Exemplo n.º 1
		public override void UpdateRecursiveG (Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler) {
			UpdateG (path,pathNode);
			handler.PushNode (pathNode);
			for (int i=0;i<connections.Length;i++) {
				GraphNode other = connections[i];
				PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode (other);
				if (otherPN.parent == pathNode && otherPN.pathID == handler.PathID) {
					other.UpdateRecursiveG (path, otherPN,handler);
Exemplo n.º 2
		/* Color to use for gizmos.
		 * Returns a color to be used for the specified node with the current debug settings (editor only).
		 * \version Since 3.6.1 this method will not handle null nodes
		public virtual Color NodeColor (GraphNode node, PathHandler data) {
	#if !PhotonImplementation
			Color c = AstarColor.NodeConnection;

			switch (AstarPath.active.debugMode) {
				case GraphDebugMode.Areas:
					c = AstarColor.GetAreaColor (node.Area);
				case GraphDebugMode.Penalty:
					c = Color.Lerp (AstarColor.ConnectionLowLerp,AstarColor.ConnectionHighLerp, ((float)node.Penalty-AstarPath.active.debugFloor) / (AstarPath.active.debugRoof-AstarPath.active.debugFloor));
				case GraphDebugMode.Tags:
					c = AstarMath.IntToColor ((int)node.Tag,0.5F);
					if (data == null) return AstarColor.NodeConnection;

					PathNode nodeR = data.GetPathNode (node);

					switch (AstarPath.active.debugMode) {
						case GraphDebugMode.G:
							c = Color.Lerp (AstarColor.ConnectionLowLerp,AstarColor.ConnectionHighLerp, ((float)nodeR.G-AstarPath.active.debugFloor) / (AstarPath.active.debugRoof-AstarPath.active.debugFloor));
						case GraphDebugMode.H:
							c = Color.Lerp (AstarColor.ConnectionLowLerp,AstarColor.ConnectionHighLerp, ((float)nodeR.H-AstarPath.active.debugFloor) / (AstarPath.active.debugRoof-AstarPath.active.debugFloor));
						case GraphDebugMode.F:
							c = Color.Lerp (AstarColor.ConnectionLowLerp,AstarColor.ConnectionHighLerp, ((float)nodeR.F-AstarPath.active.debugFloor) / (AstarPath.active.debugRoof-AstarPath.active.debugFloor));

			c.a *= 0.5F;
			return c;
			return new Color (1,1,1);

Exemplo n.º 3
		public override void Open (Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler) {
			if (connections == null) return;

			for (int i=0;i<connections.Length;i++) {
				GraphNode other = connections[i];

				if (path.CanTraverse (other)) {

					PathNode pathOther = handler.GetPathNode (other);

					if (pathOther.pathID != handler.PathID) {

						pathOther.parent = pathNode;
						pathOther.pathID = handler.PathID;

						pathOther.cost = connectionCosts[i];

						pathOther.H = path.CalculateHScore (other);
						other.UpdateG (path, pathOther);

						handler.PushNode (pathOther);
					} else {
						//If not we can test if the path from this node to the other one is a better one then the one already used
						uint tmpCost = connectionCosts[i];

						if (pathNode.G + tmpCost < pathOther.G)
						if (pathNode.G + tmpCost + path.GetTraversalCost(other) < pathOther.G)

							pathOther.cost = tmpCost;
							pathOther.parent = pathNode;

							other.UpdateRecursiveG (path, pathOther,handler);
						else if (pathOther.G+tmpCost < pathNode.G && other.ContainsConnection (this))
						else if (pathOther.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(this) < pathNode.G && other.ContainsConnection (this))
							//Or if the path from the other node to this one is better

							pathNode.parent = pathOther;
							pathNode.cost = tmpCost;

							UpdateRecursiveG (path, pathNode,handler);
Exemplo n.º 4
		public override void Open (Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler) {
			if (connections == null) return;

			// Flag2 indicates if this node needs special treatment
			// with regard to connection costs
			bool flag2 = pathNode.flag2;

			// Loop through all connections
			for (int i=connections.Length-1;i >= 0;i--) {
				GraphNode other = connections[i];

				// Make sure we can traverse the neighbour
				if (path.CanTraverse (other)) {

					PathNode pathOther = handler.GetPathNode (other);

					// Fast path out, worth it for triangle mesh nodes since they usually have degree 2 or 3
					if (pathOther == pathNode.parent) {

					uint cost = connectionCosts[i];

					if (flag2 || pathOther.flag2) {
						// Get special connection cost from the path
						// This is used by the start and end nodes
						cost = path.GetConnectionSpecialCost (this,other,cost);

					// Test if we have seen the other node before
					if (pathOther.pathID != handler.PathID) {
						// We have not seen the other node before
						// So the path from the start through this node to the other node
						// must be the shortest one so far

						// Might not be assigned
						pathOther.node = other;

						pathOther.parent = pathNode;
						pathOther.pathID = handler.PathID;

						pathOther.cost = cost;

						pathOther.H = path.CalculateHScore (other);
						other.UpdateG (path, pathOther);

						handler.PushNode (pathOther);
					} else {

						// If not we can test if the path from this node to the other one is a better one than the one already used
						if (pathNode.G + cost + path.GetTraversalCost(other) < pathOther.G) {

							pathOther.cost = cost;
							pathOther.parent = pathNode;

							other.UpdateRecursiveG (path, pathOther,handler);
						else if (pathOther.G+cost+path.GetTraversalCost(this) < pathNode.G && other.ContainsConnection (this)) {
							// Or if the path from the other node to this one is better

							pathNode.parent = pathOther;
							pathNode.cost = cost;

							UpdateRecursiveG (path, pathNode,handler);
 /** Returns if the node is in the search tree of the path.
  * Only guaranteed to be correct if \a path is the latest path calculated.
  * Use for gizmo drawing only.
 public static bool InSearchTree(GraphNode node, PathHandler handler, ushort pathID)
     return(handler.GetPathNode(node).pathID == pathID);
		public override void UpdateRecursiveG (Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler) {
			//BaseUpdateAllG (nodeR, nodeRunData);

			handler.PushNode (pathNode);
			UpdateG (path, pathNode);

			LayerGridGraph graph = GetGridGraph (GraphIndex);
			int[] neighbourOffsets = graph.neighbourOffsets;
			LevelGridNode[] nodes = graph.nodes;
			int index = NodeInGridIndex;

			for (int i=0;i<4;i++) {
				int conn = GetConnectionValue(i);//(gridConnections >> i*4) & 0xF;
				if (conn != LevelGridNode.NoConnection) {

					LevelGridNode other = nodes[index+neighbourOffsets[i] + graph.lastScannedWidth*graph.lastScannedDepth*conn];
					PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode (other);

					if (otherPN != null && otherPN.parent == pathNode && otherPN.pathID == handler.PathID) {
						other.UpdateRecursiveG (path, otherPN,handler);
		public override void Open (Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler) {

			//BaseOpen (nodeRunData, nodeR, targetPosition, path);

			LayerGridGraph graph = GetGridGraph(GraphIndex);
			int[] neighbourOffsets = graph.neighbourOffsets;
			uint[] neighbourCosts = graph.neighbourCosts;
			LevelGridNode[] nodes = graph.nodes;

			int index = NodeInGridIndex;//indices & 0xFFFFFF;

			for (int i=0;i<4;i++) {
				int conn = GetConnectionValue(i);//(gridConnections >> i*4) & 0xF;
				if (conn != LevelGridNode.NoConnection) {

					GraphNode other = nodes[index+neighbourOffsets[i] + graph.lastScannedWidth*graph.lastScannedDepth*conn];

					if (!path.CanTraverse (other)) {

					PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode (other);

					if (otherPN.pathID != handler.PathID) {
						otherPN.parent = pathNode;
						otherPN.pathID = handler.PathID;

						otherPN.cost = neighbourCosts[i];

						otherPN.H = path.CalculateHScore (other);
						other.UpdateG (path, otherPN);

						handler.PushNode (otherPN);

					} else {
						//If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used
						uint tmpCost = neighbourCosts[i];

						if (pathNode.G + tmpCost < otherPN.G)
						if (pathNode.G + tmpCost + path.GetTraversalCost(other) < otherPN.G)
							otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

							otherPN.parent = pathNode;

							other.UpdateRecursiveG (path,otherPN, handler);

						//Or if the path from this node ("other") to the current ("current") is better
						else if (otherPN.G+tmpCost < pathNode.G)
						else if (otherPN.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(this) < pathNode.G)
							pathNode.parent = otherPN;
							pathNode.cost = tmpCost;

							UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode, handler);
Exemplo n.º 8
		public override void Open (Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler) {

			GridGraph gg = GetGridGraph (GraphIndex);

			ushort pid = handler.PathID;

			if ( gg.useJumpPointSearch && !path.FloodingPath ) {
				JPSOpen (path, pathNode, handler);
			} else
				int[] neighbourOffsets = gg.neighbourOffsets;
				uint[] neighbourCosts = gg.neighbourCosts;
				GridNode[] nodes = gg.nodes;

				for (int i=0;i<8;i++) {
					if (GetConnectionInternal(i)) {

						GridNode other = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[i]];
						if (!path.CanTraverse (other)) continue;

						PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode (other);

						uint tmpCost = neighbourCosts[i];

						if (otherPN.pathID != pid) {
							otherPN.parent = pathNode;
							otherPN.pathID = pid;

							otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

							otherPN.H = path.CalculateHScore (other);
							other.UpdateG (path, otherPN);

							//Debug.Log ("G " + otherPN.G + " F " + otherPN.F);
							handler.PushNode (otherPN);
							//Debug.DrawRay ((Vector3)otherPN.node.Position, Vector3.up,Color.blue);
						} else {

							// Sorry for the huge number of #ifs

							//If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used

							if (pathNode.G+tmpCost < otherPN.G)
							if (pathNode.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(other) < otherPN.G)
								//Debug.Log ("Path better from " + NodeIndex + " to " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " " + (pathNode.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(other)) + " < " + otherPN.G);
								otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

								otherPN.parent = pathNode;

								other.UpdateRecursiveG (path,otherPN, handler);

							//Or if the path from this node ("other") to the current ("current") is better
							else if (otherPN.G+tmpCost < pathNode.G)
							else if (otherPN.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost (this) < pathNode.G)

								//Debug.Log ("Path better from " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " to " + NodeIndex + " " + (otherPN.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost (this)) + " < " + pathNode.G);
								pathNode.parent = otherPN;
								pathNode.cost = tmpCost;

								UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode, handler);

			if (connections != null) for (int i=0;i<connections.Length;i++) {

				GraphNode other = connections[i];
				if (!path.CanTraverse (other)) continue;

				PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode (other);

				uint tmpCost = connectionCosts[i];

				if (otherPN.pathID != pid) {
					otherPN.parent = pathNode;
					otherPN.pathID = pid;

					otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

					otherPN.H = path.CalculateHScore (other);
					other.UpdateG (path, otherPN);

					//Debug.Log ("G " + otherPN.G + " F " + otherPN.F);
					handler.PushNode (otherPN);
					//Debug.DrawRay ((Vector3)otherPN.node.Position, Vector3.up,Color.blue);
				} else {

					// Sorry for the huge number of #ifs

					//If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used

					if (pathNode.G+tmpCost < otherPN.G)
					if (pathNode.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(other) < otherPN.G)
						//Debug.Log ("Path better from " + NodeIndex + " to " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " " + (pathNode.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(other)) + " < " + otherPN.G);
						otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

						otherPN.parent = pathNode;

						other.UpdateRecursiveG (path,otherPN, handler);

					//Or if the path from this node ("other") to the current ("current") is better
					else if (otherPN.G+tmpCost < pathNode.G && other.ContainsConnection (this))
					else if (otherPN.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost (this) < pathNode.G && other.ContainsConnection (this))
						//Debug.Log ("Path better from " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " to " + NodeIndex + " " + (otherPN.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost (this)) + " < " + pathNode.G);
						pathNode.parent = otherPN;
						pathNode.cost = tmpCost;

						UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode, handler);
Exemplo n.º 9
		/** Opens a node using Jump Point Search.
		 * \see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jump_point_search
		public void JPSOpen ( Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler ) {
			GridGraph gg = GetGridGraph (GraphIndex);
			int[] neighbourOffsets = gg.neighbourOffsets;
			GridNode[] nodes = gg.nodes;
			ushort pid = handler.PathID;

			int noncyclic = gridFlags & 0xFF;
			int cyclic = 0;
			for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) cyclic |= ((noncyclic >> i)&0x1) << JPSCyclic[i];

			var parent = pathNode.parent != null ? pathNode.parent.node as GridNode : null;
			int parentDir = -1;

			if ( parent != null ) {
				int diff = parent != null ? parent.nodeInGridIndex - nodeInGridIndex : 0;

				int x2 = nodeInGridIndex % gg.width;
				int x1 = parent.nodeInGridIndex % gg.width;
				if ( diff < 0 ) {
					if ( x1 == x2 ) {
						parentDir = 0;
					} else if ( x1 < x2 ) {
						parentDir = 7;
					} else {
						parentDir = 4;
				} else {
					if ( x1 == x2 ) {
						parentDir = 1;
					} else if ( x1 < x2 ) {
						parentDir = 6;
					} else {
						parentDir = 5;
			int cyclicParentDir = 0;
			// Check for -1

			int forced = 0;
			if ( parentDir != -1 ) {
				cyclicParentDir = JPSCyclic[parentDir];
				// Loop around to be able to assume -X is where we came from
				cyclic = ((cyclic >> cyclicParentDir) | ((cyclic << 8) >> cyclicParentDir)) & 0xFF;
			} else {
				forced = 0xFF;
				//parentDir = 0;

			bool diagonal = parentDir >= 4;
			int natural;

			if ( diagonal ) {
				for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) if ( ((cyclic >> i)&1) == 0 ) forced |= JPSForcedDiagonal[i];

				natural = JPSNaturalDiagonalNeighbours;
			} else {
				for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) if ( ((cyclic >> i)&1) == 0 ) forced |= JPSForced[i];

				natural = JPSNaturalStraightNeighbours;

			// Don't force nodes we cannot reach anyway
			forced &= cyclic;
			natural &= cyclic;

			int nb = forced | natural;

			/*if ( ((Vector3)position - new Vector3(0.5f,0,3.5f)).magnitude < 0.5f ) {
				Debug.Log (noncyclic + " " + parentDir + " " + cyclicParentDir);
				Debug.Log (System.Convert.ToString (cyclic, 2)+"\n"+System.Convert.ToString (noncyclic, 2)+"\n"+System.Convert.ToString (natural, 2)+"\n"+System.Convert.ToString (forced, 2));

			for (int i=0;i<8;i++) {
				if ( ((nb >> i)&1) != 0 ) {

					int oi = JPSInverseCyclic[(i + cyclicParentDir) % 8];
					GridNode other = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[oi]];

					if ( ((forced >> i)&1) != 0 ) {
						Debug.DrawLine ( (Vector3)position, Vector3.Lerp ((Vector3)other.position, (Vector3)position, 0.6f), Color.red);
					if ( ((natural >> i)&1) != 0 ) {
						Debug.DrawLine ( (Vector3)position + Vector3.up*0.2f, Vector3.Lerp ((Vector3)other.position, (Vector3)position, 0.6f) + Vector3.up*0.2f, Color.green);

					if ( oi < 4) {
						other = JPSJumpStraight ( other, path, handler, JPSInverseCyclic[(i + 4 + cyclicParentDir) % 8] );
					} else {
						other = other.JPSJumpDiagonal (path, handler, JPSInverseCyclic[(i + 4 + cyclicParentDir) % 8]);

					if ( other != null ) {
						//Debug.DrawLine ( (Vector3)position + Vector3.up*0.0f, (Vector3)other.position + Vector3.up*0.3f, Color.cyan);
						//Debug.DrawRay ( (Vector3)other.position, Vector3.up, Color.cyan);
						//GridNode other = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[i]];
						//if (!path.CanTraverse (other)) continue;

						PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode (other);

						if (otherPN.pathID != pid) {
							otherPN.parent = pathNode;
							otherPN.pathID = pid;

							otherPN.cost = (uint)(other.position - position).costMagnitude;//neighbourCosts[i];

							otherPN.H = path.CalculateHScore (other);
							other.UpdateG (path, otherPN);

							//Debug.Log ("G " + otherPN.G + " F " + otherPN.F);
							handler.PushNode (otherPN);
							//Debug.DrawRay ((Vector3)otherPN.node.Position, Vector3.up,Color.blue);
						} else {

							//If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used
							uint tmpCost = (uint)(other.position - position).costMagnitude;//neighbourCosts[i];

							if (pathNode.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(other) < otherPN.G) {
								//Debug.Log ("Path better from " + NodeIndex + " to " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " " + (pathNode.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(other)) + " < " + otherPN.G);
								otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

								otherPN.parent = pathNode;

								other.UpdateRecursiveG (path,otherPN, handler);

								//Or if the path from this node ("other") to the current ("current") is better
							} else if (otherPN.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost (this) < pathNode.G) {
								//Debug.Log ("Path better from " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " to " + NodeIndex + " " + (otherPN.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost (this)) + " < " + pathNode.G);
								pathNode.parent = otherPN;
								pathNode.cost = tmpCost;

								UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode, handler);

				if (i == 0 && parentDir != -1 && this.nodeInGridIndex > 10) {
					int oi = JPSInverseCyclic[(i + cyclicParentDir) % 8];

					if ( nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[oi] < 0 || nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[oi] >= nodes.Length ) {
						//Debug.LogError ("ERR: " + (nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[oi]) + " " + cyclicParentDir + " " + parentDir + " Reverted " + oi);
						//Debug.DrawRay ((Vector3)position, Vector3.up, Color.red);
					} else {
						GridNode other = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[oi]];
						Debug.DrawLine ( (Vector3)position - Vector3.up*0.2f, Vector3.Lerp ((Vector3)other.position, (Vector3)position, 0.6f) - Vector3.up*0.2f, Color.blue);

Exemplo n.º 10
		/** Executes a diagonal jump search.
		 * \see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jump_point_search
		GridNode JPSJumpDiagonal ( Path path, PathHandler handler, int parentDir, int depth=0) {

			// Indexing into the cache arrays from multiple threads like this should cause
			// a lot of false sharing and cache trashing, but after profiling it seems
			// that this is not a major concern
			int threadID = handler.threadID;
			int threadOffset = 8*handler.threadID;

			// This is needed to make sure different threads don't overwrite each others results
			// It doesn't matter if we throw away some caching done by other threads as this will only
			// happen during the first few path requests
			if ( JPSLastCacheID == null || JPSLastCacheID.Length < handler.totalThreadCount ) {
				lock (this) {
					// Check again in case another thread has already created the array
					if ( JPSLastCacheID == null || JPSLastCacheID.Length < handler.totalThreadCount ) {
						JPSCache = new GridNode[8*handler.totalThreadCount];
						JPSDead = new byte[handler.totalThreadCount];
						JPSLastCacheID = new ushort[handler.totalThreadCount];
			if ( JPSLastCacheID[threadID] != path.pathID ) {
				for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) JPSCache[i + threadOffset] = null;
				JPSLastCacheID[threadID] = path.pathID;
				JPSDead[threadID] = 0;

			// Cache earlier results, major optimization
			// It is important to read from it once and then return the same result,
			// if we read from it twice, we might get different results due to other threads clearing the array sometimes
			GridNode cachedResult = JPSCache[parentDir + threadOffset];
			if ( cachedResult != null ) {
				//return cachedResult;

			//if ( ((JPSDead[threadID] >> parentDir)&1) != 0 ) return null;

			// Special node (e.g end node), take care of
			if ( handler.GetPathNode(this).flag2 ) {
				//Debug.Log ("Found end Node!");
				//Debug.DrawRay ((Vector3)position, Vector3.up*2, Color.green);
				JPSCache[parentDir + threadOffset] = this;
				return this;

			// Special node which has custom connections, take care of
			if ( connections != null && connections.Length > 0 ) {
				JPSCache[parentDir] = this;
				return this;

			int noncyclic = gridFlags;//We don't actually need to & with this because we don't use the other bits. & 0xFF;
			int cyclic = 0;
			for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) cyclic |= ((noncyclic >> i)&0x1) << JPSCyclic[i];

			int forced = 0;
			int cyclicParentDir = JPSCyclic[parentDir];
			// Loop around to be able to assume -X is where we came from
			cyclic = ((cyclic >> cyclicParentDir) | ((cyclic << 8) >> cyclicParentDir)) & 0xFF;

			int natural;

			for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) if ( ((cyclic >> i)&1) == 0 ) forced |= JPSForcedDiagonal[i];

			natural = JPSNaturalDiagonalNeighbours;
			if ( ((Vector3)position - new Vector3(1.5f,0,-1.5f)).magnitude < 0.5f ) {
				Debug.Log (noncyclic + " " + parentDir + " " + cyclicParentDir);
				Debug.Log (System.Convert.ToString (cyclic, 2)+"\n"+System.Convert.ToString (noncyclic, 2)+"\n"+System.Convert.ToString (natural, 2)+"\n"+System.Convert.ToString (forced, 2));

			// Don't force nodes we cannot reach anyway
			forced &= cyclic;
			natural &= cyclic;

			if ( (forced & (~natural)) != 0 ) {
				// Some of the neighbour nodes are forced
				JPSCache[parentDir+threadOffset] = this;
				return this;

			int forwardDir;

			GridGraph gg = GetGridGraph (GraphIndex);
			int[] neighbourOffsets = gg.neighbourOffsets;
			GridNode[] nodes = gg.nodes;

				// Rotate 180 degrees - 1 node
				forwardDir = 3;
				if ( ((cyclic >> forwardDir)&1) != 0 ) {
					int oi = JPSInverseCyclic[(forwardDir + cyclicParentDir) % 8];
					GridNode other = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[oi]];

					//Debug.DrawLine ( (Vector3)position + Vector3.up*0.2f*(depth), (Vector3)other.position + Vector3.up*0.2f*(depth+1), Color.black);
					GridNode v;
					if ( oi < 4) {
						v = JPSJumpStraight ( other, path, handler, JPSInverseCyclic[(cyclicParentDir-1+8)%8], depth+1 );
					} else {
						v = other.JPSJumpDiagonal ( path, handler, JPSInverseCyclic[(cyclicParentDir-1+8)%8], depth+1 );
					if ( v != null ) {
						JPSCache[parentDir+threadOffset] = this;
						return this;

				// Rotate 180 degrees + 1 node
				forwardDir = 5;
				if ( ((cyclic >> forwardDir)&1) != 0 ) {
					int oi = JPSInverseCyclic[(forwardDir + cyclicParentDir) % 8];
					GridNode other = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[oi]];

					//Debug.DrawLine ( (Vector3)position + Vector3.up*0.2f*(depth), (Vector3)other.position + Vector3.up*0.2f*(depth+1), Color.grey);
					GridNode v;
					if ( oi < 4) {
						v = JPSJumpStraight ( other, path, handler, JPSInverseCyclic[(cyclicParentDir+1+8)%8], depth+1 );
					} else {
						v = other.JPSJumpDiagonal ( path, handler, JPSInverseCyclic[(cyclicParentDir+1+8)%8], depth+1 );

					if ( v != null ) {
						JPSCache[parentDir+threadOffset] = this;
						return this;

			// Rotate 180 degrees
			forwardDir = 4;
			if ( ((cyclic >> forwardDir)&1) != 0 ) {
				int oi = JPSInverseCyclic[(forwardDir + cyclicParentDir) % 8];
				GridNode other = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[oi]];

				//Debug.DrawLine ( (Vector3)position + Vector3.up*0.2f*(depth), (Vector3)other.position + Vector3.up*0.2f*(depth+1), Color.magenta);

				var v = other.JPSJumpDiagonal ( path, handler, parentDir, depth+1 );
				if (v != null) {
					JPSCache[parentDir+threadOffset] = v;
					return v;
			JPSDead[threadID] |= (byte)(1 << parentDir);
			return null;
Exemplo n.º 11
		/** Executes a straight jump search.
		 * \see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jump_point_search
		static GridNode JPSJumpStraight ( GridNode node, Path path, PathHandler handler, int parentDir, int depth=0) {

			GridGraph gg = GetGridGraph (node.GraphIndex);
			int[] neighbourOffsets = gg.neighbourOffsets;
			GridNode[] nodes = gg.nodes;

			GridNode origin = node;
			// Indexing into the cache arrays from multiple threads like this should cause
			// a lot of false sharing and cache trashing, but after profiling it seems
			// that this is not a major concern
			int threadID = handler.threadID;
			int threadOffset = 8*handler.threadID;

			int cyclicParentDir = JPSCyclic[parentDir];

			GridNode result = null;

			// Rotate 180 degrees
			const int forwardDir = 4;
			int forwardOffset = neighbourOffsets[JPSInverseCyclic[(forwardDir + cyclicParentDir) % 8]];

			// Move forwards in the same direction
			// until a node is encountered which we either
			// * know the result for (memoization)
			// * is a special node (flag2 set)
			// * has custom connections
			// * the node has a forced neighbour
			// Then break out of the loop
			// and start another loop which goes through the same nodes and sets the
			// memoization caches to avoid expensive calls in the future
			while(true) {
				// This is needed to make sure different threads don't overwrite each others results
				// It doesn't matter if we throw away some caching done by other threads as this will only
				// happen during the first few path requests
				if ( node.JPSLastCacheID == null || node.JPSLastCacheID.Length < handler.totalThreadCount ) {
					lock (node) {
						// Check again in case another thread has already created the array
						if ( node.JPSLastCacheID == null || node.JPSLastCacheID.Length < handler.totalThreadCount ) {
							node.JPSCache = new GridNode[8*handler.totalThreadCount];
							node.JPSDead = new byte[handler.totalThreadCount];
							node.JPSLastCacheID = new ushort[handler.totalThreadCount];
				if ( node.JPSLastCacheID[threadID] != path.pathID ) {
					for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) node.JPSCache[i + threadOffset] = null;
					node.JPSLastCacheID[threadID] = path.pathID;
					node.JPSDead[threadID] = 0;

				// Cache earlier results, major optimization
				// It is important to read from it once and then return the same result,
				// if we read from it twice, we might get different results due to other threads clearing the array sometimes
				GridNode cachedResult = node.JPSCache[parentDir + threadOffset];
				if ( cachedResult != null ) {
					result = cachedResult;

				if ( ((node.JPSDead[threadID] >> parentDir)&1) != 0 ) return null;

				// Special node (e.g end node), take care of
				if ( handler.GetPathNode(node).flag2 ) {
					//Debug.Log ("Found end Node!");
					//Debug.DrawRay ((Vector3)position, Vector3.up*2, Color.green);
					result = node;

				// Special node which has custom connections, take care of
				if ( node.connections != null && node.connections.Length > 0 ) {
					result = node;

				// These are the nodes this node is connected to, one bit for each of the 8 directions
				int noncyclic = node.gridFlags;//We don't actually need to & with this because we don't use the other bits. & 0xFF;
				int cyclic = 0;
				for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) cyclic |= ((noncyclic >> i)&0x1) << JPSCyclic[i];

				int forced = 0;
				// Loop around to be able to assume -X is where we came from
				cyclic = ((cyclic >> cyclicParentDir) | ((cyclic << 8) >> cyclicParentDir)) & 0xFF;

				//for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) if ( ((cyclic >> i)&1) == 0 ) forced |= JPSForced[i];
				if ( (cyclic & (1 << 2)) == 0 ) forced |= (1<<3);
				if ( (cyclic & (1 << 6)) == 0 ) forced |= (1<<5);

				int natural = JPSNaturalStraightNeighbours;

				// Check if there are any forced neighbours which we can reach that are not natural neighbours
				//if ( ((forced & cyclic) & (~(natural & cyclic))) != 0 ) {
				if ( (forced & (~natural) & cyclic) != 0 ) {
					// Some of the neighbour nodes are forced
					result = node;

				// Make sure we can reach the next node
				if ( (cyclic & (1 << forwardDir)) != 0 ) {

					node = nodes[node.nodeInGridIndex + forwardOffset];

					//Debug.DrawLine ( (Vector3)position + Vector3.up*0.2f*(depth), (Vector3)other.position + Vector3.up*0.2f*(depth+1), Color.magenta);
				} else {
					result = null;

			if ( result == null ) {
				while (origin != node) {
					origin.JPSDead[threadID] |= (byte)(1 << parentDir);
					origin = nodes[origin.nodeInGridIndex + forwardOffset];
			} else {
				while (origin != node) {
					origin.JPSCache[parentDir + threadOffset] = result;
					origin = nodes[origin.nodeInGridIndex + forwardOffset];

			return result;
Exemplo n.º 12
		public override void UpdateRecursiveG (Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler) {
			GridGraph gg = GetGridGraph (GraphIndex);
			int[] neighbourOffsets = gg.neighbourOffsets;
			GridNode[] nodes = gg.nodes;

			UpdateG (path,pathNode);
			handler.PushNode (pathNode);

			ushort pid = handler.PathID;

			for (int i=0;i<8;i++) {
				if (GetConnectionInternal(i)) {
					GridNode other = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[i]];
					PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode (other);
					if (otherPN.parent == pathNode && otherPN.pathID == pid) other.UpdateRecursiveG (path, otherPN,handler);

			if ( connections != null ) for (int i=0;i<connections.Length;i++) {
				GraphNode other = connections[i];
				PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode (other);
				if (otherPN.parent == pathNode && otherPN.pathID == pid) other.UpdateRecursiveG (path, otherPN,handler);