// This class uses the IronPdf library to modify the PDF file
        // Production use of this library requires a license
        // See their website: https://ironpdf.com/licensing/
        // Development and testing use is allowed for free, though does add watermarks to the PDFs

        public async Task CreateSignedDocumentAsync(Guid requestId, SignerResult[] results)
            using (Stream unsignedPdfStream = await _blobStorageService.DownloadAsync(requestId, DocumentType.Unsigned))
                // IronPDF is weird, it really wants a file or memory stream
                // A blob stream won't do
                var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
                await unsignedPdfStream.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);

                var pdf = new PdfDocument(memoryStream);

                PdfDocument signaturesPdf = await GeneratePdfWithSignerInfoAsync(results);


                await _blobStorageService.UploadAsync(requestId, DocumentType.Signed, pdf.Stream);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task CreatePackages()
            string transcriptPath = Configuration.ConfigPath.TranscriptsPath;
            string joboutputPath  = Configuration.ConfigPath.JobOutputPath;

            Log.Information("Beginning generation of application package");

            if (transcriptPath == null)
                Log.Error("Transcripts path configuration variable has not been set by administrator");

            if (joboutputPath == null)
                Log.Error("Job output path configuration variable has not been set by administrator");

            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error(e, "Unable to create directory to store job output");

            var job = _context.Job.FirstOrDefault(j => !j.Completed && j.Type == "applications");

            if (job != null)
                // Load in the profile picture mask
                PdfDocument pdfTranscriptPhotoOverlay = new PdfDocument("transcript_photo_mask.pdf");
                PdfDocument pdfTranscriptNameOverlay  = new PdfDocument("transcript_name_mask.pdf");

                job.Completed     = true;
                job.Started       = DateTime.Now;
                job.StatusMessage = "Running";

                var scholarship = await _dataService.GetScholarship(job.ForeignKey);

                List <Application> applications = _context.Application.Include(ap => ap.Profile)
                                                  .Where(s => s.ScholarshipId == job.ForeignKey && s.Submitted)

                joboutputPath = Path.Combine(joboutputPath, "job" + job.JobId + ".pdf");

                //PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(joboutputPath);
                var Renderer = new IronPdf.HtmlToPdf();
                Renderer.PrintOptions.CustomCssUrl =
                Renderer.PrintOptions.SetCustomPaperSizeInInches(8.5, 11);
                Renderer.PrintOptions.PrintHtmlBackgrounds = true;
                Renderer.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation     = PdfPrintOptions.PdfPaperOrientation.Portrait;
                Renderer.PrintOptions.Title            = "Scholarship Package";
                Renderer.PrintOptions.EnableJavaScript = true;
                Renderer.PrintOptions.RenderDelay      = 50; //ms
                Renderer.PrintOptions.CssMediaType     = PdfPrintOptions.PdfCssMediaType.Screen;
                Renderer.PrintOptions.DPI                    = 300;
                Renderer.PrintOptions.FitToPaperWidth        = true;
                Renderer.PrintOptions.JpegQuality            = 90;
                Renderer.PrintOptions.GrayScale              = false;
                Renderer.PrintOptions.FitToPaperWidth        = true;
                Renderer.PrintOptions.InputEncoding          = Encoding.UTF8;
                Renderer.PrintOptions.Zoom                   = 100;
                Renderer.PrintOptions.CreatePdfFormsFromHtml = false;
                Renderer.PrintOptions.MarginTop              = 40; //millimeters
                Renderer.PrintOptions.MarginLeft             = 20; //millimeters
                Renderer.PrintOptions.MarginRight            = 20; //millimeters
                Renderer.PrintOptions.MarginBottom           = 40; //millimeters
                Renderer.PrintOptions.FirstPageNumber        = 2;  //use 2 if a coverpage  will be appended

                var coverpage = await _viewRenderService.RenderToStringAsync("_scholarshipcoverpagepartial", scholarship, "scholarships");

                PdfDocument doc = Renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(coverpage);

                foreach (var app in applications)
                    QuestionSet qset = await _dataService.GetQuestionSetWithAnswers(app.AnswerGroupId, bypassProfileVerification : true);

                    ScholarshipApplyViewModel vm = new ScholarshipApplyViewModel
                        Application = app,
                        QuestionSet = qset,
                        Scholarship = scholarship

                    ApplicationPageViewModel applicationPage = new ApplicationPageViewModel();

                    // First render the core general profile
                        applicationPage.BasicProfile =
                            await _viewRenderService.RenderToStringAsync("_scholarshipapplicationpartial", vm,
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Log.Error(e, "Unable to render scholarship application partial when creating Application Package");

                    // Next render any additional questions that were provided
                    if (qset.Questions?.Count > 0)
                        // Render answers to questions
                            applicationPage.FormAnswers =
                                await _viewRenderService.RenderToStringAsync("questionsetappviewpartial", vm.QuestionSet,
                        catch (Exception e)
                            var serqset = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(vm.QuestionSet, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings
                                ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore

                            Log.Error(e, "Unable to render answers to questions for application #{0} of scholarship Id {1}", app.ApplicationId, scholarship.ScholarshipId);
                            Log.Information("Serialized Question Set: {0}", serqset);

                    string finalApplication =
                        await _viewRenderService.RenderToStringAsync("_scholarshipapplicationfull", applicationPage,

                    PdfDocument page = Renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(finalApplication, "https://scholarships.eastonsd.org/");


                    // Next render any file attachments
                    foreach (var answerset in vm.QuestionSet.AnswerSets)
                        foreach (var answer in answerset.Answers)
                            if (answer.FileAttachmentGroup == null)

                            if (answer.FileAttachmentGroup.FileAttachments != null)
                                string lastFileTried = ""; // In case of error

                                    foreach (var file in answer.FileAttachmentGroup.FileAttachments)
                                        var filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Configuration.ConfigPath.AttachmentPath,

                                        lastFileTried = filePath;

                                        if (file.ContentType == "application/pdf")
                                            if (File.Exists(filePath))
                                                PdfDocument pdfAttach = new PdfDocument(filePath);

                                            if (File.Exists(filePath))
                                                var subpath = Path.Combine(Configuration.ConfigPath.AttachmentPath,
                                                var fullpath = Path.GetFullPath(subpath);

                                                var html =
                                                    "<html style='width:100%;height:100%'><body style='width:100%;height:100%'><img style='max-width: 100%; max-height: 100vh; height: auto;' src='" +
                                                    file.SecureFileName + "'></body></html>";
                                                var pdfImage = Renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(html, fullpath);

                                catch (Exception e)
                                    Log.Error(e, "Unable to fully render attachments to pdf file - Last tried is '{0}'", lastFileTried);

                    // Last attach transcripts if requested
                        if (scholarship.TranscriptsRequired)
                            // TODO: Attach transcripts

                            int schoolYear   = scholarship.ReleaseDate.Year;
                            int currentMonth = scholarship.ReleaseDate.Month;
                            if (currentMonth > 7)

                            string transcriptProcessPath = Path.Combine(transcriptPath, schoolYear + "");
                            string transcriptSavePath    =
                                Path.Combine(transcriptProcessPath, app.Profile.StudentId + ".pdf");

                            if (File.Exists(transcriptSavePath))
                                var props = scholarship.ProfileProperties.Select(p => p.ProfileProperty?.PropertyKey).ToList();

                                // TODO: Merge in PDF at transcriptSavePath
                                PdfDocument pdfAttach = new PdfDocument(transcriptSavePath);

                                // Add an overlay on top of the transcript to hide the photo
                                pdfAttach.AddForegroundOverlayPdfToPage(0, pdfTranscriptPhotoOverlay);

                                if (!props.Contains("LastName"))
                                    // Add an overlay on top of the transcript to hide the student name
                                    pdfAttach.AddForegroundOverlayPdfToPage(0, pdfTranscriptNameOverlay);

                    catch (Exception e)
                        Log.Error(e, "Unable to attach transcript to application package");

                doc.AddFooters(new SimpleHeaderFooter
                    RightText = "Page {page} of {total-pages}",
                    FontSize  = 10
                }, true);


                job.Ended         = DateTime.Now;
                job.StatusMessage = "Completed";

            Log.Information("Ending creation of application package");