Exemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Booleans
            // Declaration - type name;
            bool isDeclared;

            // Assigning a value
            isDeclared = true;

            // Declaring and assigning an initial value
            bool isDeclarationAndInitialized = false;

            isDeclarationAndInitialized = true;

            // Characters
            char letter           = 'a';
            char symbol           = '?';
            char number           = '7';
            char space            = ' ';
            char specialCharacter = '\n';

            Console.WriteLine(number / 5);

            // Whole Numbers
            byte  byteExample         = 255;
            sbyte signedByte          = -128;
            short shortExample        = 32767;
            Int16 anotherShortExample = -32000;
            int   intMin      = -2147483648;
            uint  unsignedInt = 4000000000;
            Int32 intMax      = 2147483647;
            long  longExample = 9223372036854775807;

            Console.WriteLine(longExample + 1);

            // Decimals
            float   floatExample   = 2147483641.320561408513f;
            double  doubleExample  = 2147483641.320561408513d;
            decimal decimalExample = 2147483641.320561408513m;


            // Structs
            DateTime today    = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime tomorrow = new DateTime(2020, 7, 28);

            // Enums
            PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Cake;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Eclaire;

            DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Tuesday;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Enums()
            PastryType pastryType = PastryType.Cake;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Croissant;

Exemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool isDeclared;

            isDeclared = false;
            bool isDeclaredAndInitialized = false;

            char character        = 'a';
            char symbol           = '&';
            char number           = '5';
            char space            = ' ';
            char specialCharacter = '\n'; //creates a new line

            // whole numbers
            byte  byteExample         = 255; //max number for a byte is 255
            sbyte sByteExample        = -128;
            short shortExample        = 32767;
            Int16 anotherShortExample = 32767;        //This is just another way to write a short
            int   intMin      = -2147483648;
            Int32 intMax      = 2147483647;           //another way to write an int
            long  longExample = 9223372036854775807;
            Int64 longMin     = -9223372036854775808; //another way to write a long

            int a = 7;
            int b = -7000;

            byte age = 104;

            // Decimals
            float   floatExample   = 1.045231f;
            double  doubleExample  = 1.789053278907036d;
            decimal decimalExample = 1.257890728904578978m;


            // Enums

            PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Croissant;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Donut;


            Int32    num            = 42;
            DateTime today          = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime birthday       = new DateTime(1805, 11, 24);
            DateTime defaultExample = new DateTime();

            int example = int.Parse("5");


        public void Enums()
            PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Doughnut;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Scone;

Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Enums()
            PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Klondike_Bar;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Scone;

Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Enums()
            PastryType myPastry     = PastryType.donut;
            PastryType secondPastry = PastryType.scone;
            PastryType thirdPastry  = PastryType.cake;

Exemplo n.º 7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Bools
            bool isDeclared;

            isDeclared = true;

            bool isDeclaredAndInitialized = false;

            isDeclaredAndInitialized = true;

            // Char
            char character = 'a';
            char symbol    = '&';
            char number    = '5';
            char space     = ' ';
            char special   = '\n';

            // Whole Numbers
            byte  byteExample         = 255;
            sbyte sByteExample        = -128;
            short shortExample        = 32767;
            Int16 anotherShortExample = 32000;
            int   intMin      = -2147483648;
            Int32 intMax      = 2147483647;
            long  longExample = 9223372036854775807;
            Int64 longMin     = -9223372036854775808;

            int a = 7;
            int b = -7000;

            byte age = 104;

            // Decimals
            float   floatExample   = 1.045231f;
            double  doubleExample  = 1.789053278907036;
            decimal decimalExample = 1.25789072890457897897897897897897m;



            // Enums

            PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Croissant;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Danish;


            Int32    num      = 42;
            DateTime today    = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime birthday = new DateTime(1995, 12, 30);
            DateTime test     = new DateTime();
        public void Enums()
            PastryType pastryType = PastryType.Baguette;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Cake;

            // Casting = converting one type to another
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Enums()
            PastryType pastryType = PastryType.Donut;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Cake;

            //Casting = converting one type to another
Exemplo n.º 10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool isDeclared;

            isDeclared = true;

            bool isDeclaredAndInitialized = false; //

            isDeclaredAndInitialized = true;       //can change value of variable code runs top to bottom

            char character        = 'a';           //single quotes
            char symbol           = '&';
            char number           = '5';           //cant be 55, cahr is only ever one
            char space            = ' ';           //note it can be space
            char specialCharacter = '\n';          //two character special rules \n means goto new line? --> action

            //null is nothing =/= 0

            //whole numbers
            byte  byteExample         = 255;          //255 is the highest it can go
            sbyte sByteExample        = -128;
            short shortExample        = 32767;        //same as Int16 prefences to use one or int16
            Int16 anotherShortExmaple = 32000;
            int   intMin      = -2147483648;          //smallest value
            Int32 intMax      = 2147483647;           //max value of an integer
            long  longExample = 9223372036854775807;  //max value
            Int64 longMin     = -9223372036854775808; //min value

            int a = 7;
            int b = -7000; //right side of the equal sign is what is run first. So -7000 processes first and then is assigned the variable of 'b'

            byte age = 104;

            float   floatExample   = 1.045231f;                          //f makes this a float f is very important
            double  doubleExample  = 1.789053278907036d;                 //d is the suffix --> not ciritcal to have d, it is the standard form. can be removed with no issues
            decimal decimalExample = 1.2578907289045789789789789787897m; //m suffix, very long decimal point

            //cw then tab tab opens the console write line
            Console.WriteLine(1.2578907289045789789789789787897m); //when running with diff suffixes you can see there is a cut off point in decimals.

            Console.ReadKey();                                     //prompts user to say hey i need input

            // Enums -->declared outside of the class then used in the class --> static values that will not change

            PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Croissant;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Donut;


            Int32    num      = 42;                         //if value is unassigned it defaults to 0
            DateTime today    = DateTime.Today;             //assigns value of today
            DateTime birthday = new DateTime(1805, 11, 24); //very powerful option use arrow keys to see 12 options
            DateTime test     = new DateTime();             //do not use 'default' as a variable name... name with intent
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void Enums()
            PastryType myPastry = PastryType.Doughnut;

            PastryType mySecondPastry = PastryType.Cake;

Exemplo n.º 12
 public Pastery(string pasName, string pasPicture, PastryType pasType, float pasPrice, string pasComments, bool pasVegan, bool pasGlotanFree)
     Name       = pasName;
     ImageLink  = pasPicture;
     Type       = pasType;
     Price      = pasPrice;
     Comments   = pasComments;
     Vegan      = pasVegan;
     GlotanFree = pasGlotanFree;
Exemplo n.º 13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool isDeclared;                       //declared

            isDeclared = true;                     //initialized

            bool isDeclaredAndInitialized = false; //code reads top down, so everything below this initialization will be false until told otherwise

            isDeclaredAndInitialized = true;

            char character        = 'a';
            char symbol           = '&';
            char number           = '5'; //character can only ever be 1 character, not 55 or av
            char space            = ' ';
            char specialCharacter = '\n';

            //Whole Numbers
            byte  byteExample         = 255;          //8-bit unsigned integer
            sbyte sByteExample        = -128;         //8-bit signed integer
            short shortExample        = 32767;        //16-bit signed integer
            Int16 anotherShortExample = 32000;        //16-bit signed integer (another name for short)
            int   intMin      = -2147483648;          //32-bit signed integer
            Int32 intMax      = 2147483647;           //32-bit signed integer (another name for int)
            long  longExample = 9223372036854775807;  //64-bit signed integer
            Int64 longMin     = -9223372036854775808; //64-bit signed integer (another name for long)

            int a = 7;
            int b = -7000;

            byte age = 104;

            float   floatExample   = 1.045231f;          //single precision floating number
            double  doubleExample  = 1.789053278907036d; //double precision floating number
            decimal decimalExample = 1.2578907289045789789789789787897m;

            Console.WriteLine(1.2578907289045789789789789787897f); //shortcut is cw tab tab


            //Enums - assigned outside the class!!!!
            PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Danish;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Scone;


            Int32    num      = 42;
            DateTime today    = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime birthday = new DateTime(1990, 3, 21);
            DateTime test     = new DateTime();
Exemplo n.º 14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // booleans
            bool isDeclared;

            isDeclared = true;

            bool isDelcaredAndInitialized = false;

            isDelcaredAndInitialized = true;

            // must be only 1 character and must use single quotes
            char character        = 'a';
            char symbol           = '&';
            char number           = '5';
            char space            = ' ';
            char specialCharacter = '\n';

            // whole numbers
            byte  byteExample         = 255;  //highest a byte can go - unsigned integer is 0 or positive (not negative)
            sbyte sByteExample        = -128; // signed integer is negative, 0, or positive
            short shortExample        = 32767;
            Int16 anotherShortExample = 32000;
            int   intMin      = -2147483648;
            Int32 intMax      = 2147483647;
            long  longExample = 9223372036854775807;
            Int64 longMin     = -9223372036854775808;

            int a = 7;
            int b = -7000;

            byte age = 104;

            // decimals
            float   floatExample   = 1.045231f;          //must have f in order to be a float otherwise it is a double
            double  doubleExample  = 1.789053278907036d; // double is defauklt type with decimal (d is not necessary)
            decimal decimalExample = 1.2578907289045789789789789787897m;



            // enums
            PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Croissant;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Donut;

            // structs
            Int32    num      = 42;
            DateTime today    = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime birthday = new DateTime(1805, 11, 24);
            DateTime test     = new DateTime();
Exemplo n.º 15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool isDeclared;// a boolean that is declared

            isDeclared = true;

            bool isDeclaredAndInitialized = false;// a boolean that is declared then initialized to the value of false

            isDeclaredAndInitialized = true;

            char characters       = 'a';
            char symbol           = '&';
            char number           = '5';
            char space            = ' ';
            char specialCharacter = '\n'; //breaks the two character word, because not printed to screen, but telling the program to do something

            // Whole Numbers
            byte  byteExample         = 255;          //highest byte can go
            sbyte sByteExample        = -128;
            short shortExample        = 32767;        // 16 bit integer
            Int16 anotherShortExample = 32000;        // 16 bit integer
            int   intMin      = -2147483648;          //32 bit integer
            Int32 intMax      = 2147483647;           // 32 bit integer
            long  longExample = 9223372036854775807;  //64 bit integer maximum
            Int64 longMin     = -9223372036854775808; //64 bit integer mininum

            int a = 7;
            int b = -7000;

            byte age = 104;

            float   floatExample   = 1.045231f;
            double  doubleExample  = 1.789053278907036d;                 //d differeniates it from decimal
            decimal decimalExample = 1.2578907289045789789789789787897m; // m is suffix for decimal




            PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Croissant;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Donut;

            Int32    num      = 42;
            DateTime today    = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime birthday = new DateTime(1805, 11, 24);
            DateTime test     = new DateTime();
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool isDeclared;

            isDeclared = true;

            bool isDeclaredAndInitialized = false;

            isDeclaredAndInitialized = true;

            char character        = 'a';
            char symbol           = '&';
            char num              = '5';
            char space            = ' ';
            char specialCharacter = '\n';  // new line character

            // Whole Numbers
            byte  byteExample         = 255;          // range of byte type is -256 to 255
            sbyte sByteExample        = -128;         // range of sbyte is -128 to 127
            short shortExample        = 32767;        // range of short is 32768 to 32767 (?)
            Int16 anotherShortExample = -32768;       // Int16 and short are the same
            int   intMin      = -2147483648;
            Int32 intMAx      = 2147483647;           // Int32 and int are the same
            long  longExample = 9223372036854775807;  // 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
            Int64 longMin     = -9223372036854775808; // Int64 is the same as long

            // Breakpointing - for debugger - @ LHS (left of the numbers) click & put a red dot on this line for debugger to stop
            // "Start" button will run up to & before this breakpoint.  Step Into executes this line & points to next line.
            int a = 7;
            int b = -7000;

            byte age = 104;

            // Decimal Numbers
            float   floatExample   = 1.045231f;                          // float requires an 'f' suffix
            double  doubleExample  = 1.789053278907036d;                 // 'd' suffix is optional; defaults to double
            double  doubleExample2 = 1.789053278907036;                  //  max value of double
            decimal decimalExample = 1.2578907289045789789789789787897m; // 'm' suffix for decimal; this is max value

            Console.WriteLine(1.2578907289045789789789789787897f);       // writes 1.257891
            Console.WriteLine(1.2578907289045789789789789787897d);       // writes 1.25789072890458
            Console.WriteLine(1.2578907289045789789789789787897m);       // writes 1.2578907289045789789789789788

            Console.ReadLine();                                          // or Console.ReadKey() - what's the difference?

            // Enums
            PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Croissant;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Donut;

            // Structs - number types are Structs but they have a default of 0 vs null (as with other Structs)
            Int32    numX     = 42;                         // this is a Struct. It defaults to 0
            DateTime today    = DateTime.Today;             // assign today's date
            DateTime birthday = new DateTime(1962, 10, 19); // new up an instance of DateTime; This has overloads - hover over the () and select ticks or kind / a year, month, day /
Exemplo n.º 17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool isDeclared;

            isDeclared = true;

            char character        = 'a';
            char symbol           = '&';
            char number           = '5';
            char space            = ' ';
            char specialCharacter = '\n';

            byte  byteExample         = 255;
            sbyte sByteExample        = -128;
            Int16 anotherShortExample = 32000;
            short shortExample        = 32767;
            int   intMin      = -2147483648;
            Int32 intmax      = 2147483647;
            long  longExample = 9223372036854775807;
            Int64 longMin     = -9223372036854775807;

            int  a   = 7;
            int  b   = -7000;
            byte age = 104;

            float  floatExample  = 1.045231f;
            double doubleExample = 1.789053278907036d;

            decimal decimalExample = 1.2578907289045789789789789787897m;



            PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Croissant;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Donut;

            Int32    num      = 42;
            DateTime today    = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime birthday = new DateTime(1805, 11, 24);
            DateTime test     = new DateTime();
 public void Enums()
     PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.KlondikeBar;
     PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Cupcake;
Exemplo n.º 19
 public void Enums()
     PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Donut;
     PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Croissant;
Exemplo n.º 20
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Booleans
            // Declaration - type name;
            bool isDeclared;

            // Assigning a value
            isDeclared = true;

            // Declaring and initializing it
            bool isDelclaredAndInitialized = false;

            // can assign another value after being intitalized
            isDelclaredAndInitialized = true;

            // Characters
            // use single quotes to initialize types
            // (Kate Lockhart )=(14 characters)
            char letter = 'a';
            char symbol = '?';
            char number = '7';
            char space  = ' ';
            // the backslash will make a special char be seen as a character inside the ''
            char specialCharacter = '\'';

            // Whole Numbers
            //byte only goes from 0 to 255
            byte byteExample = 0;
            //shorts 0 to 32767
            short shortExample   = 32767;
            Int16 anotherShortEx = -32000;
            int intMin = -2147483648;
            //uint is an unsigned integer
            uint unsignedInt = 40000000;
            // long int has 64 bit max, largest of the signed numbers
            long longExample = 9223372036854775807;

            // Decimals
            //the only declaration type with suffixes
            //float will be a double unless you have a f to define it as float
            float floatExample = 1.320561408513f;
            //double can have a d to indicate its a double but it's optional
            double doubleExample = 1.320561408513d;
            //m is used to indicate decimal
            decimal decimalExample = 1.320561408513m;


            // Structs
            //always have a default value
            //date time itself is a type
            DateTime today    = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime tomorrow = new DateTime(2020, 7, 29);

            // Enums
            PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Cake;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Eclaire;
            //DayOfWeek is a built out enum anyone can access
            DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Tuesday;

 public void Enums()
     PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Klondike_Bar;
     PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Croissant;
Exemplo n.º 22
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // This is how you take notes

            // Bools
            bool isDeclared;

            isDeclared = true;

            bool isDeclaredAndInitialized = false;

            isDeclaredAndInitialized = true;

            // Characters - can only initialize single digits
            char character         = 'a';
            char symbol            = '&';
            char number            = '3';
            char space             = ' ';
            char specialCharacters = '\n';

            // Wole numbers
            // All numbers listed below have a certain number of digits
            // No quotes because you are assigning a numerical value
            byte byteExample = 255;
            // byte max is 255 ^^
            sbyte sByteExample = -128;
            // represents an 8-bit signed integer

            // short and Int16 are the same
            short shortExample        = 32767;
            Int16 anotherShortExample = 32767;

            //Int is most commonly used
            int   intMin = -2147483648; // smallest an Int can be
            Int32 intMax = 2147483647;  // highest an Int can be

            // long is longer than int - same as INT64
            long  longExample = 9223372036854775807;
            Int64 longMin     = -9223372036854775808;

            int a = 7;
            int b = -7000;

            byte age = 104;

            // Decimals -
            // Float - MUST have the f at the end,
            // double- doesn't necessarily need the d
            float   floatExample   = 1.045231f;
            double  doubleExample  = 1.789053278907036d;
            decimal decimalExample = 1.2578907289045789789789789787897m;

            Console.WriteLine(1.2578907289045789789789789787897f); // prints 1.257891
            Console.WriteLine(1.2578907289045789789789789787897d); // prints 1.25789072890458
            Console.WriteLine(1.2578907289045789789789789787897m); // prints 1.2578907289045789789789789788


            // Enums
            PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Croissant;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Donut;

            Int32    num      = 42;
            DateTime today    = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime birthday = new DateTime(1805, 11, 24);
            DateTime test     = new DateTime();
Exemplo n.º 23
 public void Enum()
     PastryType myPastry      = PastryType.Cake;
     PastryType anotherPastry = PastryType.Cupcake;
Exemplo n.º 24
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Booleans
            // Declaration - type name;
            bool isDeclared;

            // Assigning a value
            isDeclared = true;

            // Declaring and assigning an initial value
            bool isDeclarationAndInitiliazed = false;

            isDeclarationAndInitiliazed = true;

            // Characters
            char character        = 'a';
            char symbol           = '?';
            char number           = '7';
            char space            = ' ';
            char specialCharacter = '\'';

            // Add \ inside '' to use special characters
            // \n creates new line in console


            // Whole numbers
            byte byteExample = 255;
            // Byte can only go to 255. 0 counts as a number in a byte
            // use a byte if you need a small number
            // cannot be a negative number

            sbyte signedByte = -128;
            // sbyte can only go to -128

            short shortExample = 32767;
            //32767 is max number
            Int16 anotherShortExample = -32000;
            // use short instead of Int16

            int  intMin      = -2147483648;
            uint unsignedInt = 400000000;
            // min value is 0 on uint so it can't be negative
            //signed can go negative
            // unsigned is only positive

            long longExample = 9223372036854775807;

            Console.WriteLine(longExample + 1);

            float   floatExample   = 1.320561408513f;
            double  doubleExample  = 1.320561408513d;
            decimal decimalExample = 1.320561408513m;

            // Structs
            // Always has a default value
            DateTime today    = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime tomorrow = new DateTime(2020, 7, 29);

            // Enums
            PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Cake;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Eclaire;

            DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Tuesday;

Exemplo n.º 25
        public void Enums()
            PastryType myPastry = PastryType.Croissant;

Exemplo n.º 26
 public void Enum()
     PastryType myPastry      = PastryType.Eclaire;
     PastryType anotherPastry = PastryType.Danish;
Exemplo n.º 27
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Bools
            bool isDeclared;

            isDeclared = true;

            bool isDeclaredAndInitialized = false;

            isDeclaredAndInitialized = true;

            char character        = 'a';
            char symbol           = '&';
            char number           = '5';
            char space            = ' ';
            char specialCharacter = '\n';

            //Whole Numbers
            byte  byteExample  = 255; //Max value = 255
            sbyte sByteExample = -128;
            //This next two are the same thing.
            short shortExample        = 32767;
            Int16 anotherShortExample = 32000;
            int   intMin         = -2147483648;
            Int32 intMax         = 2147483647;
            long  longExampleMax = 9223372036854775807;
            Int64 longMin        = -9223372036854775808;

            int a = 7;
            int b = -7000; //terminal runs -7000 first and stores it as b next

            byte age = 104;

            // Decimals
            float   floatExample   = 1.045231f;                          //needs a f
            double  doubleExample  = 1.789053278907036d;                 //you can either put a d or not
            decimal decimalExample = 1.2578907289045789789789789787897m; //needs a m


            // Enums
            PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Croissant;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Donut;

            Int32    num      = 42;
            DateTime today    = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime birthday = new DateTime(1805, 11, 24);
            DateTime test     = new DateTime();

            int first  = 7;
            int second = 2;
            int quo    = first / second;


            int code     = 17;
            int quantity = 55;
            int temp     = code;

            code     = quantity;
            quantity = temp;

            int[] allNums = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

            int index = 0;

            while (index <= 5)
                Console.WriteLine($"Last index {allNums[index]}");

            Console.ReadKey(); //This stops the code and tells the user that it needs some sort of input/command
Exemplo n.º 28
        static void Main(string[] args)
            /// ctrl+e+w   activates word wrap (same as alt+z in visual studio code)
            /// ctrl+k+d   cleans up code (if stuff is out of line it'll reindent/deindent, etc)
            /// ctrl+shift+/    comments out selected code
            /// shortcut for Console.WriteLine: type cw and hit tab twice

            bool isDeclared;

            isDeclared = true;

            bool isDeclaredAndInitialized = false;

            isDeclaredAndInitialized = true;

            char character = 'a';   // char denotes a single character; uses 'single quotes'.
            // Differs from string in use of single quotes and length (char is only 1, string can have /many/)
            char symbol           = '&';
            char number           = '5';
            char space            = ' ';
            char specialCharacter = '\n';    // \n = new line

            byte  byteExample         = 255; // 255 is the max for byte
            sbyte sByteExample        = -128;
            short shortExample        = 32767;
            Int16 anotherShortExample = 32000;        // Int16 == short
            int   intMin      = -2147483648;          // int is most common whole number variable designation
            Int32 intMax      = 2147483647;           // Int32 == int
            long  longExample = 9223372036854775807;
            Int64 longMin     = -9223372036854775808; // Int64 == long
            // most of these aren't used that often; mostly just use int

            int a = 7;   // break point: click on the bar with the red dot to add a red dot; when you run the code it'll pause on the line
            int b = -7000;

            byte age = 104;

            float   floatExample   = 1.045231f;                          // floats need to have an f at the end
            double  doubleExample  = 1.789053278907036d;                 // can end in a d, but doesn't have to. Numbers w/ decimal points default to doubles if there's no suffix
            decimal decimalExample = 1.2578907289045789789789789787897m; // ends in m

            Console.WriteLine(1.2578907289045789789789789787897f);       // will cut off at float's limit
            Console.WriteLine(1.2578907289045789789789789787897d);       // will cut off at double's limit
            Console.WriteLine(1.2578907289045789789789789787897m);       // within decimal's limit so it won't cut off

            /// Enums
            // Enums must be defined outside the class (so return to the top)
            PastryType myPastry   = PastryType.Cake;
            PastryType anotherOne = PastryType.Croissant;

            /// Structs

            Int32    num         = 42;
            DateTime today       = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime birthday    = new DateTime(1995, 10, 02);
            DateTime defaultTest = new DateTime();