Exemplo n.º 1
	public void Awake(){
		// Populate the partition interactable parent dictionary, only for ones existing
		foreach(Transform trans in partitionParent){
			PartitionMetadata metadata = trans.GetComponent<PartitionMetadata>();
			if(metadata != null){
				partitionInteractableDictionary.Add(metadata.partitionNumber, metadata.interactables);
				Debug.LogError("Non partition detected " + trans.name);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Constuctor()
            int[] replicas       = new int[0];
            int[] inSyncReplicas = new int[0];
            var   pm             = new PartitionMetadata(33, 1, replicas, inSyncReplicas, ErrorCode.Local_AllBrokersDown);

            Assert.Equal(pm.PartitionId, 33);
            Assert.Equal(pm.Leader, 1);
            Assert.Same(pm.Replicas, replicas);
            Assert.Same(pm.InSyncReplicas, inSyncReplicas);
            Assert.Equal(pm.Error, new Error(ErrorCode.Local_AllBrokersDown));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Constuctor()
            int[] replicas       = new int[0];
            int[] inSyncReplicas = new int[0];
            var   pm             = new PartitionMetadata(33, 1, replicas, inSyncReplicas, ErrorCode._ALL_BROKERS_DOWN);

            Assert.Equal(pm.PartitionId, 33);
            Assert.Equal(pm.Leader, 1);
            Assert.Same(pm.Replicas, replicas);
            Assert.Same(pm.InSyncReplicas, inSyncReplicas);
            Assert.Equal(pm.Error, new Error(ErrorCode._ALL_BROKERS_DOWN));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public int Parse(byte[] data, int dataOffset)
     int bufferOffset = dataOffset;
     bufferOffset = BufferReader.Read(data, bufferOffset, out topicErrorCode);
     bufferOffset = BufferReader.Read(data, bufferOffset, out topicName);
     PartitionMetadatas = new Dictionary<int, PartitionMetadata>();
     int partitionCount;
     bufferOffset = BufferReader.Read(data, bufferOffset, out partitionCount);
     for (var i = 0; i < partitionCount; i++)
         PartitionMetadata metadata = new PartitionMetadata();
         bufferOffset = metadata.Parse(data, bufferOffset);
         PartitionMetadatas.Add(metadata.PartitionId, metadata);
     return bufferOffset;
        public async Task CanLoadWatermarksWithValidParamsAsync()
            // Arrange
            var topic        = new TopicName("test");
            var clientMock   = new Mock <IAdminClient>();
            var client       = clientMock.Object;
            var timeout      = 1000;
            var loader       = new TopicWatermarkLoader(topic, client, timeout);
            var consumerMock = new Mock <IConsumer <object, object> >();

            IConsumer <object, object> consumerFactory() => consumerMock.Object;

            var adminClientPartition = new TopicPartition(topic.Value, new Partition(1));

            var adminParitions = new[] { adminClientPartition };

            var borkerMeta = new BrokerMetadata(1, "testHost", 1000);

            var partitionMeta = new PartitionMetadata(1, 1, new[] { 1 }, new[] { 1 }, null);

            var topicMeta = new TopicMetadata(topic.Value, new[] { partitionMeta }.ToList(), null);

            var meta = new Confluent.Kafka.Metadata(
                new[] { borkerMeta }.ToList(),
                new[] { topicMeta }.ToList(), 1, "test"

            clientMock.Setup(c => c.GetMetadata(topic.Value, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeout))).Returns(meta);

            var offets = new WatermarkOffsets(new Offset(1), new Offset(2));

            consumerMock.Setup(x => x.QueryWatermarkOffsets(adminClientPartition, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeout))).Returns(offets);

            TopicWatermark result = null !;

            // Act
            var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(async() => result = await loader.LoadWatermarksAsync(consumerFactory, CancellationToken.None));

            // Assert

            consumerMock.Verify(x => x.Close(), Times.Once);

            consumerMock.Verify(x => x.Dispose(), Times.Once);


            var watermarks = result.Watermarks.ToList();


            clientMock.Verify(c => c.GetMetadata(topic.Value, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeout)), Times.Once);

            consumerMock.Verify(x => x.QueryWatermarkOffsets(adminClientPartition, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeout)), Times.Once);



Exemplo n.º 6
 public int InsertPartitionMetadata(int exhibitId, int mediaId)
     return(PartitionMetadata.InsertPartitionMetadata(exhibitId, 1, mediaId, "", "IntegrationTest", FileSystemType.FAT));
Exemplo n.º 7
        private async Task Fetch(ChannelWriter <Message <TKey, TValue> > messageWriter, string topic, PartitionMetadata partition, BrokerConnection broker, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            long offset = 0;

            while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                var fetch = await broker.Fetch(new FetchRequest
                    ReplicaId      = -1,
                    MaxWaitTime    = 100,
                    MinBytes       = 1,
                    MaxBytes       = 64 * 1024,
                    IsolationLevel = 0,
                    SessionId      = 0,
                    SessionEpoc    = -1,
                    Topics         = new []
                        new FetchRequest.Topic
                            TopicName  = topic,
                            Partitions = new []
                                new FetchRequest.Topic.Partition
                                    PartitionId       = partition.PartitionId,
                                    CurrentLeaderEpoc = -1,
                                    FetchOffset       = offset,
                                    LogStartOffset    = -1,
                                    PartitionMaxBytes = 32 * 1024

                long maxoffset = 0;
                long high      = 0;
                foreach (var r in fetch.Responses)
                    foreach (var pr in r.PartitionResponses)
                        high = pr.HighWaterMark;
                        foreach (var batch in pr.RecordBatches)
                            foreach (var rec in batch.Records)
                                if (rec.Offset > maxoffset)
                                    maxoffset = rec.Offset;

                                var msg = new Message <TKey, TValue>
                                    Timestamp   = Timestamp.UnixTimestampMsToDateTime(batch.FirstTimeStamp + rec.TimeStampDelta),
                                    Topic       = r.TopicName,
                                    PartitionId = pr.PartitionId,
                                    Offset      = rec.Offset,
                                    Key         = await keyDeserializer.Deserialize(rec.Key),
                                    Value       = await valueDeserializer.Deserialize(rec.Value)

                                if (rec.Headers.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (var h in rec.Headers)
                                        msg.AddHeader(h.Key, h.Value);

                                await messageWriter.WriteAsync(msg, cancellationToken);

                if (maxoffset > 0)
                    offset = maxoffset + 1;
                if (offset >= high)
                    await Task.Delay(200); // linger
Exemplo n.º 8
        private async Task Fetch(ChannelWriter <RecordBatch.Record> messageWriter, string topic, PartitionMetadata partition, BrokerConnection broker, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            long offset = 0;

            while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                var fetch = await broker.Fetch(new FetchRequest
                    ReplicaId      = -1,
                    MaxWaitTime    = 100,
                    MinBytes       = 1,
                    MaxBytes       = 64 * 1024,
                    IsolationLevel = 0,
                    SessionId      = 0,
                    SessionEpoc    = -1,
                    Topics         = new []
                        new FetchRequest.Topic
                            TopicName  = topic,
                            Partitions = new []
                                new FetchRequest.Topic.Partition
                                    PartitionId       = partition.PartitionId,
                                    CurrentLeaderEpoc = -1,
                                    FetchOffset       = offset,
                                    LogStartOffset    = -1,
                                    PartitionMaxBytes = 32 * 1024

                long maxoffset = 0;
                long high      = 0;
                foreach (var r in fetch.Responses)
                    foreach (var pr in r.PartitionResponses)
                        high = pr.HighWaterMark;
                        foreach (var batch in pr.RecordBatches)
                            foreach (var rec in batch.Records)
                                if (rec.Offset > maxoffset)
                                    maxoffset = rec.Offset;

                                await messageWriter.WriteAsync(rec, cancellationToken);

                if (maxoffset > 0)
                    offset = maxoffset + 1;
                if (offset >= high)
                    await Task.Delay(200); // linger
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void TestPartitionAndCollateEvents()
            var producerDataList = new List <KeyedMessage <int, Message> >();

            // use bogus key and partition key override for some messages
            producerDataList.Add(new KeyedMessage <int, Message>("topic1", 0, new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("msg1"))));
            producerDataList.Add(new KeyedMessage <int, Message>("topic2", -99, 1, new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("msg2"))));
            producerDataList.Add(new KeyedMessage <int, Message>("topic1", 2, new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("msg3"))));
            producerDataList.Add(new KeyedMessage <int, Message>("topic1", -101, 3, new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("msg4"))));
            producerDataList.Add(new KeyedMessage <int, Message>("topic2", 4, new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("msg5"))));

            var broker1 = new Broker(0, "localhost", 9092);
            var broker2 = new Broker(1, "localhost", 9093);

            // form expected partitions metadata
            var partition1Metadata = new PartitionMetadata(0, broker1, new List <Broker> {
                broker1, broker2
            var partition2Metadata = new PartitionMetadata(1, broker2, new List <Broker> {
                broker1, broker2
            var topic1Metadata = new TopicMetadata(
                "topic1", new List <PartitionMetadata> {
                partition1Metadata, partition2Metadata
            var topic2Metadata = new TopicMetadata(
                "topic2", new List <PartitionMetadata> {
                partition1Metadata, partition2Metadata

            var topicPartitionInfos = new Dictionary <string, TopicMetadata>
                { "topic1", topic1Metadata },
                { "topic2", topic2Metadata }
            var intPartitioner = new IntPartitioner();

            var config = new ProducerConfig();

            config.Brokers = TestUtils.GetBrokerListFromConfigs(this.props);

            var producerPool = new ProducerPool(config);
            var handler      = new DefaultEventHandler <int, string>(
                config, intPartitioner, null, new IntEncoder(), producerPool, topicPartitionInfos);

            var topic1Broker1Data = new List <KeyedMessage <int, Message> >
                new KeyedMessage <int, Message>(
                    new Message(
                new KeyedMessage <int, Message>(
                    new Message(
            var topic1Broker2Data = new List <KeyedMessage <int, Message> >
                new KeyedMessage <int, Message>(
                    new Message(

            var topic2Broker1Data = new List <KeyedMessage <int, Message> >
                new KeyedMessage <int, Message>(
                    new Message(
            var topic2Broker2Data = new List <KeyedMessage <int, Message> >
                new KeyedMessage <int, Message>(
                    new Message(

            var expectedResult = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <TopicAndPartition, List <KeyedMessage <int, Message> > > >
                { 0,
                  new Dictionary <TopicAndPartition, List <KeyedMessage <int, Message> > >
                      { new TopicAndPartition("topic1", 0), topic1Broker1Data },
                      { new TopicAndPartition("topic2", 0), topic2Broker1Data }
                  } },
                { 1,
                  new Dictionary <TopicAndPartition, List <KeyedMessage <int, Message> > >
                      { new TopicAndPartition("topic1", 1), topic1Broker2Data },
                      { new TopicAndPartition("topic2", 1), topic2Broker2Data }
                  } },

            var actualResut = handler.PartitionAndCollate(producerDataList);

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult.Count, actualResut.Count);
            foreach (var key in expectedResult.Keys)
                var exptectedInnerDict = expectedResult[key];
                var actualInnerDict    = actualResut[key];
                Assert.Equal(exptectedInnerDict.Count, actualInnerDict.Count);
                foreach (var topicAndPartition in exptectedInnerDict.Keys)
                    var exptectedKeyedMsgs = exptectedInnerDict[topicAndPartition];
                    var actualKeyedMsgs    = actualInnerDict[topicAndPartition];