Exemplo n.º 1
        private void Get_Fields()
            string _sqltext = @"SELECT a.oid
,c.attnum as num
,c.attname as field
, (case when f.character_maximum_length is null then c.attlen else f.character_maximum_length end) as length
,c.attnotnull as notnull
,d.description as comment
,(case when e.typcategory ='G' then e.typname when e.typelem = 0 then e.typname else e2.typname end) as type
,(case when e.typelem = 0 then e.typtype else e2.typtype end) as data_type
                                from  pg_class a 
                                inner join pg_namespace b on a.relnamespace=b.oid
                                inner join pg_attribute c on attrelid = a.oid
                                LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_description d ON c.attrelid = d.objoid AND c.attnum = d.objsubid and c.attnum > 0
                                inner join pg_type e on e.oid=c.atttypid
                                left join pg_type e2 on e2.oid=e.typelem
                                inner join information_schema.columns f on f.table_schema = b.nspname and f.table_name=a.relname and column_name = c.attname
                                WHERE b.nspname='{0}' and a.relname='{1}';";

            _sqltext = string.Format(_sqltext, this.schemaName, this.table.name);

            PgSqlHelper.ExecuteDataReader(dr =>
                FieldInfo fi   = new FieldInfo();
                fi.Oid         = Convert.ToInt32(dr["oid"]);
                fi.Field       = dr["field"].ToString();
                fi.Length      = Convert.ToInt32(dr["length"].ToString());
                fi.Is_not_null = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["notnull"]);
                fi.Comment     = dr["comment"].ToString();
                fi.Data_Type   = dr["data_type"].ToString();
                fi.Db_type     = dr["type"].ToString();
                fi.Db_type     = fi.Db_type.StartsWith("_") ? fi.Db_type.Remove(0, 1) : fi.Db_type;
                fi.PgDbType    = PgsqlType.SwitchToSql(fi.Data_Type, fi.Db_type);
                fi.Is_identity = dr["is_identity"].ToString() == "YES";
                fi.Is_array    = dr["typcategory"].ToString() == "A";
                fi.Is_enum     = fi.Data_Type == "e";

                fi.CsType = PgsqlType.SwitchToCSharp(fi.Db_type);

                if (fi.Is_enum)
                    fi.CsType = fi.CsType.ToUpperPascal();
                string _notnull = "";
                if (
                    fi.CsType != "string" &&
                    fi.CsType != "byte[]" &&
                    fi.CsType != "JToken" &&
                    !fi.Is_array &&
                    fi.CsType != "System.Net.IPAddress" &&
                    fi.CsType != "System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress" &&
                    fi.CsType != "System.Xml.Linq.XDocument" &&
                    fi.CsType != "System.Collections.BitArray" &&
                    fi.CsType != "object"
                    _notnull = fi.Is_not_null ? "" : "?";

                string _array = fi.Is_array ? "[]" : "";
                fi.RelType    = $"{fi.CsType}{_notnull}{_array}";
                // dal
            }, CommandType.Text, _sqltext);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void GetFields(TableInfo table)
            string _sqltext = @"SELECT a.oid
                                            ,c.attnum as num
                                            ,c.attname as field
                                            ,c.attnotnull as notnull
                                            ,d.description as comment
                                            ,(case when e.typcategory ='G' then e.typname when e.typelem = 0 then e.typname else e2.typname end) as type
                                            ,(case when e.typelem = 0 then e.typtype else e2.typtype end) as data_type
                                            when (case when e.typcategory ='G' then e.typname when e.typelem = 0 then e.typname else e2.typname end) in ('numeric','int2','int4','int8','float4','float8') then f.numeric_precision
                                            when (case when e.typcategory ='G' then e.typname when e.typelem = 0 then e.typname else e2.typname end) in ('timestamp','timestamptz','interval','time','date','timetz') then f.datetime_precision
                                            when f.character_maximum_length is null then 0
                                            else f.character_maximum_length 
                                            ),0) as length
                                            when (case when e.typcategory ='G' then e.typname when e.typelem = 0 then e.typname else e2.typname end) in ('numeric') then f.numeric_scale
                                            else 0
                                            ),0) numeric_scale
                                                                            from  pg_class a 
                                                                            inner join pg_namespace b on a.relnamespace=b.oid
                                                                            inner join pg_attribute c on attrelid = a.oid
                                                                            LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_description d ON c.attrelid = d.objoid AND c.attnum = d.objsubid and c.attnum > 0
                                                                            inner join pg_type e on e.oid=c.atttypid
                                                                            left join pg_type e2 on e2.oid=e.typelem
                                                                            inner join information_schema.columns f on f.table_schema = b.nspname and f.table_name=a.relname and column_name = c.attname
                                                                            WHERE b.nspname='{0}' and a.relname='{1}';";

            _sqltext = string.Format(_sqltext, table.Schema, table.Name);
            dbContext.Execute.ExecuteDataReader(dr =>
                DbFieldInfo fi = new DbFieldInfo
                    Oid           = Convert.ToInt32(dr["oid"]),
                    Name          = dr["field"].ToString(),
                    Length        = Convert.ToInt32(dr["length"].ToString()),
                    NotNull       = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["notnull"]),
                    Comment       = dr["comment"].ToString(),
                    Numeric_scale = Convert.ToInt32(dr["numeric_scale"].ToString()),
                    ColumnDefault = dr["column_default"].ToString(),

                var udt_schema   = dr["udt_schema"].ToString();
                var typcategory  = dr["typcategory"].ToString();
                var dbtype       = dr["type"].ToString();
                fi.DbType        = typcategory == "E" ? udt_schema + "." + dbtype : dbtype;
                fi.IsArray       = typcategory == "A";
                fi.CsType        = PgsqlType.SwitchToCSharp(dbtype);
                fi.AutoIncrement = fi.ColumnDefault != null && fi.ColumnDefault.StartsWith("nextval('") && fi.ColumnDefault.EndsWith("'::regclass)");

                string _notnull = "";
                if (
                    fi.CsType != "string" &&
                    fi.CsType != "byte[]" &&
                    fi.CsType != "JToken" &&
                    !fi.IsArray &&
                    fi.CsType != "System.Net.IPAddress" &&
                    fi.CsType != "System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress" &&
                    fi.CsType != "System.Xml.Linq.XDocument" &&
                    fi.CsType != "System.Collections.BitArray" &&
                    fi.CsType != "object"
                    _notnull = fi.NotNull ? "" : "?";

                string _array = fi.IsArray ? "[]" : "";
                fi.RelType    = $"{fi.CsType}{_notnull}{_array}";

                if (fi.RelType == "string" && (fi.Length != 0 && fi.Length != 255))
                    fi.DbTypeFull = $"{fi.DbType}({fi.Length})";
                else if (fi.Numeric_scale > 0)
                    fi.DbTypeFull = ($"{fi.DbType}({fi.Length},{fi.Numeric_scale})");
                else if (PgsqlType.ContrastType(fi.DbType) == null)
                    fi.DbTypeFull = fi.DbType;

            }, CommandType.Text, _sqltext);

            if (table.Type == TableType.Table)