Exemplo n.º 1
 public void LastNameTest()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.FamilyName, "FamilyName", "Expected surname to initially be FamilyName");
     banner.FamilyName = "Evans";
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.FamilyName, "Evans", "Surname property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void FirstNameTest()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.GivenName, string.Empty, "Expected FirstName to initially be empty string");
     banner.GivenName = "John";
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.GivenName, "John", "FirstName property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void NameDisplayValueTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.NameDisplayValue, string.Empty, "Expected display value to initially be empty string");

            banner.FamilyName = "Evans";
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.NameDisplayValue, "EVANS", "Expected display value to be 'EVANS'");

            banner.GivenName = "John";
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.NameDisplayValue, "EVANS, John", "Expected display value to be 'EVANS John'");

            banner.Title = "Mr";
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.NameDisplayValue, "EVANS, John (Mr)", "Expected display value to be 'EVANS John (Mr)'");

            banner.FamilyName = string.Empty;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.NameDisplayValue, "John (Mr)", "Expected display value to be 'John (Mr)'");

            banner.GivenName = string.Empty;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.NameDisplayValue, string.Empty, "Expected display value to be ''");

            banner.GivenName = "John";
            banner.Title     = string.Empty;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.NameDisplayValue, "John", "Expected display value to be 'John'");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void AddressLabelTextTest()
            PatientBanner banner    = new PatientBanner();
            string        testValue = "&&*&&*&*";

            banner.SubsectionOneTitle = testValue;
            Assert.AreEqual <string>(banner.SubsectionOneTitle, testValue, "AddressLabelText property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void CountryTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.Country, string.Empty, "Expected Country to initially be empty string");
            banner.Country = "UK";
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.Country, "UK", "Country property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void PostCodeTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.Postcode, string.Empty, "Expected PostCode to initially be empty string");
            banner.Postcode = "WR1 1RG";
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.Postcode, "WR1 1RG", "PostCode property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void CountyTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.County, string.Empty, "Expected County to initially be empty string");
            banner.County = "Herfordshire";
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.County, "Herfordshire", "County property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void TownTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.Town, string.Empty, "Expected Town to initially be empty string");
            banner.Town = "Ware";
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.Town, "Ware", "Town property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void ZoneOneBackColorTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.ZoneOneBackColor, SystemColors.Control, "Expected ZoneOneBackColor to initially be empty string");
            banner.ZoneOneBackColor = Color.Beige;
            Assert.AreEqual <Color>(banner.ZoneOneBackColor, Color.Beige, "ZoneOneBackColor property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Address1Test()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.Address1, string.Empty, "Expected Address1 to initially be empty string");
            banner.Address1 = "1 Acacia Avenue";
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.Address1, "1 Acacia Avenue", "Address1 property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void EmailAddressTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.EmailAddress, string.Empty, "Expected EmailAddress to initially be empty string");
            banner.EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**";
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.EmailAddress, "*****@*****.**", "EmailAddress property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void MobilePhoneNumberTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.MobilePhoneNumber, string.Empty, "Expected MobilePhoneNumber to initially be empty string");
            banner.MobilePhoneNumber = "(06678) 5787446";
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.MobilePhoneNumber, "(06678) 5787446", "MobilePhoneNumber property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void WorkPhoneNumberTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.WorkPhoneNumber, string.Empty, "Expected WorkPhoneNumber to initially be empty string");
            banner.WorkPhoneNumber = "(02345) 1232455";
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.WorkPhoneNumber, "(02345) 1232455", "WorkPhoneNumber property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void HomePhoneNumberTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.HomePhoneNumber, string.Empty, "Expected HomePhoneNumber to initially be empty string");
            banner.HomePhoneNumber = "(01332) 5678900";
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.HomePhoneNumber, "(01332) 5678900", "HomePhoneNumber property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void EmailLabelTextTest()
            PatientBanner banner    = new PatientBanner();
            string        testValue = "&&*&&*&*";

            banner.EmailLabelText = testValue;
            Assert.AreEqual <string>(banner.EmailLabelText, testValue, "EmailLabelText property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void Address2Test()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.Address2, string.Empty, "Expected Address2 to initially be empty string");
            banner.Address2 = "Little Amwell";
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.Address2, "Little Amwell", "Address2 property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void ImageDisplayedTest()
            PatientBanner banner    = new PatientBanner();
            const bool    TestValue = false;

            banner.ImageDisplayed = TestValue;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.ImageDisplayed, TestValue, "ImageDisplayed property no set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void Address3Test()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.Address3, string.Empty, "Expected Address3 to initially be empty string");
            banner.Address3 = "Great Amwell";
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.Address3, "Great Amwell", "Address3 property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void BorderColorTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.BorderColor, SystemColors.ControlDarkDark, "Expected BorderColor to initially be 'SystemColors.ControlDarkDark'");
            banner.BorderColor = Color.Beige;
            Assert.AreEqual <Color>(banner.BorderColor, Color.Beige, "BorderColor property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void TitleTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.Title, string.Empty, "Expected Title to initially be empty string");
            banner.Title = "Mr";
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.Title, "Mr", "Title property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 21
        public void PatientImageTest()
            PatientBanner banner       = new PatientBanner();
            const string  TestImageUrl = "images/logo.gif";

            banner.PatientImage = TestImageUrl;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.PatientImage, TestImageUrl, "PatientImage property no set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void FirstNameTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.GivenName, string.Empty, "Expected FirstName to initially be empty string");
            banner.GivenName = "John";
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.GivenName, "John", "FirstName property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void ImageDisplayedTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
            const bool TestValue = false;

            banner.ImageDisplayed = TestValue;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.ImageDisplayed, TestValue, "ImageDisplayed property no set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void LastNameTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.FamilyName, string.Empty, "Expected surname to initially be empty string");
            banner.FamilyName = "Evans";
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.FamilyName, "Evans", "Surname property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void PatientImageTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
            const string TestImageUrl = "images/logo.gif";

            banner.PatientImage = TestImageUrl;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.PatientImage, TestImageUrl, "PatientImage property no set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void ZoneTwoHoverBorderColorTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.ZoneTwoHoverBorderColor, SystemColors.MenuHighlight, "Expected ZoneTwoHoverBorderColor to initially be empty");

            banner.ZoneTwoHoverBorderColor = Color.Gray;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.ZoneTwoHoverBorderColor, Color.Gray, "ZoneTwoHoverBorderColor not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void AllergyInformationTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.AllergyInformation, AllergyInformation.Unavailable, "Allergy Information initial value not set as expected");

            banner.AllergyInformation = AllergyInformation.Present;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.AllergyInformation, AllergyInformation.Present, "Allergy Information not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void SubsectionFiveWidthTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.SubsectionFiveWidth, 187, "Subsection five initial width not set as expected");

            banner.SubsectionFiveWidth = 111;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.SubsectionFiveWidth, 111, "Subsection five width not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void SubsectionFourWidthTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.SubsectionFourWidth, 99, "Subsection four initial width not set as expected");

            banner.SubsectionFourWidth = 111;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.SubsectionFourWidth, 111, "Subsection four width not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void SubsectionTwoWidthTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.SubsectionTwoWidth, 215, "Subsection two initial width not set as expected");

            banner.SubsectionTwoWidth = 111;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.SubsectionTwoWidth, 111, "Subsection two width not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 31
        public void SubsectionOneWidthTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.SubsectionOneWidth, 206, "Subsection one initial width not set as expected");

            banner.SubsectionOneWidth = 200;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.SubsectionOneWidth, 200, "Subsection one width not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 32
        public void GenderTest()
            PatientBanner banner    = new PatientBanner();
            PatientGender testValue = PatientGender.Female;

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.Gender, PatientGender.NotKnown, "Expected Gender to initially be NotSpecified");
            banner.Gender = testValue;
            Assert.AreEqual <PatientGender>(banner.Gender, testValue, "Gender property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 33
        public void ActivePatientBackColorTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.ActivePatientBackColor, SystemColors.Control, "Expected ActivePatientBackColor to initially be empty");

            banner.ActivePatientBackColor = Color.Gray;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.ActivePatientBackColor, Color.Gray, "ActivePatientBackColor not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 34
        public void DeadPatientBackColorTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.DeadPatientBackColor, SystemColors.ButtonShadow, "Expected DeadPatientBackColor to initially be empty");

            banner.DeadPatientBackColor = Color.Gray;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.DeadPatientBackColor, Color.Gray, "DeadPatientBackColor not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 35
 public void EmailLabelTextTest()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     string testValue = "&&*&&*&*";
     banner.EmailLabelText = testValue;
     Assert.AreEqual<string>(banner.EmailLabelText, testValue, "EmailLabelText property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 36
 public void AddressLabelTextTest()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     string testValue = "&&*&&*&*";
     banner.SubsectionOneTitle = testValue;
     Assert.AreEqual<string>(banner.SubsectionOneTitle, testValue, "AddressLabelText property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 37
 public void GenderTest()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     PatientGender testValue = PatientGender.Female;
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.Gender, PatientGender.NotKnown, "Expected Gender to initially be NotSpecified");
     banner.Gender = testValue;
     Assert.AreEqual<PatientGender>(banner.Gender, testValue, "Gender property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 38
        public void IdentifierTooltipTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.IdentifierTooltip, "Click here to open this section of the record", "Identifier tooltip expected to be empty initially");

            string identifierTooltip = "NHS Number";
            banner.IdentifierTooltip = identifierTooltip;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.IdentifierTooltip, identifierTooltip, "Identifier tooltip not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 39
        public void GenderValueTooltipTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.GenderValueTooltip, "Click here to open this section of the record", "Gender value tooltip us expected to be empty initially");

            string genderValueTooltip = "Patient gender";
            banner.GenderValueTooltip = genderValueTooltip;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.GenderValueTooltip, genderValueTooltip, "Gender value tooltip not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 40
 public void ZoneTwoTooltipTest()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.ZoneTwoTooltip, "Click to expand or collapse", "Expected ZoneTwoTooltip to initially be empty string");
     string testValue = "tooltip";
     banner.ZoneTwoTooltip = testValue;
     Assert.AreEqual<string>(banner.ZoneTwoTooltip, testValue, "ZoneTwoTooltip property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 41
        public void IdentifierTypeBadParameterTest()
            PatientBanner target = new PatientBanner();

            target.IdentifierType = (IdentifierType)99;
Exemplo n.º 42
 public void EmailAddressTest()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.EmailAddress, string.Empty, "Expected EmailAddress to initially be empty string");
     banner.EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**";
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.EmailAddress, "*****@*****.**", "EmailAddress property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 43
        public void SubsectionFiveWidthTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.SubsectionFiveWidth, Unit.Percentage(25), "Subsection five initial width not set as expected");

            banner.SubsectionFiveWidth = Unit.Percentage(20);
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.SubsectionFiveWidth, Unit.Percentage(20), "Subsection five width not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 44
 public void MobilePhoneNumberTest()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.MobilePhoneNumber, string.Empty, "Expected MobilePhoneNumber to initially be empty string");
     banner.MobilePhoneNumber = "06678 5787446";
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.MobilePhoneNumber, "06678 5787446", "MobilePhoneNumber property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 45
 public void WorkPhoneNumberTest()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.WorkPhoneNumber, string.Empty, "Expected WorkPhoneNumber to initially be empty string");
     banner.WorkPhoneNumber = "02345 1232455";
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.WorkPhoneNumber, "02345 1232455", "WorkPhoneNumber property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 46
 public void HomePhoneNumberTest()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.HomePhoneNumber, string.Empty, "Expected HomePhoneNumber to initially be empty string");
     banner.HomePhoneNumber = "01332 5678900";
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.HomePhoneNumber, "01332 5678900", "HomePhoneNumber property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 47
        public void ValidNhsNumberUnformattedInputStringTest()
            string expectedFormattedValue = "437 262 3623";
            string testValue = "4372623623";

            PatientBanner target = new PatientBanner();
            target.IdentifierType = IdentifierType.NhsNumber;
            target.Identifier = testValue;

            Assert.AreNotEqual<string>(testValue, target.Identifier, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Actual value [{1}] does not match expected [{0}]", expectedFormattedValue, target.Identifier));
            Assert.AreEqual<string>(expectedFormattedValue, target.Identifier, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Actual value [{1}] does not match expected [{0}]", expectedFormattedValue, target.Identifier));
Exemplo n.º 48
 public void Address3Test()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.Address3, string.Empty, "Expected Address3 to initially be empty string");
     banner.Address3 = "Great Amwell";
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.Address3, "Great Amwell", "Address3 property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 49
 public void CollapseImageTest()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.CollapseImage, string.Empty, "Expected CollapseImage to initially be empty string");
     string testValue = "logo.gif";
     banner.CollapseImage = testValue;
     Assert.AreEqual<string>(banner.CollapseImage, testValue, "CollapseImage property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 50
 public void TownTest()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.Town, string.Empty, "Expected Town to initially be empty string");
     banner.Town = "Ware";
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.Town, "Ware", "Town property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 51
 public void ZoneTwoHoverStyleTest()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.ZoneTwoHoverStyle, string.Empty, "Expected ZoneTwoHoverStyle to initially be empty string");
     string testValue = "css_class";
     banner.ZoneTwoHoverStyle = testValue;
     Assert.AreEqual<string>(banner.ZoneTwoHoverStyle, testValue, "ZoneTwoHoverStyle property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 52
 public void CountyTest()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.County, string.Empty, "Expected County to initially be empty string");
     banner.County = "Herfordshire";
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.County, "Herfordshire", "County property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 53
        public void GenderLabelTooltipTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.GenderLabelTooltip, "Gender: a person's current Gender. This may be different from a person's Sex which is a person's Gender defined at the point of birth registration.", "Gender label tooltip us expected to be empty initially");

            string genderLabelTooltip = "Patient gender";
            banner.GenderLabelTooltip = genderLabelTooltip;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.GenderLabelTooltip, genderLabelTooltip, "Gender label tooltip not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 54
 public void PostCodeTest()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.Postcode, string.Empty, "Expected PostCode to initially be empty string");
     banner.Postcode = "WR1 1RG";
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.Postcode, "WR1 1RG", "PostCode property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 55
        public void IdentifierLabelTooltipTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.IdentifierLabelTooltip, "A ten-digit number used to identify a person uniquely within the NHS in England and Wales", "Identifier label tooltip expected to be empty initially");

            string identifierLabelTooltip = "NHS Number";
            banner.IdentifierLabelTooltip = identifierLabelTooltip;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.IdentifierLabelTooltip, identifierLabelTooltip, "Identifier label tooltip not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 56
 public void CountryTest()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.Country, string.Empty, "Expected Country to initially be empty string");
     banner.Country = "UK";
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.Country, "UK", "Country property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 57
 public void Address1Test()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.Address1, string.Empty, "Expected Address1 to initially be empty string");
     banner.Address1 = "1 Acacia Avenue";
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.Address1, "1 Acacia Avenue", "Address1 property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 58
 public void DateOfDeathTest()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     DateTime testValue = DateTime.Parse("05-Feb-2005", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.DateOfDeath, DateTime.MinValue, "Expected DateOfDeath to initially be DateTime.MinValue");
     banner.DateOfDeath = testValue;
     Assert.AreEqual<DateTime>(banner.DateOfDeath, testValue, "DateOfDeath property not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 59
        public void AllergyInformationTest()
            PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();

            Assert.AreEqual(banner.AllergyInformation, AllergyInformation.Unavailable, "Allergy Information initial value not set as expected");

            banner.AllergyInformation = AllergyInformation.Present;
            Assert.AreEqual(banner.AllergyInformation, AllergyInformation.Present, "Allergy Information not set as expected");
Exemplo n.º 60
 public void Address2Test()
     PatientBanner banner = new PatientBanner();
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.Address2, string.Empty, "Expected Address2 to initially be empty string");
     banner.Address2 = "Little Amwell";
     Assert.AreEqual(banner.Address2, "Little Amwell", "Address2 property not set as expected");