Exemplo n.º 1
		public ParticleSpring(Particle particle, Particle other, float springConstant, float restLength) 
			: base(particle)
			_other = other;
			_springConstant = springConstant;
			_restLength = restLength;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public IPacket ReadPacket(IMinecraftDataReader reader)
            ParticleID = (Particle) reader.ReadInt();
            LongDistance = reader.ReadBoolean();
            X = reader.ReadFloat();
            Y = reader.ReadFloat();
            Z = reader.ReadFloat();
            OffsetX = reader.ReadFloat();
            OffsetY = reader.ReadFloat();
            OffsetZ = reader.ReadFloat();
            ParticleData = reader.ReadFloat();
            NumberOfParticles = reader.ReadInt();

            switch (ParticleID)
                case Particle.ITEM_CRACK:
                case Particle.BLOCK_CRACK:
                //case Particle.BLOCK_DUST:
                    Data = reader.ReadVarIntArray(2);

                    Data = reader.ReadVarIntArray(0);

            return this;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public int Fade(Particle particle, float ParticleLifeTime)
            int fade = particle.Fade;

            if (ParticleFadeIn && ParticleFadeOut)
                FadeDelay = (int)ParticleLifeTime / 2;

            // Fade in
            if (ParticleFadeIn)
                if (particle.TotalLifetime <= ParticleLifeTime - FadeDelay)
                    fade = (int)(((particle.TotalLifetime) / (ParticleLifeTime - FadeDelay)) * particle.InitialOpacity);

            // Fade out
            if (ParticleFadeOut)
                if (particle.TotalLifetime > FadeDelay)
                    fade = particle.InitialOpacity - (int)(((particle.TotalLifetime - FadeDelay) / (ParticleLifeTime - FadeDelay)) * particle.InitialOpacity);

            return fade;
        public AddParticleDlg(Particle copy)

            /* Add relevant info to fields.. */
            txtName.Text = copy.Name;
            txtAlphaStart.Text = copy.StartAlpha.ToString();
            txtEndAlpha.Text = copy.EndAlpha.ToString();

            txtRot.Text = copy.Rotation.ToString();
            txtDeltaRot.Text = copy.RotationSpeed.ToString();
            txtScale.Text = copy.ScaleStart.ToString();
            txtScaleEnd.Text = copy.ScaleEnd.ToString();

            txtMinLife.Text = copy.MinLife.ToString();
            txtMaxLife.Text = copy.MaxLife.ToString();

            txtTexturePath.Text = copy.TextureName;

            System.Drawing.Color color;
            color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(copy.StartColor.R, copy.StartColor.G, copy.StartColor.B);
            pctStartColor.BackColor = color;
            pctEndColor.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(copy.EndColor.R, copy.EndColor.G, copy.EndColor.B);
            StartColor = copy.StartColor;
            EndColor = copy.EndColor;

            EditedParticle = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the particles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">Elapsed time in whole and fractional seconds.</param>
        /// <param name="particleArray">A pointer to an array of particles.</param>
        /// <param name="count">The number of particles which need to be processed.</param>
        protected internal override unsafe void Process(float dt, Particle* particleArray, int count)
            this.TotalSeconds += dt;

            float deltaAmp = this.Amplitude * dt;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Particle* particle = (particleArray + i);

                float secondsAlive = this.TotalSeconds - particle->Inception;

                float sin = Calculator.Cos(secondsAlive * this.Frequency);

                Vector2 force = new Vector2(sin, 0f);

                force.X = ((force.X * this.AngleCos) + (force.Y * -this.AngleSin));
                force.Y = ((force.X * this.AngleSin) + (force.Y * this.AngleCos));

                force.X *= deltaAmp;
                force.Y *= deltaAmp;

                particle->Velocity.X += force.X;
                particle->Velocity.Y += force.Y;
Exemplo n.º 6
		protected override void ProcessConstant(float constant, float deltaTime, Particle[] particles, int begin, int end)
			for (int i = begin; i < end; ++i)
				particles[i].m_rotation = constant;
Exemplo n.º 7
		protected override void ProcessLinear(float bias, float scale, float deltaTime, Particle[] particles, int begin, int end)
			for (int i = begin; i < end; ++i)
				particles[i].m_rotation = bias + scale * particles[i].m_age / particles[i].m_life;
            public void WhenParticleLifeIsPointFive_SetsColourBetweenInitialAndFinal()
                var particle = new Particle
                    Age = new []{ 0.5f },
                    R = new float[1],
                    G = new float[1],
                    B = new float[1]

                var subject = new ColourInterpolator2
                    InitialColour = new Colour(1f, 0f, 0f),
                    FinalColour = new Colour(0f, 0f, 1f)

                    subject.Update(0.01666f, ref particle, 1);

                    particle.R[0].Should().BeApproximately(0.5f, 0.000001f);
                    particle.G[0].Should().BeApproximately(0f, 0.000001f);
                    particle.B[0].Should().BeApproximately(0.5f, 0.000001f);
        protected internal override void Update(float elapsedSeconds, ref Particle particle, int count)
            fixed (float* agePtr = particle.Age)
            fixed (float* rPtr = particle.R)
            fixed (float* gPtr = particle.G)
            fixed (float* bPtr = particle.B)
            fixed (float* aPtr = particle.Opacity)
                var ageDataPtr = agePtr;
                var rDataPtr = rPtr;
                var gDataPtr = gPtr;
                var bDataPtr = bPtr;
                var aDataPtr = aPtr;

                for (var j = 0; j < count; j++)
                    var age = *(ageDataPtr + j);
                    var inverseAge = 1.0f - age;
                    var alpha = InitialColour.A * age;
                    *(aDataPtr + j) = alpha;
                    *(rDataPtr + j) = InitialColour.H * inverseAge;
                    *(gDataPtr + j) = InitialColour.S * inverseAge;
                    *(bDataPtr + j) = InitialColour.L * inverseAge;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public ParticleText(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, SpriteFont font, string text, Texture2D particleTexture, float scale,Vector2 screenSize )
            this.scale = scale;
            this.particleTexture = particleTexture;

            var viewport = graphicsDevice.Viewport;

            //screenSize = new Vector2(viewport.Width , viewport.Height-300);//this is in constructor now.
            this.screenSize = screenSize;
            textSize = font.MeasureString(text);
            Vector2 offset = (screenSize / scale - textSize) / 2f ;

            var textPoints = GetParticlePositions(graphicsDevice, font, text);

            foreach (var point in textPoints)
                var particle = new Particle()
                    Position = GetRandomParticlePosition(),
                    Destination = point + offset

            public void IteratesOverEachParticle()
                var buffer = new Particle
                    Age = new float[100],
                    R = new float[100],
                    G = new float[100],
                    B = new float[100]

                for (var i = 0; i < buffer.Age.Length; i++)
                    buffer.Age[i] = 1.0f;

                var subject = new ColourInterpolator2
                    InitialColour = new Colour(1f, 0f, 0f),
                    FinalColour = new Colour(0f, 0f, 1f)

                subject.Update(0.1666666f, ref buffer, buffer.Age.Length);

                for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Age.Length; i++)
                    buffer.B[0].Should().BeApproximately(1f, 0.000001f);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override void Update(Particle part)
            //phaseTarget = phaseTarget % 1f;
            phase += phaseSpeed * Global.Speed * mult;
            phase = MathHelper.Clamp(phase, 0, 1);
            double pow = 1.5;

            float value = phase;

            value = (float)(Math.Pow(value, pow));

            value = 1 - (float)Math.Pow(1 - value, pow);
            if (phase >= 1)
                mult = -1;
            else if (phase <= 0)
                mult = 1;
            Vector2 val = MyMath.Between(startScale, endScale, value);
            part.Scale = val;
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the particles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">Elapsed time in whole and fractional seconds.</param>
        /// <param name="particle">A pointer to an array of particles.</param>
        /// <param name="count">The number of particles which need to be processed.</param>
        protected internal override unsafe void Process(float dt, Particle* particle, int count)
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Particle* previousParticle = particle - 1;

                if (particle->Momentum == previousParticle->Momentum)
                    particle->Rotation = previousParticle->Rotation;


                float rads = Calculator.Atan2(particle->Momentum.Y, particle->Momentum.X);

                particle->Rotation = (rads + this.RotationOffset);

                if (particle->Rotation > Calculator.Pi)
                    particle->Rotation -= Calculator.TwoPi;

                else if (particle->Rotation < -Calculator.Pi)
                    particle->Rotation += Calculator.TwoPi;

Exemplo n.º 14
        public ParticleSystem(int maxParticles)
            MAX_PARTICLES = maxParticles;

            random = new Random();
            _textures = new Texture2D[MAX_TEXTURES];
            _particles = new Particle[MAX_PARTICLES];

            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; ++i)
                _particles[i] = new Particle(null, _ttl, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                _particles[i]._exists = false;

            _spawnBox.X = 0;
            _spawnBox.Y = 0;
            _minRotSpeed = 0;
            _maxRotSpeed = 0;
            _minRotInit = 0;
            _maxRotInit = 0;
            Angle = 0;
            _spawnCone = (float)Math.PI * 2f;
            _minSpeed = 10;
            _maxSpeed = 10;

            _alphaDecrement = 0.2f;
            _decrementTick = 5;

            _alphaIncrement = 0.2f;
            _incrementTick = 5;

            _isOn = true;
Exemplo n.º 15
		public ParticleAnchoredSpring(Particle particle, Point3D anchor, float springConstant, float restLength)
			: base(particle)
			Anchor = anchor;
			SpringConstant = springConstant;
			RestLength = restLength;
Exemplo n.º 16
		public void Construction_CanCreateAParticleWithAnInitialPositionAndVelocity_AndItsPositionAndVelocityAreInitialised()
			var particle = new Particle(TestPosition, TestVelocity);

        public override void UpdateParticle(GameTime time, Particle spawn)
            _momentum.X = (float)Math.Cos(spawn.Orientation) * spawn.Speed;
            _momentum.Y = (float)Math.Sin(spawn.Orientation) * spawn.Speed;

            if (spawn.Position.X < (float)_rect.X)
                spawn.Position.X = (float)_rect.X;
                _momentum.X *= -1f; _momentum.X *= _bounce;
            else if (spawn.Position.X > (float)_rect.Width)
                spawn.Position.X = (float)_rect.Width;
                _momentum.X *= -1f; _momentum.X *= _bounce;

            if (spawn.Position.Y < (float)_rect.Y)
                spawn.Position.Y = (float)_rect.Y;
                _momentum.Y *= -1f; _momentum.Y *= _bounce;
            else if (spawn.Position.Y > (float)_rect.Height)
                spawn.Position.Y = (float)_rect.Height;
                _momentum.Y *= -1f; _momentum.Y *= _bounce;

            spawn.Orientation = (float)Math.Atan2(_momentum.Y, _momentum.X);
            spawn.Speed = _momentum.Length();
Exemplo n.º 18
		public void Construction_CanCreateAParticleWithAnInitialPosition_AndItsPositionIsInitialised()
			var particle = new Particle(TestPosition);

        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the specified Particle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">Elapsed time in whole and fractional seconds.</param>
        /// <param name="particle">The particle to be processed.</param>
        /// <param name="tag">The tag which has been attached to the Particle (or null).</param>
        public override unsafe void Process(float dt, Particle* particle, object tag)
            float a = particle->Age * 0.07f,
                  aInv = 1f - a;

            particle->Scale = (particle->Scale * aInv) + (this.MergeScale * a);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public override void Initialize(Emitter emitter, Particle particle)
     if (double.IsNaN(m_max))
         particle.Lifetime = m_min;
         particle.Lifetime = Utils.RandomDouble(m_min, m_max);
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the particles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elapsedSeconds">Elapsed time in whole and fractional seconds.</param>
        /// <param name="particle">A pointer to the first item in an array of particles.</param>
        /// <param name="count">The number of particles which need to be processed.</param>
        protected internal override unsafe void Process(float elapsedSeconds, Particle* particle, int count)
            particle->Colour.X = (this.InitialColour.X + ((this.UltimateColour.X - this.InitialColour.X) * particle->Age));
            particle->Colour.Y = (this.InitialColour.Y + ((this.UltimateColour.Y - this.InitialColour.Y) * particle->Age));
            particle->Colour.Z = (this.InitialColour.Z + ((this.UltimateColour.Z - this.InitialColour.Z) * particle->Age));

            Particle* previousParticle = particle;


            for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
                if (particle->Age < previousParticle->Age)
                    particle->Colour.X = (this.InitialColour.X + ((this.UltimateColour.X - this.InitialColour.X) * particle->Age));
                    particle->Colour.Y = (this.InitialColour.Y + ((this.UltimateColour.Y - this.InitialColour.Y) * particle->Age));
                    particle->Colour.Z = (this.InitialColour.Z + ((this.UltimateColour.Z - this.InitialColour.Z) * particle->Age));
                    particle->Colour.X = previousParticle->Colour.X;
                    particle->Colour.Y = previousParticle->Colour.Y;
                    particle->Colour.Z = previousParticle->Colour.Z;

Exemplo n.º 22
    void Start()
        // Calculate the number of warp needed to handle all the particles
        if (particleCount <= 0)
            particleCount = 1;
        mWarpCount = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)particleCount / WARP_SIZE);

        // Initialize the Particle at the start
        Particle[] particleArray = new Particle[particleCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < particleCount; ++i)
            particleArray[i].position.x = Random.value * 2 - 1.0f;
            particleArray[i].position.y = Random.value * 2 - 1.0f;
            particleArray[i].position.z = 0;

            particleArray[i].velocity.x = 0;
            particleArray[i].velocity.y = 0;
            particleArray[i].velocity.z = 0;

        // Create the ComputeBuffer holding the Particles
        particleBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(particleCount, SIZE_PARTICLE);

        // Find the id of the kernel
        mComputeShaderKernelID = computeShader.FindKernel("CSMain");

        // Bind the ComputeBuffer to the shader and the compute shader
        computeShader.SetBuffer(mComputeShaderKernelID, "particleBuffer", particleBuffer);
        material.SetBuffer("particleBuffer", particleBuffer);
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the particles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">Elapsed time in whole and fractional seconds.</param>
        /// <param name="particleArray">A pointer to an array of particles.</param>
        /// <param name="count">The number of particles which need to be processed.</param>
        protected internal override unsafe void Process(float dt, Particle* particleArray, int count)
            Vector2 distance;

            float strengthDelta = this.Strength * dt;

            float deltaForceX = this.Force.X * strengthDelta;
            float deltaForceY = this.Force.Y * strengthDelta;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Particle* particle = (particleArray + i);

                // Calculate the distance between the Particle and the center of the force...
                distance.X = this.Position.X - particle->Position.X;
                distance.Y = this.Position.Y - particle->Position.Y;

                float squareDistance = ((distance.X * distance.X) + (distance.Y * distance.Y));

                // Check to see if the Particle is within range of the force...
                if (squareDistance < this.SquareRadius)
                    // Adjust the force vector based on the strength of the force and the time delta...
                    particle->Velocity.X += deltaForceX;
                    particle->Velocity.Y += deltaForceY;
        protected internal unsafe override void Update(float elapsedSeconds, ref Particle particle, int count)
            _totalSeconds += elapsedSeconds;

            fixed (float* agePtr = particle.Age)
            fixed (float* inceptionPtr = particle.Inception)
                var ageDataPtr = agePtr;
                var inceptionDataPtr = inceptionPtr;
                var term = _term;
                var totalSeconds = _totalSeconds;

                for (var j = 0; j < count; j++)
                    var age = (totalSeconds - *(inceptionDataPtr + j)) / term;

                    // TODO: There is a fairly systemic bug in the emitter code right now that means that the inception time
                    // of a particle can be later than the total elapsed time in here. It happens because the modifiers are
                    // not necessarily updated every frame, while the emitter is.
                    if (age < 0)
                        age = 0;
                    if (age > 1)
                        age = 1;

                    *(ageDataPtr + j) = age;
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the particles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">Elapsed time in whole and fractional seconds.</param>
        /// <param name="particleArray">A pointer to an array of particles.</param>
        /// <param name="count">The number of particles which need to be processed.</param>
        protected internal override unsafe void Process(float dt, Particle* particleArray, int count)
            // Create the transformation matrix...
            float h = ((this.HueShift * dt) * Calculator.Pi) / 180f;

            float u = Calculator.Cos(h);
            float w = Calculator.Sin(h);

            Matrix hueTransform = new Matrix(1f, 0f, 0f, 0f,
                                             0f,  u, -w, 0f,
                                             0f,  w,  u, 0f,
                                             0f, 0f, 0f, 1f);

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Particle* particle = (particleArray + i);

                Vector4 colour;

                // Convert the current colour of the particle to YIQ colour space...
                Vector4.Transform(ref particle->Colour, ref HueShiftModifier.YIQTransformMatrix, out colour);

                // Transform the colour in YIQ space...
                Vector4.Transform(ref colour, ref hueTransform, out colour);

                // Convert the colour back to RGB...
                Vector4.Transform(ref colour, ref HueShiftModifier.RGBTransformMatrix, out colour);

                // And apply back to the particle...
                particle->Colour.X = colour.X;
                particle->Colour.Y = colour.Y;
                particle->Colour.Z = colour.Z;
Exemplo n.º 26
 public void updateSmokeParticles(NoiseGenerator noise, float newX, float newY)
     for (int i = 0; i < smoke.Length; i++)
         if (smoke[i] != null)
             if (smoke[i].currentAlpha > smoke[i].minAlpha)
                 smoke[i].currentAlpha -= 0.01f;
                 smoke[i].x += smoke[i].moveX;
                 smoke[i].y += smoke[i].moveY;
                 smoke[i].angle += smoke[i].rotation;
                 if (smoke[i].expanding)
                     if (smoke[i].currentSize < smoke[i].maxSize)
                         smoke[i].currentSize ++;
                 else if (smoke[i].currentSize > smoke[i].minSize)
                     smoke[i].currentSize --;
             else if (smoke[i].looping)
                 float alpha = maxAlpha - (float)noise.random.NextDouble();
                 smoke[i] = new Particle(newX + noise.random.Next(-2, 3), newY + noise.random.Next(-2, 3), 0, 0, (float)(maxSize - i), 1f, maxSize, (alpha / ((float)i + 1)), 0f, 0f, (float)(noise.random.Next(-1, 2) * 0.1f), true, false, true);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public Emitter(Color a_Tint, Vector2 a_Position)
            m_Position = a_Position;
            m_RotationMin = MathHelper.ToRadians(0);
            m_RotationMax = MathHelper.ToRadians(360);
            m_Amount = 16;
            m_LifeMin = 20.8f;
            m_LifeMax = 30.6f;
            m_Tint = a_Tint;
            m_Speed = 0.9f;

            for (int loop = 0; loop < m_Amount; loop++)
                float tempRotation = (float)(new Random(EmitterManager.List.Count + loop + randSeed++).NextDouble() * (m_RotationMax - m_RotationMin));
                tempRotation += m_RotationMin;

                float tempLife = (float)(new Random(EmitterManager.List.Count + loop + randSeed++).NextDouble() * (m_LifeMax - m_LifeMin));
                tempLife += m_LifeMin;

                Particle tempParticle = new Particle(this);

                tempParticle.LifeTotal = tempLife;
                tempParticle.Rotation = tempRotation;
                tempParticle.Speed = m_Speed;
                tempParticle.Tint = m_Tint;
                tempParticle.Position = a_Position;


        protected internal unsafe override void Update(float elapsedSeconds, ref Particle particle, int count)
            var velocityThreshold2 = VelocityThreshold * VelocityThreshold;

            var i = 0;
                while (count-- > 0)
                    var velocity2 = ((particle.VX[i] * particle.VX[i]) + (particle.VY[i] * particle.VY[i]));

                    if (velocity2 >= velocityThreshold2)
                        particle.R[i] = VelocityColour.H;
                        particle.G[i] = VelocityColour.S;
                        particle.B[i] = VelocityColour.L;
                        var t = (float)Math.Sqrt(velocity2) / VelocityThreshold;

                        particle.R[i] = ((VelocityColour.H - StationaryColour.H) * t) + StationaryColour.H;
                        particle.G[i] = ((VelocityColour.S - StationaryColour.S) * t) + StationaryColour.S;
                        particle.B[i] = ((VelocityColour.L - StationaryColour.L) * t) + StationaryColour.L;

 public XnaRect ResolveUVBounds(string uvBoundsName, Particle.ParticleSystem system)
     uvBoundsName = uvBoundsName ?? "{Whole}";
     if (uvBoundsName == "{Whole}")
         return system != null && system.TextureObject != null
                ? new XnaRect(0, 0, system.TextureObject.Width, system.TextureObject.Height)
                : XnaRect.Empty;
     else if (uvBoundsName.StartsWith("{") && uvBoundsName.EndsWith("}"))
         string[][] tokens = uvBoundsName.Substring(1, uvBoundsName.Length - 2)
                             .Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                             .Select(t => t.Split(new char[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)).ToArray();
         int x, y, w, h;
         if (tokens.Length != 4 || tokens.Any(t => t.Length != 2)
             || tokens[0][0] != "x" || !int.TryParse(tokens[0][1], out x)
             || tokens[1][0] != "y" || !int.TryParse(tokens[1][1], out y)
             || (tokens[2][0] != "width" && tokens[2][0] != "w") || !int.TryParse(tokens[2][1], out w)
             || (tokens[3][0] != "height" && tokens[3][0] != "h") || !int.TryParse(tokens[3][1], out h))
             throw new FormatException(String.Format("Cannot convert '{0}' to a rectangle.", uvBoundsName));
         return new XnaRect(x, y, w, h);
         return XnaRect.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Modifies a single Particle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="time">Game timing information.</param>
 /// <param name="particle">Particle to modify.</param>
 public override void ProcessActiveParticle(GameTime time, Particle particle)
     //particle.Momentum += (_gravity * (float)time.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds);
     Vector2 dtGrav;
     Vector2.Multiply(ref _gravity, (float)time.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds, out dtGrav);
     Vector2.Add(ref particle.Momentum, ref dtGrav, out particle.Momentum);
Exemplo n.º 31
    void UpdateParticles2()
        Plane movePlane = new Plane();

        for (int i = 1; i < m_Particles.Count; ++i)
            Particle p  = m_Particles[i];
            Particle p0 = m_Particles[p.m_ParentIndex];

            float restLen;
            if (p.m_Transform != null)
                restLen = (p0.m_Transform.position - p.m_Transform.position).magnitude;
                restLen = p0.m_Transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(p.m_EndOffset).magnitude;

            // keep shape
            float stiffness = Mathf.Lerp(1.0f, p.m_Stiffness, m_Weight);
            if (stiffness > 0 || p.m_Elasticity > 0)
                Matrix4x4 m0 = p0.m_Transform.localToWorldMatrix;
                m0.SetColumn(3, p0.m_Position);
                Vector3 restPos;
                if (p.m_Transform != null)
                    restPos = m0.MultiplyPoint3x4(p.m_Transform.localPosition);
                    restPos = m0.MultiplyPoint3x4(p.m_EndOffset);

                Vector3 d = restPos - p.m_Position;
                p.m_Position += d * p.m_Elasticity;

                if (stiffness > 0)
                    d = restPos - p.m_Position;
                    float len    = d.magnitude;
                    float maxlen = restLen * (1 - stiffness) * 2;
                    if (len > maxlen)
                        p.m_Position += d * ((len - maxlen) / len);

            // collide
            if (m_Colliders != null)
                float particleRadius = p.m_Radius * m_ObjectScale;
                for (int j = 0; j < m_Colliders.Count; ++j)
                    DynamicBoneCollider c = m_Colliders[j];
                    if (c != null && c.enabled)
                        c.Collide(ref p.m_Position, particleRadius);

            // freeze axis, project to plane
            if (m_FreezeAxis != FreezeAxis.None)
                switch (m_FreezeAxis)
                case FreezeAxis.X:
                    movePlane.SetNormalAndPosition(p0.m_Transform.right, p0.m_Position);

                case FreezeAxis.Y:
                    movePlane.SetNormalAndPosition(p0.m_Transform.up, p0.m_Position);

                case FreezeAxis.Z:
                    movePlane.SetNormalAndPosition(p0.m_Transform.forward, p0.m_Position);
                p.m_Position -= movePlane.normal * movePlane.GetDistanceToPoint(p.m_Position);

            // keep length
            Vector3 dd   = p0.m_Position - p.m_Position;
            float   leng = dd.magnitude;
            if (leng > 0)
                p.m_Position += dd * ((leng - restLen) / leng);
Exemplo n.º 32
    void ApplyParticlesToTransforms()
        // detect negative scale
        Vector3 ax = Vector3.right;
        Vector3 ay = Vector3.up;
        Vector3 az = Vector3.forward;
        bool    nx = false, ny = false, nz = false;

        Vector3 loosyScale = transform.lossyScale;
        if (loosyScale.x < 0 || loosyScale.y < 0 || loosyScale.z < 0)
            Transform mirrorObject = transform;
                Vector3 ls = mirrorObject.localScale;
                nx = ls.x < 0;
                if (nx)
                    ax = mirrorObject.right;
                ny = ls.y < 0;
                if (ny)
                    ay = mirrorObject.up;
                nz = ls.z < 0;
                if (nz)
                    az = mirrorObject.forward;
                if (nx || ny || nz)

                mirrorObject = mirrorObject.parent;
            }while (mirrorObject != null);

        for (int i = 1; i < m_Particles.Count; ++i)
            Particle p  = m_Particles[i];
            Particle p0 = m_Particles[p.m_ParentIndex];

            if (p0.m_Transform.childCount <= 1)         // do not modify bone orientation if has more then one child
                Vector3 v;
                if (p.m_Transform != null)
                    v = p.m_Transform.localPosition;
                    v = p.m_EndOffset;
                Vector3 v2 = p.m_Position - p0.m_Position;
                if (nx)
                    v2 = MirrorVector(v2, ax);
                if (ny)
                    v2 = MirrorVector(v2, ay);
                if (nz)
                    v2 = MirrorVector(v2, az);
                Quaternion rot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(p0.m_Transform.TransformDirection(v), v2);
                p0.m_Transform.rotation = rot * p0.m_Transform.rotation;

            if (p.m_Transform != null)
                p.m_Transform.position = p.m_Position;
Exemplo n.º 33
        public static IParticle AddParticleTarget(IObjAiBase unit, string particle, ITarget target, float size = 1.0f, string bone = "", Vector3 direction = new Vector3(), float lifetime = 0, bool reqVision = true)
            var p = new Particle(_game, unit, target, particle, size, bone, 0, direction, lifetime, reqVision);

Exemplo n.º 34
    // only update stiffness and keep bone length
    void SkipUpdateParticles()
        for (int i = 0; i < m_Particles.Count; ++i)
            Particle p = m_Particles[i];
            if (p.m_ParentIndex >= 0)
                p.m_PrevPosition += m_ObjectMove;
                p.m_Position     += m_ObjectMove;

                Particle p0 = m_Particles[p.m_ParentIndex];

                float restLen;
                if (p.m_Transform != null)
                    restLen = (p0.m_Transform.position - p.m_Transform.position).magnitude;
                    restLen = p0.m_Transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(p.m_EndOffset).magnitude;

                // keep shape
                float stiffness = Mathf.Lerp(1.0f, p.m_Stiffness, m_Weight);
                if (stiffness > 0)
                    Matrix4x4 m0 = p0.m_Transform.localToWorldMatrix;
                    m0.SetColumn(3, p0.m_Position);
                    Vector3 restPos;
                    if (p.m_Transform != null)
                        restPos = m0.MultiplyPoint3x4(p.m_Transform.localPosition);
                        restPos = m0.MultiplyPoint3x4(p.m_EndOffset);

                    Vector3 d      = restPos - p.m_Position;
                    float   len    = d.magnitude;
                    float   maxlen = restLen * (1 - stiffness) * 2;
                    if (len > maxlen)
                        p.m_Position += d * ((len - maxlen) / len);

                // keep length
                Vector3 dd   = p0.m_Position - p.m_Position;
                float   leng = dd.magnitude;
                if (leng > 0)
                    p.m_Position += dd * ((leng - restLen) / leng);
                p.m_PrevPosition = p.m_Position;
                p.m_Position     = p.m_Transform.position;
Exemplo n.º 35
 public void Initialize(Particle particle) => particle.TransformationMatrix = Transform;
Exemplo n.º 36
    void AppendParticles(Transform b, int parentIndex, float boneLength)
        Particle p = new Particle();

        p.m_Transform   = b;
        p.m_ParentIndex = parentIndex;
        if (b != null)
            p.m_Position          = p.m_PrevPosition = b.position;
            p.m_InitLocalPosition = b.localPosition;
            p.m_InitLocalRotation = b.localRotation;
        else    // end bone
            Transform pb = m_Particles[parentIndex].m_Transform;
            if (m_EndLength > 0)
                Transform ppb = pb.parent;
                if (ppb != null)
                    p.m_EndOffset = pb.InverseTransformPoint((pb.position * 2 - ppb.position)) * m_EndLength;
                    p.m_EndOffset = new Vector3(m_EndLength, 0, 0);
                p.m_EndOffset = pb.InverseTransformPoint(transform.TransformDirection(m_EndOffset) + pb.position);
            p.m_Position = p.m_PrevPosition = pb.TransformPoint(p.m_EndOffset);

        if (parentIndex >= 0)
            boneLength       += (m_Particles[parentIndex].m_Transform.position - p.m_Position).magnitude;
            p.m_BoneLength    = boneLength;
            m_BoneTotalLength = Mathf.Max(m_BoneTotalLength, boneLength);

        int index = m_Particles.Count;


        if (b != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < b.childCount; ++i)
                bool exclude = false;
                if (m_Exclusions != null)
                    for (int j = 0; j < m_Exclusions.Count; ++j)
                        Transform e = m_Exclusions[j];
                        if (e == b.GetChild(i))
                            exclude = true;
                if (!exclude)
                    AppendParticles(b.GetChild(i), index, boneLength);

            if (b.childCount == 0 && (m_EndLength > 0 || m_EndOffset != Vector3.zero))
                AppendParticles(null, index, boneLength);
        /// <summary>
        /// クロスシミュレーション計算開始
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="update"></param>
        public void UpdateStartSimulation(UpdateTimeManager update)
            // 時間
            float deltaTime        = update.DeltaTime;
            float physicsDeltaTime = update.PhysicsDeltaTime;
            float updatePower      = update.UpdatePower;
            float updateDeltaTime  = update.UpdateIntervalTime;
            int   ups = update.UpdatePerSecond;

            // 活動チームが1つ以上ある場合のみ更新
            if (Team.ActiveTeamCount > 0)
                // 今回フレームの更新回数
                int updateCount = Team.CalcMaxUpdateCount(ups, deltaTime, physicsDeltaTime, updateDeltaTime);
                //Debug.Log($"updateCount:{updateCount} dtime:{deltaTime} pdtime:{physicsDeltaTime} fixedCount:{update.FixedUpdateCount}");

                // 風更新

                // チームデータ更新、更新回数確定、ワールド移動影響、テレポート
                Team.PreUpdateTeamData(deltaTime, physicsDeltaTime, updateDeltaTime, ups, updateCount);

                // ワーカー処理

                // ボーン姿勢をパーティクルにコピーする

                // 物理更新前ワーカー処理
                //MasterJob = RenderMeshWorker.PreUpdate(MasterJob); // 何もなし
                MasterJob = VirtualMeshWorker.PreUpdate(MasterJob);  // 仮想メッシュをスキニングしワールド姿勢を求める
                MasterJob = MeshParticleWorker.PreUpdate(MasterJob); // 仮想メッシュ頂点姿勢を連動パーティクルにコピーする
                //MasterJob = SpringMeshWorker.PreUpdate(MasterJob); // 何もなし
                //MasterJob = AdjustRotationWorker.PreUpdate(MasterJob); // 何もなし
                //MasterJob = LineWorker.PreUpdate(MasterJob); // 何もなし
                //MasterJob = BaseSkinningWorker.PreUpdate(MasterJob); // ベーススキニングによりbasePos/baseRotをスキニング

                // パーティクルのリセット判定

                // 物理更新
                for (int i = 0, cnt = updateCount; i < cnt; i++)
                    UpdatePhysics(updateCount, i, updatePower, updateDeltaTime);

                // 物理演算後処理

                // 物理更新後ワーカー処理
                MasterJob = TriangleWorker.PostUpdate(MasterJob);       // トライアングル回転調整
                MasterJob = LineWorker.PostUpdate(MasterJob);           // ラインの回転調整
                MasterJob = AdjustRotationWorker.PostUpdate(MasterJob); // パーティクル回転調整(Adjust Rotation)
                Particle.UpdateParticleToBone();                        // パーティクル姿勢をボーン姿勢に書き戻す(ここに挟まないと駄目)
                MasterJob = SpringMeshWorker.PostUpdate(MasterJob);     // メッシュスプリング
                MasterJob = MeshParticleWorker.PostUpdate(MasterJob);   // パーティクル姿勢を仮想メッシュに書き出す
                MasterJob = VirtualMeshWorker.PostUpdate(MasterJob);    // 仮想メッシュ座標書き込み(仮想メッシュトライアングル法線計算)
                MasterJob = RenderMeshWorker.PostUpdate(MasterJob);     // レンダーメッシュ座標書き込み(仮想メッシュからレンダーメッシュ座標計算)

                // 書き込みボーン姿勢をローカル姿勢に変換する

                // チームデータ後処理
Exemplo n.º 38
 public void Update(Particle particle)
        public override bool Update(float deltaTime)

            float endTime = (BUILDUP_LENGTH + PAUSE_TIME + BURST_LENGTH);

            // update shader parameters
            _ripContrastData.Shader.Parameters["ScreenRipOffsetMultiplier"].SetValue((_currentTime < BUILDUP_LENGTH + PAUSE_TIME * 0.5f) ? 1f : -1f);

            // glitch effect
            Main.LocalPlayer.GetSpiritPlayer().starplateGlitchEffect = true;

            // giltch effect paramaters
            float glitchMultiplier = _screenRipStrength.Ease(_currentTime);

            if (_currentTime >= BUILDUP_LENGTH)
                glitchMultiplier *= Math.Max(1.0f - (_currentTime - BUILDUP_LENGTH) * 8f, 0f);
            SpiritMod.glitchEffect.Parameters["Speed"].SetValue(glitchMultiplier * 0.3f);             //0.4f is default
            SpiritMod.glitchScreenShader.UseIntensity(glitchMultiplier * 0.03f);

            // spawn new particles
            _gravEquationTop = G * _particleMass.Ease(_currentTime);
            int count = (int)_particleSpawnCount.Ease(_currentTime);

            if (_currentTime > BUILDUP_LENGTH)
                count = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                float angle    = Main.rand.NextFloat(-MathHelper.Pi, MathHelper.Pi);
                float distance = Main.rand.NextFloat(128f, 1024f);
                _particles.Add(new Particle(_center + angle.ToRotationVector2() * distance, (angle + MathHelper.PiOver2).ToRotationVector2() * Main.rand.NextFloat(1f, 3f)));

            // update existing particles (using gravitational equation, mass of 1 so F=V)
            for (int i = 0; i < _particles.Count; i++)
                Particle particle = _particles[i];

                Vector2 newPos = particle.Position + particle.Velocity;
                particle.Position = newPos;

                Vector2 dir = _center - particle.Position;
                float   r   = dir.Length();
                float   f   = _gravEquationTop / (r * r);
                particle.Velocity += Vector2.Normalize(dir) * f;

                particle.Opacity = Math.Min(particle.Opacity, MathHelper.Clamp(EaseFunction.EaseQuadOut.Ease(r / 1024f), 0f, 1f));
                if (particle.Opacity <= 0f)
                particle.Lifetime += deltaTime * 1.2f;
                if (particle.Lifetime > 1f)
                    particle.Lifetime = 1f;

                _particles[i] = particle;

            return(_currentTime >= endTime);
 public void GetParticle([FromUri] Particle particle)
Exemplo n.º 41
        private void ResetParticle(ref Particle p)
            if (this.disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("ParticleSystemRenderer");

            this.emitedParticle = true;

            p.Alive = true;

            if (this.settings.MinLife != this.settings.MaxLife)
                float pLife = MathHelper.Lerp(
                p.TimeLife = pLife;
                p.TimeLife = this.settings.MinLife;

            p.Life = p.TimeLife;

            // Velocity
            if (this.settings.RandomVelocity != Vector2.Zero)
                p.Velocity.X = this.settings.LocalVelocity.X + (this.settings.RandomVelocity.X * (((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1));
                p.Velocity.Y = this.settings.LocalVelocity.Y + (this.settings.RandomVelocity.Y * (((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1));
                p.Velocity.X = this.settings.LocalVelocity.X;
                p.Velocity.Y = this.settings.LocalVelocity.Y;

            p.Position = (this.Transform as Transform3D).Position;

            p.StartTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            if (this.settings.EmitterSize != Vector3.Zero)
                switch (this.settings.EmitterShape)
                case ParticleSystem2D.Shape.Circle:
                    float  radius = this.settings.EmitterSize.X > this.settings.EmitterSize.Y ? (this.settings.EmitterSize.X / 2) : (this.settings.EmitterSize.Y / 2);
                    double angle  = this.random.NextDouble() * MathHelper.TwoPi;
                    float  x      = (float)Math.Cos(angle);
                    float  y      = (float)Math.Sin(angle);

                    p.Position.X = p.Position.X + (x * radius);
                    p.Position.Y = p.Position.Y + (y * radius);


                case ParticleSystem2D.Shape.FillCircle:
                    float  rnd0   = ((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1;
                    float  rnd1   = ((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1;
                    float  radius = this.settings.EmitterSize.X > this.settings.EmitterSize.Y ? (this.settings.EmitterSize.X / 2) : (this.settings.EmitterSize.Y / 2);
                    double angle  = this.random.NextDouble() * MathHelper.TwoPi;
                    float  x      = (float)Math.Cos(angle);
                    float  y      = (float)Math.Sin(angle);

                    p.Position.X = p.Position.X + (x * radius * rnd0);
                    p.Position.Y = p.Position.Y + (y * radius * rnd1);


                case ParticleSystem2D.Shape.Rectangle:
                    int   c     = this.random.Next(4);
                    float rnd0  = ((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1;
                    float xside = this.settings.EmitterSize.X / 2;
                    float yside = this.settings.EmitterSize.Y / 2;

                    switch (c)
                    case 0:
                        p.Position.X = p.Position.X + xside;
                        p.Position.Y = p.Position.Y + (yside * rnd0);

                    case 1:
                        p.Position.X = p.Position.X - xside;
                        p.Position.Y = p.Position.Y + (yside * rnd0);

                    case 2:
                        p.Position.X = p.Position.X + (xside * rnd0);
                        p.Position.Y = p.Position.Y + yside;

                    case 3:
                        p.Position.X = p.Position.X + (xside * rnd0);
                        p.Position.Y = p.Position.Y - yside;


                case ParticleSystem2D.Shape.FillRectangle:
                    float rnd0 = ((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1;
                    float rnd1 = ((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1;

                    p.Position.X = p.Position.X + ((this.settings.EmitterSize.X / 2) * rnd0);
                    p.Position.Y = p.Position.Y + ((this.settings.EmitterSize.Y / 2) * rnd1);

                case ParticleSystem2D.Shape.FillBox:
                    float rnd0 = ((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1;
                    float rnd1 = ((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1;
                    float rnd2 = ((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1;

                    p.Position.X = p.Position.X + ((this.settings.EmitterSize.X / 2) * rnd0);
                    p.Position.Y = p.Position.Y + ((this.settings.EmitterSize.Y / 2) * rnd1);
                    p.Position.Z = p.Position.Z + ((this.settings.EmitterSize.Z / 2) * rnd1);

                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid particleSystem shape");

            // Initial Angle
            if (this.settings.InitialAngle.Distinct(0) || this.settings.InitialAngleVariation.Distinct(0))
                float randomAngle = this.settings.InitialAngleVariation * (((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1);
                p.Angle = this.settings.InitialAngle + randomAngle;

            // Velocity Rotation
            if (this.settings.MinRotateSpeed.Distinct(this.settings.MaxRotateSpeed))
                p.VelocityRotation = MathHelper.Lerp(this.settings.MinRotateSpeed, this.settings.MaxRotateSpeed, (float)this.random.NextDouble());
                p.VelocityRotation = this.settings.MinRotateSpeed;

            // Size
            if (this.settings.MinSize.Distinct(this.settings.MaxSize))
                p.Size = MathHelper.Lerp(this.settings.MinSize, this.settings.MaxSize, (float)this.random.NextDouble());
                p.Size = this.settings.MinSize;

            // Color
            if (this.settings.MinColor != this.settings.MaxColor)
                p.CurrentColor = Color.Lerp(this.settings.MinColor, this.settings.MaxColor, 1 - (float)this.random.NextDouble());
                p.CurrentColor = this.settings.MinColor;

            p.Color        = p.CurrentColor;
            p.CurrentIndex = -1;

            Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(0, 0, this.Transform.Rotation, out this.rotationMatrix);
Exemplo n.º 42
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(Particle obj)
     return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr);
Exemplo n.º 43
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the particle system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">The elapsed game time.</param>
        public override void Draw(TimeSpan gameTime)
            // Optimización del estado inactivo
            if (this.System.NumParticles == 0 ||
                (!this.internalEnabled && !this.settings.Emit))

            if (this.numParticles != this.System.NumParticles)

            if (!this.Owner.Scene.IsPaused)
                // Sets the timeFactor for updating velocities.
                float timeFactor = VELOCITYFACTOR * (float)gameTime.TotalSeconds;

                this.aliveParticles = 0;

                // Sorts the array according age.
                if (this.settings.SortEnabled && this.emitedParticle)
                        delegate(Particle p1, Particle p2)
                        if (p1.StartTime != p2.StartTime)

                this.emitedParticle = false;

                bool infiniteCreation = this.settings.EmitRate == 0;

                // Sets the time passed between 2 particles creation.
                this.emitLapse = (this.settings.EmitRate > 0) ? 1 / this.settings.EmitRate : 0;

                int particlesToCreate = 0;

                if (!infiniteCreation)
                    float particlesToCreateF = ((float)gameTime.TotalSeconds / this.emitLapse) + this.emitRemainder;
                    particlesToCreate  = (int)particlesToCreateF;
                    this.emitRemainder = particlesToCreateF - particlesToCreate;

                int nVertices = 0;

                // Recorremos todas las partículas
                for (int i = 0; i < this.numParticles; i++)
                    Particle p = this.particles[i];

                    // Update particle
                    // Si la partícula está viva seguimos consumiendo su vida
                    if (p.Alive)
                        p.Life = p.Life - gameTime.TotalSeconds;

                    // Si la partícula ha llegado al final de su vida
                    if (p.Life < 0)
                        // Si permitimos la emisión de nuevas partículas y debe resetear sus valores
                        if (this.settings.Emit && (infiniteCreation || (particlesToCreate > 0)))
                            this.ResetParticle(ref p);
                            // Si la particula no está viva
                            p.Alive = false;
                            p.Size  = 0;
                        // Si la particula está viva y visible
                        // p.Position
                        p.Velocity.X = p.Velocity.X + (timeFactor * this.settings.Gravity.X);
                        p.Velocity.Y = p.Velocity.Y + (timeFactor * this.settings.Gravity.Y);

                        // Calculate the rotation with the transform
                        Vector3.TransformNormal(ref p.Velocity, ref this.rotationMatrix, out this.rotationVector);

                        p.Position.X = p.Position.X + (timeFactor * this.rotationVector.X);
                        p.Position.Y = p.Position.Y + (timeFactor * this.rotationVector.Y);

                        if (this.settings.CollisionType != ParticleSystem2D.ParticleCollisionFlags.None)
                            // Checks vertical collisions
                            if (this.settings.CollisionType.HasFlag(ParticleSystem2D.ParticleCollisionFlags.Bottom) && (p.Position.Y > this.settings.CollisionBottom))
                                switch (this.settings.CollisionBehavior)
                                case ParticleSystem2D.ParticleCollisionBehavior.Die:
                                    // Kills the particle
                                    p.Alive = false;
                                    p.Size  = 0;
                                    p.Life  = -1;

                                case ParticleSystem2D.ParticleCollisionBehavior.Bounce:
                                    // Mirrors the position and velocity with the bounciness factor.
                                    float bounciness = this.settings.Bounciness;
                                    p.Position.Y = this.settings.CollisionBottom - (bounciness * (p.Position.Y - this.settings.CollisionBottom));

                                    // Applies the collision spread to the velocity
                                    if (this.settings.CollisionSpread != Vector2.Zero)
                                        p.Velocity.X = bounciness * (p.Velocity.X + (this.settings.CollisionSpread.X * (((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1)));
                                        p.Velocity.Y = -bounciness * (p.Velocity.Y + (this.settings.CollisionSpread.Y * (((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1)));
                                        p.Velocity.X = bounciness * p.Velocity.X;
                                        p.Velocity.Y = -bounciness * p.Velocity.Y;


                                    // Do nothing
                            else if (this.settings.CollisionType.HasFlag(ParticleSystem2D.ParticleCollisionFlags.Top) && (p.Position.Y < this.settings.CollisionTop))
                                switch (this.settings.CollisionBehavior)
                                case ParticleSystem2D.ParticleCollisionBehavior.Die:
                                    // Kills the particle
                                    p.Alive = false;
                                    p.Size  = 0;
                                    p.Life  = -1;

                                case ParticleSystem2D.ParticleCollisionBehavior.Bounce:
                                    // Mirrors the position and velocity with the bounciness factor.
                                    float bounciness = this.settings.Bounciness;
                                    p.Position.Y = this.settings.CollisionTop + (bounciness * (this.settings.CollisionTop - p.Position.Y));

                                    // Applies the collision spread to the velocity
                                    if (this.settings.CollisionSpread != Vector2.Zero)
                                        p.Velocity.X = bounciness * (p.Velocity.X + (this.settings.CollisionSpread.X * (((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1)));
                                        p.Velocity.Y = -bounciness * (p.Velocity.Y + (this.settings.CollisionSpread.Y * (((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1)));
                                        p.Velocity.X = bounciness * p.Velocity.X;
                                        p.Velocity.Y = -bounciness * p.Velocity.Y;


                                    // Do nothing

                            // Checks horizontal collisions
                            if (this.settings.CollisionType.HasFlag(ParticleSystem2D.ParticleCollisionFlags.Right) && (p.Position.X > this.settings.CollisionRight))
                                switch (this.settings.CollisionBehavior)
                                case ParticleSystem2D.ParticleCollisionBehavior.Die:
                                    // Kills the particle
                                    p.Alive = false;
                                    p.Size  = 0;
                                    p.Life  = -1;

                                case ParticleSystem2D.ParticleCollisionBehavior.Bounce:
                                    // Mirrors the position and velocity with the bounciness factor.
                                    float bounciness = this.settings.Bounciness;
                                    p.Position.X = this.settings.CollisionRight - (bounciness * (p.Position.X - this.settings.CollisionRight));

                                    // Applies the collision spread to the velocity
                                    if (this.settings.CollisionSpread != Vector2.Zero)
                                        p.Velocity.X = -bounciness * (p.Velocity.X + (this.settings.CollisionSpread.X * (((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1)));
                                        p.Velocity.Y = bounciness * (p.Velocity.Y + (this.settings.CollisionSpread.Y * (((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1)));
                                        p.Velocity.X = -bounciness * p.Velocity.X;
                                        p.Velocity.Y = bounciness * p.Velocity.Y;


                                    // Do nothing
                            else if (this.settings.CollisionType.HasFlag(ParticleSystem2D.ParticleCollisionFlags.Left) && (p.Position.X < this.settings.CollisionLeft))
                                switch (this.settings.CollisionBehavior)
                                case ParticleSystem2D.ParticleCollisionBehavior.Die:
                                    // Kills the particle
                                    p.Alive = false;
                                    p.Size  = 0;
                                    p.Life  = -1;

                                case ParticleSystem2D.ParticleCollisionBehavior.Bounce:
                                    // Mirrors the position and velocity with the bounciness factor.
                                    float bounciness = this.settings.Bounciness;
                                    p.Position.X = this.settings.CollisionLeft + (bounciness * (this.settings.CollisionLeft - p.Position.X));

                                    // Applies the collision spread to the velocity
                                    if (this.settings.CollisionSpread != Vector2.Zero)
                                        p.Velocity.X = -bounciness * (p.Velocity.X + (this.settings.CollisionSpread.X * (((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1)));
                                        p.Velocity.Y = bounciness * (p.Velocity.Y + (this.settings.CollisionSpread.Y * (((float)this.random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1)));
                                        p.Velocity.X = -bounciness * p.Velocity.X;
                                        p.Velocity.Y = bounciness * p.Velocity.Y;


                                    // Do nothing

                        // Rotate
                        p.Angle = p.Angle + (timeFactor * p.VelocityRotation);

                        // Color
                        if (this.settings.LinearColorEnabled && p.TimeLife != 0 && this.settings.InterpolationColors != null && this.settings.InterpolationColors.Count > 1)
                            // Num destiny colors
                            int count = this.settings.InterpolationColors.Count;

                            // Current lerp
                            double lerp = 1 - (p.Life / p.TimeLife);

                            // Life time of one color
                            double colorPeriod = 1 / (count - 1.0);

                            // destiny Color
                            int sourceIndex = (int)(lerp / colorPeriod);

                            sourceIndex = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(count - 2, sourceIndex));

                            double currentLerp = (lerp - (sourceIndex * colorPeriod)) / colorPeriod;

                            Color sourceColor  = this.settings.InterpolationColors[sourceIndex];
                            Color destinyColor = this.settings.InterpolationColors[sourceIndex + 1];

                            p.Color = Color.Lerp(ref sourceColor, ref destinyColor, (float)currentLerp);
                            p.Color = p.CurrentColor;

                        if (this.settings.AlphaEnabled && p.TimeLife.Distinct(0))
                            double age = p.Life / p.TimeLife;
                            p.Color *= (float)age;

                        p.Color *= this.Transform.GlobalOpacity;

                        // Update Vertex Buffer
                        Matrix world = this.CalculateLocalWorld(ref p);

                        Vector3.Transform(ref vertex1, ref world, out this.vertices[nVertices].Position);
                        this.vertices[nVertices++].Color = p.Color;

                        Vector3.Transform(ref vertex2, ref world, out this.vertices[nVertices].Position);
                        this.vertices[nVertices++].Color = p.Color;

                        Vector3.Transform(ref vertex3, ref world, out this.vertices[nVertices].Position);
                        this.vertices[nVertices++].Color = p.Color;

                        Vector3.Transform(ref vertex4, ref world, out this.vertices[nVertices].Position);
                        this.vertices[nVertices++].Color = p.Color;

                        // Si la partícula está viva la contamos
                        if (p.Alive)

                this.internalEnabled = this.aliveParticles > 0;

                if (this.internalEnabled)
                    this.mesh.NumVertices   = nVertices;
                    this.mesh.NumPrimitives = nVertices / 2;
                    this.mesh.ZOrder        = this.Transform.DrawOrder;
                    this.mesh.VertexBuffer.SetData(this.vertices, this.numVertices);

                    this.RenderManager.DrawMesh(this.mesh, this.MaterialsMap.DefaultMaterial, ref localWorld, false);
                // if the scene is paused, draw the previous mesh
                this.RenderManager.DrawMesh(this.mesh, this.MaterialsMap.DefaultMaterial, ref localWorld, false);
Exemplo n.º 44
 private static void Detect(Detector detector, Particle particle, out bool r)
     r = detector.InDirectionOfDetector(particle);