Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void Think(World world)
            if (world.Player?.IsAlive ?? false)
                var path = PathFinder.AStar(world.Level, Position, world.Player.Position);
                if (path.Any())
                    var next = path.First();
                    var act  = world.Level.GetActorAt(next);
                    if (act == null)
                        Action = new MoveAction(this, (next - Position).Direction());
                    else if (act is Player)
                        Action = new AttackAction(this, act);

            if (Action == null)
                Action = new WaitAction();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void SetSelectedPlayerCharacterPath(Vector3 mousePosition)
            var clickPos  = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePosition);
            var x         = Mathf.RoundToInt(clickPos.x);
            var y         = Mathf.RoundToInt(clickPos.y);
            var targetPos = new Vector3(x, y);
            var target    = FindObjectOfType <MapComponent>().GetComponentAt <FloorComponent>(targetPos);

            if (target == null || target.CanEnter == false)

            if (SelectedPlayerCharacter.GameObject.transform.position == SelectedPlayerCharacter.NextVertice.FloorComponent.gameObject.transform.position)
                var startVertice = FindObjectOfType <MapComponent>().GetComponentAt <FloorComponent>(SelectedPlayerCharacter.GameObject.transform.position).Vertice;
                var endVertice   = FindObjectOfType <MapComponent>().GetComponentAt <FloorComponent>(targetPos).Vertice;
                SelectedPlayerCharacter.Path = PathFinder.AStar(startVertice, endVertice);
                var startVertice = FindObjectOfType <MapComponent>().GetComponentAt <FloorComponent>(SelectedPlayerCharacter.NextVertice.Position).Vertice;
                var endVertice   = FindObjectOfType <MapComponent>().GetComponentAt <FloorComponent>(targetPos).Vertice;
                SelectedPlayerCharacter.Path = PathFinder.AStar(startVertice, endVertice);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void SetRoamState(Floor parent)
            var myPosition = parent.Entities.Reverse[this];

            CurrentState = State.Roaming;
            var visible = VisiblePoints.ToArray();

            if (visible.Length != 0)
                var roamPoint = visible[RandomHelper.Random.Next(0, visible.Length)];
                var path      = PathFinder.AStar(parent, myPosition, roamPoint);

                if (path != null)
                    Path = path;

            foreach (var direction in RandomMoveDirection)
                if (parent.IsPointPassable(NewPosition(direction, myPosition)))
                    MoveTo(parent, direction);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public override bool this[int x, int y]
         Stack <Vector2Int> path;
         return(base[x, y] && PathFinder.AStar(Center, new Vector2Int(x, y), out path, MaxVerticalDistance, MaxRadius));
Exemplo n.º 5
    void UpdatePath()
        startVec  = new Vector2Int((int)start.position.x, (int)start.position.z);
        targetVec = new Vector2Int((int)target.position.x, (int)target.position.z);
        Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

        path = PathFinder.AStar(startVec, targetVec);
        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Path length: " + path.Count + ", in " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms.");
Exemplo n.º 6
 void FindPath()
     if (destination != null)
         path = PathFinder.AStar(this.gameObject, destination.gameObject);
         //if (path==null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Path could not be found from :" + transform.position + " to:" + destination.position); }
         UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Please drag a gameobject into destination.");
Exemplo n.º 7
    public override IEnumerator <Vector2Int> GetEnumerator()
        IEnumerator <Vector2Int> e = base.GetEnumerator();

        while (e.MoveNext())
            Stack <Vector2Int> path;
            if (PathFinder.AStar(Center, e.Current, out path, MaxVerticalDistance, MaxRadius))
                yield return(e.Current);

        yield break;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void Move(char[,] map, List <Unit> units, char[] blockItems)
            var openPositions = GetAllOpenPositions(Type == UnitType.Elf ? UnitType.Goblin : UnitType.Elf, units, map, blockItems);
            var nodes         = openPositions.Select(x => PathFinder.AStar(map, this.Point.X, this.Point.Y, x.X, x.Y, blockItems));

            var selectedNode = nodes.Where(x => x != null).OrderBy(x => PathFinder.GetStepsNum(x)).ThenBy(x => x.y).ThenBy(x => x.x).FirstOrDefault();

            if (selectedNode != null)
                var step = PathFinder.GetFirstStep(selectedNode);

                //replace 'G' or 'E' after the move on the map with '.'; move the unit to the new position on the map
                map[this.Point.X, this.Point.Y] = freeItem;
                this.Point.X = step.x;
                this.Point.Y = step.y;
                map[this.Point.X, this.Point.Y] = ownSign;
Exemplo n.º 9
    // Calculates path to target & repurposes navigator if successful, in
    // which case we return true.  If we can't do it, we deactivate the
    // navigator and return false:
    public bool CalculatePathToTarget(GameObject targ)
        activated = false;
        ArrayList path = PathFinder.AStar(this.gameObject, targ);

        if (path.Count == 0)
            // Happens when path can't be found.  This is currently occuring as the objects never
            // die.  We also need to put the "Unit" objects in a layer to not be considered for
            // waypoint calculation:
            Debug.Log("A* path was null.");

        currentPath      = path;
        currentTarget    = targ;
        lastCalcedTarget = currentTarget;
        activated = true;
Exemplo n.º 10
    public override void Execute(BattleManager manager, BattleQueueTime time)
        // Find a path using A*
        Stack <Vector2Int> steps;

        PathFinder.AStar(m_Agent.Coordinates, destination, out steps, m_Agent["Jump"]);

        // Push each step in path
        BattleGrid grid = manager.grid;

        while (steps.Count > 1)
            Vector2Int current = steps.Pop();

            if (grid[current].Height != grid[steps.Peek()].Height)
                manager.Add(new BattleJump(current, steps.Peek() - current, time - steps.Count - 2));
                manager.Add(new BattleWalk(current, steps.Peek() - current, time - steps.Count - 2));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override double[] value(int[] state, List <actionType> actions)
            if (currentGoal.goalState == null)
                currentGoal = selectGoal(state, models.Length - 1, actions);

            for (int l = currentGoal.level - 1; l >= 0; l--)
                if (subgoals[l].Count == 0)
                    // plan the route to the goal
                    List <int[]> goalStates = stateTree.GetChildren(subgoals[l + 1][0].goalState, l + 1);
                    int[]        startState = stateTree.GetParentState(state, l);
                    List <Tuple <int[], actionType, double> > path = pathFinder.AStar(startState, goalStates, models[l], actions, false);// l!=0);
                    subgoals[l] = path2subgoals(path, l, models[l]);

                    if (subgoals[l].Count == 0) // if no path is known, pass control to lowest level
                        goalStates = stateTree.GetChildren(subgoals[l + 1][0].goalState, l + 1);
                        int[] currentGoalLevelState = stateTree.GetParentState(state, currentGoal.level);
                        Console.WriteLine("couldn't find a path to level " + currentGoal.level + ": " + String.Join(",", currentGoal.goalState) + " at level " + l);

                        throw new ApplicationException("Pathfinding failed");

                        currentGoal.goalState = null;
                        for (int i = 0; i < subgoals.Length; i++)
                        currentGoal = selectGoal(state, 0, actions);

                    // no local path should be more than 2 steps
                    if (subgoals[l].Count > 3)
                        int[]      thisOldState = subgoals[l + 1][0].startState;
                        actionType thisAction   = subgoals[l + 1][0].action;
                        int[]      thisNewState = subgoals[l + 1][0].goalState;
                        StateTransition <int[], actionType> t = new StateTransition <int[], actionType>(thisOldState, thisAction, -10, thisNewState); // size of negative reward?
                        models[l + 1].update(t);

                //System.IO.StreamWriter w = new System.IO.StreamWriter("log.txt", false);
                ////w.WriteLine("Goal: Level " + currentGoal.level + ", at " + String.Join(",", currentGoal.goalState));
                //for (int k = 0; k <= currentGoal.level; k++)
                //    foreach (Goal<int[], actionType> step in subgoals[k])
                //    {
                //        if (step.goalState != null)
                //        {
                //            foreach (int[] s in stateTree.GetLevel0Children(step.goalState, k))
                //            {
                //                w.WriteLine(string.Join(",", s) + "," + (k == currentGoal.level ? "g" : "p"));
                //            }
                //            //w.WriteLine("Goal: Level " + Math.Max(0, l) + ", at " + String.Join(",", step.goalState));
                //        }
                //    }
                //w.Flush(); w.Close();

            if (minLevel > 0) // for simulating dH lesion
                double[] vals = new double[availableActions.Count];
                if (currentGoal.level >= minLevel)
                    vals[availableActions.IndexOf(currentGoal.action)] = 1;
                    return(models[0].value(state, availableActions));

            double[] response = new double[actions.Count()];
            for (int i = 0; i < availableActions.Count; i++)
                if (actionComparer.Equals(subgoals[0][0].action, availableActions.ElementAt(i)))
                    response[i] = 1;
