Exemplo n.º 1
    public async Task<PaymentsTopicViewModel> GetViewModel(PaymentFormBindingModel bindingModel = null) {

      | Establish variables
      var braintreeGateway      = _braintreeConfiguration.GetGateway();
      var clientToken           = braintreeGateway.ClientToken.Generate();

      | Establish view model
      var viewModel             = await _topicMappingService.MapAsync<PaymentsTopicViewModel>(CurrentTopic);

      viewModel.BindingModel    = bindingModel;

      | Pass client token to model
      if (viewModel != null) {
        viewModel.ClientToken = clientToken;

      | Return topic view
      return viewModel;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> SendForm(PaymentFormBindingModel model)
            var user = User.Identity as ApplicationUser;

            var prevHash = user.PhoneNumber;

            if (prevHash != model.Hash)
                return(BadRequest("BAD HASH!"));

            user.PhoneNumber = CreateMD5("http://localhost:4200" + model.Hash);

            IdentityResult result = await UserManager.UpdateAsync(user);

            if (!result.Succeeded)

Exemplo n.º 3
    public async Task<IActionResult> IndexAsync(PaymentFormBindingModel bindingModel) {

      | Validate invoice
      // ### HACK JJC20200408: One might reasonably expect for the [Remote] model validation attribute to be validated as part
      // of ModelState.IsValid, but it doesn't appear to be. As a result, it needs to be revalidated here.
      Contract.Requires(bindingModel, nameof(bindingModel));
      var invoice               = GetInvoice(bindingModel.InvoiceNumber);
      var invoiceAmount         = invoice.Attributes.GetDouble("InvoiceAmount", 1.00);
      if (invoice is null) {
        ModelState.AddModelError("InvoiceAmount", $"The invoice #{bindingModel.InvoiceNumber} is not valid.");
      else if (invoiceAmount != bindingModel.InvoiceAmount) {
          $"The invoice {bindingModel.InvoiceNumber} is correct, but doesn't match the expected invoice amount. Please " +
          $"recheck the amount owed. If it is confirmed to be correct, contact GoldSim."

      | Validate binding model
      if (!ModelState.IsValid) {
        return TopicView(await GetViewModel(bindingModel).ConfigureAwait(true));

      | Assemble and send Braintree transaction
      var braintreeGateway      = _braintreeConfiguration.GetGateway();
      var request               = new TransactionRequest {
        Amount                  = (decimal)bindingModel.InvoiceAmount,
        PurchaseOrderNumber     = bindingModel.InvoiceNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
        PaymentMethodNonce      = bindingModel.PaymentMethodNonce,
        CustomFields            = new() {
          { "cardholder"        , bindingModel.CardholderName },
          { "email"             , bindingModel.Email },
Exemplo n.º 4
    public async Task<PaymentsTopicViewModel> GetViewModel(PaymentFormBindingModel bindingModel = null) {

      | Establish variables
      var braintreeGateway      = _braintreeConfiguration.GetGateway();
      var clientToken           = braintreeGateway.ClientToken.Generate();

      | Establish view model
      var viewModel             = new PaymentsTopicViewModel {
        ClientToken             = clientToken,
        BindingModel            = bindingModel

      viewModel                 = (PaymentsTopicViewModel)await _topicMappingService.MapAsync(CurrentTopic, viewModel).ConfigureAwait(true);

      | Return topic view
      return viewModel;

Exemplo n.º 5
    /// <summary>
    ///   Sends an email receipt to GoldSim providing a record of the transaction.
    /// </summary>
    private async Task SendEmailReceipt(Result<Transaction> result, PaymentFormBindingModel bindingModel) {

      | Set up notification email
      var notificationEmail     = new MailMessage(new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"), new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"));
      var emailSubjectPrefix    = "GoldSim Payments: Credit Card Payment for Invoice";
      var emailBody             = new StringBuilder("");
      var transaction           = result.Target?? result.Transaction;
      var creditCard            = transaction?.CreditCard;

      | Apply common attributes
      emailBody.AppendLine("Transaction details:");
      emailBody.AppendLine(" - Cardholder Name: "               + bindingModel.CardholderName);
      emailBody.AppendLine(" - Customer Email: "                + bindingModel.Email);
      emailBody.AppendLine(" - Company Name: "                  + bindingModel.Organization);
      emailBody.AppendLine(" - Invoice Number: "                + bindingModel.InvoiceNumber);
      emailBody.AppendLine(" - Amount: "                        + "$" + bindingModel.InvoiceAmount);
      emailBody.AppendLine(" - Credit Card (Last Four Digits): "+ creditCard?.LastFour?? "Not Available");
      emailBody.AppendLine(" - Card Type: "                     + creditCard?.CardType.ToString()?? "Not Available");

      | Process successful result
      if (result.IsSuccess() && transaction != null && TransactionSuccessStatuses.Contains(transaction.Status)) {
        notificationEmail.Subject = $"{emailSubjectPrefix} {bindingModel.InvoiceNumber} Successful";
        emailBody.Insert(0, "PAYMENT STATUS: " + transaction.Status.ToString().ToUpper().Replace("_", " "));
        notificationEmail.Body = emailBody.ToString();
        await _smtpService.SendAsync(notificationEmail);

      | Process unsuccessful result
      notificationEmail.Subject = $"{emailSubjectPrefix} {bindingModel.InvoiceNumber} Failed";

      if (transaction != null) {
        var status = transaction.ProcessorResponseText;

        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(status)) {
          status = transaction.Status.ToString();

        emailBody.Insert(0, "PAYMENT STATUS: " + status.ToUpper().Replace("_", " "));
      else {
        emailBody.Insert(0, "PAYMENT STATUS: NOT AVAILABLE");

      | Process errors

      // Display general error message
        "Your transaction was unsuccessful. Please correct any errors with your submission or contact GoldSim at " +
        "[email protected] or +1 (425)295-6985 for assistance."

      // Display transaction message returned from Braintree
      if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Message)) {
        ModelState.AddModelError("Transaction", "Payment Status: " + result.Message);
        emailBody.AppendLine(" - Transaction Result: " + result.Message);

      // Display any specific error messages returned from Braintree
      foreach (var error in result.Errors.DeepAll()) {
        ModelState.AddModelError(error.Code.ToString(), "Error: " + error.Message);
        emailBody.AppendLine(" - Error: " + error.Message);

      | Send email
      notificationEmail.Body = emailBody.ToString();
      await _smtpService.SendAsync(notificationEmail);

Exemplo n.º 6
    public async Task<IActionResult> IndexAsync(PaymentFormBindingModel bindingModel) {

      | Validate invoice
      // ### HACK JJC20200408: One might reasonably expect for the [Remote] model validation attribute to be validated as part
      // of ModelState.IsValid, but it doesn't appear to be. As a result, it needs to be revalidated here.
      var invoice               = GetInvoice(bindingModel.InvoiceNumber);
      var invoiceAmount         = invoice.Attributes.GetDouble("InvoiceAmount", 1.00);
      if (invoice == null) {
        ModelState.AddModelError("InvoiceAmount", $"The invoice #{bindingModel.InvoiceNumber} is not valid.");
      else if (invoiceAmount != bindingModel.InvoiceAmount) {
          $"The invoice {bindingModel.InvoiceNumber} is correct, but doesn't match the expected invoice amount. Please " +
          $"recheck the amount owed. If it is confirmed to be correct, contact GoldSim."

      | Validate binding model
      if (!ModelState.IsValid) {
        return TopicView(await GetViewModel(bindingModel));

      | Assemble and send Braintree transaction
      var braintreeGateway      = _braintreeConfiguration.GetGateway();
      var request               = new TransactionRequest {
        Amount                  = (decimal)bindingModel.InvoiceAmount,
        PurchaseOrderNumber     = bindingModel.InvoiceNumber.ToString(),
        PaymentMethodNonce      = bindingModel.PaymentMethodNonce,
        CustomFields            = new Dictionary<string, string> {
          { "cardholder"        , bindingModel.CardholderName },
          { "email"             , bindingModel.Email },
          { "company"           , bindingModel.Organization },
          { "invoice"           , bindingModel.InvoiceNumber.ToString() }
        Options                 = new TransactionOptionsRequest {
          SubmitForSettlement   = true
      var result                = braintreeGateway.Transaction.Sale(request);

      | Send email
      await SendEmailReceipt(result, bindingModel);

      | Handle success
      if (result.IsSuccess()) {
        invoice.Attributes.SetDateTime("DatePaid", DateTime.Now);
        return Redirect("/Web/Purchase/PaymentConfirmation");

      | Return to view to display ModelState errors
      return TopicView(await GetViewModel(bindingModel));
