file.Length > 0)
                using (var stream = file.OpenReadStream())
                    var uploadParams = new ImageUploadParams()
                        File           = new CloudinaryDotNet.FileDescription(file.FileName, stream),
                        Transformation = new CloudinaryDotNet.Transformation().Width(500)
                    uploadResult = await _cloudinary.UploadAsync(uploadParams);
            if (uploadResult.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                string cloudinaryReturnUri = uploadResult.SecureUrl.ToString();
                return(Ok(new { Uri = cloudinaryReturnUri }));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <IActionResult> SetUserAvatar(int id, [FromForm] PhotoForUploadDto photoForUploadDto)
            if (IsNotAuthorized(id))

            var userFromRepo = await usersRepository.GetUser(id);

            if (userFromRepo.AvatarUrl != null && userFromRepo.AvatarPublicKey != null)
                var deleteParams = new DeletionParams(userFromRepo.AvatarPublicKey);


            var file = photoForUploadDto.File;

            if (file == null)
                return(BadRequest("File not found."));

            var uploadResult = new ImageUploadResult();

            if (file.Length > 0)
                using (var stream = file.OpenReadStream())
                    var uploadParams = new ImageUploadParams
                        File           = new FileDescription(file.Name, stream),
                        Transformation = new Transformation().Width(500).Height(500).Crop("fill").Gravity("face")

                    uploadResult = cloudinary.Upload(uploadParams);

            userFromRepo.AvatarUrl       = uploadResult.Uri.ToString();
            userFromRepo.AvatarPublicKey = uploadResult.PublicId;

            if (await usersRepository.SaveAll())
                var userToReturn = mapper.Map <UserForViewDto>(userFromRepo);
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetUser", new { id = userFromRepo.Id }, userToReturn));

            return(BadRequest("Error uploading the avatar."));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <IActionResult> UploadPhoto(int userId,
                                                      [FromForm] PhotoForUploadDto photoForUploadDto)
            if (userId != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            var userFromRepo = await _repo.GetUser(userId);

            var file         = photoForUploadDto.File;
            var uploadResult = new ImageUploadResult();

            if (file.Length > 0)
                using (var stream = file.OpenReadStream())
                    var uploadParams = new ImageUploadParams()
                        File           = new FileDescription(file.Name, stream),
                        Transformation = new Transformation().Width(500).Height(500).Crop("fill").Gravity("face")

                    uploadResult = _cloudinary.Upload(uploadParams);

            photoForUploadDto.Url      = uploadResult.Uri.ToString();
            photoForUploadDto.PublicId = uploadResult.PublicId;

            var photo = _mapp.Map <Photo>(photoForUploadDto);

            if (!userFromRepo.Photos.Any(u => u.IsMain))
                photo.IsMain = true;


            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                var returnedPhoto = _mapp.Map <PhotoToReturnDto>(photo);
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetPhoto", new { id = photo.Id }, returnedPhoto));

            return(BadRequest("Could not add photo "));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <IActionResult> AddPhoto(int userId, [FromForm] PhotoForUploadDto photoForUploadDto)
            if (userId != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            var userFromRepo = await _repo.GetUser(userId);

            var file         = photoForUploadDto.File;
            var uploadResult = new ImageUploadResult();    // przechowanie odpowiedzi od cloudinary

            if (file.Length > 0)                           // jezeli cos jest w tym pliku
                using (var stream = file.OpenReadStream()) // aby pokazac co jest w tym pliku po zaladownaiu go
                    var uploadParams = new ImageUploadParams()
                        File           = new FileDescription(file.Name, stream),
                        Transformation = new Transformation().Width(500).Height(500).Crop("fill").Gravity("face") // zeby przerobic duze zdjecie na kwadrat

                    uploadResult = _cloudinary.Upload(uploadParams);

            // pobranie reeszty danych z cloudinary do dto
            photoForUploadDto.Url      = uploadResult.Url.ToString();
            photoForUploadDto.PublicId = uploadResult.PublicId;
            //mapowanie z tych wartosci do instancji modelu photo z dto

            var photo = _mapper.Map <Photo>(photoForUploadDto);

            userFromRepo.Photo = photo;
            if (await _repo.Save())
                var finalPhoto = _mapper.Map <PhotoForReturnDto>(photo);
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetPhoto", new { userId = userId, id = photo.Id }, finalPhoto));

            return(BadRequest("Could not upload the photo"));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <IActionResult> AddPhotoForUser(int userId, [FromForm] PhotoForUploadDto photoForUploadDto)
            var unauthorization = this.CheckIfLoggedInUserIsAuthorized(userId,
                                                                       "You are not logged in as the user you are trying to upload the photo for.");

            if (unauthorization != null)

            var currentUser = await this.UserService.GetUser(userId).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var file         = photoForUploadDto.File;
            var uploadResult = new ImageUploadResult();

            bool doesPhotoExist = file == null;

            if (doesPhotoExist)
                return(this.BadRequest(new StatusCodeResultReturnObject(this.BadRequest(),
                                                                        "The photo to be uploaded was not found.")));
                bool doesPhotoHaveData = file.Length > 0;
                if (doesPhotoHaveData)
                    using (var stream = file.OpenReadStream())
                        var uploadParams = new ImageUploadParams()
                            File           = new FileDescription(file.Name, stream),
                            Transformation = new Transformation()

                        uploadResult = this.Cloudinary.Upload(uploadParams);

            photoForUploadDto.Url      = uploadResult.Uri.ToString();
            photoForUploadDto.PublicId = uploadResult.PublicId;

            var  photo = this.Mapper.Map <Photo>(photoForUploadDto);
            bool AreNoneOfUserPhotosSetToMain = !currentUser.Photos.Any(u => u.IsMain);

            if (AreNoneOfUserPhotosSetToMain)
                photo.IsMain = true;

            bool isDatabaseSaveSuccessful = await this.UserService.SaveAll().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (isDatabaseSaveSuccessful)
                var photoToReturn = this.Mapper.Map <PhotoForReturnDto>(photo);

                return(this.CreatedAtRoute("GetPhoto", new { userId, photo.Id }, photoToReturn));

            return(BadRequest(new StatusCodeResultReturnObject(this.BadRequest(),
                                                               "Photo upload to server failed.")));