public static void Main()
            // NOTE:
            // When used in trial mode, the library imposes some restrictions.
            // Please visit
            // for more information.

            string pathToFile = "TextMarkupAnnotations.pdf";

            using (PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument())
                PdfPage   page   = pdf.Pages[0];
                PdfCanvas canvas = page.Canvas;

                // Draw text on the page
                const string Text         = "Highlighted text";
                PdfPoint     textPosition = new PdfPoint(10, 50);
                canvas.FontSize = 30;
                canvas.DrawString(textPosition, Text);

                // Get size of the drawn text
                PdfSize size   = canvas.MeasureText(Text);
                var     bounds = new PdfRectangle(textPosition, size);

                // Highlight and annotate the text
                var          color = new PdfRgbColor(0, 0, 255);
                const string AnnotationContents = "Lorem ipsum";
                page.AddHighlightAnnotation(AnnotationContents, bounds, color);

                // Or call these method to strike out or underline the text:
                // page.AddStrikeoutAnnotation(AnnotationContents, bounds, color);
                // page.AddJaggedUnderlineAnnotation(AnnotationContents, bounds, color);
                // page.AddUnderlineAnnotation(AnnotationContents, bounds, color);

