Exemplo n.º 1
 public IPC(PhotinoWindow photinoWindow)
     _photinoWindow = photinoWindow ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(photinoWindow));
     _photinoWindow.OnWebMessageReceived += HandleScriptNotify;
 public PhotinoSynchronizationContext(PhotinoWindow window)
     : this(window, new State())
Exemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Window title declared here for visibility
            string windowTitle = "Photino.Vue Demo App";

            // Define the PhotinoWindow options. Some handlers
            // can only be registered before a PhotinoWindow instance
            // is initialized. Currently there are three handlers
            // that must be defined here.
            Action <PhotinoWindowOptions> windowConfiguration = options =>
                // Custom scheme handlers can only be registered during
                // initialization of a PhotinoWindow instance.
                options.CustomSchemeHandlers.Add("app", (string url, out string contentType) =>
                    contentType = "text/javascript";
                    return(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(@"
                        (() =>{
                            window.setTimeout(() => {
                                alert(`🎉 Dynamically inserted JavaScript.`);
                            }, 1000);

                // Window creating and created handlers can only be
                // registered during initialization of a PhotinoWindow instance.
                // These handlers are fired before and after the native constructor
                // method is called.
                options.WindowCreatingHandler += (object sender, EventArgs args) =>
                    var window = (PhotinoWindow)sender; // Instance is not initialized at this point. Class properties are not set yet.
                    Console.WriteLine($"Creating new PhotinoWindow instance.");

                options.WindowCreatedHandler += (object sender, EventArgs args) =>
                    var window = (PhotinoWindow)sender; // Instance is initialized. Class properties are now set and can be used.
                    Console.WriteLine($"Created new PhotinoWindow instance with title {window.Title}.");

            // Creating a new PhotinoWindow instance with the fluent API
            var window = new PhotinoWindow(windowTitle, windowConfiguration)
                         // Resize to a percentage of the main monitor work area
                         .Resize(50, 50, "%")
                         // Center window in the middle of the screen
                         // Users can resize windows by default.
                         // Let's make this one fixed instead.
                         // Most event handlers can be registered after the
                         // PhotinoWindow was instantiated by calling a registration
                         // method like the following RegisterWebMessageReceivedHandler.
                         // This could be added in the PhotinoWindowOptions if preferred.
                         .RegisterWebMessageReceivedHandler((object sender, string message) => {
                var window = (PhotinoWindow)sender;

                // The message argument is coming in from sendMessage.
                // "window.external.sendMessage(message: string)"
                string response = $"Received message: \"{message}\"";

                // Send a message back the to JavaScript event handler.
                // "window.external.receiveMessage(callback: Function)"
                         .Load("wwwroot/index.html"); // Can be used with relative path strings or "new URI()" instance to load a website.

            window.WaitForClose();                    // Starts the application event loop
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void MessageReceivedFromWindow(object sender, string message)
            Log(sender, $"MessageRecievedFromWindow Callback Fired.");

            var currentWindow = sender as PhotinoWindow;

            if (string.Compare(message, "child-window", true) == 0)
                var iconFile = RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)
                    ? "wwwroot/photino-logo.ico"
                    : "wwwroot/photino-logo.png";

                var x = new PhotinoWindow(currentWindow)
                        .SetTitle($"Child Window {_windowNumber++}")




                        .RegisterCustomSchemeHandler("app", AppCustomSchemeUsed)

                        .SetLogVerbosity(_logEvents ? 2 : 0);


                //x.Center();           //WaitForClose() is non-blocking for child windows
            else if (string.Compare(message, "zoom-in", true) == 0)
                currentWindow.Zoom += 5;
                Log(sender, $"Zoom: {currentWindow.Zoom}");
            else if (string.Compare(message, "zoom-out", true) == 0)
                currentWindow.Zoom -= 5;
                Log(sender, $"Zoom: {currentWindow.Zoom}");
            else if (string.Compare(message, "center", true) == 0)
            else if (string.Compare(message, "close", true) == 0)
            else if (string.Compare(message, "minimize", true) == 0)
            else if (string.Compare(message, "maximize", true) == 0)
            else if (string.Compare(message, "setcontextmenuenabled", true) == 0)
            else if (string.Compare(message, "setdevtoolsenabled", true) == 0)
            else if (string.Compare(message, "setgrantbrowserpermissions", true) == 0)
            else if (string.Compare(message, "seticonfile", true) == 0)
                var iconFile = RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)
                    ? "wwwroot/photino-logo.ico"
                    : "wwwroot/photino-logo.png";

            else if (string.Compare(message, "setposition", true) == 0)
                currentWindow.SetLeft(currentWindow.Left + 5);
                currentWindow.SetTop(currentWindow.Top + 5);
            else if (string.Compare(message, "setresizable", true) == 0)
            else if (string.Compare(message, "setsize-up", true) == 0)
                currentWindow.SetHeight(currentWindow.Height + 5);
                currentWindow.SetWidth(currentWindow.Width + 5);
            else if (string.Compare(message, "setsize-down", true) == 0)
                currentWindow.SetHeight(currentWindow.Height - 5);
                currentWindow.SetWidth(currentWindow.Width - 5);
            else if (string.Compare(message, "settitle", true) == 0)
                currentWindow.SetTitle(currentWindow.Title + "*");
            else if (string.Compare(message, "settopmost", true) == 0)
            else if (string.Compare(message, "setfullscreen", true) == 0)
            else if (string.Compare(message, "showproperties", true) == 0)
                var properties = GetPropertiesDisplay(currentWindow);
                currentWindow.OpenAlertWindow("Settings", properties);
            else if (string.Compare(message, "sendWebMessage", true) == 0)
                currentWindow.SendWebMessage("alert('web message');");
            else if (string.Compare(message, "toastNotification", true) == 0)
                currentWindow.SendNotification("Toast Title", " Taoast message!");
                throw new Exception($"Unknown message '{message}'");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void Run <TStartup>(string windowTitle, string hostHtmlPath, bool fullscreen = false, int x = 0, int y = 0, int width = 800, int height = 600)
            photinoWindow = new PhotinoWindow(windowTitle, StandardOptions(hostHtmlPath), width, height, x, y, fullscreen);

            Run <TStartup>(photinoWindow);