Exemplo n.º 1
        public static FunctionResult UpdateSettings(VideoPlayerSettings settings, UserInfo userInfo, string database, string table, string connectionString)
            #region Preparation
            SystemConfiguration systemConfiguration = HelperClass.SystemConfigurationLoader();
            FunctionResult      result = new FunctionResult();
            #endregion Preparation

            #region SQL statement
            string SQLCommand = string.Empty;
            SQLCommand  = "USE " + database + ";";
            SQLCommand += "UPDATE " + table + " SET ";
            SQLCommand += "VideoHeight=" + (int)settings.resolution + ", ";
            SQLCommand += "FrameRate=" + (int)settings.frameRate + ", ";
            SQLCommand += "BufferMode=" + (int)settings.bufferMode + ", ";
            SQLCommand += "PreloadFrames=" + (int)settings.preloadFrames + " WHERE ";
            SQLCommand += "UserID=" + userInfo.UserID + ";";
            #endregion SQL statement

            if (!Peralatan.UbahDataDatabase(SQLCommand, systemConfiguration.DatabaseProcessingConfiguration.DatabaseConectionString))
                result.functionResult = Result.Fail;
                result.functionErrroInformation.errorMessage = Peralatan.PesanKesalahan;
                result.functionResult = Result.Success;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Update specific column of a table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database">Database of the item</param>
        /// <param name="table">Table of the item</param>
        /// <param name="target">Column (Key) and value (value) of target</param>
        /// <param name="reference">(Column (Key) and value (value) used as reference</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">Connection string to connect to database</param>
        /// <returns>Bool</returns>
        public static bool UpdateSettings(string database, string table, string targetColumn, string targetValue, string referenceColumn, string referenceValue, string connectionString)
            string SQLCommand = string.Empty;

            SQLCommand  = "USE " + database + ";";
            SQLCommand += "UPDATE " + table + " SET " + targetColumn + "=" + targetValue + " WHERE " + referenceColumn + "=" + referenceValue + ";";

            return(Peralatan.UbahDataDatabase(SQLCommand, connectionString));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static bool AddUser(string database, string userTable, string sessionID, string connectionString)
            string SQLCommand = string.Empty;

            SQLCommand += "USE " + database + ";";
            SQLCommand += "INSERT INTO " + userTable + " (SessionID) VALUES ('" + sessionID + "');";
            bool result = Peralatan.TambahKeDatabase(SQLCommand, connectionString);

            if (!result)
                throw new Exception(Peralatan.PesanKesalahan);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static bool WriteLog(string sessionID, VideoPlayerSettings userSettings, string connectionString)
            #region Preparation
            // SettingsInformation
            string ID             = string.Empty;
            string userSettingsID = string.Empty;

            string SQLCommand = string.Empty;

            #endregion Preparation

            return(Peralatan.TambahKeDatabase(SQLCommand, connectionString));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static UserInformation GetUserID(string SessionID)
            ApplicationConfiguration applicationConfiguration = new ApplicationConfiguration();
            string          connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DatabaseConnectionString"];
            UserInformation userInfo         = new UserInformation();

            string receivedValue = Peralatan.MintaDataDatabase("MediaPlayerDatabase", "UserID", "SessionInfo", "SessionID", SessionID, connectionString);

            userInfo.UserID        = Convert.ToInt32(receivedValue);
            userInfo.UserSessionID = SessionID;

            #region Old worker
            //MintaDataDatabase mintaDataDatabase = new MintaDataDatabase("UserID", "SessionInfo", "SessionID", SessionID, connectionString);
            //userInfo.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(mintaDataDatabase.DataDiterima);
            //userInfo.UserSessionID = SessionID;
            #endregion Old worker

Exemplo n.º 6
        public static bool CreateNewSettings(string database, string table, UserInfo userInfo, string connectionString)
            VideoPlayerSettings playerSettings = new VideoPlayerSettings();

            playerSettings.bufferMode    = BufferMode.SingleBuffer;
            playerSettings.frameRate     = FrameRate._24fps;
            playerSettings.resolution    = Resolution.SD_480p;
            playerSettings.preloadFrames = PreloadFrames.EnablePreload;

            string userID = userInfo.UserID.ToString();

            string SQLCommand = string.Empty;

            SQLCommand += "USE " + database + ";";
            SQLCommand += "INSERT INTO " + table + " (UserID, VideoWidth, VideoHeight, FrameRate, BufferMode, PreloadFrames) VALUES (";
            SQLCommand += userID + ", 0, " + (int)playerSettings.resolution + ", " + (float)playerSettings.frameRate + ", " + (int)playerSettings.bufferMode + ", " + (int)playerSettings.preloadFrames + ");";

            return(Peralatan.TambahKeDatabase(SQLCommand, connectionString));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static Result WriteVideoActualEndFrame(UserInformation userInfo, ProcessedVideoInformation processedVideoInfo, string processID)
            #region Preparation
            Result result           = new Result();
            string sourceFileName   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(processedVideoInfo.source.Replace("\"", string.Empty));
            string targetFolderName = processedVideoInfo.target.Replace("\"", string.Empty);
            #endregion Preapration

            #region Path recreation
            //if (processedVideoInfo.target.EndsWith("\\"))
            //    targetFolderName += processedVideoInfo.target.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + sourceFileName;
            //    targetFolderName += processedVideoInfo.target.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "\\" + sourceFileName;
            #endregion Path recreation

            int totalFile = Directory.GetFiles(targetFolderName, "*.jpg").Length;

            #region Updater
            string SQLCommand = "USE MediaPlayerDatabase;";
            SQLCommand += "UPDATE ProcessedVideoInfo SET VideoActualEndFrame=" + totalFile.ToString() + " WHERE ProcessID=" + processID + ";";
            if (Peralatan.UbahDataDatabase(SQLCommand, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DatabaseConnectionString"]))
                result.result = FunctionStatus.Success;
                result.result       = FunctionStatus.Fail;
                result.HasError     = true;
                result.ErrorMessage = Peralatan.PesanKesalahan;
            #endregion Updater

Exemplo n.º 8
        public static Result VideoStatusUpdater(UserInformation userInfo, ProcessedVideoInformation videoInfo, string processID, VideoProcessStatus status)
            Result result           = new Result();
            string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DatabaseConnectionString"];

            byte[] videoSourceInBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(videoInfo.source);

            string SQLCommand = "USE MediaPlayerDatabase;";

            SQLCommand += "UPDATE ProcessedVideoInfo SET VideoStatus=" + ((int)status).ToString();
            SQLCommand += " WHERE UserID=" + userInfo.UserID + " AND ProcessID= " + processID + ";";

            if (Peralatan.UbahDataDatabase(SQLCommand, connectionString))
                result.result = FunctionStatus.Success;
                result.result       = FunctionStatus.Fail;
                result.ErrorMessage = Peralatan.PesanKesalahan;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static void WriteLogToDatabase(LogInformation information)
            DatabaseConfiguration configuration = LoadDatabaseConfiguration();
            string SQLCommand = "USE " + configuration.databaseName + ";";

            SQLCommand += "INSERT INTO " + configuration.tableName + " (";
            SQLCommand += "UserID, " +
                          "RequestTime, " +
                          "ProcessedVideoLocation, " +
                          "IsDeleteWhenCompleteRequested, " +
                          "IsOriginalFileDeleted, " +
                          "TotalProcessingDuration, " +
                          "AudioProcessingDuration, " +
                          "VideoProcessingDuration, " +
                          "OriginalVideoWidth, " +
                          "OriginalVideoHeight, " +
                          "OriginalFrameRate, " +
                          "FPSRequest, " +
                          "Scaled, " +
                          "ScaledVideoWidth, " +
                          "ScaledVideoHeight, " +
                          "WithAudio, " +
                          "VideoStartFrame, " +
                          "VideoEndFrame, " +
                          "VideoDuration, " +
                          "VideoStatus, " +
                          "ErrorCode, " +
                          "ErrorMessage, " +
                          "ProgramArguments, " +
                          "FFmpegLocation, " +
                          "FFProbeLocation, " +
                          " VALUES " +
                          information.userID + ", " +
                          information.requestTime + ", " +
                          //information.finishedTime + ", " +
                          information.processedVideoLocation + ", ";
            if (information.isDeleteWhenCompleteRequested)
                SQLCommand += "1, ";
                SQLCommand += "0, ";

            SQLCommand += information.isOriginalFileDeleted + ", " +
                          information.originalVideoWidth + ", " +
                          information.originalVideoHeight + ", " +
                          information.originalFrameRate + ", " +
                          information.scaled + ", " +
                          information.withAudio + ", " +
                          information.scaledVideoWidth + ", " +
                          information.scaledVideoHeight + ", " +
                          information.totalProcessingDuration.TotalSeconds + ", " +
                          information.videoStartFrame + ", " +
                          information.videoEndFrame + ", " +
                          information.videoDuration + ", " +
                          information.status + ", 0, " +
                          information.errorMessage + ", " +
                          information.programArguments + ", " +
                          information.FFmpegLocation + ", " +
                          information.FFProbeLocation + ";";

            Peralatan.TambahKeDatabase(SQLCommand, configuration.databaseConnectionString);
            throw new NotImplementedException("Function is not completed yet");
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static LogInformation GenerateLog(ProcessedVideoInformation videoInfo, VideoInformation processedVideoInformation, ProcessingInformation processingInfo, UserInformation userInfo, Requester requester)
            #region Preparation
            DatabaseConfiguration configuration            = LoadDatabaseConfiguration();
            LogInformation        logInformation           = new LogInformation();
            FFmpegConfiguration   applicationConfiguration = LoadApplicationConfiguration();
            #endregion Preparation

            #region FFmpeg's log
            if (applicationConfiguration.useCustomFFmpeg)
                logInformation.FFmpegLocation = applicationConfiguration.FFmpegLocation;
                logInformation.FFmpegLocation = string.Empty;
            #endregion FFmpeg's log

            #region FFProbe's log
            if (applicationConfiguration.useCustomFFProbe)
                logInformation.FFProbeLocation = applicationConfiguration.FFProbeLocation;
                logInformation.FFProbeLocation = string.Empty;
            #endregion FFProbe's log

            #region Request time
            logInformation.requestTime  = processingInfo.processingStartTime;
            logInformation.finishedTime = processingInfo.processingEndTime;
            #endregion Request time

            #region UserID
            string userID = string.Empty;
            if (Peralatan.PeriksaDataDatabase(userInfo.UserSessionID, "SessionID", configuration.databaseName, configuration.userTableName, configuration.databaseConnectionString))
                userID = Peralatan.MintaDataDatabase(configuration.databaseName, "UserID", configuration.userTableName, "SessionID", userInfo.UserSessionID, configuration.databaseConnectionString);
            logInformation.userID = userID;
            #endregion UserID

            #region Processed video location
            logInformation.processedVideoLocation = videoInfo.target;
            #endregion Processed video location

            #region Delete original file
            logInformation.isDeleteWhenCompleteRequested = videoInfo.deleteOriginal;
            #endregion Delete original file

            #region Processing duration
            logInformation.totalProcessingDuration = processingInfo.totalVideoDuration;
            logInformation.audioProcessingDuration = processingInfo.processedAudioDuration;
            logInformation.videoProcessingDuration = processingInfo.processedVideoDuration;
            #endregion Processing duration

            #region Video information
            logInformation.originalVideoWidth  = processedVideoInformation.videoHeight;
            logInformation.originalVideoHeight = processedVideoInformation.videoHeight;
            logInformation.videoDuration       = processedVideoInformation.videoDuration;
            logInformation.scaledVideoWidth    = videoInfo.width;
            logInformation.scaledVideoHeight   = videoInfo.height;

            #endregion Video information
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static DatabaseProcessedInfo SetVideoInfo(VideoPlayerSettings settings, UserInfo userInfo, ProcessedVideo processedVideo)
            #region Preparation
            DatabaseProcessedInfo result = new DatabaseProcessedInfo();

            string SQLCommand       = string.Empty;
            string connectionString = string.Empty;

            string UserID           = string.Empty;
            string OriginalVideoURL = string.Empty;
            string OriginalTemporaryVideoLocation = string.Empty;
            string LocalProcessedVideoLocation    = string.Empty;
            string NetworkProcessedVideoLocation  = string.Empty;
            string OriginalVideoWidth             = string.Empty;
            string OriginalVideoHeight            = string.Empty;
            string VideoDuration           = string.Empty;
            string VideoFrameRate          = string.Empty;
            string VideoCalculatedEndFrame = string.Empty;
            string VideoActualEndFrame     = string.Empty;
            string VideoTotalFrames        = string.Empty;
            string Scaled         = string.Empty;
            string ScaledWidth    = string.Empty;
            string ScaledHeight   = string.Empty;
            string WithAudio      = string.Empty;
            string DateProcessed  = string.Empty;
            string DateLastAccess = string.Empty;
            string VideoStatus    = string.Empty;
            string LogID          = string.Empty;
            #endregion Preparation

            // Info prefetch
            UserID = userInfo.UserID.ToString();

            #region Data modification
            byte[] originalURLinBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(processedVideo.videoSource);
            OriginalVideoURL = Convert.ToBase64String(originalURLinBytes);

            byte[] localFileinBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(processedVideo.localAccessLocation);
            LocalProcessedVideoLocation = Convert.ToBase64String(localFileinBytes);

            byte[] networkFileinBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(processedVideo.networkAccessLocation);
            NetworkProcessedVideoLocation = Convert.ToBase64String(networkFileinBytes);
            #endregion Data modification

            // Video info data
            SQLCommand  = "USE MediaPlayerDatabase;";
            SQLCommand += "INSERT INTO ProcessedVideoInfo (";
            // Table column
            SQLCommand += "UserID, ";
            SQLCommand += "OriginalVideoURL, ";
            //SQLCommand += "OriginalTemporaryVideoFolder, ";
            SQLCommand += "LocalProcessedVideoFolder, ";
            SQLCommand += "NetworkProcessedVideoFolder, ";
            SQLCommand += "OriginalVideoWidth, ";
            SQLCommand += "OriginalVideoHeight, ";
            SQLCommand += "VideoDuration, ";
            SQLCommand += "VideoFrameRate, ";
            SQLCommand += "VideoCalculatedEndFrame, ";
            SQLCommand += "VideoActualEndFrame, ";
            //SQLCommand += "VideoTotalFrames, ";
            SQLCommand += "Scaled, ";
            SQLCommand += "ScaledWidth, ";
            SQLCommand += "ScaledHeight, ";
            SQLCommand += "WithAudio, ";
            //SQLCommand += "DateProcessed, ";
            //SQLCommand += "DateLastAccess, ";
            SQLCommand += "VideoStatus";
            //SQLCommand += "LogID";
            // End table column
            // Table value
            SQLCommand += ") VALUES (";
            SQLCommand += UserID + ", ";
            SQLCommand += "'" + OriginalVideoURL + "', ";
            SQLCommand += "'" + LocalProcessedVideoLocation + "', ";
            SQLCommand += "'" + NetworkProcessedVideoLocation + "', ";
            SQLCommand += processedVideo.videoWidth + ", ";
            SQLCommand += processedVideo.videoHeight + ", ";
            SQLCommand += "'" + processedVideo.videoDuration + "', ";
            SQLCommand += "'" + processedVideo.frameRate + "', ";
            SQLCommand += processedVideo.endFrame + ", ";
            //SQLCommand += "0, ";
            SQLCommand += "0, ";
            if (settings.resolution == Resolution.Original)
                SQLCommand += "FALSE, ";
                SQLCommand += "1, ";
                SQLCommand += "0, ";
                SQLCommand += ((int)settings.resolution).ToString() + ", ";
            SQLCommand += "1, ";
            SQLCommand += "1);";

            if (Peralatan.TambahKeDatabase(SQLCommand, connectionString))
                result.videoStatus = ProcessedStatus.Processed;
                result.HasMessage  = false;
                result.HasMessage = true;
                result.Message    = Peralatan.PesanKesalahan;

Exemplo n.º 12
        public static bool CheckSettings(string database, UserInfo userInfo, string settingsTable, string connectionString)
            string userID = userInfo.UserID.ToString();

            return(Peralatan.PeriksaDataDatabase(userID, "UserID", database, settingsTable, connectionString));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public static VideoPlayerSettings ReadPlayerSettings(string sessionID, string database, string table, string connectionString)
            VideoPlayerSettings UserSettings = new VideoPlayerSettings();

            string userID = Peralatan.MintaDataDatabase(database, "UserID", "SessionInfo", "SessionID", sessionID, connectionString);

            #region Video
            string receivedHeight = Peralatan.MintaDataDatabase(database, "VideoHeight", table, "UserID", userID, connectionString);
            if (receivedHeight == ((int)Resolution.Original).ToString())
                UserSettings.resolution = Resolution.Original;
            else if (receivedHeight == ((int)Resolution.SD_360p).ToString())
                UserSettings.resolution = Resolution.SD_360p;
            else if (receivedHeight == ((int)Resolution.SD_480p).ToString())
                UserSettings.resolution = Resolution.SD_480p;
            else if (receivedHeight == ((int)Resolution.HD_720p).ToString())
                UserSettings.resolution = Resolution.HD_720p;
            else if (receivedHeight == ((int)Resolution.HD_1080p).ToString())
                UserSettings.resolution = Resolution.HD_1080p;
            else if (receivedHeight == ((int)Resolution.SUHD_1440p).ToString())
                UserSettings.resolution = Resolution.SUHD_1440p;
                UserSettings.resolution = Resolution.SD_480p;
            #endregion Video resolution

            #region Video framerate
            string receivedFrameRate = Peralatan.MintaDataDatabase(database, "FrameRate", table, "UserID", userID, connectionString);
            if (receivedFrameRate == ((int)FrameRate.Default).ToString())
                UserSettings.frameRate = FrameRate.Default;
            else if (receivedFrameRate == ((int)FrameRate._24fps).ToString())
                UserSettings.frameRate = FrameRate._24fps;
            else if (receivedFrameRate == ((int)FrameRate._30fps).ToString())
                UserSettings.frameRate = FrameRate._30fps;
            else if (receivedFrameRate == ((int)FrameRate._60fps).ToString())
                UserSettings.frameRate = FrameRate._60fps;
            else if (receivedFrameRate == ((int)FrameRate._120fps).ToString())
                UserSettings.frameRate = FrameRate._120fps;
                UserSettings.frameRate = FrameRate.Default;
            #endregion Video framerate

            #region Video buffer mode
            string receivedBufferMode = Peralatan.MintaDataDatabase(database, "BufferMode", table, "UserID", userID, connectionString);
            if (receivedBufferMode == ((int)BufferMode.SingleBuffer).ToString())
                UserSettings.bufferMode = BufferMode.SingleBuffer;
            else if (receivedBufferMode == ((int)BufferMode.DoubleBuffer).ToString())
                UserSettings.bufferMode = BufferMode.DoubleBuffer;
            else if (receivedBufferMode == ((int)BufferMode.TripleBuffer).ToString())
                UserSettings.bufferMode = BufferMode.TripleBuffer;
                UserSettings.bufferMode = BufferMode.SingleBuffer;
            #endregion Video buffer mode

            #region Video preload frames
            string receivedPreload = Peralatan.MintaDataDatabase(database, "PreloadFrames", table, "UserID", userID, connectionString);
            if (receivedPreload == ((int)PreloadFrames.DisablePreload).ToString())
                UserSettings.preloadFrames = PreloadFrames.DisablePreload;
            else if (receivedPreload == ((int)PreloadFrames.EnablePreload).ToString())
                UserSettings.preloadFrames = PreloadFrames.EnablePreload;
                UserSettings.preloadFrames = PreloadFrames.DisablePreload;
            #endregion Video preload frames
Exemplo n.º 14
 public static bool CheckUser(string database, string userTable, string sessionID, string connectionString)
     return(Peralatan.PeriksaDataDatabase(sessionID, "SessionID", database, userTable, connectionString));