Exemplo n.º 1
        private static IPoliticalParty CreateConservativeParty()
            PartyConfig config = new PartyConfig
                Name = "Conservatives",
                PartyType = PartyType.Conservative,
                RidingName = "Calgary",
                Population = 1000000,
                ImportantIssue = Issue.Energy,
                PopulousBipartisanRating = 20,
                PopulousName = "District of Calgary",
                Leader = new PoliticianStats { Name = "Stephen Harper", Approval = 55 },
                LeftHandMan = new PoliticianStats { Name = "Kevin Jones", Approval = 35 },
                RightHandMan = new PoliticianStats { Name = "Whillem Jefferies", Approval = 22 },

            return GetParty( config );
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static IPoliticalParty CreateGreenParty()
            PartyConfig config = new PartyConfig
                Name = "Greens",
                PartyType = PartyType.Green,
                RidingName = "City of Montreal",
                Population = 3000000,
                ImportantIssue = Issue.Taxes,
                PopulousBipartisanRating = -49,
                PopulousName = "Montreal",
                Leader = new PoliticianStats { Name = "Jesse Helms", Approval = 60 },
                LeftHandMan = new PoliticianStats { Name = "Fred Frum", Approval = 35 },
                RightHandMan = new PoliticianStats { Name = "Jersy Core", Approval = 40 },

            return GetParty( config );
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static IPoliticalParty CreateLiberalParty()
            PartyConfig config = new PartyConfig
                Name = "Liberals",
                PartyType = PartyType.Liberal,
                RidingName = "Toronto",
                Population = 6000000,
                ImportantIssue = Issue.HealthCare,
                PopulousBipartisanRating = -20,
                PopulousName = "City of Toronto",
                Leader = new PoliticianStats { Name = "Michael Ignatieff", Approval = 32 },
                LeftHandMan = new PoliticianStats { Name = "Bob Sagat", Approval = 67 },
                RightHandMan = new PoliticianStats { Name = "John Secada", Approval = 10 },

            return GetParty( config );
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static IPoliticalParty GetParty( PartyConfig config )
            PoliticalParty party = new PoliticalParty( config.Name )
                Type = config.PartyType

            IPopulous populous = new Populous( config.PopulousName )
                BipartisanRating = config.PopulousBipartisanRating

            IRiding riding = new Riding( config.RidingName, populous )
                Population = config.Population,
                MostImportantIssue = config.ImportantIssue

            Politician leader = new Duplicitous( config.Leader.Name, riding )
                ApprovalRating = config.Leader.Approval,
                Party = party

            Politician rightHandMan = new Duplicitous( config.RightHandMan.Name, riding )
                ApprovalRating = config.RightHandMan.Approval,
                Party = party

            Politician leftHandMan = new Politician( config.LeftHandMan.Name )
                ApprovalRating = config.LeftHandMan.Approval,
                Party = party,
                Riding = riding

            riding.ElectedRepresentative = leader;

                .AddPolitician( rightHandMan )
                .AddPolitician( leftHandMan )
                .Leader = leader;

            return party;