Exemplo n.º 1
        public void CanGeneratePdfAFile(PdfAStandard standard)
            var builder = new PdfDocumentBuilder
                ArchiveStandard = standard

            var page = builder.AddPage(PageSize.A4);

            var imgBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(IntegrationHelpers.GetDocumentPath("smile-250-by-160.jpg", false));

            page.AddJpeg(imgBytes, new PdfRectangle(50, 70, 150, 130));

            var font = builder.AddTrueTypeFont(TrueTypeTestHelper.GetFileBytes("Roboto-Regular.ttf"));

            page.AddText($"Howdy PDF/{standard}!", 10, new PdfPoint(25, 700), font);

            var bytes = builder.Build();

            WriteFile(nameof(CanGeneratePdfAFile) + standard, bytes);

            using (var pdf = PdfDocument.Open(bytes, ParsingOptions.LenientParsingOff))
                Assert.Equal(1, pdf.NumberOfPages);

                Assert.True(pdf.TryGetXmpMetadata(out var xmp));

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void Obey(Dictionary <NameToken, IToken> catalog, Func <IToken, ObjectToken> writerFunc,
                                PdfDocumentBuilder.DocumentInformationBuilder documentInformationBuilder,
                                PdfAStandard archiveStandard)
            catalog[NameToken.OutputIntents] = OutputIntentsFactory.GetOutputIntentsArray(writerFunc);
            var xmpStream = XmpWriter.GenerateXmpStream(documentInformationBuilder, 1.7m, archiveStandard);
            var xmpObj    = writerFunc(xmpStream);

            catalog[NameToken.Metadata] = new IndirectReferenceToken(xmpObj.Number);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static StreamToken GenerateXmpStream(PdfDocumentBuilder.DocumentInformationBuilder builder, decimal version,
                                                    PdfAStandard standard)
            XNamespace xmpMeta = XmpMetaNamespace;
            XNamespace rdf     = RdfNamespace;

            var emptyRdfAbout = new XAttribute(rdf + "about", string.Empty);

            var rdfDescriptionElement = new XElement(rdf + "Description", emptyRdfAbout);

            // Dublin Core Schema
            AddElementsForSchema(rdfDescriptionElement, DublinCorePrefix, DublinCoreNamespace, builder,
                                 new List <SchemaMapper>
                new SchemaMapper("format", b => "application/pdf"),
                new SchemaMapper("creator", b => b.Author),
                new SchemaMapper("description", b => b.Subject),
                new SchemaMapper("title", b => b.Title)

            // XMP Basic Schema
            AddElementsForSchema(rdfDescriptionElement, XmpBasicPrefix, XmpBasicNamespace, builder,
                                 new List <SchemaMapper>
                new SchemaMapper("CreatorTool", b => b.Creator)

            // Adobe PDF Schema
            AddElementsForSchema(rdfDescriptionElement, AdobePdfPrefix, AdobePdfNamespace, builder,
                                 new List <SchemaMapper>
                new SchemaMapper("PDFVersion", b => "1.7"),
                new SchemaMapper("Producer", b => b.Producer)

            var pdfAIdContainer = GetVersionAndConformanceLevelIdentificationElement(rdf, emptyRdfAbout, standard);

            var document = new XDocument(
                new XElement(xmpMeta + "xmpmeta", GetNamespaceAttribute(XmpMetaPrefix, XmpMetaNamespace),
                             new XAttribute(xmpMeta + "xmptk", Xmptk),
                             new XElement(rdf + "RDF",
                                          GetNamespaceAttribute("rdf", rdf),

            var xml = document.ToString(SaveOptions.None).Replace("\r\n", "\n");

            xml = $"<?xpacket begin=\"\ufeff\" id=\"W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d\"?>\n{xml}\n<?xpacket end=\"r\"?>";

            var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml);

            return(new StreamToken(new DictionaryToken(new Dictionary <NameToken, IToken>
                { NameToken.Type, NameToken.Metadata },
                { NameToken.Subtype, NameToken.Xml },
                { NameToken.Length, new NumericToken(bytes.Length) }
            }), bytes));
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static XElement GetVersionAndConformanceLevelIdentificationElement(XNamespace rdf, XAttribute emptyRdfAbout, PdfAStandard standard)
             * The only mandatory XMP entries are those which indicate that the file is a PDF/A-1 file and its conformance level.
             * The PDF/A version and conformance level of a file shall be specified using the PDF/A Identification extension schema.
            XNamespace pdfaid          = PdfAIdentificationExtensionNamespace;
            var        pdfAidContainer = new XElement(rdf + "Description", emptyRdfAbout, GetNamespaceAttribute(PdfAIdentificationExtensionPrefix, pdfaid));

            int    part;
            string conformance;

            switch (standard)
            case PdfAStandard.A1B:
                part        = 1;
                conformance = "B";

            case PdfAStandard.A1A:
                part        = 1;
                conformance = "A";

            case PdfAStandard.A2B:
                part        = 2;
                conformance = "B";

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(standard), standard, null);

            pdfAidContainer.Add(new XElement(pdfaid + "part", part));
            pdfAidContainer.Add(new XElement(pdfaid + "conformance", conformance));
