Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void OnStart(Ped closest)
            Player = closest;

            var data = CovidPatient.GetData();



            ShowNetworkedNotification("Speak to the subject and determine if there's been a breach", "CHAR_CALL911", "CHAR_CALL911", "Control", "Covid - Breach", 50f);
            ShowNetworkedNotification("If the breach is accidental, consider calling the subject a taxi.", "CHAR_CALL911", "CHAR_CALL911", "Control", "Covid - Breach", 50f);

            int dice = random.Next(0, 100);

            if (dice < 25)
                //Outcome 1 - Incorrect Call
                CitizenFX.Core.Debug.WriteLine("Incorrect Call");
                PedQuestion covidQ1 = new PedQuestion();
                covidQ1.Question = "Have you tested positive for covid recently?";
                covidQ1.Answers  = new List <string>
                    "No, I've been lucky!",
                    "Of course not!",
                    "No, No, if I did, I'd be inside!"

                PedQuestion covidQ2 = new PedQuestion();
                covidQ2.Question = "Should you be self-isolating for any reason?";
                covidQ2.Answers  = new List <string>
                    "No, not that I'm aware of!",
                    "Nope! Lucky really, plenty of work to get done.",
                    "I hope not! Don't think I'd survive that long with the kids!"

                PedQuestion covidQ3 = new PedQuestion();
                covidQ3.Question = "Have you experienced any symptoms of covid recently? A cough? High Temperature?";
                covidQ3.Answers  = new List <string>
                    "No, I've not noticed  any.",
                    "I can't say I have officer.",
                    "Thankfully not!"

                AddPedQuestion(CovidPatient, covidQ1);
                AddPedQuestion(CovidPatient, covidQ2);
                AddPedQuestion(CovidPatient, covidQ3);
            else if (dice > 25 && dice < 50)
                //Outcome 2 - Symptomatic.

                PedQuestion covidQ1 = new PedQuestion();
                covidQ1.Question = "Have you tested positive for covid recently?";
                covidQ1.Answers  = new List <string>
                    "No, I've not had one!",
                    "Of course not!",
                    "Nope, I can't say I have"

                PedQuestion covidQ2 = new PedQuestion();
                covidQ2.Question = "Should you be self-isolating for any reason?";
                covidQ2.Answers  = new List <string>
                    "Nobody's told me too!",
                    "Nope! Not that it wouldn't be a welcome break!",
                    "I hope not! Don't think I'd survive that long with the kids!"

                PedQuestion covidQ3 = new PedQuestion();
                covidQ3.Question = "Have you experienced any symptoms of covid recently? A cough? High Temperature?";
                covidQ3.Answers  = new List <string>
                    "Now that you mention it... I have been feeling quite feverish.",
                    "Oh I've been having fits of coughs, but I think its my smokers cough playing up.",
                    "No, but I have been feeling hot and cold all morning."

                AddPedQuestion(CovidPatient, covidQ1);
                AddPedQuestion(CovidPatient, covidQ2);
                AddPedQuestion(CovidPatient, covidQ3);
            else if (dice > 50 && dice < 75)
                //Outcome 3 - Breaching Isolation
                CitizenFX.Core.Debug.WriteLine("Breaching Isolation");

                PedQuestion covidQ1 = new PedQuestion();
                covidQ1.Question = "Have you tested positive for covid recently?";
                covidQ1.Answers  = new List <string>
                    "Er... no officer.",
                    "Pah, I didn't even read the results!",
                    "Yeah I just got a text to say I'm positive."

                PedQuestion covidQ2 = new PedQuestion();
                covidQ2.Question = "Should you be self-isolating for any reason?";
                covidQ2.Answers  = new List <string>
                    "Yes, but no government can tell me what to do!",
                    "Well yeah, but I just popped out to get some groceries?",
                    "I'm just getting some fresh air, then I'll be straight back inside to isolate!"

                PedQuestion covidQ3 = new PedQuestion();
                covidQ3.Question = "Have you experienced any symptoms of covid recently? A cough? High Temperature?";
                covidQ3.Answers  = new List <string>
                    "I've been coughing all week, thats why I went for a test.",
                    "Yeah, I've been feeling pretty awful to be quite honest.",
                    "I've had a tempeerature and a headache for a few days now."

                AddPedQuestion(CovidPatient, covidQ1);
                AddPedQuestion(CovidPatient, covidQ2);
                AddPedQuestion(CovidPatient, covidQ3);
            else if (dice > 75 && dice < 101)
                //Outcome 4 - Covid Denier
                CitizenFX.Core.Debug.WriteLine("Covid Denier");

                PedQuestion covidQ1 = new PedQuestion();
                covidQ1.Question = "Have you tested positive for covid recently?";
                covidQ1.Answers  = new List <string>
                    "Covid is a fraud!",
                    "I don't see how I can test positive for a fake virus officer",
                    "No, thee government are just making up thhe results anyway!"

                PedQuestion covidQ2 = new PedQuestion();
                covidQ2.Question = "Should you be self-isolating for any reason?";
                covidQ2.Answers  = new List <string>
                    "You'd love that wouldn't you. You're just a pawn in the game of goverment control!",
                    "No government will tell me what's what. No.",
                    "Why should I self-isolate?!"

                PedQuestion covidQ3 = new PedQuestion();
                covidQ3.Question = "Have you experienced any symptoms of covid recently? A cough? High Temperature?";
                covidQ3.Answers  = new List <string>
                    "The symptoms are the same as the common flu! I have the flu!",
                    "I've been coughing all week, but it ain't that fake shit covid!",
                    "I've had flu before, and I have the same now. Covid is a hoax."

                AddPedQuestion(CovidPatient, covidQ1);
                AddPedQuestion(CovidPatient, covidQ2);
                AddPedQuestion(CovidPatient, covidQ3);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private async void bikerScenario(Ped player)
            this.Tick += new Func <Task>(this.bikerObs);
            Random  bikerRNG          = new Random();
            PedHash bikerVictimSelect = this.bikerVictim[bikerRNG.Next(this.bikerVictim.Length)];
            Ped     ped1 = await this.SpawnPed(PedHash.Lost02GMY, new Vector3(this.Location.X + 20f, this.Location.Y + 20f, this.Location.Z + 2.5f));

            this.murderer = ped1;
            this.murderer.IsPersistent         = true;
            this.murderer.BlockPermanentEvents = true;
            this.murderer.AlwaysKeepTask       = true;
            Ped ped2 = await this.SpawnPed(bikerVictimSelect, this.Location);

            this.victim = ped2;
            this.victim.IsPersistent         = true;
            this.victim.BlockPermanentEvents = true;
            //Ped Item Set
            PedData murData = new PedData();
            Item    shotty  = new Item();

            shotty.Name      = "Modified Shotgun";
            shotty.IsIllegal = true;
            Item coke = new Item();

            coke.Name      = "A Baggy of Cocaine";
            coke.IsIllegal = true;
            Item cash = new Item();

            cash.Name      = "Unmarked Bills";
            cash.IsIllegal = true;
            murData.Items  = new List <Item>();
            Utilities.SetPedData(murderer.NetworkId, murData);
            //Ped Tasks and Animation
            this.witness.Task.PlayAnimation("amb@code_human_cross_road@male@idle_a", "idle_a", 1f, 1f, -1, AnimationFlags.Loop, 1f);

            PedData vData = await Utilities.GetPedData(victim.NetworkId);

            string  vFN   = vData.FirstName;
            PedData pData = await Utilities.GetPedData(witness.NetworkId);

            string      wFN = pData.FirstName;
            PedQuestion q1  = new PedQuestion();

            q1.Question = "Hello, are you ~p~" + wFN + "~w~?";
            q1.Answers  = new List <string>
                "I sure am.",
                "You got it.",
                "That's me.",
                "Yes, thank God you're here!",
                "Yes, thank you so much for coming so fast!"
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q1);

            PedQuestion q2 = new PedQuestion();

            q2.Question = "I'll need to ask you a few questions.";
            q2.Answers  = new List <string>
                "Of course.",
                "Not a problem.",
                "Anything I can do to help.",
                "Sure thing.",
                "Where do you want to start?"
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q2);

            PedQuestion q3 = new PedQuestion();

            q3.Question = "Can you tell me what happened?";
            q3.Answers  = new List <string>
                "Yeah, he took the black fella out with a shotgun and ran off.",
                "I didn't see where he went, but he blasted him with a shotgun.",
                "He yelled something about the Lost and then fired away with a shotgun."
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q3);

            PedQuestion q4 = new PedQuestion();

            q4.Question = "Can you describe the suspect's appearance?";
            q4.Answers  = new List <string>
                "One of those Lost M.C. types.",
                "Biker. Big fan of leather. Definitely in a gang.",
                "One of the Lost M.C. for sure. Big patch and everything."
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q4);

            PedQuestion q5 = new PedQuestion();

            q4.Question = "Thank you for your time.";
            q4.Answers  = new List <string>
                "No problem, I hope you catch him!",
                "No, thank you. I'm going to go see my therapist now.",
                "It's what anyone would do in this situation, right?"
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q4);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private async void gangScenario(Ped player)
            this.Tick += new Func <Task>(this.gangObs);
            Random  gangRNG          = new Random();
            PedHash gangVictimSelect = this.gangVictim[gangRNG.Next(this.gangVictim.Length)];
            Ped     ped1             = await this.SpawnPed(PedHash.Famca01GMY, new Vector3(this.Location.X + 20f, this.Location.Y + 20f, this.Location.Z + 2f));

            this.murderer = ped1;
            this.murderer.IsPersistent         = true;
            this.murderer.BlockPermanentEvents = true;
            this.murderer.AlwaysKeepTask       = true;
            Ped ped2 = await this.SpawnPed(gangVictimSelect, this.Location);

            this.victim = ped2;
            this.victim.IsPersistent         = true;
            this.victim.BlockPermanentEvents = true;
            //Ped Item Set
            PedData murData = new PedData();
            Item    pistol  = new Item();

            pistol.Name      = "Loaded Pistol";
            pistol.IsIllegal = true;
            Item weed = new Item();

            weed.Name      = "Large Quantity of Marijuana";
            weed.IsIllegal = true;
            Item mc = new Item();

            mc.Name       = "Lost M.C. Patch";
            mc.IsIllegal  = false;
            murData.Items = new List <Item>();
            Utilities.SetPedData(murderer.NetworkId, murData);
            //Ped Tasks and Animation
            this.witness.Task.PlayAnimation("amb@code_human_cross_road@male@idle_a", "idle_a", 1f, 1f, -1, AnimationFlags.Loop, 1f);

            PedData vData = await Utilities.GetPedData(victim.NetworkId);

            string  vFN   = vData.FirstName;
            PedData pData = await Utilities.GetPedData(witness.NetworkId);

            string      wFN = pData.FirstName;
            PedQuestion q1  = new PedQuestion();

            q1.Question = "Hello, are you ~p~" + wFN + "~w~?";
            q1.Answers  = new List <string>
                "I sure am.",
                "You got it.",
                "That's me.",
                "Yes, thank God you're here!",
                "Yes, thank you so much for coming so fast!"
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q1);

            PedQuestion q2 = new PedQuestion();

            q2.Question = "I'll need to ask you a few questions.";
            q2.Answers  = new List <string>
                "Of course.",
                "Not a problem.",
                "Anything I can do to help.",
                "Sure thing.",
                "Where do you want to start?"
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q2);

            PedQuestion q3 = new PedQuestion();

            q3.Question = "Can you tell me what happened?";
            q3.Answers  = new List <string>
                "Yeah, this guy ran up, popped a couple shots in his back and took off.",
                "The guy was shouting something about 'Families', shot him and took off.",
                "He came out of nowhere, shot him, took something from the guy and ran."
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q3);

            PedQuestion q4 = new PedQuestion();

            q4.Question = "Can you describe the suspect's appearance?";
            q4.Answers  = new List <string>
                "He was in a gang for sure. Young black guy.",
                "He looked like a bad 90s gang stereotype - dark skin, short black hair.",
                "Young gang banger, black guy, short haircut, like half of LS."
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q4);

            PedQuestion q5 = new PedQuestion();

            q4.Question = "Thank you for your time.";
            q4.Answers  = new List <string>
                "No problem, I hope you catch him!",
                "No, thank you. I'm going to go see my therapist now.",
                "It's what anyone would do in this situation, right?"
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q4);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private async void femaleScenario(Ped player)
            this.Tick += new Func <Task>(this.femaleObs);
            Random  femaleRNG          = new Random();
            PedHash femaleVictimSelect = this.femaleVictim[femaleRNG.Next(this.femaleVictim.Length)];
            Ped     ped1 = await this.SpawnPed(PedHash.NigelCutscene, new Vector3(this.Location.X + 20f, this.Location.Y + 20f, this.Location.Z + 2f));

            this.murderer = ped1;
            this.murderer.IsPersistent         = true;
            this.murderer.BlockPermanentEvents = true;
            this.murderer.AlwaysKeepTask       = true;
            Ped ped2 = await this.SpawnPed(femaleVictimSelect, this.Location);

            this.victim = ped2;
            this.victim.IsPersistent         = true;
            this.victim.BlockPermanentEvents = true;
            //Ped Item Set
            PedData murData = new PedData();
            Item    hair    = new Item();

            hair.Name      = "Lock of Hair";
            hair.IsIllegal = false;
            Item blade = new Item();

            blade.Name      = "Bloodied Switchblade";
            blade.IsIllegal = true;
            Item cam = new Item();

            cam.Name      = "Camera";
            cam.IsIllegal = false;
            murData.Items = new List <Item>();
            Utilities.SetPedData(murderer.NetworkId, murData);
            //Ped Tasks and Animation
            this.witness.Task.PlayAnimation("amb@code_human_cross_road@male@idle_a", "idle_a", 1f, 1f, -1, AnimationFlags.Loop, 1f);

            PedData vData = await Utilities.GetPedData(victim.NetworkId);

            string  vFN   = vData.FirstName;
            PedData pData = await Utilities.GetPedData(witness.NetworkId);

            string      wFN = pData.FirstName;
            PedQuestion q1  = new PedQuestion();

            q1.Question = "Hello, are you ~p~" + wFN + "~w~?";
            q1.Answers  = new List <string>
                "I sure am.",
                "You got it.",
                "That's me.",
                "Yes, thank God you're here!",
                "Yes, thank you so much for coming so fast!"
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q1);

            PedQuestion q2 = new PedQuestion();

            q2.Question = "I'll need to ask you a few questions.";
            q2.Answers  = new List <string>
                "Of course.",
                "Not a problem.",
                "Anything I can do to help.",
                "Sure thing.",
                "Where do you want to start?"
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q2);

            PedQuestion q3 = new PedQuestion();

            q3.Question = "Can you tell me what happened?";
            q3.Answers  = new List <string>
                "Some dude was following her and then just stabbed her.",
                "The man had a switchblade, stabbed her, and took some of her hair...",
                "He was creeping on her, she got nervous and ran, he was faster..."
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q3);

            PedQuestion q4 = new PedQuestion();

            q4.Question = "Can you describe the suspect's appearance?";
            q4.Answers  = new List <string>
                "Older white guy in a tan-ish, brown-ish suit.",
                "Old man, nice suit but a questionable taste in colors.",
                "Yeah, tan jacket, brown pants, old and white."
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q4);

            PedQuestion q5 = new PedQuestion();

            q4.Question = "Thank you for your time.";
            q4.Answers  = new List <string>
                "No problem, I hope you catch him!",
                "No, thank you. I'm going to go see my therapist now.",
                "It's what anyone would do in this situation, right?"
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q4);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private async void serialScenario(Ped player)
            this.Tick += new Func <Task>(serialObs);
                "The ~r~suspect~w~ may still be in the area. Question the ~p~witness~w~ and get a description.");
            Random  serialRNG          = new Random();
            PedHash serialVictimSelect = this.serialVictim[serialRNG.Next(this.serialVictim.Length)];
            Ped     ped1 = await this.SpawnPed(PedHash.LesterCrestCutscene, new Vector3(this.Location.X + 20f, this.Location.Y + 20f, this.Location.Z + 2f));

            this.murderer = ped1;
            this.murderer.IsPersistent         = true;
            this.murderer.BlockPermanentEvents = true;
            this.murderer.AlwaysKeepTask       = true;
            Ped ped2 = await this.SpawnPed(serialVictimSelect, this.Location);

            this.victim = ped2;
            this.victim.IsPersistent         = true;
            this.victim.BlockPermanentEvents = true;
            //Ped Item Set
            PedData murData = new PedData();
            Item    rope    = new Item();

            rope.Name      = "Length of Bloodied Rope";
            rope.IsIllegal = true;
            Item condoms = new Item();

            condoms.Name      = "Sealed Condoms";
            condoms.IsIllegal = false;
            Item hate = new Item();

            hate.Name      = "Napkin with Hatespeech";
            hate.IsIllegal = false;
            murData.Items  = new List <Item>();
            Utilities.SetPedData(murderer.NetworkId, murData);
            //Ped Tasks and Animation
            this.witness.Task.PlayAnimation("amb@code_human_cross_road@male@idle_a", "idle_a", 1f, 1f, -1, AnimationFlags.Loop, 1f);

            PedData vData = await Utilities.GetPedData(victim.NetworkId);

            string  vFN   = vData.FirstName;
            PedData pData = await Utilities.GetPedData(witness.NetworkId);

            string      wFN = pData.FirstName;
            PedQuestion q1  = new PedQuestion();

            q1.Question = "Hello, are you ~p~" + wFN + "~w~?";
            q1.Answers  = new List <string>
                "I sure am.",
                "You got it.",
                "That's me.",
                "Yes, thank God you're here!",
                "Yes, thank you so much for coming so fast!"
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q1);

            PedQuestion q2 = new PedQuestion();

            q2.Question = "I'll need to ask you a few questions.";
            q2.Answers  = new List <string>
                "Of course.",
                "Not a problem.",
                "Anything I can do to help.",
                "Sure thing.",
                "Where do you want to start?"
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q2);

            PedQuestion q3 = new PedQuestion();

            q3.Question = "Can you tell me what happened?";
            q3.Answers  = new List <string>
                "This creep started shouting 'h**o this' and 'f*g that' and strangled him.",
                "This weirdo kept saying all these hateful things and then started strangling the guy.",
                "That poor man got strangled by some weirdo, seemed to not like 'em cause they're gay."
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q3);

            PedQuestion q4 = new PedQuestion();

            q4.Question = "Can you describe the suspect's appearance?";
            q4.Answers  = new List <string>
                "He was this fat, white, nerdy looking guy. Balding.",
                "Nerdy, bad posture, balding.",
                "Big white guy, not tall, kind of hunched over. I think he was losing his hair too."
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q4);

            PedQuestion q5 = new PedQuestion();

            q4.Question = "Thank you for your time.";
            q4.Answers  = new List <string>
                "No problem, I hope you catch him!",
                "No, thank you. I'm going to go see my therapist now.",
                "It's what anyone would do in this situation, right?"
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q4);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private async void mafiaScenario(Ped player)
            this.Tick += new Func <Task>(this.mafiaObs);
                "The ~r~suspect~w~ may still be in the area. Question the ~p~witness~w~ and get a description.");
            Random  mafiaRNG          = new Random();
            PedHash mafiaVictimSelect = this.mafiaVictim[mafiaRNG.Next(this.mafiaVictim.Length)];
            Ped     ped1 = await this.SpawnPed(mafiaVictimSelect, this.Location);

            this.victim = ped1;
            this.victim.IsPersistent         = true;
            this.victim.BlockPermanentEvents = true;
            Ped ped2 = await this.SpawnPed(PedHash.BarryCutscene, new Vector3(this.Location.X + 20f, this.Location.Y + 20f, this.Location.Z + 2f));

            this.murderer = ped2;
            this.murderer.IsPersistent         = true;
            this.murderer.BlockPermanentEvents = true;
            this.murderer.AlwaysKeepTask       = true;
            //Ped Item Set
            PedData murData = new PedData();
            Item    knife   = new Item();

            knife.Name      = "Bloodied Knife";
            knife.IsIllegal = true;
            Item photo = new Item();

            photo.Name      = "Photograph of Victim";
            photo.IsIllegal = false;
            Item hit = new Item();

            hit.Name      = "Cryptic Letter";
            hit.IsIllegal = false;
            murData.Items = new List <Item>();
            Utilities.SetPedData(murderer.NetworkId, murData);
            //Ped Tasks and Animation
            this.witness.Task.PlayAnimation("amb@code_human_cross_road@male@idle_a", "idle_a", 1f, 1f, -1, AnimationFlags.Loop, 1f);

            PedData vData = await Utilities.GetPedData(victim.NetworkId);

            string  vFN   = vData.FirstName;
            PedData pData = await Utilities.GetPedData(witness.NetworkId);

            string      wFN = pData.FirstName;
            PedQuestion q1  = new PedQuestion();

            q1.Question = "Hello, are you ~p~" + wFN + "~w~?";
            q1.Answers  = new List <string>
                "I sure am.",
                "You got it.",
                "That's me.",
                "Yes, thank God you're here!",
                "Yes, thank you so much for coming so fast!"
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q1);

            PedQuestion q2 = new PedQuestion();

            q2.Question = "I'll need to ask you a few questions.";
            q2.Answers  = new List <string>
                "Of course.",
                "Not a problem.",
                "Anything I can do to help.",
                "Sure thing.",
                "Where do you want to start?"
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q2);

            PedQuestion q3 = new PedQuestion();

            q3.Question = "Can you tell me what happened?";
            q3.Answers  = new List <string>
                "Well, a man came up all sneaky like, and just said ~p~" + vFN + "~w~ and then... well, you know.",
                "This guy came up and just said a name, I think it was ~p~" + vFN + "~w~ and killed them right over there.",
                "This creep came up, said ~p~" + vFN + "~w~ and took 'em out."
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q3);

            PedQuestion q4 = new PedQuestion();

            q4.Question = "Can you describe the suspect's appearance?";
            q4.Answers  = new List <string>
                "Uh... I think he was white, maybe 40 something? Dressed real fancy like.",
                "He was a 40-something in a nice suit. Looked a bit European.",
                "Looked like your average middle aged white man from Rockford Hills - nice suit though."
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q4);

            PedQuestion q5 = new PedQuestion();

            q4.Question = "Thank you for your time.";
            q4.Answers  = new List <string>
                "No problem, I hope you catch him!",
                "No, thank you. I'm going to go see my therapist now.",
                "It's what anyone would do in this situation, right?"
            AddPedQuestion(witness, q4);