private PayloadViewModel BuildPayloadViewModel(JObject body)
            PayloadViewModel vm = new PayloadViewModel();

            //using var jsonDoc = JsonDocument.Parse(body);
            //var root = jsonDoc.RootElement;

            //var WorkItem = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<WorkItem>(body);

            //string url = WorkItem.Url;
            string url = body["resource"]["url"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["url"].ToString();
            string org = GetOrganization(url);

            vm.workItemId   = body["resource"]["workItemId"] == null ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(body["resource"]["workItemId"].ToString());                                                //(int)WorkItem.Id;
            vm.workItemType = body["resource"]["revision"]["fields"]["System.WorkItemType"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["revision"]["fields"]["System.WorkItemType"].ToString(); //(string)WorkItem.Fields["System.WorkItemType"];
            vm.eventType    = body["eventType"] == null ? null : body["eventType"].ToString();
            vm.rev          = vm.rev = body["resource"]["rev"] == null ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(body["resource"]["rev"].ToString());                                                     //(int)WorkItem.Rev; //
            vm.url          = body["resource"]["url"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["url"].ToString();                                                                             //WorkItem.Url; //
            vm.organization = org;
            vm.teamProject  = body["resource"]["fields"]["System.AreaPath"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["fields"]["System.AreaPath"].ToString();                                 //(string)WorkItem.Fields["System.AreaPath"]; //
            vm.state        = body["resource"]["fields"]["System.State"]["newValue"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["fields"]["System.State"]["newValue"].ToString();               //(string)WorkItem.Fields["System.State"]; //

        public WorkItem UpdateWorkItem(JsonPatchDocument patchDocument, PayloadViewModel vm)
            string pat     = vm.pat;
            Uri    baseUri = new Uri("" + vm.organization);

            VssCredentials clientCredentials = new VssCredentials(new VssBasicCredential("username", pat));
            VssConnection  connection        = new VssConnection(baseUri, clientCredentials);

            WorkItemTrackingHttpClient client = connection.GetClient <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();
            WorkItem result = null;

                result = client.UpdateWorkItemAsync(patchDocument,;
            catch (Exception ex)
                result = null;
                clientCredentials = null;
                connection        = null;
                client            = null;

Exemplo n.º 3
        public IActionResult Index()
            var model = new PayloadViewModel();
            var reps  = _deployDbContext.Query <Repository>("SELECT DISTINCT Id, Name, Full_name, Url FROM t_repository ");

Exemplo n.º 4
        private PayloadViewModel BuildPayloadViewModel(JObject body)
            PayloadViewModel vm = new PayloadViewModel();

            string url = body["resource"]["url"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["url"].ToString();
            string org = GetOrganization(url);

            vm.workItemId   = body["resource"]["workItemId"] == null ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(body["resource"]["workItemId"].ToString());
            vm.workItemType = body["resource"]["revision"]["fields"]["System.WorkItemType"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["revision"]["fields"]["System.WorkItemType"].ToString();
            vm.eventType    = body["eventType"] == null ? null : body["eventType"].ToString();
            vm.rev          = body["resource"]["rev"] == null ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(body["resource"]["rev"].ToString());
            vm.url          = body["resource"]["url"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["url"].ToString();
            vm.organization = org;
            vm.teamProject  = body["resource"]["fields"]["System.AreaPath"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["fields"]["System.AreaPath"].ToString();
            vm.state        = body["resource"]["fields"]["System.State"]["newValue"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["fields"]["System.State"]["newValue"].ToString();

            System.Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Requested Payload eventType:" + vm.eventType);
            System.Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Requested Payload state:" + vm.state);
            System.Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Requested Payload workItemType:" + vm.workItemType);
            System.Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Requested Payload workItemId:" + vm.workItemId);
            System.Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Requested Payload orgnization:" + vm.organization);
            String tempParentId    = body["resource"]["revision"]["fields"]["System.Parent"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["revision"]["fields"]["System.Parent"].ToString();
            String tempTeamProject = body["resource"]["revision"]["fields"]["System.TeamProject"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["revision"]["fields"]["System.TeamProject"].ToString();

            System.Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Requested Payload teamProject:" + tempTeamProject);
            System.Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Requested Payload parentId:" + tempParentId);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private PayloadViewModel BuildPayloadViewModel(JObject body)
            PayloadViewModel vm = new PayloadViewModel();

            string url = body["resource"]["url"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["url"].ToString();
            string org = GetOrganization(url);

            vm.workItemId   = body["resource"]["workItemId"] == null ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(body["resource"]["workItemId"].ToString());
            vm.workItemType = body["resource"]["revision"]["fields"]["System.WorkItemType"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["revision"]["fields"]["System.WorkItemType"].ToString();
            vm.eventType    = body["eventType"] == null ? null : body["eventType"].ToString();
            vm.rev          = body["resource"]["rev"] == null ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(body["resource"]["rev"].ToString());
            vm.url          = body["resource"]["url"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["url"].ToString();
            vm.organization = org;
            vm.teamProject  = body["resource"]["fields"]["System.AreaPath"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["fields"]["System.AreaPath"].ToString();
            vm.state        = body["resource"]["fields"]["System.State"]["newValue"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["fields"]["System.State"]["newValue"].ToString();

Exemplo n.º 6
        private PayloadViewModel BuildPayloadViewModel(JObject body)
            PayloadViewModel vm = new PayloadViewModel();

            string url = body["resource"]["url"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["url"].ToString();
            string org = GetOrganization(url);

             = body["resource"]["id"] == null ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(body["resource"]["id"].ToString());
            vm.eventType    = body["eventType"] == null ? null : body["eventType"].ToString();
            vm.rev          = body["resource"]["rev"] == null ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(body["resource"]["rev"].ToString());
            vm.url          = body["resource"]["url"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["url"].ToString();
            vm.organization = org;
            vm.teamProject  = body["resource"]["fields"]["System.AreaPath"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["fields"]["System.AreaPath"].ToString();
            vm.createdBy    = body["resource"]["fields"]["System.CreatedBy"]["displayName"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["fields"]["System.CreatedBy"]["displayName"].ToString();
            vm.assignedTo   = body["resource"]["fields"]["System.AssignedTo"] == null ? null : body["resource"]["fields"]["System.Assigned"].ToString();

Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] JObject payload)
            PayloadViewModel vm = BuildPayloadViewModel(payload);

            //make sure pat is not empty, if it is, pull from appsettings
            vm.pat = _appSettings.Value.PersonalAccessToken;

            //if the event type is something other the updated, then lets just return an ok
            if (vm.eventType != "workitem.updated")
                return(new OkResult());

            // create our azure devops connection
            Uri baseUri = new Uri("" + vm.organization);

            VssCredentials clientCredentials = new VssCredentials(new VssBasicCredential("username", vm.pat));
            VssConnection  vssConnection     = new VssConnection(baseUri, clientCredentials);

            // load the work item posted
            WorkItem workItem = await _workItemRepo.GetWorkItem(vssConnection, vm.workItemId);

            // this should never happen, but if we can't load the work item from the id, then exit with error
            if (workItem == null)
                return(new StandardResponseObjectResult("Error loading workitem '" + vm.workItemId + "'", StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError));

            // get the related parent
            WorkItemRelation parentRelation = workItem.Relations.Where <WorkItemRelation>(x => x.Rel.Equals("System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Reverse")).FirstOrDefault();

            // if we don't have any parents to worry about, then just abort
            if (parentRelation == null)
                return(new OkResult());

            Int32    parentId       = _helper.GetWorkItemIdFromUrl(parentRelation.Url);
            WorkItem parentWorkItem = await _workItemRepo.GetWorkItem(vssConnection, parentId);

            if (parentWorkItem == null)
                return(new StandardResponseObjectResult("Error loading parent work item '" + parentId.ToString() + "'", StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError));

            string parentState = parentWorkItem.Fields["System.State"] == null ? string.Empty : parentWorkItem.Fields["System.State"].ToString();

            // load rules for updated work item
            RulesModel rulesModel = _rulesRepo.ListRules(vm.workItemType);

            //loop through each rule
            foreach (var rule in rulesModel.Rules)
                if (rule.IfChildState.Equals(vm.state))
                    if (!rule.AllChildren)
                        if (!rule.NotParentStates.Contains(parentState))
                            await _workItemRepo.UpdateWorkItemState(vssConnection, parentWorkItem, rule.SetParentStateTo);

                            return(new OkResult());
                        // get a list of all the child items to see if they are all closed or not
                        List <WorkItem> childWorkItems = await _workItemRepo.ListChildWorkItemsForParent(vssConnection, parentWorkItem);

                        // check to see if any of the child items are not closed, if so, we will get a count > 0
                        int count = childWorkItems.Where(x => !x.Fields["System.State"].ToString().Equals(rule.IfChildState)).ToList().Count;

                        if (count.Equals(0))
                            await _workItemRepo.UpdateWorkItemState(vssConnection, parentWorkItem, rule.SetParentStateTo);

                        return(new OkResult());

            return(new StandardResponseObjectResult("success", StatusCodes.Status200OK));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public IActionResult Post([FromBody] JObject payload)
            string tags       = "";
            string authHeader = "";
            string pat        = "";

            isDebug = true;

            if (!isDebug)
                tags       = Request.Headers.ContainsKey("Work-Item-Tags") ? Request.Headers["Work-Item-Tags"] : new StringValues("");
                authHeader = Request.Headers.ContainsKey("Authorization") ? Request.Headers["Authorization"] : new StringValues("");

                if (!authHeader.StartsWith("Basic"))
                    return(new StandardResponseObjectResult("missing basic authorization header", StatusCodes.Status401Unauthorized));

                //get pat from basic authorization header. This was set in the web hook
                pat = this.GetPersonalAccessToken(authHeader);

            PayloadViewModel vm = this.BuildPayloadViewModel(payload);

            //make sure pat is not empty, if it is, pull from appsettings
            vm.pat = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pat)) ? pat : _appSettings.Value.AzureDevOpsToken;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.pat))
                return(new StandardResponseObjectResult("missing pat from authorization header and appsettings", StatusCodes.Status404NotFound));

            if (vm.eventType != "workitem.created")
                return(new OkResult());

            if ( == -1)
                return(new OkResult());

            JsonPatchDocument patchDocument = new JsonPatchDocument();

                new JsonPatchOperation()
                Operation = Operation.Test,
                Path      = "/rev",
                Value     = (vm.rev + 1).ToString()

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.assignedTo))
                    new JsonPatchOperation()
                    Operation = Operation.Add,
                    Path      = "/fields/System.AssignedTo",
                    Value     = vm.createdBy

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tags))
                    new JsonPatchOperation()
                    Operation = Operation.Add,
                    Path      = "/fields/System.Tags",
                    Value     = tags

                new JsonPatchOperation()
                Operation = Operation.Add,
                Path      = "/fields/System.IterationPath",
                Value     = vm.teamProject

            var result = _workItemRepo.UpdateWorkItem(patchDocument, vm);

            return((result != null) ? new OkResult() : new StatusCodeResult(500));