Exemplo n.º 1
        protected async void ButtonAddPart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _vm.PartToEdit.Warehouse = _pickerWarehouse.Items[_pickerWarehouse.SelectedIndex];

            if (_entryUnitOfMeasure.SelectedIndex < 0)
                await DisplayAlert("Unit of Measure", "You haven't selected a unit of measure.", "OK");


            // puke
            switch (_pageMode)
            case PageMode.Add:
                //await Navigation.PopAsync();

            case PageMode.Edit:

            await Navigation.PopAsync();
        private void ButtonAddPart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // dch rkl 01/23/2017 Change U/M to picklist
            string UM = "";

            if (_pickerUnitOfMeasure != null && _pickerUnitOfMeasure.SelectedIndex > -1)
                UM = _pickerUnitOfMeasure.SelectedValue.ToString();

            if (UM.Length <= 0)
                MessageBoxResult result = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("You must select a unit of measure.", "Unit of Measure", MessageBoxButton.OK);
                if (result == MessageBoxResult.OK)

            // dch rkl 11/27/2016 Make Sure Value in Unit Cost is Numeric
            decimal dPrice;

            if (decimal.TryParse(_entryUnitPrice.Text.Replace("$", ""), out dPrice) == false)
                MessageBoxResult result = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Unit Price must be numeric.", "Invalid Unit Price", MessageBoxButton.OK);
                if (result == MessageBoxResult.OK)

            // dch rkl 11/27/2016 Make Sure Value in Unit Cost is Numeric
            decimal dCost;

            if (decimal.TryParse(_entryUnitCost.Text.Replace("$", ""), out dCost) == false)
                MessageBoxResult result = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Unit Cost must be numeric.", "Invalid Unit Cost", MessageBoxButton.OK);
                if (result == MessageBoxResult.OK)

            // dch rkl 12/06/2016 make sure sufficient inventory is available
            // dch rkl 12/05/2016 If Lot(5) or Serial (6) Controlled, show Lot/Serial Selection
            if (_vm.PartToEdit.Valuation == "5" || _vm.PartToEdit.Valuation == "6")
                _lotSerNo = _vm.GetMfgSerialNumbersForPart();
                // dch rkl 01/13/2017 Make Sure Serial Number Count is >= Quantity Being Entered
                decimal dQty;
                decimal.TryParse(_entryQuantity.Text, out dQty);
                //if (_lotSerNo == null || _lotSerNo.Count == 0)
                if (_lotSerNo == null || _lotSerNo.Count < dQty)
                    MessageBoxResult result = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Insufficient Inventory Available for this Item/Whse", "Insufficient Inventory", MessageBoxButton.OK);
                    if (result == MessageBoxResult.OK)

            // dch rkl 11/02/2016 make sure _pickerWarehouse has at least one value
            if (_pickerWarehouse != null && _pickerWarehouse.Items.Count > 0 && _pickerWarehouse.SelectedIndex > -1)
                // dch rkl 12/01/2016 Picker is now bound to type of IM_Warehouse
                //_vm.PartToEdit.Warehouse = (string)_pickerWarehouse.Items[_pickerWarehouse.SelectedIndex];
                IM_Warehouse whse = (IM_Warehouse)_pickerWarehouse.Items[_pickerWarehouse.SelectedIndex];
                _vm.PartToEdit.Warehouse = whse.WarehouseCode;
                _vm.PartToEdit.Warehouse = "";

            _vm.PartToEdit.Quantity = Convert.ToDouble(_entryQuantity.Text);

            // dch rkl 10/13/2016 remove $ sign before saving
            //_vm.PartToEdit.UnitPrice = Convert.ToDouble(_entryUnitPrice.Text);
            _vm.PartToEdit.UnitPrice = Convert.ToDouble(_entryUnitPrice.Text.Replace("$", ""));

            // dch rkl 11/21/2016 Unit Cost is editable for misc items
            _vm.PartToEdit.UnitCost = Convert.ToDouble(_entryUnitCost.Text.Replace("$", ""));

            // dch rkl 01/23/2017 Change U/M to picklist
            //_vm.PartToEdit.UnitOfMeasure = _entryUnitOfMeasure.Text;
            _vm.PartToEdit.UnitOfMeasure = UM;

            var ciOptions = App.Database.GetCIOptions();

            if (ciOptions.AllowExpandedItemCodes == "Y")
                _vm.PartToEdit.PartItemCode = _labelPartNumber.Text.Substring(0, _labelPartNumber.Text.Length > 30 ? 30 : _labelPartNumber.Text.Length);
                _vm.PartToEdit.PartItemCode = _labelPartNumber.Text.Substring(0, _labelPartNumber.Text.Length > 15 ? 15 : _labelPartNumber.Text.Length);

            _vm.PartToEdit.ItemCodeDesc = _labelPartDescription.Text;

            _vm.PartToEdit.IsChargeable = (bool)_switchIsChargeable.IsChecked;
            _vm.PartToEdit.IsPrintable  = (bool)_switchIsPrintable.IsChecked;
            _vm.PartToEdit.IsPurchased  = (bool)_switchIsPurchased.IsChecked;
            _vm.PartToEdit.IsOverhead   = (bool)_switchIsOverhead.IsChecked;
            _vm.PartToEdit.Comment      = _entryComments.Text;

            // dch rkl 02/03/2017 Per Jeanne, Set Quantity Required to Quantity entered
            _vm.PartToEdit.QuantityReqd = (decimal)_vm.PartToEdit.Quantity;

            switch (_pageMode)
            case PageMode.Add:
                // dch rkl 01/13/2017 Return the ID of the Inserted Part
                int iId = _vm.AddPartToPartsList();
                _vm.PartToEdit.ID = iId;

                //await Navigation.PopAsync();

            case PageMode.Edit:

            // dch rkl 12/05/2016 If Lot(5) or Serial (6) Controlled, show Lot/Serial Selection
            if (_vm.PartToEdit.Valuation == "5" || _vm.PartToEdit.Valuation == "6")
                // If not lot controlled/
                ContentControl contentArea = (ContentControl)this.Parent;
                contentArea.Content = new PartsListPage(_vm.WorkTicket, _scheduledAppointment);