Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Room for a given partner during a confernce.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="APartnerKey">PartnerKey of the person</param>
        /// <param name="AConferenceKey">PartnerKey of the confernce</param>
        /// <param name="ADefaultValue">Default value if no room was found</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private String GetConferenceRoom(Int64 APartnerKey, Int64 AConferenceKey, String ADefaultValue)
            String           ReturnValue = ADefaultValue;
            PcRoomAllocTable RoomAllocTable;

            RoomAllocTable = PcRoomAllocAccess.LoadViaPcAttendee(AConferenceKey, APartnerKey, situation.GetDatabaseConnection().Transaction);

            if (RoomAllocTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                ReturnValue = ((PcRoomAllocRow)RoomAllocTable.Rows[0]).BuildingCode + " " +

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load/Refresh all Attendees for a conference
        /// </summary>
        public static void RefreshAttendees(Int64 AConferenceKey)
            TDBTransaction           Transaction  = new TDBTransaction();
            bool                     SubmissionOK = true;
            PcConferenceTable        ConferenceTable;
            PUnitTable               UnitTable;
            string                   OutreachPrefix = String.Empty;
            ConferenceApplicationTDS MainDS;

            // make sure outreach codes are up to date in case it has changed in Unit record

                ref Transaction,
                ref SubmissionOK,
                ConferenceTable = new PcConferenceTable();
                UnitTable       = new PUnitTable();
                MainDS          = new ConferenceApplicationTDS();

                // get the conference prefix which links all outreaches associated with a conference
                ConferenceTable = PcConferenceAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(AConferenceKey, Transaction);

                if (ConferenceTable.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Cannot find conference " + AConferenceKey.ToString("0000000000"));

                OutreachPrefix = ConferenceTable[0].OutreachPrefix;

                // load application data for all conference attendees from db
                TApplicationManagement.GetApplications(ref MainDS, AConferenceKey, OutreachPrefix, "all", -1, true, null, false);

                // check a valid pcattendee record exists for each short term application
                foreach (PmShortTermApplicationRow ShortTermAppRow in MainDS.PmShortTermApplication.Rows)
                    if (!IsAttendeeValid(MainDS, OutreachPrefix, ShortTermAppRow.PartnerKey))
                        // ignore deleted applications, or cancelled applications

                    // update outreach code in application (it may have changed)
                    UnitTable = PUnitAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(ShortTermAppRow.StConfirmedOption, Transaction);
                    ShortTermAppRow.ConfirmedOptionCode = ((PUnitRow)UnitTable.Rows[0]).OutreachCode;

                    // Do we have a record for this attendee yet?
                    bool AttendeeRecordExists = false;

                    if (MainDS.PcAttendee.Rows.Contains(new object[] { AConferenceKey, ShortTermAppRow.PartnerKey }))
                        AttendeeRecordExists = true;

                    // create a new PcAttendee record if one does not already exist for this attendee
                    if (!AttendeeRecordExists)
                        PcAttendeeRow AttendeeRow = MainDS.PcAttendee.NewRowTyped();

                        AttendeeRow.ConferenceKey = AConferenceKey;
                        AttendeeRow.PartnerKey    = ShortTermAppRow.PartnerKey;

                        if (ShortTermAppRow.ConfirmedOptionCode.Length >= 11)
                            AttendeeRow.OutreachType = ShortTermAppRow.ConfirmedOptionCode.Substring(5, 6);

                        PmGeneralApplicationRow GeneralAppRow = (PmGeneralApplicationRow)MainDS.PmGeneralApplication.Rows.Find(
                            new object[] { ShortTermAppRow.PartnerKey, ShortTermAppRow.ApplicationKey, ShortTermAppRow.RegistrationOffice });

                        DateTime DateAccepted = GeneralAppRow.GenAppDate;

                        if (!GeneralAppRow.IsGenAppSendFldAcceptDateNull())
                            DateAccepted = GeneralAppRow.GenAppSendFldAcceptDate.Value;
                        else if (!GeneralAppRow.IsGenAppRecvgFldAcceptNull())
                            DateAccepted = GeneralAppRow.GenAppRecvgFldAccept.Value;

                        AttendeeRow.Registered = DateAccepted;

                        // TODO: in Petra 2.x, this was calculated from pm_staff_data
                        AttendeeRow.HomeOfficeKey = ShortTermAppRow.RegistrationOffice;

                        if (AttendeeRow.HomeOfficeKey == 0)
                            AttendeeRow.HomeOfficeKey = ((int)AttendeeRow.PartnerKey / 1000000) * 1000000;


                PcRoomAllocTable RoomAllocTable = null;
                PcExtraCostTable ExtraCostTable = null;

                // now check the other way: all attendees of this conference, are they still valid?
                foreach (PcAttendeeRow AttendeeRow in MainDS.PcAttendee.Rows)
                    if ((AttendeeRow.RowState != DataRowState.Added) &&
                        !IsAttendeeValid(MainDS, OutreachPrefix, AttendeeRow.PartnerKey))
                        // remove their accommodation
                        RoomAllocTable = PcRoomAllocAccess.LoadViaPcAttendee(AttendeeRow.ConferenceKey, AttendeeRow.PartnerKey, Transaction);

                        foreach (DataRow Row in RoomAllocTable.Rows)

                        if (RoomAllocTable != null)
                            PcRoomAllocAccess.SubmitChanges(RoomAllocTable, Transaction);

                        // remove any extra costs
                        ExtraCostTable = PcExtraCostAccess.LoadViaPcAttendee(AttendeeRow.ConferenceKey, AttendeeRow.PartnerKey, Transaction);

                        foreach (DataRow Row in ExtraCostTable.Rows)

                        if (ExtraCostTable != null)
                            PcExtraCostAccess.SubmitChanges(ExtraCostTable, Transaction);

                        // remove attendee

                int shorttermApplicationsCount = MainDS.PmShortTermApplication.Count;
                int attendeeCount = MainDS.PcAttendee.Count;

                MainDS.ThrowAwayAfterSubmitChanges = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the dates of one partner to the accommodation report
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AShortTermRow">The short term application row of the current partner</param>
        /// <param name="AAttendeeRow">The attendee row of the current partner</param>
        /// <param name="AStartDate">Start date of the conference</param>
        /// <param name="AEndDate">End date of the conference</param>
        /// <param name="AFromDate">Start date of the report</param>
        /// <param name="AToDate">End date of the report</param>
        /// <param name="AReportDetail">Indicator of the details of the report. Possible options: Brief, Full, Detail</param>
        /// <param name="ASituation">The current report situation</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool AddPartnerToAccom(PmShortTermApplicationRow AShortTermRow,
                                       PcAttendeeRow AAttendeeRow,
                                       DateTime AStartDate, DateTime AEndDate,
                                       DateTime AFromDate, DateTime AToDate,
                                       string AReportDetail, ref TRptSituation ASituation)
            // if we have an actual arrival and departure date from the attendee row use it.
            if (AAttendeeRow != null)
                if (!AAttendeeRow.IsActualArrNull())
                    AShortTermRow.Arrival = AAttendeeRow.ActualArr;

                if (!AAttendeeRow.IsActualDepNull())
                    AShortTermRow.Departure = AAttendeeRow.ActualDep;

            if (AShortTermRow.IsArrivalNull())
                AShortTermRow.Arrival = AStartDate;

            if (AShortTermRow.IsDepartureNull())
                AShortTermRow.Departure = AEndDate;

            if ((AShortTermRow.Arrival <= AToDate) &&
                (AShortTermRow.Departure >= AFromDate))
                // this short term application covers the dates we examine

                PcRoomAllocTable TempTable = new PcRoomAllocTable();
                PcRoomAllocTable RoomAllocTable;
                PcRoomAllocRow   TemplateRow = TempTable.NewRowTyped(false);
                TemplateRow.PartnerKey    = AShortTermRow.PartnerKey;
                TemplateRow.ConferenceKey = AShortTermRow.StConfirmedOption;

                RoomAllocTable = PcRoomAllocAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(TemplateRow, ASituation.GetDatabaseConnection().Transaction);

                char   Gender;
                int    Age;
                string PartnerName;
                GetGenderAndAge(AShortTermRow.PartnerKey, AStartDate, out Gender, out Age, ref ASituation);
                PartnerName = TAccommodationReportCalculation.GetPartnerShortName(AShortTermRow.PartnerKey, ref ASituation);

                foreach (DataRow Row in RoomAllocTable.Rows)
                    CheckRoomAllocation((PcRoomAllocRow)Row, AShortTermRow, AFromDate, AToDate,
                                        AReportDetail, Gender, Age, PartnerName, ref ASituation);

                if (RoomAllocTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                    AddNoRoomBooking(AShortTermRow, AFromDate, AToDate, Gender, PartnerName);
