Exemplo n.º 1
        public void run(SignatureController patterns)
            t = new Thread(() =>
                Result = PatternAnalyzer.AnalyzeByteArray(this.Buffer, patterns);

                this.Buffer = null;
                Complete    = true;

            t.IsBackground = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static Signature ScanProcess(System.Diagnostics.Process process, ref SignatureController Signatures)
                if (process.ProcessName == "runnable")
                    //System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("dump.txt", buffer);

                // Get the start address of the main module
                int regionStart = process.MainModule.EntryPointAddress.ToInt32();
                int regionEnd   = 0;

                // Could add multiple module support here ...

                // for now just get end address
                regionEnd = process.MainModule.ModuleMemorySize;

                // Create variables to read the block
                byte[] buffer = new byte[regionEnd];
                IntPtr zero   = IntPtr.Zero;

                // Try to read the section
                ReadProcessMemory(process.Handle, (IntPtr)regionStart, buffer, (UInt32)buffer.Length, out zero);

                //if (zero != IntPtr.Zero)
                    // Run a scan pass of the buffer
                    var result = PatternAnalyzer.AnalyzeByteArray(buffer, Signatures);

                    // Check for results
                    if (result != null)

                // nothing found
            catch (Exception ex)
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Non referenced file scan
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">File to scan.</param>
        /// <param name="Signatures">Signatures to scan with</param>
        /// <returns>Null or signature matching or found in file. </returns>
        //public static ScanResultArgs ScanFile(string filePath, SignatureController Signatures)
        //    return ScanFile(filePath, ref Signatures);

        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a scan on the provided file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">The file to scan.</param>
        /// <param name="Signatures">The signature controller</param>
        /// <param name="cached">The cache controller</param>
        /// <returns>Null or a signature</returns>
        public static ScanResultArgs ScanFile(string filePath, SignatureController Signatures)
            //return ScanFileV2(filePath, Signatures);

                // Final args to return
                var args = new ScanResultArgs();

                // *** NEW ***
                // Create a new filestream to read the file with
                FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);

                // Before performing any kind of scan, we need to make sure it's a executable file
                if (!isScannable(filePath))
                    // If it's not, return null and theres no point of scanning it
                    //return null;
                    return(new ScanResultArgs()
                        Detection = null, Size = fs.Length

                // Determine if the file is too large to scan based on settings
                if (fs.Length > Settings.MaxFileSize)
                    // If so, just return null...
                    return(new ScanResultArgs()
                        Detection = null, Size = fs.Length

                // ***********

                // Some local variables to store scan information in
                //byte[] hash = MD5.quickMD5(filePath);

                // If a cache database is supplied with the scan request
                //if (cached != null)
                //    // Try to obtain a md5 hash from the file (see exception below for possible issues)
                //    //hash = MD5.FromFile(ref fs);
                //    hash = MD5.quickMD5(filePath);

                //    // Check the file cache to see if the file has already been scanned
                //    var found = cached.GetById(hash);

                //    // If a cached item was found in the db
                //    if(found != null)
                //    {
                //        // Return the matching signature if any...
                //        //return Signatures.GetById(found.SignatureId);
                //        return new ScanResultArgs() { Detection = Signatures.GetById(found.SignatureId), Size = fs.Length, Cached = found };
                //    }

                // Either the file cache database is not being used or no entry was found
                // So we must perform a new scan on the file
                byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * Settings.BufferSize]; // Scan in 32kb increments
                int    read   = -1;                                   // count how many bytes have been read on each read here

                // Make sure our buffer isn't bigger than the file
                if (buffer.Length > fs.Length)
                    // If it is, resize the buffer accordinly
                    buffer = new byte[fs.Length];

                // While there is data to read in the file stream
                while (read != 0)
                    // Attempt to read the buffered amount..
                    read = fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                    // If the buffered amount if greater than the amount read...
                    // Lets shrink buffer to speed up the pattern search
                    if (read < buffer.Length)
                        Array.Resize(ref buffer, read);

                    // Analyze the buffer with the pattern analyzer
                    var result = PatternAnalyzer.AnalyzeByteArray(buffer, Signatures);

                    // try version 2....
                    //var result = PatternAnalyzer.AnyalyzeByteArrayv2(buffer, Signatures);

                    // If the result is not null... a detection was found
                    if (result != null)
                        // Create args before closing
                        args = new ScanResultArgs()
                            Detection = result,
                            Size      = fs.Length,

                        // Detected upx packing...
                        if (args.Detection.Definition == "PACKED")
                            // UPX ISNT WORKING YET
                            //return new ScanResultArgs() { Detection = null, Size = 0 };

                            // unpack the file and store the unpacked path...
                            string unpacked = API.UPXHelper.UnpackFile(filePath);

                            // Perform another scan
                            args = ScanFile(unpacked, Signatures);

                            // this was an unpacked program...
                            //if(args.Detection != null)
                            //    //args.Detection.Definition = args.Detection.Definition + "/UPX";

                            // delete the unpacked file

                            // Remove the unpacked file from white lsit

                        // We already detected the threat so we do not need to read any more..

                        // return the threat

                // We finished reading the file and no threat was detected
                // Time to clean and and may be log to cache

                // Create clean args
                args = new ScanResultArgs()
                    Detection = null,
                    Size      = fs.Length,

                // Close up the file stream

                // clear buffer
                buffer = null;

                // Return a clean scan
            catch (Exception ex) // for debugging purposes
                // Throw an exception with info about what may have caused the error.
                throw new Exception(String.Format("[2] Unable to scan file at location {0}. File may be use or additional rights may be required.", filePath));
                //return new ScanResultArgs() { Detection = null, Size = 0 };