Exemplo n.º 1
    public Stack <Pair <int, int> > PerformPathFinding()
        #region Variables initialization
        int i, j;

        int highestX = RTS.PathFindingHelper.maxWidth;
        int highestY = RTS.PathFindingHelper.maxHeight;

        GameGrid grid = RTS.PathFindingHelper.grid;

        Debug.Log("HIghest are " + highestX + " " + highestY);
        Debug.Log("Start coord are " + startPosition.X + " " + startPosition.Y);
        Debug.Log("End coord are " + endPosition.X + " " + endPosition.Y);

        bool[][] closedList = new bool[highestX][];

        for (i = 0; i < highestX; ++i)
            closedList[i] = new bool[highestY];
            for (j = 0; j < highestY; ++j)
                closedList[i][j] = false;

        SortedSet <Pair <int, int> > openList = new SortedSet <Pair <int, int> >();

        Pair <int, int> startingGrid = new Pair <int, int>();
        startingGrid.SetValues(startPosition.X, startPosition.Y);

        openList.Add(0.0, startingGrid);

        pfGrid = new PathFindingGrid(RTS.PathFindingHelper.maxWidth, RTS.PathFindingHelper.maxHeight);


        pfGrid.InitializeStartingCell(startPosition.X, startPosition.Y);
        Stack <Pair <int, int> > emptyPath = new Stack <Pair <int, int> >();

        //if (count == 1) return emptyPath;

        while (openList.IsNotEmpty())
            Pair <double, Pair <int, int> > currentCell = openList.GetFirstElement();

            openList.RemoveElement(currentCell.First, currentCell.Second);

            i = currentCell.Second.First;
            j = currentCell.Second.Second;

            closedList[i][j] = true;

            int index;
            for (index = 0; index < RTS.PathFindingHelper.neighborLength; ++index)
                // To store the 'g', 'h' and 'f' of the 8 successors
                double gNew = 0, hNew = 0, fNew = 0;

                int neighborI, neighborJ;

                neighborI = i + RTS.PathFindingHelper.Neighbors[index, 0];
                neighborJ = j + RTS.PathFindingHelper.Neighbors[index, 1];

                if (RTS.PathFindingHelper.IsSearchValid(neighborI, neighborJ, endPosition.X, endPosition.Y))
                    if (RTS.PathFindingHelper.HasDestinationBeenReached(neighborI, neighborJ, endPosition.X, endPosition.Y))
                        pfGrid.UpdateParent(neighborI, neighborJ, i, j);
                    else if (closedList[neighborI][neighborJ] == false && RTS.PathFindingHelper.IsCellFree(grid, neighborI, neighborJ))
                        double gValue = 1.0;
                        if (neighborI != i && neighborJ != j)
                            gValue = 1.414;

                        gNew = pfGrid.GetG(i, j) + gValue;
                        hNew = RTS.PathFindingHelper.CaculateHValue(neighborI, neighborJ, endPosition.X, endPosition.Y);
                        fNew = gNew + hNew;

                        if (!pfGrid.CanAdd(neighborI, neighborJ, fNew))
                            openList.Add(fNew, new Pair <int, int>(neighborI, neighborJ));

                            pfGrid.UpdateValue(neighborI, neighborJ, gNew, hNew, fNew, i, j);

        //If we got here we didn't find a path
