Exemplo n.º 1
        public World(PassObject RESETWORLD, int LEVELID, PassObject CHANGEGAMESTATE)
            stop           = 0;
            levelId        = LEVELID;
            ResetWorld     = RESETWORLD;
            ChangeWorldTwo = RESETWORLD;

            ChangeGameState = CHANGEGAMESTATE;

            levelDrawManager = new LevelDrawManager();

            GameGlobals.PassProjectile = AddProjectile;
            GameGlobals.PassEffect     = AddEffect;
            GameGlobals.PassMob        = AddMob;
            GameGlobals.PassBuilding   = AddBuilding;
            GameGlobals.PassSpawnPoint = AddSpawnPoint;
            GameGlobals.CheckScroll    = CheckScroll;
            GameGlobals.PassGold       = AddGold;

            GameGlobals.paused = false;

            offset = new Vector2(0, 0);


            ui = new UI(ResetWorld);

            bkg = new TileBkg2d("2D\\UI\\Backgrounds\\KafelekPodloga", new Vector2(-100, -100), new Vector2(120, 100), new Vector2(grid.totalPhysicalDims.X, grid.totalPhysicalDims.Y));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public object AfterReceiveRequest(ref Message request, IClientChannel channel, InstanceContext instanceContext)
            PassObject p = new PassObject();

            p.CompressionType = CompressionType.None;
            p.ContentType     = "application/xml";
            object propObj;

            if (request.Properties.TryGetValue(HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name, out propObj))
                var prop   = (HttpRequestMessageProperty)propObj;
                var accept = prop.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Accept];
                if (accept != null)
                    if (jsonContentTypes.IsMatch(accept))
                        p.ContentType = "application/json";
                    else if (protoContentTypes.IsMatch(accept))
                        p.ContentType = "application/x-protobuff";

                var acceptEncoding = prop.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.AcceptEncoding];
                if (acceptEncoding != null)
                    if (acceptEncoding.Contains("gzip"))
                        p.CompressionType = CompressionType.Gzip;
        //Searches for any services with the inputted text
        private void SearchButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                SearchDel     search;
                AsyncCallback callback;

                //Clearing children to only show results in current search
                PassObject <string> pass = new PassObject <string>();
                pass.Token = DataSingleton.Instance.token;
                pass.Pass  = SearchText.Text;

                string      URL     = "https://localhost:44358/";
                RestClient  client  = new RestClient(URL);
                RestRequest request = new RestRequest("api/search");

                search   = this.SearchService;
                callback = this.OnSearchCompletion;

                search.BeginInvoke(client, request, callback, null);

                WaitingBar.Visibility      = Visibility.Visible;
                WaitingBar.IsIndeterminate = true;
                WaitingLabel.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 4
        public World(PassObject RESETWORLD)
            ResetWorld = RESETWORLD;

            offset = new Vector2(0, 0);

            Global.gamefont = Global.content.Load <SpriteFont>("FONT");

            bg = new Backgrounds("Background", new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(4000, 4000));

            Ship = new Hero("Ship", new Vector2(bg.dims.X / 2, bg.dims.Y / 2), new Vector2(28, 44));

            GameGlobal.PassProjectiles = Addprojectile;

            GameGlobal.PassMob = AddMob;

            istimeofboss   = false;
            delayspawnboss = 300;

            GameGlobal.triggerNuclear = TriggerNuclearBomb;

            GameGlobal.GunnerPassProjectiles  = GunnerProjectiles;
            GameGlobal.FatboizPassProjectiles = FatboizProjectiles;
            GameGlobal.FatboizPassMob         = FatboizSummon;
            GameGlobal.BlitzHook       = BlitzHook;
            GameGlobal.BlitzHookEffect = BlitzHookEffect;

            healthbar = new Bar("HB", new Vector2(600, 35));

            manabar = new Bar("MB", new Vector2(500, 15));

            bosshealthbar = new Bar("BossHP", new Vector2(800, 55));

            scoreimg = new Basic2d("Score", new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(150, 75));

            spawnPoints.Add(new SpawnPoint("UFO3", new Vector2(100, 100), new Vector2(200, 200)));

            spawnPoints.Add(new SpawnPoint("UFO3", new Vector2(3800, 100), new Vector2(200, 200)));

            spawnPoints.Add(new SpawnPoint("UFO3", new Vector2(100, 3800), new Vector2(200, 200)));

            spawnPoints.Add(new SpawnPoint("UFO3", new Vector2(3800, 3800), new Vector2(200, 200)));

            orbspawn      = false;
            orbspawntimer = 100;

            iceworldtimer = 300;
            lbltrigger    = 50;

            timescore = 0;

            imagePause = new Basic2d("pause2", new Vector2(Ship.pos.X, Ship.pos.Y), new Vector2(500, 500));

            imageGameOver = new Basic2d("gameover4", new Vector2(Ship.pos.X, Ship.pos.Y), new Vector2(836, 183));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public World(PassObject RESETWORLD)
            resetWorld = RESETWORLD;

            numKilled = 0;

            hero = new Hero("2d\\Hero", new Vector2(300, 300), new Vector2(40, 40));

            GameGlobals.PassProjectile = AddProjectile;

            GameGlobals.PassMob = AddMob;

            GameGlobals.CheckScroll = CheckScroll;

            offset = new Vector2(0, 0);

            spawnPoints.Add(new SpawnPoint("2d\\Misc\\Circle", new Vector2(50, 50), new Vector2(35, 35)));

            spawnPoints.Add(new SpawnPoint("2d\\Misc\\Circle", new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth / 2, 50), new Vector2(35, 35)));

            spawnPoints[spawnPoints.Count - 1].spawnTimer.AddToTimer(500);

            spawnPoints.Add(new SpawnPoint("2d\\Misc\\Circle", new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth - 50, 50), new Vector2(35, 35)));

            spawnPoints[spawnPoints.Count - 1].spawnTimer.AddToTimer(1000);

            ui = new UI();
Exemplo n.º 6
    private void OnSliderChanged(PassObject obj)
        float  value       = obj.GetObject <float>();
        string sliderValue = $"Slider Value: {value}";

        EventManager.TriggerEvent(UIValueUpdateEvents.OnUpdateSliderText, new PassObject(sliderValue));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public Mainmenu()
            //Mainmenu1 needs to be added to the project
            bkg = Globals.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/Misc/Mainmenu1");

            NewRunObject = NewGame;
            NewRun       = new Button(Button.ButtonState.Selected, NewRunObject, null, new Vector2(380, 220));

            ContinueObject = ContinueGame;
            Continue       = new Button(Button.ButtonState.Unselected, ContinueObject, null, new Vector2(380, 330));

            ChallengesObject = SwitchToChallenges;
            Challenges       = new Button(Button.ButtonState.Unselected, ChallengesObject, null, new Vector2(380, 410));

            StatsObject = SwitchToStats;
            Stats       = new Button(Button.ButtonState.Unselected, StatsObject, null, new Vector2(380, 470));

            OptionsObject = SwitchToOptions;
            Options       = new Button(Button.ButtonState.Unselected, OptionsObject, null, new Vector2(380, 550));

            xmlPlayer = Globals.save.GetFile("xml\\stats.xml");
        public object AfterReceiveRequest(ref Message request, IClientChannel channel, InstanceContext instanceContext)
            PassObject p=new PassObject();
            p.ContentType = "application/xml";
            object propObj;
            if (request.Properties.TryGetValue(HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name, out propObj))
                var prop = (HttpRequestMessageProperty)propObj;
                var accept = prop.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Accept];
                if (accept != null)
                    if (jsonContentTypes.IsMatch(accept))
                        p.ContentType = "application/json";
                    else if (protoContentTypes.IsMatch(accept))
                        p.ContentType = "application/x-protobuff";

                var acceptEncoding = prop.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.AcceptEncoding];
                if (acceptEncoding != null)
                    if (acceptEncoding.Contains("gzip"))
                        p.CompressionType = CompressionType.Gzip;
            return p;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public World(PassObject RESETWORLD)
            ResetWorld = RESETWORLD;

            numKilled = 0;

            nave = new Nave("nave", new Vector2(400, 300), new Vector2(48, 48)); //Inicializacion de mundo y cordeenadas

            GameGlobals.PassProjectile = AddProjectile;                          //funcion para activar pasar proyectil como objeto por medio de global  (Delegade)
            GameGlobals.PassMob        = AddMob;                                 //funcion para activar pasar mob como objeto por medio de global  (Delegade)
            offset = new Vector2(0, 0);

            spawnPoints.Add(new SpawnPoint("NaveMala", new Vector2(50, 50), new Vector2(30, 35)));                         //spawn de naves enemigas
            spawnPoints.Add(new SpawnPoint("NaveMala", new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth / 2, 50), new Vector2(30, 35)));
            spawnPoints[spawnPoints.Count - 1].spawnTimer.AddToTimer(500);
            spawnPoints.Add(new SpawnPoint("NaveMala", new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth - 50, 50), new Vector2(30, 35)));
            spawnPoints[spawnPoints.Count - 1].spawnTimer.AddToTimer(1000);
            spawnPoints.Add(new SpawnPoint("NaveMala", new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth - 50, 200), new Vector2(30, 35)));
            spawnPoints[spawnPoints.Count - 1].spawnTimer.AddToTimer(1500);
            spawnPoints.Add(new SpawnPoint("NaveMala", new Vector2(55, 200), new Vector2(30, 35)));
            spawnPoints[spawnPoints.Count - 1].spawnTimer.AddToTimer(2000);
            spawnPoints.Add(new SpawnPoint("NaveMala", new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth - 50, 350), new Vector2(30, 35)));
            spawnPoints[spawnPoints.Count - 1].spawnTimer.AddToTimer(3500);
            spawnPoints.Add(new SpawnPoint("NaveMala", new Vector2(55, 350), new Vector2(30, 35)));
            spawnPoints[spawnPoints.Count - 1].spawnTimer.AddToTimer(3000);
            spawnPoints.Add(new SpawnPoint("NaveMala", new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth / 2, 410), new Vector2(30, 35)));
            // spawnPoints[spawnPoints.Count - 1].spawnTimer.AddToTimer(500);

            ui = new UI();
Exemplo n.º 10
        public ReturnObject <string> Post([FromBody] PassObject <int[]> pass)
            string prime = "This is not a prime";

            ReturnObject <string> ret = new ReturnObject <string>();
            int id = pass.Pass[0];

            var tcp         = new NetTcpBinding();
            var URL         = "net.tcp://localhost:8101/AuthenticationService";
            var authFactory = new ChannelFactory <AuthenticatorInterface>(tcp, URL);
            var auth        = authFactory.CreateChannel();

            if (!auth.Validate(pass.Token).Equals("validated"))
                ret.Status = "Denied";
                ret.Reason = "Authentication failed";

            if (pass.Pass.Length != 1)
                ret.Status = "Denied";
                ret.Reason = "Input was invalid";

            if (id % 2 != 0 && id % 3 != 0 && id % 5 != 0 && id % 7 != 0 && id > 1)
                prime = "This is a prime";

            ret.Returned = prime;

Exemplo n.º 11
        public WinScreen(PassObject ChangeGameState)
            changeGameState = ChangeGameState;

            bkg = new Basic2D("2D/Menu/YouWin", new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth / 2, Globals.screenHeight / 2), new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth, Globals.screenHeight));

            menuButton = new Button2D("2D/Menu/Button", new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(180, 60), "Fonts/Arial12", "Menu", changeGameState, 0);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public GamePlay(PassObject CHANGE_GAME_STATE)
            playState = 0;

            ChangeGameState = CHANGE_GAME_STATE;

        public static void Unpublish()
            string     URL    = "https://localhost:44358/";
            RestClient client = new RestClient(URL);

            RestRequest         asrequest = new RestRequest("api/allservices/");
            PassObject <string> pass      = new PassObject <string>();

            pass.Token = DataSingleton.Instance.token;
            IRestResponse serviceret = client.Post(asrequest);

            ReturnObject <List <ServiceModel> > services = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ReturnObject <List <ServiceModel> > >(serviceret.Content);

            string[] endpoints = new string[services.Returned.Count];
            bool     cont      = true;

                int count = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("Please select which of the following services you would like to remove (or enter 0 to return to the menu): ");
                foreach (ServiceModel service in services.Returned)
                    endpoints[count] = service.API_Endpoint;
                    Console.WriteLine((count + 1).ToString() + ") " + service.Name);
                Console.WriteLine("0) Return to menu");

                string entry = Console.ReadLine();

                bool isNum = int.TryParse(entry, out int selection);

                if (!isNum || selection < 0 || selection > count - 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid input");
                    if (selection == 0)
                        cont = false;

                        string endpoint = endpoints[selection - 1];

                        ServicePublisher servicePublisher = new ServicePublisher();
                        Console.WriteLine("Service unpublished");
Exemplo n.º 14
        public GamePlay(PassObject CHANGEGAMESTATE)
            playState = 1;

            ChangeGameState = CHANGEGAMESTATE;

            worldMap = new WorldMap(ChangePlayState);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public Button(ButtonState ButtonState, PassObject ButtonActivated, object info, Vector2 relativePosition)
            Info             = info;
            RelativePosition = relativePosition;
            buttonState      = ButtonState;
            buttonActivated  = ButtonActivated;

            activated = Globals.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/Misc/Arrowbutton");
Exemplo n.º 16
        public WorldMap(PassObject CHANGEGAMESTATE)
            ChangeGameState = CHANGEGAMESTATE;

            bkg = new Basic2D("2D\\UI\\Backgrounds\\WordMapBackground", new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth / 2, Globals.screenHeight / 2), new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth, Globals.screenHeight));

Exemplo n.º 17
        public MainMenu(PassObject PlayClick, PassObject ExitClick)
            playClick = PlayClick;
            exitClick = ExitClick;

            bkg = new Basic2D("2D/Menu/Background", new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth / 2, Globals.screenHeight / 2), new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth, Globals.screenHeight));

            buttons.Add(new Button2D("2D/Menu/Button", new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(120, 30), "Fonts/Arial12", "Play", playClick, 1));
            buttons.Add(new Button2D("2D/Menu/Button", new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(120, 30), "Fonts/Arial12", "Exit", exitClick, 0));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public UI()
            heart = Globals.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/Items/Heart");
            bomb  = Globals.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/Pickups/Bomb");
            key   = Globals.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/Pickups/Key");
            coin  = Globals.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/Pickups/Coin");

            resetObject   = ResetWorld;
            restartButton = new Button(Button.ButtonState.Selected, ResetWorld, null, new Vector2((int)Camera.Position.X + Globals.Graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / 2 - 130, (int)Camera.Position.Y + Globals.Graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight / 2));
Exemplo n.º 19
        public UI(PassObject RESET)
            pauseOverlay = new Basic2D("2D\\Misc\\pause_icon", new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth / 2, Globals.screenHeight / 2), new Vector2(200, 200));

            font = Globals.content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\Arial16");

            resetBtn = new Button2d("2D\\Misc\\button1", new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(96, 32), "Fonts\\Arial16", "Reset", RESET, null);

            healthBar = new QuantityDisplayBar(new Vector2(104, 16), 2, Color.Red);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public MainMenu(PassObject PLAY_CLICK_DELETE, PassObject EXIT_CLICK_DELETE)
            PlayClickDelete = PLAY_CLICK_DELETE;
            ExitClickDelete = EXIT_CLICK_DELETE;

            background = new Basic2d("2d/UI/Backgrounds/MainMenuBkg", new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth / 2, Globals.screenHeight / 2), new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth, Globals.screenHeight));

            buttons.Add(new Button2d("2d/misc/SimpleBtn", new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(96, 32), "2d/Fonts/Arial16", "Play", PlayClickDelete, 1));;

            buttons.Add(new Button2d("2d/misc/SimpleBtn", new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(96, 32), "2d/Fonts/Arial16", "Exit", ExitClickDelete, null));;
Exemplo n.º 21
        public UI(PassObject a_resetWorld, PassObject a_changeGameState)
            _font = Globals.MyContent.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\Arial16");

            _pauseOverlay   = new Asset2D("Assets\\UI\\pause_overlay", new Vector2(Globals.ScreenWidth / 2, Globals.ScreenHeight / 2), new Vector2(300, 300));
            _resetButton    = new Button("Assets\\UI\\simple_button", new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(96, 32), "Fonts\\Arial16", "Restart", a_resetWorld, null);
            _mainMenuButton = new Button("Assets\\UI\\simple_button", new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(96, 32), "Fonts\\Arial16", "Main menu", a_changeGameState, null);

            _healthBar  = new Engine.Output.DisplayBar(new Vector2(154, 20), 3, Color.Red);
            _staminaBar = new Engine.Output.DisplayBar(new Vector2(154, 20), 3, Color.Yellow);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public UI(PassObject RESET_WORLD)
            pauseOverlay = new Basic2d("2d/misc/PauseOverlay", new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth / 2, Globals.screenHeight / 2), new Vector2(300, 300));

            font = Globals.content.Load <SpriteFont>("2d/Fonts/Arial16");

            resetButton = new Button2d("2d/misc/SimpleBtn", new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(96, 32), "2d/Fonts/Arial16", "Reset", RESET_WORLD, null);

            // total width including the background of the bar
            healthBar = new QuantityDisplayBar(new Vector2(104, 16), 2, Color.Red);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public World(PassObject ResetWorld, PassObject ChangeGameState)
            resetWorld      = ResetWorld;
            changeGameState = ChangeGameState;

            collectedItem = true;
            hero          = new Hero("2D/Player", new Vector2(664, 384), new Vector2(64, 64));
            ui            = new UI();
            map           = new Map();

            Globals.CheckScroll = CheckScroll;
Exemplo n.º 24
        public MainMenu(PassObject PLAYCLICKDEL, PassObject EXITCLICKDEL, PassObject CHANGEGAMESTATE)
            PlayClickDel    = PLAYCLICKDEL;
            ExitClickDel    = EXITCLICKDEL;
            ChangeGameState = CHANGEGAMESTATE;

            bkg = new Basic2D("2D\\UI\\Backgrounds\\MenuBackground", new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth / 2, Globals.screenHeight / 2), new Vector2(Globals.screenWidth, Globals.screenHeight));

            buttons.Add(new Button2d("2D\\Misc\\button", new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(126, 42), "Fonts\\Arial16", "Play", PlayClickDel, 1));

            buttons.Add(new Button2d("2D\\Misc\\button", new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(126, 42), "Fonts\\Arial16", "Exit", ExitClickDel, null));
Exemplo n.º 25
        public ReturnObject <List <ServiceModel> > Post([FromBody] PassObject <string> pass)
            if (!File.Exists(PublishController.SERVICE_DESCRIPTIONS))
                StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(PublishController.SERVICE_DESCRIPTIONS);

            List <ServiceModel> matches = new List <ServiceModel>();
            string value = pass.Pass;

            ReturnObject <List <ServiceModel> > ret = new ReturnObject <List <ServiceModel> >();

            var tcp         = new NetTcpBinding();
            var URL         = "net.tcp://localhost:8101/AuthenticationService";
            var authFactory = new ChannelFactory <AuthenticatorInterface>(tcp, URL);
            var auth        = authFactory.CreateChannel();

            //Denies user of not logged in
            if (!auth.Validate(pass.Token).Equals("validated"))
                ret.Status = "Denied";
                ret.Reason = "Authentication failed";

            using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(PublishController.SERVICE_DESCRIPTIONS))
                JsonSerializer      serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                List <ServiceModel> services   = (List <ServiceModel>)serializer.Deserialize(sr, typeof(List <ServiceModel>));

                if (services != null)
                    foreach (ServiceModel service in services)
                        //Matches if service name contains the search string ignoring case
                        if (service.Name.ToUpper().Contains(value.ToUpper()))
                    ret.Status = "Denied";
                    ret.Reason = "No services have been published";

            ret.Returned = matches;
Exemplo n.º 26
        public Button2D(string Path, Vector2 Pos, Vector2 Dems, string FontPath, string Text, PassObject ButtonClicked, object Info) : base(Path, Pos, Dems)
            info          = Info;
            text          = Text;
            buttonClicked = ButtonClicked;

            if (FontPath != "")
                font = Globals.content.Load <SpriteFont>(FontPath);

            isPressed = false;
        public ReturnObject <string> Post([FromBody] PassObject <int[]> pass)
            string primes             = "  ";
            ReturnObject <string> ret = new ReturnObject <string>();
            int id = pass.Pass[0];

            var tcp         = new NetTcpBinding();
            var URL         = "net.tcp://localhost:8101/AuthenticationService";
            var authFactory = new ChannelFactory <AuthenticatorInterface>(tcp, URL);
            var auth        = authFactory.CreateChannel();

            if (!auth.Validate(pass.Token).Equals("validated"))
                ret.Status = "Denied";
                ret.Reason = "Authentication failed";

            if (pass.Pass.Length != 1)
                ret.Status = "Denied";
                ret.Reason = "Input was invalid";

            if (id < 0)
                ret.Status = "Denied";
                ret.Reason = "There are no negative prime numbers";

            for (int ii = 1; ii <= id; ii++)
                if (ii % 2 != 0 && ii % 3 != 0 && ii % 5 != 0 && ii % 7 != 0 && ii > 1)
                    primes += ii.ToString() + ", ";

            if (primes.Equals("  "))
                ret.Returned = "There were no primes in this range";

            primes       = primes.Remove(primes.Length - 2);
            ret.Returned = primes;

Exemplo n.º 28
        public void Publish(ServiceModel sm)
            PassObject <ServiceModel> pass = new PassObject <ServiceModel>();

            pass.Pass  = sm;
            pass.Token = DataSingleton.Instance.token;
            string      URL     = "https://localhost:44358/";
            RestClient  client  = new RestClient(URL);
            RestRequest request = new RestRequest("api/publish/");


Exemplo n.º 29
        public Victoryscreen()
            bkg = Globals.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/Misc/Victoryscreen");

            mainObject = ToMainmenu;
            mainButton = new Button(Button.ButtonState.Selected, mainObject, null,
                                    new Vector2((int)Camera.Position.X + Globals.Graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / 2 - 375, (int)Camera.Position.Y + Globals.Graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight / 2 + 10));

            restartObject = Restart;
            restartButton = new Button(Button.ButtonState.Unselected, restartObject, null,
                                       new Vector2((int)Camera.Position.X + Globals.Graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / 2 - 75, (int)Camera.Position.Y + Globals.Graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight / 2 + 10));
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void Unpublish(string api_endpoint)
            PassObject <string> pass = new PassObject <string>();

            pass.Pass  = api_endpoint;
            pass.Token = DataSingleton.Instance.token;
            string      URL     = "https://localhost:44358/";
            RestClient  client  = new RestClient(URL);
            RestRequest request = new RestRequest("api/unpublish/");


Exemplo n.º 31
        public ReturnObject <List <ServiceModel> > Post([FromBody] PassObject <string> pass)
            if (!File.Exists(PublishController.SERVICE_DESCRIPTIONS))
                StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(PublishController.SERVICE_DESCRIPTIONS);

            List <ServiceModel> matches             = new List <ServiceModel>();
            ReturnObject <List <ServiceModel> > ret = new ReturnObject <List <ServiceModel> >();

            var tcp         = new NetTcpBinding();
            var URL         = "net.tcp://localhost:8101/AuthenticationService";
            var authFactory = new ChannelFactory <AuthenticatorInterface>(tcp, URL);
            var auth        = authFactory.CreateChannel();

            string valid = auth.Validate(pass.Token);

            //If return was not valid ie. no token return denied
            if (!valid.Equals("validated"))
                ret.Status = "Denied";
                ret.Reason = "Authentication failed";

            using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(PublishController.SERVICE_DESCRIPTIONS))
                JsonSerializer      serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                List <ServiceModel> services   = (List <ServiceModel>)serializer.Deserialize(sr, typeof(List <ServiceModel>));

                if (services != null)
                    //Adds all services to matches
                    foreach (ServiceModel service in services)
                    ret.Status = "Denied";
                    ret.Reason = "No services have been published";

            ret.Returned = matches;