Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
            //Prepare maps
            var nodes = new NativeArray <T>(_mapSize, Allocator.TempJob);

            var prepareNodesJob = new PrepareNodesJob
                Nodes = nodes,

            var prepareMapHandle = prepareNodesJob.Schedule(this, inputDeps);

            var sortNodesHandle = nodes.SortJob(prepareMapHandle);

            //Path Finding

            var pathFindingJob = new PathFindingJob
                MapSize        = _mapSize,
                Nodes          = nodes,
                ResultECB      = resultECB.CreateCommandBuffer().ToConcurrent(),
                CleanECB       = cleanECB.CreateCommandBuffer().ToConcurrent(),
                IterationLimit = _iterationLimit,
                PathNodeLimit  = _pathNodeLimit

            var pathFindingHandle = pathFindingJob.Schedule(this, sortNodesHandle);

Exemplo n.º 2
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        NativeList <Node>      nodeList      = nodes;
        NativeList <Neighbour> neighbourList = neighbours;

        NativeList <JobHandle> pathFindDeps = new NativeList <JobHandle>(Allocator.Temp);
        List <PathFindingJob>  pathFindJobs = new List <PathFindingJob>();

        Entities.ForEach((Entity entity, ref AgentData agentData) =>
            if (agentData.navMeshNodeIndex == -1)
                FindClosestNodeToAgent closestNode = new FindClosestNodeToAgent
                    agent = entity,
                    agentComponentData = GetComponentDataFromEntity <AgentData>(),
                    nodes = nodeList


            if (!agentData.hasPath && agentData.navMeshNodeIndex != -1)
                PathFindingJob PathFindJob = new PathFindingJob
                    entity     = entity,
                    startIndex = agentData.navMeshNodeIndex,
                    endIndex   = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, nodeList.Length - 1),
                    nodes      = nodeList,
                    neighbours = neighbourList,
                    parents    = new NativeArray <int>(nodeList.Length, Allocator.TempJob)
                                 //pathBuffer = GetBufferFromEntity<PathBuffer>()



        foreach (PathFindingJob pfjob in pathFindJobs)
            new AddToPathBuffer
                endIndex           = pfjob.endIndex,
                entity             = pfjob.entity,
                nodes              = nodeList,
                neighbors          = neighbourList,
                pathBuffer         = GetBufferFromEntity <PathBuffer>(),
                agentComponentData = GetComponentDataFromEntity <AgentData>(),
                parents            = pfjob.parents

 /// <summary>
 /// process result of PathFinder job - NOTE runs in PathFinder's thread.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="job"></param>
 public void PathFinderCallback(PathFindingJob job)
     // if no path found -> dont use the job result.
     if (job != null && job.Result != null && job.Result.First != null)
         this.pathPointer = job.Result.First;
         this.job         = job; // NOTE job should be assigned last. This triggers the other (game) thread to use value of job.
        protected override void OnUpdate( )
            NativeArray <Entity> na_netNodes = group_netNodes.ToEntityArray(Allocator.TempJob);

            if (!isSystemInitialized)
                if (na_netNodes.Length == 0)
                    return;                             // Early exit.
                isSystemInitialized = true;

                // nhm_entityIndex.Dispose () ;
                nhm_entityIndex = new NativeHashMap <Entity, int> (na_netNodes.Length, Allocator.Persistent);

                // Map node entities to hash map.
                for (int i = 0; i < na_netNodes.Length; i++)
                    Entity nodeEntity = na_netNodes [i];
                    nhm_entityIndex.Add(nodeEntity, i);
                } // for

                // na_netNodes.Dispose () ;

            EntityCommandBuffer.ParallelWriter ecbp = eecb.CreateCommandBuffer().AsParallelWriter();

            Dependency = new PathFindingJob()
                na_netNodes = na_netNodes,

                nhm_entityIndex     = nhm_entityIndex,
                a_pathNodesPosition = GetComponentDataFromEntity <Translation> (true),
                pathNodeLinksBuffer = GetBufferFromEntity <PathNodeLinksBuffer> (true),

                pathPlannersHandle    = GetComponentTypeHandle <PathPlannerComponent> (false),
                pathNodesBufferHandle = GetBufferTypeHandle <PathNodesBuffer> (false),
            }.ScheduleParallel(group_pathPlanners, 1, Dependency);

            .WithAll <IsAliveTag, PathPlannerComponent, CanFindPathTag> ()
            .ForEach((Entity entity, int entityInQueryIndex) =>
                ecbp.RemoveComponent <CanFindPathTag> (entityInQueryIndex, entity);


        protected override void OnUpdate()
            Dependency = new PathFindingJob
                entityType          = GetEntityTypeHandle(),
                collisionStateType  = GetComponentDataFromEntity <MapCollisionState>(true),
                mapDataType         = GetComponentDataFromEntity <MapData>(true),
                mapBodyType         = GetComponentTypeHandle <MapBody>(true),
                mapElementType      = GetComponentTypeHandle <MapElement>(true),
                findingPathInfoType = GetComponentTypeHandle <FindingPathInfo>(true),
                ecb = commandBufferSystem.CreateCommandBuffer().AsParallelWriter()
            }.Schedule(query, Dependency);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void UpdateSystem()
            //We use IJobChunk so that we can share a grid between all pathfinders in a chunk
            Dependency = new PathFindingJob
                pathFindingComponentHandle   = GetComponentTypeHandle <PathFinding>(),
                hasPathComponentHandle       = GetComponentTypeHandle <HasPathTag>(),
                pathNodeBufferHandle         = GetBufferTypeHandle <PathNode>(),
                currentTargetComponentHandle = GetComponentTypeHandle <CurrentTarget>(true),
                translationComponentHandle   = GetComponentTypeHandle <Translation>(true),
                entityType = GetEntityTypeHandle(),
                gridRef    = m_gridManager.Grid,
                ecb        = m_endSimulationECB.CreateCommandBuffer().AsParallelWriter()
            }.ScheduleParallel(m_pathFindingQuery, Dependency);

        protected override void OnNextMove()

                // follow path finding trail
                Vector2 vNext = new Vector2(pathPointer.Value.X, pathPointer.Value.Y);
                Vector2 dif   = vNext - ParentThing.Target;
                // do the move
                if (dif.Length() > 0f)
                TargetMove = dif;

                // advance the pointer to path/trail
                if (pathPointer == job.Result.Last)
                    // path is done. No next move.
                    job = null;
                    // only advance pointer when position was reached
                    if (ParentThing.Target + TargetMove == vNext)
                        pathPointer = pathPointer.Next;
            // if using the path failed for some reason, reset it.
            catch (Exception)
                job = null;
        protected override void OnUpdate(ref UpdateParams p)
            base.OnUpdate(ref p);

            // some vars
            Vector2 vTarg      = ChaseTarget.Target;
            Vector2 vMeToTarg  = vTarg - ParentThing.Target;
            float   distToTarg = vMeToTarg.Length();

            // check if in range to operate the behavior
            if (distToTarg <= ChaseRange && distToTarg > SatisfiedRange && !ChaseTarget.IsStealthy)
                // check if a path is already planned...
                if (job != null && job.Result != null)
                    IsTargetMoveDefined = true;
                // if not, plan a new path is PathFinder is not busy.
                else if (job == null && !Level.Current.PathFinder.IsBusy())
                    var newJob = new PathFindingJob()
                        From     = ParentThing.Target,
                        To       = vTarg,
                        Callback = PathFinderCallback
                // not in the right range. Delete any previous paths to reset.
                job = null;