Exemplo n.º 1
        void backupKeysToServer()
            // Creates key and encrypts w/ password
            PasswordBasedKeyHelper passHelper = new PasswordBasedKeyHelper("restoration" + mainUser.user_id);

            passHelper.CreateKey(suppliedRestorePassword, mainUser.email);
            suppliedRestorePassword = "";

            // Creates dict of chatname:symkey
            Dictionary <string, string> keysBackup = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var chatKeyValue = myChats.Keys.ToArray <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < chatKeyValue.Length; i++)
                if (!myChats[chatKeyValue[i]].hasKey())
                keysBackup[chatKeyValue[i]] = myChats[chatKeyValue[i]].getSharableKey();

            // Serializes the keys and encrypts them
            var serializedKeyPairs          = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(keysBackup);
            var encryptedSerializedKeyPairs = passHelper.EncryptDataToString(serializedKeyPairs);

            string message = "{\"access_id\": \"" + this.access_id + "\", \"username\": \"" + mainUser.username + "\", \"backupData\": \"" + encryptedSerializedKeyPairs + "\"}";

            serverConnection.WriteMessage("backupKeys", message);